Next Lessons: Wedding Battle

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Part 2 of the S2 finale everypony! Crystal Empire is up next to begin season 3, the shortest season ever!


It was quiet when Malibu felt himself slowly coming to, his head hurting like the dickens.

"Oh, where... what..." He mumbled, trying to move but found out he couldn't. Malibu gasped softly, struggling to move but realized he couldn't. Also it was dark which didn't help his situation.

Malibu grunted with effort, tugging, feeling like he was lying on his back on a crystal table. "Where am I?! Twilight?! Mom! Help!" He screamed, legs kicking as he kept up his struggling, his voice echoing in the caves which were beneath Canterlot itself.

He next heard that sinister female laugh, and spotted Cadence again, showing off her full evil smile. Malibu gasped aloud and glowered, struggling more.

"Where did you take me?! Let me GO!" Malibu roared aloud, feeling like his cuffs were made out of some sort of impenetrable slimy substance. False Cadence shook her head. "I'm afraid not, little colt. You saw my true self. And I want my plans to succeed."

Malibu shook all over after he gave up struggling knowing he wasn't getting free. "But... who are you really?" He asked again in a slightly scared voice. Fake Cadence came closer, a hoof under his chin which made him shiver. "Sweet one, I'm more than Cadence..." She said sinisterly, eyes glowing green, her form beginning to change.

The teal alicorn stared in shock and fear, watching Cadence's form disappear into what looked like some kind of bug pony creature with holes in her hooves. The bug pony cackled more.

"And now you truly see me: Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings!" She sneered, hovering in the air while six other changelings that were merely her drones appearing, hissing and baring their fangs. Malibu couldn't believe that he had actually hugged this thing earlier, feeling ready to throw up.

"What do you want?" Malibu demanded shakily, as Chrysalis moved nearer much to his distaste. Chrysalis purred, stroking his chest. "Dear little prince. You know that you are the key to help me take over besides that fool of a unicorn Shining Armor. The son of Celestia, and the Element of Love no less... enough to feed me for many moons..." she slurped her tongue over her lips from saying it.

That really grossed him out, Malibu suddenly recalling in a book from before at how these things can take over another pony's form and feed off their victim's love. He now squirmed more than before. "I won't let you drain my love! Momma will find me!" He yelled defiantly again. Chrysalis stroked a slimy hoof down his cheek.

"Silly colt. Nopony will find you. Not even Twilight who I have by now taken care of as well and sent her into these caves under Canterlot. I have a special spell in mind for you to make you my second personal slave. But, I need someone else's help to do it, since I know you're not a pony. I met him some time ago in the Badlands when he appeared." Chrysalis then told him.

Malibu swallowed at the idea of being mind controlled again, before now wondering who it could be to do this spell alongside her. Chrysalis turned her head towards the darkness. "Come on out, my dear. I have him now!"

Before the young clone could comprehend what was happening; he heard a laugh he never wanted to hear again since under his previous control. Beads of sweat fell down his forehead, body shaking badly, as a familiar figure showed himself, but somewhat different.

"Why, hello, my little creation..." purred the dark voice of what sounded like Goliath, but was really Thailog. Mailbu's eyes popped in fright, his old Master now in view; but in the form of an alicorn as well. A dark midnight purple alicorn with white hair and his red eyes, but with no cutie mark like he had.

"T-Thailog!" Croaked Malibu shakily, having hoped to be safe in this world but apparently no longer. Thailog flew over to him, his alicorn face spread into a maniacal grin. "How pleased I am to have at least one of my clones back," He said sinisterly, using a hoof to pet Malibu's head like he did with Brentwood.

Malibu gasped and flinched away. "Stop!" He whimpered. "I don't belong to you anymore!" Thailog's eyes flashed a deep red that scared Malibu greatly.

"Oh yes you do. I made you! And I wish to control you once more!" Snarled Thailog in a threatening tone, making Malibu quake, wanting to get out of here and be with his friends again.

"How... did you get here?" Gasped Malibu in his terror while Thailog strode around him threateningly. "Oh, simple, I learned of your disappearance. And when I learned of how you disappeared, I decided to investigate. And found that so-called gem that brought me here too. And now that you're back with me, we can catch up on all of the fun times we could've had together," Thailog replied.

That wouldn't sway Malibu, hearing the other changelings hissing all around, wanting to eat his love. "I won't... let you use me... to hurt my friends!" He croaked out, tears starting to form down his cheeks. Thailog shook his head.

"It is too late, my little creation. You shall soon be mine again. Now and forever..." purred Thailog darkly like how Goliath spoke to Demona but in a less evil way. "Ready, my love?" Murmured Thailog triumphantly, nuzzling Chrysalis, making Malibu realize that they must've fallen in some kind of evil sadistic love, his skin crawling from the idea.

Chrysalis nodded, chuckling more, her horn beginning to light up green. Malibu whimpered further, tugging, not wanting to be mind zapped! "No! Don't!" He sobbed, Thailog holding him down roughly. "Keep still. It will be over soon..." He said in a teasing manner, his own horn lighting up.

Chrysalis soon zapped her magic against Malibu's forehead, which stung greatly. Malibu shrieked out, eyes glowing red from the pain, before soon his love began to feel like it was being stolen away from his body, heart racing wildly.

Thailog next added his own spell since Chrysalis taught him how to use his horn, Malibu crying when that too struck around his body. He suddenly could hear Thailog's dark voice in his head:

"Obey Thailog..."

"Obey Thailog..."

It was the old code words once implanted into his head. Malibu flattened his ears, not wanting to listen or to obey! He no longer responded to it!

"Obey Thailog..."

Malibu kept tugging until his wrists stung. "Eurgh... no..." He groaned, until suddenly, he heard other voices.

"You betrayed us!"

"I never want to see you in this world again!"

The voices this time were from his friends here in Equestria, but false voices. Malibu struggled with his head, trying to tell himself it wasn't real, until his mother's voice spoke.

"You are no longer my son. I banish you from Equestria forever!"

"Momma!" Sobbed Malibu, feeling the two spells slowly getting to his head, Chrysalis and Thailog both grinning triumphantly at one another. They would soon have him as a little puppet.

"Obey Thailog..."

I... won't...


Malibu shivered, his struggles growing less and less, that code word echoing in his head, making him feel the desire to follow it now. His eyes opened. And they were no longer red. They were bright green like Shining Armor.

"Malibu... obeys Thailog..." He said in a drone like tone, his love and personality now all wiped away completely. Thailog laughed in victory, as Chrysalis undid his bonds. Malibu stood there on his hooves, under the spell, eyes shining green from the hypnosis.

Thailog looked quite pleased. "So happy to have you back for myself, little Malibu." He petted Malibu on the head again.

Malibu smiled, like how he did when first introduced to the clan. "Malibu is happy to be back with master," He replied in his old way of talking. Chrysalis purred sweetly at him. "How cute." She cooed. "But now we have business to attend. Go out with my drones, and wait outside the castle until it is time," Chrysalis ordered sweetly, pointing with her hoof. Malibu bowed to the queen, he, Thailog and the changelings all now teleported out, as was Chrysalis so she could get ready for the wedding.


Outside, Thailog and Malibu looked in the window of the castle where the royal wedding was to take place. Meanwhile, in the caves below Twilight had found the real Princess Cadence and they attempted to escape even with Chrysalis's hypnotized bridesmaids in the way.

Thailog grinned when seeing Malibu once again being so obedient, despite what these ponies did to brainwash him into being independent. This little abomination was his, always his. And soon he will find the others too and take them back as well.

He stroked Malibu's mane with his hoof. At first it was rather unorthodox for him to be a pony but soon got used to it after finding out how strong Alicorns were in this world.

The wedding music soon started on the inside, Thailog witnessing three little fillies bouncing out and throwing flowers, and spotting his new love walking out there in the Cadence disguise, somewhat imagining her wearing the dress in her original form.

"Any moment now, my little pet. We will soon wreck our anger out on these pathetic horses," he said softly to Malibu who nodded obediently, eyes glowing green.

But then to their surprise a voice rang out loud. "STOP!" It was Twilight. Disheveled but alive, standing there in the doorway, glowering hard at the fake Cadence. Malibu's ears perked at the sound, thinking he recognized that voice but instantly Thailog's code shook it away. He was Thailog's now, no one else's.


Meanwhile inside, Twilight was starting to confront the new villain. Fake Cadence huffed. "Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother?!" Celestia's eyes widened at that sentence while still scared about where her son went, having no choice but to do the wedding without him. With Twilight she at first was able to confront Cadence but it ended badly resulting into Shining Armor uninviting Twilight from the wedding, leading to her capture.

"I mean... oh! Why does she have to ruin my special day?" Sobbed fake Cadence with her crocodile tears. Then to the crowd's surprise; the real Cadence appeared.

"Because, it is not your special day, it is mine!" She snarled. Chrysalis's eyes were full of disbelief. "What?! But how did you escape my bridesmaids?"

In the cave Cadence cleverly used a bouquet to distract the three, leaving an opening for her and Twilight to get out of the crystal caves. Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Huh, clever. But you're still too late!"

AJ was confused. "Ah don't understand! How can there be two of them?" Cadence next revealed about her impersonator being a Changeling, resulting in Chrysalis being forced to reveal her true form finally, scaring the crowd at the sight.

"You think you've won? I was one step ahead even before taking you to the caves, Twilight Sparkle. For I have taken your precious Element of Love as my own prisoner to help me take over all of Equestria." Sneered Chrysalis.

Twilight gasped. That would be bad news for Malibu in her clutches. "Where is he?! What did you do to him?!" She shrieked, stomping her hoof.

Chrysalis flashed her horn for a signal. "You'll soon see. And for your brother, he may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now. And I am sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard!" The changeling hissed, Cadence looking despaired.

But then the window crashed open, Chrysalis grinning. "And meet my personal slave aside from your brother; Malibu! Now my puppet!"

Twilight and the others looked up in fear, spotting their familiar friend but he looked different. His eyes weren't normal, and he was growling viciously like a gargoyle. And there was even another male alicorn with him!

Celestia's eyes filled with terror and sadness for her little colt. "My son! Who are you?" She demanded to the new Alicorn, who laughed. "If you want to know; I am Thailog, the one that made him." He stated smugly, lifting up Malibu's chin who still growled.

Rainbow now could see the gargoyle that tormented her coltfriend, who she now couldn't recognize anymore, which saddened her. "You're a meanie!" Shouted Pinkie Pie in anger, looking quite devastated. Thailog simply chuckled.

"Am I? I simply had him returned to who he really was after all of you brainwashed my simple little clone into thinking he was independent. It is your fault that he at first wouldn't obey!" Spat Thailog ruthlessly, Fluttershy whimpering in fear from how deep and evil his voice was.

Twilight glared, her horn lighting up. "We will get Malibu back! He is one of the Elements of Harmony! One of us!" Chrysalis chortled, rolling her eyes.

"Don't you all get it? I drained his love. He will no longer be able to cast said Element! And soon, we will conquer this whole city!" She cheered, baring her fangs.

Then Celestia spoke up. "No! You won't! You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to control his spell, and take my son away from me. But now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self..." she rushed at Chrysalis, the two clashing horns. "I can protect my subjects and save my son from you!"

Her horn lit up with the power of the sun, sending a powerful beam Chrysalis's way. But before Chrysalis did anything to defend herself, Malibu surprisingly was the one to send back the counter attack. He grinned dangerously, his red magic now green, Celestia's eyes widening in disbelief at what was happening. Now she realized she couldn't hurt him.

At first Celestia kept up her fight until she couldn't any longer; Malibu's spell getting closer and closer, hitting Celestia's horn, an explosion echoing through the room, knocking Celestia off her hooves.

Malibu grinned triumphantly, Thailog petting him while Celestia collapsed weakly, her eyes shut. "Malibu hurts pony for betraying Malibu!" He snarled, the whole crowd screaming aloud at what had happened.

"No! Princess Celestia!" Screamed Twilight in despair, horrified about Malibu hurting her mentor and his mother whom she had taken in when he was lost, somewhat forgetting now that he was under a hypnosis spell.

Celestia winced in pain, sorrow in her body from what had happened, tears in her eyes while Twilight and the other 5 surrounded her. Chrysalis grinned sadistically from what happened. "Ah! I see my spell even causes my victims to turn on those they love! And make them more powerful than Celestia!"

Twilight held up Celestia's head as she struggled to speak. "T-The Elements of Harmony... you must get to them... try putting on Malibu's to... snap him out of it... and defeat the Queen!" She gasped as much as possible before passing out again. The mulberry unicorn had no idea how if they would even be able to pull this off but they had to. For their friend.

They all nodded once running out and throwing off their bridesmaid dresses. Rarity stayed behind however, catching the dresses as they fell gently.

"Rarity!" The others shouted in annoyance. Rarity flushed, dropping them carefully and took hers off as well.

Chrysalis flew into the air, cackling uproariously. "You can run, but you can't hide!" Malibu turned to his queen and his master. "Malibu wishes to personally bring them back for you, Master and Queen," He said in his obedient way.

The changeling queen agreed with his request. "Very well, little puppet. You and Thailog go after them. I shall stay here, and ensure nopony here escapes. Now go!"

Malibu bowed his head, flying out after his former friends, Thailog right behind, personally looking forward to taking them all down.

Meanwhile the changeling army managed to shatter the shield around Canterlot, all cackling and hissing, diving down at the 6 friends. "Go! Go!" Shouted Twilight in fright, dodging each time a Changeling landed on the ground, snarling at the group.

One changeling landed right in front of Twilight, baring its teeth, though Twilight stomped on it, continuing on her way. They managed to run as much as possible to the place where the Elements were but were halted by a bigger army, including Malibu and Thailog.

Twilight and the others stared in fear at being surrounded, Malibu looking rather intimidating with his hypnotized eyes. Rainbow stepped forward. "I know you're still in there, Mal! You and I are together! You wouldn't hurt us!" She pleaded, her ears flat.

Malibu just growled, his voice too gargoyle-like. Thailog laughed mockingly. "Your dear Malibu is no longer the same. He will be mine forever!" He sneered, a hoof on Malibu's head. Hearing that made Rainbow get her anger and bravery out.

"Then... I suppose we'll have to do this the hard way!" She snapped, starting to charge forward only to be confronted with somepony who looked just like her. Rainbow halted in her tracks, a look of some surprise, looking over her 'clone' only until the clone kicked her in the chest, grinning sadistically.

Rainbow rubbed her head. "How did you?!" The rest of the army minus Thailog and Malibu changed all into the 6 other ponies at that moment, startling the real ones in fright, wondering how to get out of this one.

"They're Changelings, remember?" The real Twilight said while the clones repeated their lines, Thailog enjoying this very much. She and the others braced themselves for a big fight. "Don't let them distract you! We have to get the Elements and change back Malibu to save everypony! It's our only hope!"

Thailog's eyes glowed his red, pointing his hoof. "Attack them!" He roared aloud, Malibu charging forward with the army and the battle was on, the 6 friends managing to defend themselves in different ways including Pinkie Pie using Twilight like a gatling gun and her party cannon to blast away the bug ponies, though Rainbow Dash got the worst of it. She was confronted by Malibu after kicking away 4 Changelings even saving Fluttershy from some of them.

Rainbow backed up, Malibu baring his teeth. "Please, Malibu! I don't want to hurt you!"

Malibu growled again. "Then Malibu has you die!" He hissed, charging full on at Rainbow, tackling her brutally and giving her a big kick in her side, bruising Rainbow Dash greatly. Dash shook all over, finding hard to believe that her special somepony actually hurt her, having no choice but to fight back.

She kept repeating sorry while punching Malibu, though not too brutally, until at last, she and the others were able to get through the horde, racing as fast as possible to escape the coming swarms from all sides, Malibu and Thailog on their heels as well.

Twilight could see the doorway leading to the Elements room, sighing in relief that they were almost there at last. She opened the doorway, the friends thinking they were home free, until to their horror; the changelings were already inside waiting for them to be there.

The changelings surrounded them again, snarling and hissing viciously, Malibu and Thailog also there, both looking triumphant at having won the battle, managing to capture them. Thailog grabbed Rainbow Dash with his magic, his eyes glowing and she struggled greatly.

"Let me go, you maniac! Stop hurting my friend!" She shouted viciously, trying to kick her rival. The gargoyle alicorn laughed like a demon. "You really think you've won. But no one can be strong enough to defeat us..."

We lost... Twilight thought in despair while being led back into the throne room where they saw Celestia being held up by a cocoon. The changelings also had Cadence held in place by their slime. Her eyes were filled with anger while Chrysalis noticed her puppet and her date having brought back Twilight and the others.

"Well done, Thailog and Malibu. I shall see about rewarding you both," Chrysalis cooed, winking at Thailog who grinned at her darkly, going to stand next to her and Malibu does the same thing while throwing the bruised Rainbow to the floor. "And you do realize the reception's been canceled, don't you? Go! Feed!" She ordered the other drones who all left, slamming the door.

Chrysalis was looking rather smug while she held up Twilight's chin. "It's funny really. Twilight here and Malibu were suspicious of my behavior all along!" Twilight glared, smacking her hoof away.

Thailog added in his own words, continuing to pet Malibu in an obsessive way. "And too bad you all were distracted to realize they were both right. After this is over, he and I will return to our world, and go after Goliath and his clan, for my desired revenge!" Malibu gazed up at Thailog adoringly which creeped out Twilight and Rainbow greatly, wishing they had gotten the Elements. But now it was too late.

"Sorry, Twi, we shoulda listened to you," Applejack apologized in sadness, Twilight sighing softly. "It's not your fault. She fooled everypony."

Chrysalis nodded, going to the window. "Hmm, I did, didn't I?" She looked out the window, observing the chaos down below of her army taking over, sending the ponies there into fear and chaos almost as much as Discord did. She felt victory arise, beginning to sing.

"This day has been just perfect!

The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small!

Everypony I'll soon control

Every stallion, mare, and foal!

Who says a girl can't really have it all?"

She hovered over the city outside the window, yelling out her last verse, laughing again. Thailog had rolled his eyes slightly from the final words but he had to admit Chrysalis was a decent replacement for Demona. She absolutely had no pity for anypony and probably for no humans either, and was more sadistic and cruel, managing to give him back one of his clones.

The two were unaware of Twilight sneaking past them towards the kidnapped Cadence. Spike had tried to free her but the bonds were too sticky for his claws. "Quick! Go to my brother while you have the chance!" Twilight whispered softly, using her magic to free her foalsitter.

Without trying to have the villains and controlled Malibu to notice her, Cadence snuck quietly closer to Shining Armor who was also still controlled. Her eyes filled with tears, giving him a big hug after stroking his cheek. Her true love for her future husband forming a spell, which sent a pink heart from the horn right into Shining Armor's forehead.

The other friends' eyes shone in happiness at seeing Shining Armor shaking his head, snapping out of the spell, seeing the real Cadence in front of him. "Uh, what? Huh? Is the wedding over?" Cadence hugged him tighter but Chrysalis and the others had noticed by now.

Chrysalis landed in front of them, looking intimidating. "It's all over!" She declared, both her and Thailog laughing, Malibu standing there obedient, grinning maniacally like his old self.

"Your spell! Perform your spell!" Twilight called out in desperation. Chrysalis however kept laughing. "What good would that do? My changelings are already roaming free!"

Shining Armor looked out, seeing what was happening, the townsfolk panicking full time, changelings cornering them. "No!" He gasped, now struggling to conjure the shield but it was hopeless. "My... power is useless now... I don't have the strength to repel them."

Cadence hugged him again. "My love will give you strength," She said in determination, the villain trio all mockingly laughing at the idea. "How lovely, but very stupid," sneered Thailog. "Nopony can bring Malibu back, or defeat her!" He said, giving Chrysalis a look of admiration.

The young couple both glared, but then Shining Armor lit up his horn, wincing weakly, touching it with Cadence's love magic. The two concentrated, eyes closed. They opened them briefly after a time, seeing what was happening. Smiling, the two kept going with their spell, a pink magic light aura billowing around them, lifting them into the air.

Chrysalis suddenly noticed this going on, her eyes widening, Thailog trying to fire up his own alicorn horn, until the spell caused pure love to flood through Cadence and Shining Armor, their bodies forming a heart, making an explosion of a pink bubble appear. It knocked the two villains right out of the castle.

"NOOOO!" Shrieked Chrysalis and shouted out Thailog together, both having never expected this to happen without the Elements around while said bearers watched in amazement.

With Malibu, the love spell hit him but didn't send him flying. Instead; his eyes lit up white, feeling the dark hypnosis spell leave his body, rising him into the air for a moment, then he fell back down to the floor again once all the changelings were all gone, leaving him there unconscious. It also freed Celestia from her cocoon prison as well.

Once the chaos was settled, Celestia struggled to stand but instantly ran over to her adopted colt, nuzzling him softly, hoping he will wake up. "My son, I need you. Please wake," She said softly in a tearful voice, burying her face into his pelt.

The others watched in sadness, wondering if he was really back to normal or worse; dead. But then they heard a small tiny groan. Malibu felt himself returning to his senses, vision so fuzzy, staring at something familiar.

"Malibu?" Gasped Celestia, tears flooding down her face. His eyes were back to their pretty red, and he seemed confused and scared. "M-mom? Where am I? Where's... C-Chrysalis and T-Thailog?" He croaked in fear and weakness.

Celestia wing hugged him. "They're gone now, my love. You're back with us again," She said softly, the 6 ponies cheering from their victory. But Malibu himself felt very troubled from what happened. "Thailog he-he-he tried controlling me again, mom. I-I-I didn't want to hurt anypony!" He sobbed, rubbing his eyes.

The white alicorn noticed. "Easy now, easy. We don't hate you, Malibu. But we now have a wedding to try to do, if you're up for it," She then said. Malibu wiped his eyes once more, remembering. "Guess so," He said softly.

Malibu remained as close to his mom as possible during the remainder of the day while Twilight was making sure everything for the wedding went well this time, but with the real Cadence who was more outgoing and as nice as Malibu now remembered her. No Changeling could ever take her place.


It was now time for the big moment, everypony invited was waiting inside the throne room, Malibu standing with Twilight as best stallion, though his heart still had self hate at himself and ptsd from his encounter with his old enemy, hoping the spell knocked him as far away from innocent ponies as possible.

He did his best to smile when Fluttershy started to have her birds sing, the doors opening and the cmcs being the flower girls bouncing out.

Cadence followed after, dressed in a lavish gown, her train spread long behind. It was much better than the one the false Cadence wore too. Twilight nudged her brother.

"Seriously, though. I get why Chrysalis wanted to be with you. But how did you get somepony as amazing as Cadence to marry you?" She asked playfully.

Shining winked. "Well, I told her she wouldn't be gaining a husband, she'd be getting a pretty great sister, too." Malibu's heart lightened slightly. That meant Twilight would be his sister as well in a way. And he liked that idea. Out of the corner of his eye though Malibu spotted Applejack throwing on her hat while Rarity wasn't watching, and was happy to see his marefriend wasn't too badly injured with only one bruise.

Did I do that? He asked himself in fright, wanting to eventually talk to her after this.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the realPrincess Mi Amore Cadenza—."

Cadence interrupted, bowing. "Princess Cadence is fine."

Celestia lowered her head before continuing. "Hm. The union of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Their strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love undeniable." She turned to Spike. "May we have the rings, please?"

Spike lifted up the cushion holding the rings. Malibu saw how they were lifted onto the unicorn horns, still rather traumatized from his previous experience with his old master, shaking softly, hoping he could get through this without breaking down. "I now pronounce you; Mare and Colt!"

Everypony except Malibu cheered aloud in happiness for the new couple as they went out onto the balcony with more cheering from the rest of the kingdom, Malibu's head kept lowered from shame, feeling like he should've not have been in this wedding after what he did.

Though he felt a small nudge from Rainbow, making him look over, seeing a sympathetic smile on her face, giving him a little hug that made Malibu feel a teensy bit better, Celestia now talking to her student.

"This is your victory as much as theirs. You persisted in the face of doubt, and your actions led you to your being able to bring the real Princess Cadence back to us. Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn," Malibu heard his mom say. He cried quietly again from hearing that, for he too did the same thing, but still wounded up being kidnapped and mind controlled.

Soon Cadence and Shining Armor wound up kissing each other lovingly, signaling the end of the ceremony. "Rainbow Dash, that's your cue!" Whispered Celestia softly, having her remember she needed to do the rainboom.

Pecking a kiss on Malibu's cheek once, grateful to not have been too injured, Dash zoomed up into the air above the city, managing to do the rainboom once again, the explosion echoing everywhere, rainbow colors raining down on everypony.

Malibu felt himself smile slightly a little more, having not seen the rainboom since the Best Young Flyer's Competition. This truly was a day to remember despite all the trouble from before.


It was now time for the after party which was outside in the courtyard. Malibu stood near his mom more again, somewhat avoiding Rainbow more since their close encounter hoping he wouldn't hurt her anymore. He leaned into Celestia's pelt, feeling her wing around his for comfort. Luna had also joined the group, hearing about the incident while she had been away.

"I am so sorry, my dear nephew, for not having been there to help you," Luna said in a saddened tone, nuzzling her nephew, Malibu leaning into the loving touch after not getting any of that from before.

Pinkie zipped over to the dj who was Vinyl Scratch, putting in a record to get the dancing going. "Let's get this party started!" A high joyful beat sounded, causing the crowd to begin to dance while Pinkie tossed Twilight a microphone so she could sing the wedding song.

"Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom,

Two hearts becoming one

A bond that cannot be undone because

Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

I said love is in bloom

You're starting a life and making room

For us (For us, For us...)"

The party went rather well, everypony having fun. Rainbow had even pulled Malibu into dancing with her, even if he didn't want to. She mostly wanted to cheer him up and help Malibu forget about their fight from before.

The couple after the party went to go on their honeymoon. Before stepping into the carriage, Shining Armor talked to her sister before leaving.

"Twilight! None of this would've been possible without you little sis. Love ya, Twily."

She smiled back at him. "Love you too, B.B.B.F.F." Brother and sister hugged each other, and Shining Armor did too.

He saw Malibu there, smiling rather nervously. "I don't hate you for what happened, Malibu. I really don't. But I was happy to see you again, and thanks for being a part of the wedding."

Malibu nodded shyly, pawing his hoof, feeling like Thailog had stripped away most of his confidence that he gained over the years, swallowing. "Y-You're welcome, Shining Armor," He replied shakily. Shining Armor bowed as he stepped inside with his wife.

"Ready to go?" He asked. Cadence gasped a little. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She then threw the flowers to the bridesmaids.

Rarity pushed them aside, grabbing it. "IT'S MINE!" She shrieked manically, causing the other bridesmaids to glare at her, having Rarity look rather embarrassed.

As the carriage rode off into the night, the Mane 7 watched it leave. "Now this was a great wedding," Twilight complimented, Malibu agreeing with her.

Spike then grinned cheekily. "Oh yeah? Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!" He chortled aloud, causing the others minus Malibu to laugh aloud, wondering what will now happen to him, if his friends really now still accepted him, his head swimming with misery, including his body.

"Hey, Mal? You alright? Malibu?" Rainbow suddenly noticed Malibu looking rather dizzy and more upset, tears falling even more, going to catch him. "Don't... feel good..." Malibu whimpered in his great sadness and self guilt, shaking badly.

Fluttershy put a hoof on his forehead. "He's still rather stressed from his encounter with Thailog and Chrysalis. Somepony has to take care of him."

Rainbow's ears lowered while Malibu shook from ptsd. "I'll take him. Since he and I are close." She volunteered. Twilight nodded to Rainbow gratefully for how much of her being the Element of Loyalty she was behaving as now.

Once the wedding had died down, they all went home, Rainbow taking Malibu in her hooves and flying him to her cloud home, laying Malibu on a guest bed. She covered him up gently, praying he'll pull through whatever he's going through.


So ends season 2. Next chapter in reality will be an aftermath chapter where Malibu recovers from his ordeal, and rekindling his bond between him and the rest of the Mane 7.

But season 3 should be a doozy, since it has the biggest controversial change for Twilight ever! And will Thailog return for more revenge? Only time will tell whether he survived being blasted away or not!

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