Reflection: Canterlot Wondercolts Rise

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Looks like there will be 4 chapters to this Equestria Girls section after all! Season 4 comes soon, I promise!


Malibu wound up waking to the sound of a school bell, blinking and yawning, seeing Twilight sleeping next to him. Rolling his eyes he nudged her gently.

"Wah! I'm awake!" She yelped, jerking upward, Malibu chuckling.

Suddenly the PA spoke around the area. "Good morning students and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard."

That made the former gargoyle feel a little pale. Tomorrow night was when the portal would close so they didn't have very much time left. "C'mon, Twi. We gotta get started if we want your crown," He said.

The two of them got up, venturing downstairs to exit the library. "You're right, Mal. And Fluttershy said I'd need to win all over those different groups if I wanna become Princess of the Fall Formal." She pulled out a piece of paper. "So I've compiled a list of talking points while you guys slept."

Spike wound up chortling and Malibu covered his mouth to stifle his laughter. "You made a list? That's so unlike you!"

Twilight frowned, pointing to the inside of her backpack to make him go in, Spike grinning awkwardly while doing so. "Continue," Malibu gestured, feeling nervous himself about facing all those humans again.

"I'll start introducing myself, sprinkle some things I learned about their world into the conversation, show them how I fit in here!" Twilight explained. Malibu shrugged. Not too bad.

They soon faced the doorway to the library exit. Malibu swallowed as his palms felt a little sweaty. "Ok, guys. Time to make a good first impression on my fellow students." Twilight said softly, as she took Malibu's hand who accepted it.

"Yeah, the whole world kinda depends on it." He murmured as the two of them ventured cautiously down the hall.

Strangely though some of the students began to laugh at them, making Malibu wonder curiously why as Twilight glanced at them. "Why is everyone looking at us funny?" She asked.

Before Malibu could answer they were both yanked into a nearby door by an unknown person. "Gah!" Malibu yelped out loud from the assault, turning and glaring at whoever did that. "Alright, what was the big—?" He wound up having his jaw drop open as a very familiar girl appeared. She had quite the white skin and purple hair. Almost like...

"Rarity?!" Twilight breathed in disbelief. Malibu himself couldn't talk as the human Rarity began to measure the two. She paused for a moment after then her face brightened in an idea, pulling out some clothes. "Perfect!"

Malibu tried to ask her questions until a blue trouser and red shirt was thrown onto him with a wig while Twilight had a green dress. "Oh, yes, this is good! No one will recognize you both!"

Twilight was confused. "Why wouldn't we wanna be—."

Rarity then noticed Spike as well. "And we'll need a disguise for your dog, which is too bad." Malibu noted the hearts suddenly bounce in Spike's eyes while he stared at human Rarity which made his stomach a little nauseous. Falling in love with a pony was one thing as a dragon but... this was a human. "He really is so adorable! Y'know, with a little work, I think I can make him look like a dragon instead."

Spike jumped a little at those words, falling out of the backpack. "A... rabbit?" Chortled Malibu quietly, Twilight laughing with him while Spike gave them both a glower.

The door opened again then revealing Applejack coming in. "There ya are, Malibu and Twilight. Been looking everywhere for you both." She greeted, Fluttershy following her inside.

"Me too." She said softly, Pinkie Pie poking her head inside. "Me three!"

Pinkie looked them both up and down. "I like your new looks!" Malibu shrugged, taking off the red shirt. "Thanks, but red and blue aren't really my colors," He commented which was rather ironic since his original counterpart was born red and his own eyes were red. Rarity merely shrugged.

"I do have an eye for these sorts of things. Not that you seem to care," She stated to Pinkie Pie whose eyes twitched. "What?!"

Twilight raised her brow. "Why do you think she doesn't care?"

Malibu saw Pinkie's face turning a little red, rather irritated looking as Applejack slashed her throat, understanding that she didn't want to talk about it. "No, nevermind." Twilight said.

"But, why were you looking for us?" Malibu asked curiously.

Fluttershy held her hair nervously. "Oh, they haven't seen it yet."

"Seen what?" Twilight questioned as Pinkie Pie brought out her laptop which was pink by the way. Malibu chuckled inwardly at the idea of the party pony he knew owning a laptop. She brought out the YouTube web page. "Oh, it's really not that bad, heh..." She said, grinning awkwardly. Malibu blinked at the title of the video which was a rather horrendous one as the video played, showing him and Twilight at the library.

Sunset's voice rang in the video. "Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Princess. But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this..." Malibu flinched from the sight of Twilight holding a book in her mouth along with him jumping from the sight of the printer flashing. "...Such an important honor?"

Twilight's face was devastated rightfully so, Malibu's body flooding with anger, wanting now to find Sunset and punch her for even making this abomination. "But... I!" Twilight gasped, closing the laptop down. Pinkie frowned. "I take that back. It's pretty bad!"

Malibu frowned. "Ya think?!" He snapped at her. "This happened yesterday, at the library!" Twilight brought up again before cowering down in her chair. "Has everyone in the school seen this? Is that why they're all looking at us that way?"

Applejack and Pinkie Pie rubbed their necks nervously. "Mmm..." They both said at once, Twilight's eyes popping. "What am I gonna do? Nobody's going to vote for me after seeing this!"

Fluttershy sat down with a smile. "Not that it will make any difference but I'll still vote for you." She said, Twilight's head flopping onto the table. "You were so nice to stand up for me when Sunset Shimmer was picking on me yesterday."

Malibu nodded in her direction. "Thanks, Flutter. Every little bit helps." He praised, seeing her blush.

Pinkie spoke up. "If ya still wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help!"

That made Fluttershy frown then. "Word of advice? Don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously!" She whispered under her breath, Malibu looking towards Pinkie who stomped her foot. "Ugh! Why do you have to be so awful to me?!"

Rarity swished her hair with her hand. "Oh! Don't play innocent, Pinkie Pie! You are no better than she is!" She accused, pointing at Fluttershy. Malibu felt the tension so thick he could cut it with a knife, hating hearing his best female friends pony or human argue like this, remaining quiet for a bit unsure what to say.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Shrilled Pinkie Pie angrily. Rarity grinned at Twilight and Malibu. "I am happy to offer up my assistance as well. To somepony who would appreciate what I have to offer!"

The rest of the girls began arguing which caused Spike to jump into Twilight's backpack, zipping it shut. Malibu didn't blame him, his hands balling into fists from their shrill argues towards each other.

Applejack broke through their overlapped voices. "Listen to y'all carryin' on! Get over it and move on!" She threw an apple core in the trash, Rarity poking Applejack's chest. "Like how you've gotten over with what happened with Rainbow Dash?!"

Malibu was now curious. "What happened?" He asked AJ whose face was hurt. "She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at mah bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of them shows up! She made a liar outta me! That's different!"

"IS NOT!" Stormed both Pinkie and Rarity, making Applejack cower before standing her ground. "IS TOO!"

More arguing comensed, Malibu covering his head, trying to block out the sounds, growling, until he had enough.

"GAH, STOP! ENOUGH OF THIS RIGHT NOW!" Malibu bellowed in his gargoyle way despite being human, making the group all nearly jump out of their skins, staring in shock at his angry outburst. Malibu breathed for a bit before nodding to Twilight to pull out their secret weapon.

Twilight had Spike hand her the yearbook. "I want to show you all something." She said, opening it to the picture. "You were friends once."

The rest of the girls gazed at their group picture, now looking rather remorsed, smiling a little. AJ sighed. "Freshmen fair. Y'all remember?" The others nodded. "Yes."

Twilight folded her hands together. "But something happened. I think that something was Sunset Shimmer."

Malibu turned to her. "How would she split them up like that without them knowing?" He pondered until Rarity shook her head. "That's a nice theory darlings, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it!"

Fluttershy nodded. "She's right. Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing fireworks and noise makers! It was supposed to be a serious event! And Pinkie Pie ruined it!"

Pinkie looked flabbergasted. "What are you talking about?! I got a text from you saying you didn't want a silent auction, you wanted a big party!" She held out her phone.

Malibu saw Flutter blink. "I never sent you a text!" She defended while scrolling through her mail app.

Rarity frowned in suspicion. "You don't think she's the one sending me those emails, do you? Every time I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function, I get an e-mail from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers! And then I find out she's done everything herself!"

Pinkie also looked at her phone. "I never sent you any e-mails!" Malibu folded his arms. He guessed Sunset got pretty tech savvy like Lexington ever since living in this world to have pulled something like this off.

Applejack then had a scared face. "Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for mah bake sale!"

Malibu had a hand on the cowgirl's shoulder. "Did you even ask her why?" He questioned gently, causing AJ to blush, taking off her hat. "Heh, I guess I kinda stopped talkin' to her at all after that."

Twilight smiled, putting the hat back on her. "Maybe now would be a good time to start. Where would she be?"

AJ shrugged. "Probably practicin' in the soccer field since it is soccer season after all."

The 6 of them eventually ventured into the soccer field, where Malibu could finally spot the human version of his special somepony, feeling his face flush when seeing Dash kick a soccer ball into the goal.

She's just a teen here, get a grip! Malibu grunted in his brain, punching his forehead as they sat down on bleachers, Malibu leaving Applejack to deal with this alone. The gang watched from their spots.

Rarity smiled at the sight of them talking. "They're actually talking! That's a good sign!"

Malibu's breath was hitched until after a few moments, Rainbow Dash and AJ hugged it out with each other in the end, Dash able to apologize.

"Hugs! Ooh, hugs are always good!" Squeed Pinkie Pie, jumping up and down while Malibu sighed with relief, seeing Rainbow walking up to them.

Just seeing her as a human rather made his belly flutter, rubbing his hands together and looking down in nervousness.

Applejack looked rather mad. "Somebody, and I think we can all guess who, told Rainbow Dash that my bake sale had been moved to a different day. Dash showed up with all the softball teams, and thought I'd canceled on her!"

That made Malibu rather furious even more, wanting now to get back at Sunset for everything. Suddenly he heard the human version of his marefriend speak.

"So, you're looking to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal, huh?" She asked Twilight who nodded shyly.

Rainbow kicked the ball on her knees. "Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen. I'll totally help you out. All you gotta do is beat me in a game of one-on-one."

Malibu blinked. "One on... what?" He asked, staring at the soccer ball. Rainbow laughed at him. "Playing soccer of course! First to five goals wins!" She next kicked the ball right into the net from one shot. "One zip!"

Twilight and Malibu both stared at each other until eventually, Malibu nodded to Twilight. This was her chance to learn a human sport. Gulping Twilight got up to play the game.

But it didn't quite go as well as Twilight hoped; Rainbow Dash beating her at pretty much every goal possible. Malibu had a hard time cheering for either Twilight or Rainbow Dash until she kicked the final shot, winning it all.

Twilight lay there panting while Malibu winced but admired Dash's ball skills as a human all the same. The gang all surrounded Twilight.

"That's game!" Rainbow Dash announced, Malibu helping Twilight to her feet.

Rarity laughed nervously. "I... really thought you were gonna... pull it off there in the end!" She said, the others raising their brows.

"So what's the plan? How can I help you be the princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?" Asked Rainbow Dash that surprised Malibu.

"But didn't she... lose?" Malibu asked, Twilight nodding in question.

Rainbow shrugged. "Of course she did! I'm awesome! But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You've proved that you've got 'em both!" She declared, bumping Twilight on the arm who flushed, the other girls along with Malibu cheering. He was glad they had help more than ever now, though unaware of Sunset having Snips and Snails filming the whole game.

Sunset smiled sinisterly while watching Malibu, eager to get him alone soon, having some kind of plan for it too.


The now reunited Humane 7 with Spike all went to celebrate their reunion at a nearby cafe that Pinkie Pie knew. When Malibu and Twilight went to get their milkshakes Malibu was a little surprised at the unexpected appearance of Mrs. Cake who gave them a smile.

"What can I get for you dearies?" She asked in her usual tone that made Malibu homesick for Equestria again. He glanced at the menu before ordering. "Just chocolate please." The turned human gargoyle requested, Twilight saying the same thing.

"And can we get ours with extra oats?" Twilight asked before Malibu quickly nudged her sharply, shaking his head. "Oats?" Mrs. Cake had her head tilted in confusion.

Malibu grinned nervously. "No, the regular one is fine, thanks." He said, as the two got their shakes and went to sit down. But then Twilight wound up bumping into someone, her shake falling to the ground. Malibu was grateful his was spared.

It turned out to be Flash again as both his and Twilight's shirts were now wet. "We've got to stop bumping into each other like this," Flash chuckled in greeting.

Twilight turned red, gripping her hair. "You know me! Always trying to make a big splasharound here. 'Cause my drink kinda splashed... on the ground!" She laughed awkwardly, leaning down to pick it up then wound up touching Flash's hand making her blush further, Malibu rolling his eyes at the mushiness.

"I'm gonna go over there now..." Twilight mumbled, backing into the counter before walking to their friends' table. Malibu eyed Flash suspiciously again, still not having trusted this one yet who gave Malibu a look of worry before walking away too.

Malibu soon joined the others, seeing Twilight looking flirty now, twirling her hair. He had never seen his adopted sister act this way towards anyone or anypony.

Rarity shook her head. "Don't even think about it! You're already trying to get her crown! Who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too!"

Twilight spoke in a flustered way. "I'm not trying to. I don't even know... we just accidentally..." Her face suddenly now paled. "Ex-boyfriend?"

Malibu's face filled with dread, glancing at Flash then who wondered what the guy had gone through to break up with somebody like Sunset, now feeling more nervous for what she can do to somebody by seducing them.

Fluttershy explained. "Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago. I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet," She whimpered while Flash gave Twilight his own romantic gaze while Malibu did his best to ignore him, suddenly having a thought. "Perhaps she's waiting until after getting the crown to do something even worse," He mumbled, shuddering at the thought of Sunset with the Element of Magic.

Applejack stood up, pacing. "Alright, y'all. Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named Princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online. We need to help 'em see her differently."

Everyone agreed but Malibu just didn't know how they will pull it off. Until Rarity did. "I'VE GOT IT!" She shrilled, making everyone else around them jerk up in surprise from her outburst. Rarity grinned, sitting down again, Malibu chuckling silently. "I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution. Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but..." Rarity pulled out something from her bag which happened to be pony ear headbands. "What if we all wore these as a sign of unity? Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? 'Go Canterlot Wondercolts'!" She jumped up and down while wearing one. "I haven't sold any in ages."

Rarity passed out some to the friends. Malibu took his, smiling down at the headband before putting it on. It made him feel slightly more at home now wearing these ears. "I mean, the 6 of us are all very different, but deep down we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us! And we're gonna let everyone know it!" She paused, clearing her throat. "What do you think?"

The others all nodded. "I think... that's pretty awesome," Malibu said with a thumbs up while Spike gave heart eyes at Rarity. Now they had a plan, which would happen in the cafeteria during lunch hour.


In the cafeteria for lunch later that day, the Humane 7 put their plan into motion, by putting on a musical performance that would excite the assembly into voting for Twilight and encourage them that she would be a better leader.

Malibu had the boom box ready since he rather let the girls sing over him, seeing them stomping their feet and banging trays on the table to the beat of their song that Fluttershy surprisingly wrote.

He pressed the button to start the actual music, the assembly turning to the noises in wonder and curiosity as the 5 girls began to sing. Twilight waited outside for her entrance.

"Hey, hey, everybody

we've got something to say

we may seem as different

as the night is from day

but you look a little deeper

and you will see

that I'm just like you

and you're just like me


It made Malibu smile at the sight of his new human friends of his old pony ones making their dancing poses before continuing to dance in the cafeteria.

"Hey, hey, everybody

we're here to shout

that the magic of friendship

is what it's all about

yeah we thought we were different

as the night is from the day

until Twilight Sparkle

helped us see another way

so get up, get down

if you're gonna come around

we can work together

helping Twilight win the crown

so get up, get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

if we work together

helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown!"

Pinkie Pie soon had her own solo part, sang quite loudly.

"Hey, hey, hands up now

we're sending a message to the crowd

hands wave up, then come down

we party together all around!"

Rarity sang now, just a couple verses along with Applejack:

"Generous, Honesty..."

"Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, Love!"

Finally, Rainbow Dash sang out her verses with Fluttershy.

"Twilight helped us each to see..."

"...All that we can be!

so get up, get down,

if you're gonna come around!"

Rainbow suddenly appeared next to Malibu who was still quiet and hadn't sung yet, lending her hand to his. "C'mon, you gotta sing with us!" She cheered.

Malibu blushed. "I-I don't know I—Agh!" Rainbow pulled him up, and his belly fluttered from the eyes on him until he felt himself sing with them all:

"We can work together

helping Twilight win the crown

so get up, get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

if we work together

helping Twilight win the crown!"

At last, the doors opened revealing Twilight wearing the pony ears, a smile on her face, Malibu feeling happiness for her coming on.

"I'm gonna be myself

no matter what I do

and if we're different, yeah

I want you to be true to you

if you follow me

we'll put our differences aside

we'll stick together and

start working on that school pride!"

Everybody cheered, jumping up from their tables and started mingling with each other not in their own groups, singing with the 7 friends along with Flash playing his guitar.

"Jump up, make a sound (hey)

stomp your hooves, turn around

start now, make a change

gonna come around

jump up, make a sound (hey)

stomp your hooves, turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

help her win the crown

jump up, make a sound (hey)

stomp your hooves, turn around

start now, make a change

gonna come around!"

Malibu danced, jumping around with Rainbow Dash and the others, smiling big as he realized the whole assembly was starting to realize that Sunset's assumptions about Twilight from her video were dead wrong and that she cared more about friendship and honor instead of division and greed. But he was unaware of Sunset Shimmer herself spying furiously outside the door at having her subjects turning against her rule.

She turned around seeing Snips and Snails both dancing, wearing those ridiculous ears. "Take... those... OFF!" She hissed, making the two boys grin nervously, quickly obeying. "I have something I need you to do, that could bring down Twilight for good and lure Malibu right to me..." Sunset purred maliciously, putting her hands together.

The bell rang after lunch had ended, the school students rushing to get to their next classes while still wearing their Wondercolt ears.

Rarity giggled with joy. "Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?" She squeed, Malibu agreeing with her. "Uhuh." He replied until seeing Sunset stalking by, looking quite smug, and Malibu swallowed a little.

Applejack frowned. "Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be the next Princess of the Fall Formal."

Sunset next knocked on the door, and Malibu's eyes rounded when seeing his Aunt Luna now as a human finally. "Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, looking fake sad at her. She had Luna follow her to the gym, Twilight and Malibu looking at one another, worry in both their faces.

Malibu then narrowed his eyes, silently following the two of them over to the gym, peeking behind the corner as he stared in surprise at the sight of all the broken decorations.

Sunset put on a victim pose. "Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?!"

Oh, you sneaky...! Malibu snarled silently, not even buying that story one bit. He knew Twilight wouldn't do this at all. Luna was confused too. "Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?"

Sunset held out a folder that looked like she got it from the library. "Because I have proof." Malibu narrowed his eyes, knowing now he had to ensure Twilight wouldn't get banned for something she didn't do. He quickly walked away, running right to the library.

After Luna left with the 'evidence', Sunset knew it was time to make her moves on Malibu since she heard his footsteps earlier, feeling triumphant while making her way to the library as well.

Malibu looked around in the library, digging through the trash, trying to find the real evidence that Sunset probably threw away until he actually found something, cut out photos.

He gasped when he saw that they were ones of her playing soccer. But... but how could she have taken these pictures?

"Well, trying to prove little Twilight's innocence are we?" That voice sent a chill down his spine.

Malibu turned sharply at the sight of Sunset there in an intimidating looking pose and sneer, while he quickly hid the cut pictures behind him. "Y-You had no right to do this to her!" He snapped, backing away as Sunset walked closer, an almost flirting look in her eyes that made him more nervous.

All Sunset did was make a flirting noise, as Malibu backed up against a bookshelf, unable to go anywhere else. "Aw, little gargoyle, you must know me by now to realize that I can do this, since I get anything I want." She suddenly put a forceful hand on Malibu's chest who gulped. "And I mean, anything..." Sunset murmured seductively.

It made Malibu squirm a bit, trying to get free. "H-How did you know I was a g-gargoyle? I-I've never even met you when I first came!" Malibu stuttered further while Sunset stroked his hair and cheek

"Oh, a little spying back in Equestria here and there. Once I saw you with Celestia, I knew you didn't belong. Just from your red eyes and that... cross on your flank. But I then had a thought. If your so-called mom made you a prince, then... maybe if I ensnared you then I can easily become princess rather than do stupid studying."

That caused Malibu's belly to fill up with disgust and fear at what Sunset intaled to do, and he snarled. "Never! I don't love you, Sunset Shimmer!" The former gargoyle refused.

But Sunset wouldn't give up, trying to move in forcefully. "Oh really? And who might you love that is more beautiful than me?" She purred, stroking Malibu's chin who gritted his teeth, struggling to resist her.

"M-My heart lies with... Rainbow Dash... get... get off me!" Malibu snapped, shoving Sunset away, falling down and trying to escape.

It had Sunset growl in anger. "Snips! Snails! Grab him!" She roared, pointing. Before Malibu could do anything he felt those two little demon boys suddenly grip his arms, taking him down onto his back. He cursed his weaker human form, wishing to be a gargoyle again as Sunset now towered over him, and Malibu gulped further, gasping.

"So naughty my future prince. And if you just hand over those photos you took from the trash, I can give you a better love life than that miserable pegasus," Sunset then threatened, a gleam in her gaze. Malibu had tears of anger, shaking his head no, the pictures still in his back pocket.

Soon Sunset Shimmer knew she had to do more drastic action, fluttering her eyes more seductively, as she leaned in further. Malibu shook all over from it, her lips too close for comfort until they wound up pressing against his rather hard.

Malibu let loose muffled cries and groans, Sunset holding his face close, as the kiss deepened. His body writhed under her hold when he was soon able to break free, struggling for air, the tears falling further that he had kissed somepony else who wasn't his true love.

Sunset was rather disappointed. "Don't stop kissing me now, little colt. We were just getting started..." She purred. But as Sunset was about to undo his pants, another male voice rang through the air that startled them all.


Malibu turned to the door of the library and was amazed and relieved to see none other than Flash Sentry, whose face was quite angry, storming in. Sunset Shimmer quickly stood up, trying to look innocent. "Oh, dear Flash. We were only talking—."

Flash shook his head. "Didn't look like talking to me. Now, let him loose or I'll call Principal Celestia for physical harassment!" He ordered in a threatening manner. Snips and Snails obliged, not wanting to get expelled from Canterlot High anytime soon.

Malibu struggled to his feet, quickly going as far away from Sunset as possible who had a demonizing look on her face. She was angry that her ex spoiled her fun.

"I will say it again: I don't love you, Sunset Shimmer. My heart will always lie with the one I truly love, and you won't be Fall Formal Princess after this!" Malibu snarled, the tears still wet on his face. All Sunset did was give him a threatening gaze as she stalked away.

Flash turned to Malibu who was still shaking. "Are you alright? Did she hurt you?" He asked in concern. Malibu shook his head. " I'll... be fine but thanks. Thanks for saving my skin." The gargoyle clone mumbled, while holding out his hand. Flash shook it.

"But what were you doing here at the library anyway besides her?" Flash suddenly pressed. Malibu lowered his head then took out the photos of the soccer game that had Twilight's picture cut out.

The other boy stared in astonishment that his ex could do something that extreme, taking them. "I can go and bring these to Principal Celestia. You can find a place to go where Sunset won't find you."

Malibu swallowed, nodding. "I'll find my friends then. Thanks again, for helping me and Twilight," He called, running to wherever his friends could be which happened to be outside of the school itself, and he ran right over to a dressing shop where Rarity told him she worked at, hoping Flash can prove her innocence fast, wondering now what would become of them if they never make it back to


The battle against Sunset Shimmer for next chapter!

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