Royal Lessons: A Lost Empire

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Season Three premiere everypony! So excited!


Inside Canterlot Castle, Celestia was doing her usual business, checking off of her to do list until soon she heard the door open. She at first thought it was her son but it was only a guard.

"News from Northern Equestria! Uh... your highness," He said, quickly bowing after running inside.

"Yes?" Celestia questioned in curiosity. The guard took his helmet, eyes looking quite serious.

"I am simply to tell you that it has returned." The guard confirmed.

Celestia gasped in fear and shock, for it had been a thousand years since it disappeared all those centuries ago. This was one thing she neglected to tell Malibu about. But now she guessed was the best time to. "Find Princess Cadence and Shining Armor," She ordered the guard who nodded, taking off again.

She next pulled out a pen and parchment. "My dearest Twilight and beloved son, I need you both to come to Canterlot at once."


Meanwhile in Ponyville, Twilight was in a panicked frenzy again while she packed for Canterlot. Malibu himself was packed ages ago and he was doing his best to calm down Twilight.

Even though it had only been a few months since the wedding Malibu still sometimes had bad memories of that day. But when he got that letter from his mom, he wondered what she wanted him and Twilight for.

"Where are all my quills?!" Twi shrieked, darting about, suddenly finding them and using her magic to toss them into the bag Spike had.

She next rummaged through her books. "No, no, no, no... ugh! I need the Magical Compendium volumes one through 36! Where is it?!"

Malibu saw Twilight grin crazily, pulling out the terribly large book, and handing it to Spike who got crushed by it. He lifted up the book with his horn, Spike cracking his sore back. "Thanks," He groaned.

Twilight soon remembered something else more. "Flash cards! I should make some flash cards! Spike, I'm gonna need you to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever!" She shouted, throwing at least 100 flash cards Spike's way. Malibu himself knew now this was getting out of hand.

"Twi, just calm down," He attempted. Spike nodded. "Yeah, it's just a test."

Those were the wrong words to use around Twilight. She glanced at him in crazy anger. "Just a test? Just a TEST?! Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a TEST?!" She bellowed.

Malibu backed away while Spike put protection pillows and a helmet on himself. "Uh, yes?" He said in a nervous tone.

Twilight's horn began to light up, her teeth bared. AJ grinned. "I'd say she's handling things pretty well, considerin'."

But apparently not; as Malibu yelped from the library being shot into the air by Twilight's spell. Thankfully the library was fine after falling back down. Twilight sat down, shaking badly, that reminded Malibu of his own mental breakdown those days ago.

He went up to Twilight, a hoof on her back, rubbing it. "Just breathe, Twilight. I'm sure it's nothing too extreme. My mom wouldn't give you too difficult of a test." She looked up at him.

"You... think?" Malibu grinned. "I'm sure. Now let's get ready to go to Canterlot." She nodded, taking up her things and following her other friends out to the train.


Back in Canterlot, Luna and Celestia were looking at a stained glass memorial of when Cadence and Shining Armor had defeated Chrysalis and Thailog.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?" Celestia shook her head. "Yes. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon."

Luna's face looked worried. "The Empire's magic is powerful. It cannot fall again, my sister. And I don't want my dear nephew to be taken by him."

Celestia gave an assuring smile. "They will succeed at their task. And when Twilight does, we'll know that she's much closer to being ready."

Then a voice spoke from behind the two sisters. "Mom?" Celestia turned to see her son with Twilight who was smiling nervously.

"You wanted to see us? To give us a test?" Twilight then asked, the two walking closer. Luna walked by them to do her own business though she stopped to give Malibu a small hug. "I hope you're well, my nephew," She said gently, Malibu nodding nervously, not wanting her to know that he felt like he deserved to be in tartarus.

Twilight next pulled out her bags. "I brought my quills! And plenty of paper to show my work!" Her bag suddenly spilled out, her scrolls rolling across the floor. Malibu struggled to hide his snicker.

"Sorry, sorry!" She cried, struggling to roll it up again, though Celestia of course helped with her magic. "This is a different kind of test for the both of you."

Malibu felt his nerves now come though thankfully he didn't go all Twi-crazy. Celestia bowed her head for a moment before speaking. "The Crystal Empire has returned," She revealed.

What the heck is that? Malibu gaped silently, while Twilight ruffled through her books. "The Crystal Empire? I'm sorry, I-I thought we'd studied. Ooh, I don't think there's anything in any of my books th—."

Celestia interrupted her. "There wouldn't be. Few remember it ever existed at all." Malibu however felt rather betrayed of not being told this before.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked in sadness, ears having fallen down. Celestia put a hoof under his chin. "I am sorry, my son. But this particular Empire had some complicated history that I just didn't have the heart to tell you while you were still young."

Malibu could slightly understand but still felt a little hurt inside while Celestia went to bring out a strange looking crystal under a bell jar. "Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited as well."

She placed the gem on the ground, using her magic to cause a big display of the entire empire before the two, causing Malibu and Twilight to quickly step back. Malibu saw how rather... crystalized, as he paid attention to what his mom knew of this place.

"One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was as black as night, took over the Crystal Empire," Celestia began, while the image suddenly showed off the scariest unicorn Malibu saw aside from Chrysalis and Thailog's alicorn form.

King Sombra's image form growled, green fire in his eyes as more of the flashbacks came along in the image. Malibu had trembled a little at how ominous Sombra looked. Soon Luna and Celestia appeared, shooting a spell at Sombra who had put all the Crystal Ponies into slavery.

"He was ultimately overthrown. Turned into shadow, and banished to the ice of the artic north." Celestia continued on. Malibu simply staring in amazement.

"Whoa..." He breathed after the image of the shadow for Sombra was tossed into the ice glacier, shrieking in rage.

"But not before he was able to put a curse on the Empire. A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air." She used her magic on the crystal, making the holographic empire vanish, startling Malibu and Twilight. Celestia smiled next. "If the Empire is filled with hope and love..." The love magic hit the crystal, sending 7 rainbow colored waves around the room, Malibu smiling at the sight.

"These things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold..." Malibu saw his mom cringing greatly, her eyes suddenly glowing green and smoking purple auras, the dark magic shooting at the crystal, Malibu shaking when the crystal turned black, causing other black crystals to appear around him and Twilight. Celestia managed to destroy them afterward. "Which is why I need your help finding a way to protect it."

Malibu had a hard time comprehending this. It felt too much, since he never had his own kingdom to rule. "Y-You want me and Twilight to protect a whole Empire?" He asked shakily. Celestia nodded, Twilight rather nervous in her eyes. "It is as I said; a different kind of test. But one I'm certain you will pass."

Twilight gave a small sigh, knowing she had to do it. "How do we begin?"

"By joining Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire," Celestia instructed, Malibu excited about the idea of finally visiting someplace new besides Appleloosa. And a place that was vanished for a thousand years no less. His friend was excited. "My brother is there?"

Celestia nodded. "He is. And your Ponyville friends will join you there as well. I have every confidence you will succeed. And when you do, I'll know you are ready to move on to the next level of your studies."

Malibu suddenly felt doubt, as did Twilight. The idea this could be their only chance to be able to move on, scared him.

"But what if we fail?" Twilight asked for him while Luna gave her a strange look.

"You won't," Celestia assured.

Malibu swallowed. "But what-what if we—." Celestia stroked his shoulder. "You won't, my son. But Twilight, in the end, it must be you and you alone, who ultimately assists Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in doing what needs to be done to protect the Empire. Do you both understand?"

The two of them nodded at the same time, both now feeling like they can do it. Malibu knew it was in his gargoyle blood to protect the innocent.

"Then go, there's no time to lose. And... good luck, my son," Celestia said, nuzzling Malibu's head, Malibu smiling into her nuzzle, the door closing after that.

Malibu looked at Twilight who walked slowly out, following her right behind, going back outside. Spike had been waiting for them.

"Ah! Twi! Mal! That was fast! Let me guess, you guys got a perfect score!" The two mostly just looked rather worried and doubtful, not really having an answer.

"A-minus? B-plus?" Spike then tried, only to have Twilight give him a really sad glance. He gasped in sadness. "Oh, Twilight, did you... fail?"

What surprised Malibu next was Twilight starting to break into song, which he knew back in his old world didn't happen often if you don't count the tv and radios.

"I was prepared to do my best

Thought I could handle any test

For I can do so many tricks

But I wasn't prepared for this

Levitation would have been a breeze

Facts and figures I recite with ease

Underneath a school window, Twilight suddenly memorized a hard math problem. "The square root of 546 is 23.36664289109!" Looking in Malibu saw a teacher writing down said problem, grinning. "She is correct!" He proclaimed.

They all wandered about Canterlot while Twilight continued her song.

"I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss

But I wasn't prepared for this!

Will I fail, or will I pass?

I can't be sure!

Spike and Malibu:

"She can't be sure"

"My mind is sharp, my skills intact

My heart is pure!"

Spike and Malibu:

"Her heart is pure"

"Oh, I've taken my share of licks,

I've made it through the thin and thick.

But no I wasn't

Oh no she wasn't

Oh no I wasn't

Oh no she wasn't

No I wasn't prepared...for...this!"

Upon the song ending, Spike then asked a question. "Uh... prepared for what exactly?" He asked, Malibu slapping his face with his hoof again in annoyance until his other friends appeared. "Twilight!" Shouted Applejack after tackling her friend in a hug. "Did ya pass?"

Pinkie Pie brought out her party cannon that she seemed to carry everywhere. "Are we gonna celebrate your awesomeness with Princess Celestia?" She squealed, the cannon about to go off. Malibu shook his head. "Not quite," He replied, the confetti seeming to go into reverse and back into the cannon.

"We're going to the Crystal Empire!" Twilight revealed, causing the friends to whisper among themselves, Malibu knowing they were in for a long explanation about what the empire was.


The train ride to the Empire was rather long, and went up north. Malibu felt it getting cold, rubbing his arms. For he had the sensitive to being cold gene from Brooklyn as well, shaking. When getting out of the train at the station, the wind struck him hard, shuddering.

"Ha! And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves!" Rarity mocked, stepping out while Spike carried a suitcase full. "Ugh, I didn't say a word," He grumbled for suddenly dropping the case, having to chase after the scarfs.

Malibu suddenly heard a voice among the harsh winds. "Twilight! Malibu!" He gazed through the white out, spotting the familiar unicorn Shining Armor, wearing a winter mask and goggles.

Twilight looked happy to see him, running to hug her brother. "Glad you all made it. But we'd better get moving. There's things we really don't want to run into after dark," Shining said in a nervous way that made Malibu swallow. After the changelings he wondered what else could be worse than that. Flutter gulped too. "What-what kind of things?"

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes. "Let's just say that the Empire isn't the only thing that's returned..." Malibu rolled his eyes. "Rather vague," He muttered, shaking while trudging through the snow.

"Something keeps trying to get in! We think it is the unicorn king that originally cursed the place!" Shouted out Shining while they trekked on.

"But, shouldn't it already be protected if King Sombra can't get in?" Asked Malibu above the roar of the wind until he heard something that wasn't the wind, more like a roar that halted him in his tracks in fear.

Fluttershy felt like he did/ "Th-That's one of things, isn't it?"

Shining glared. "We have to get to the Crystal Empire, now!" Behind him, Malibu saw a huge cloud of shadow appear and what looked like red eyes appearing within it. His eyes lit up in fright, frozen in his tracks, thinking it was Thailog at first.

"Mal! Come on!" Rainbow shouted, seeing her coltfriend being frozen, quickly rushing over and grabbing him, snapping him out of it. He managed to eventually get himself together, running with the rest.

But when they got close, Shining Armor had halted to defend them all. "Almost there! Keep going!" He roared when Malibu wanted to also stay and help him, but was forced to keep going until they all managed to get through the shield that Cadence made.

The group all panted heavily, Malibu feeling a stitch in his side but to his surprise; it wasn't too cold inside the shield, nor was it snowing. "Everypony ok?" Twilight asked the others who all nodded. Malibu glanced upward to at last see what they came for: The Crystal Empire in all its glory.

It truly was made all of crystal. Everything shimmered and sparkled. His face smiled a little at the sight of it. This place was most beautiful.

"Sparkleriffic!" Squealed Pinkie Pie, Malibu agreeing with her. But he heard Twilight suddenly gasp and saw Shining Armor's horn was covered in dark crystals. "Are you ok?" He asked in worry. He nodded though clearly he didn't. "Think so. Sombra took the chance to stop up my magic. We have to get to Cadence."

The empire was even more bedazzling further inside, Malibu feeling like he could easily go blind from staring at everything for too long. Rarity herself was rather overexcited. "It's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!" She turned about, apparently drunk from all the beauty of the crystals. "There are no words!"

Applejack tapped on her shoulder. "Focus, Rarity. We're here to help Malibu and Twilight, not to admire the scenery," She reminded her. Rarity nodded, when Rainbow spoke up. "Eh, I don't see what the big deal is. Looks just like another old castle to me!"

That caused Rarity's eyes to widen in shock. "Another old...! Have you lost your mind? Look at the magni—."

Rainbow Dash winked at Malibu who got the joke, laughing slightly, as the Mane 7 entered the Crystal Castle.

Inside the throne room they spotted Cadence who looked quite exhausted to Malibu as she was the one making the shield. "Cadence!" Twilight called out. The pink alicorn gasped in joy, running over and the two did their little dance.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They both laughed until Cadence winced, nearly losing focus on the shield. "Maybe one of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging into balance," She panted.

Malibu gave his aunt a hug. "We're still glad to see you. But are you ok?"

Shining Armor shook his head. "Cadence has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept. Barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra."

Twilight smiled in determination. "That's why we're here." Malibu nodded. "For sure. All of us."

The other 5 agreed with his words. Shining Armor looked happy about that as he continued. "Well, with Cadence putting all of her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the artic, we haven't been able to gather much information on the Crystal Ponies."

Malibu jumped when Rarity suddenly had the biggest freak out. "CRYSTAL PONIES?!" She shrieked like an insane person. "There are CRYSTAL PONIES?!" The others stared at her in confusion, causing her to clear her throat in awkwardness. "Please, continue."

"But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadence's magic." Shining Armor then finished.

And to the teal alicorn's surprise, Twilight seemed to know what to do now. "A research paper!" She shouted. Malibu tilted his head. "Come again?"

"That must be part of our test! To gather information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you!" Squealed Twilight to Shining Armor, his eyes round slightly. "This is gonna be great! I love research papers!"

Rainbow grinned, nudging Malibu. "Yeah, who doesn't?" She asked sarcastically. Pinkie suddenly went into her randomness mode. "Oh-oh-oh! Lemme guess! Is it Spike? Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?" She pointed at each of them in turn, Malibu rolling his eyes.

Twilight winked at her sibling. "Don't worry, big brother. I am really good at this sort of thing." Malibu himself certainly hoped so.


But apparently not; for each time he and Twilight asked the Crystal Ponies some questions: they hardly had any answers.

Aside from that they aren't as bright and cheery as Malibu saw in that vision Celestia showed them. "Are you sure? Absolutely sure?"

The mare nodded. "I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. But I... can't seem to remember anything before King Sombra came to power." She then cringed up suddenly as if a memory was hurting her. "And I don't want to remember anything about the time he ruled over us," The mare shuddered. Malibu could understand how she felt, not wanting to remember when Chrysalis and Thailog messed with his mind.

"King Sombra's spell must by why their coats aren't... crystally," Twilight pointed out to him and Spike who agreed.

"Have we really been gone for a thousand years?" The mare asked in disbelief. Malibu nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"It feels like it was just yesterday," She whispered softly.

"If you think of anything, even the smallest thing?" Twilight then asked. The crystal mare nodded. "Of course." She went back inside, closing the door.

Spike huffed, rolling his eyes. "Well that was a total bust," He grumbled. Malibu swatted his head with his tail. "Can you blame them?" He snapped. "King Sombra took away their happiness and innocence!" Spike after that looked rather guilty, glancing downward. "Sorry."

"Maybe the others are having better luck," Twilight said as they went to try others but ended up with the same results until afterward the 8 friends met at the castle again.

Malibu watched Rainbow land over near them, looking rather defeated. "Ugh, I got nothing so far," She revealed.

Rarity also joined the others, though busy messing with her mane. "Oh, me neither."

Turning to his left Malibu saw Fluttershy come over, but to his surprise; it was really Pinkie Pie in a Fluttershy costume somehow. She took her outfit off, glaring. "My cover has been blown! I repeat, my cover has been blown!" Malibu stared a little at the weird outfit. "Uh, ok," He muttered while Fluttershy had also arrived.

"Sorry, guys. These crystal ponies seem to have some kinda collective amnesia or somethin'. Only thing I was able to get out of 'em was somethin' about a library." Applejack explained to them in disappointment. Those words however triggered Twilight, her eyes shining in excitement.

"A library?! Well why didn't you say so?!" She yelped aloud, her smile big on her face, racing over to where the library was, Malibu and the others following. "Thought I just did," AJ said, raising her brow.

Inside the library was pretty amazing, and could match up to the Canterlot one by a longshot. Malibu stared in awe at the many books in the place, knowing that Twilight will probably be lost in all of them. She was busy staring about, love in her eyes. "There are no... words..." the mulberry unicorn squeaked as the librarian came along.

"Ahem, may I help you?" She asked the group.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. We're looking for a book."

The librarian gestured around. "We have plenty of those," She pointed out. Twilight went into geek out mode once again, looking drunk. "You do. You really do!"

Malibu shook her to snap his friend out of it. "Focus," He reminded Twilight who nodded. He turned to the librarian who was quite aged. "We're trying to find a history book of how this place might've protected itself those years ago," He explained to the mare, who stroked her chin.

"Yes, of course. History, history... ah, yes!" She said, the 8 of them perking up in excitement. But she kept staring at them.

"Which is where, exactly?" Twilight questioned, smile faltering. The mare now looked confused. "I-I can't seem to remember. I'm not sure I actually work here."

Rainbow groaned at that, her hoof sliding over her face, Malibu feeling hope fading away at possibly not being able to find it. But he tried smiling more. "It's ok, really. I'm sure... we can find it," He said, laughing nervously at all those books they had to look through.

The librarian nodded. "Let me know if you find anything!" She called out, eyes darting about. Pinkie smiled. "I like her!"

It took them nearly a whole afternoon just looking through the different books, Malibu already getting exhausted, using his magic to pull each one out, tossing them aside when not finding the right one until...


He perked up, Twilight holding a book bigger than the others, her face smiling in triumph. The others gathered around. "History of the Crystal Empire!"

Malibu grinned, lightly punching her. "Nice going, Twi!" He praised, seeing his friend flush. "Yeah, though I hope it has the answers we need."


When going back to the castle Twilight explained the book to her brother which had in it a Crystal Fair that kept the spirit and love of the ponies here alive to protect the Empire from harm.

Twilight herself was looking excited about this find. "My friends and I could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book!" She stated. Malibu himself liked the idea of a fair though he'd never been to one.

Shining Armor smiled. "Sounds pretty promising," He agreed, though Malibu saw how terrible Cadence looked more than ever, bags under her eyes, even her ribs showing. The clone gargoyle flinched up. "Don't worry, we'll get going right away," He said to now possibly his step uncle. The two friends went to meet with the others.

Twilight while they all sat around a table to wonder what to do for the fair, Twilight even begins to sing a ballad about how they could help.

Twilight and Malibu:

Princess Cadance needs our help

Her magic will not last forever

I think we can do it

But we need to work together

We have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history

[Rainbow Dash]

It says that they liked jousting


They flew a flag of many hues


Made sweets of crystal berries


They had a petting zoo with tiny ewes


Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history

[Pinkie Pie]

There was a crystal flugelhorn

That every pony liked to play

[Twilight Sparkle]

And the Crystal Kingdom anthem

Can you learn it in a day?


Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history

It took them almost the whole day to get the fair ready, but so far things looked rather promising. Malibu himself liked how the craft tents looked, Twilight having checked off the last of the items they got, her face beaming.

"It looks amazing! I don't know how I could have done this without you all! One last check to make sure everything is in place, and then the festivities can begin!"

Malibu suddenly eyed a strange heart shaped crystal in the middle of town under the castle. "Uh, Twi? What's this thing?" He asked, poking it a little. Twilight came over. "The last page of the book mentioned a Crystal Heart as the fair's centerpiece. So I used my magic to cut one out of a crystal block," She explained, Malibu nodding, impressed.

Applejack grinned. "Nice work, Twilight. Think we're ready to get this fair up and runnin'!" Malibu himself hoped the crystal ponies would appreciate their hard work, looking over at the protective shield, praying Sombra wouldn't find a way in.


When they called all the ponies in the empire together at the castle, Pinkie Pie on the balcony blew her flugelhorn rather off key to announce the princess. Malibu's ears flattened from the sound.

"Hear ye, hear ye—!" Twilight tried to begin but Pinkie cut her off, Malibu taking the horn with his magic, glaring. She giggled awkwardly. "My bad," She apologized.

Twilight cleared her throat, continuing. "Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Fair!"

Malibu watched the crystal ponies suddenly perk up from hearing that, their coats shimmer at least once and now not so gray. But not quite crystally yet. He turned to Twilight, smiling at her and nodding, knowing that this could possibly work if these ponies were easily cheered up.

He decided to fly down and check on things in the fair which were doing good so far. Applejack guided them all in. "Come on in, y'all. Got food and drinks thataway, games and crafts are thataway, Crystal Heart to the back near the Princess!" She announced.

The crystal ponies began to whisper to each other in excitement. That confused Malibu greatly, wondering why they were so excited about a crystal heart.

He joined Rainbow Dash near the corn stand as she was munching on one. "Hey, Dash," Malibu called out. She turned to see me, grinning. "Oh, hi. Malibu, these ponies can be weird. Whenever I try to talk to them, they just run away!" The cyan pegasus explained, which had Malibu scratch his head, even more confused. These crystal ponies were a big mystery.

"Probably just a bit shy. They may come out of it eventually," He then told Dash who eventually agreed with him until they heard two mares suddenly gasp in excitement.

"The Crystal Heart! Do you really think they have it?" The mares both said at the same time. Malibu's brow raised up as Rainbow nodded. "Of course we have it! Can't have a crystal fair without the Crystal Heart, right?"

Malibu heard a familiar voice which was the librarian. "Of course you can't. The whole purpose of the crystal fair is to lift the spirits of the crystal ponies, so the light within them can power the crystal heart, so that the Empire can be protected!" Her dull colors brightened from her own words, gasping. "I do work at the library!"

The two special someponies glance at each other in fear at this. "What was that about p-powering the heart?" Malibu asked, his eyes wide.

The librarian smiled in relief. "I just can't believe you all found it! King Sombra said he'd hidden it away, where we'd never see it again!" Her eyes drew over to a food stand. "Mm, funnel cake!"

Malibu swallowed a little. This was troublesome news to him, as he and Dash grabbed a flag to cover the fake heart, Twilight looking startled. "Why did you two—?"

Rainbow's face was just as scared as Malibu's. "I think we may have a problem!" She squeaked. Malibu nodded. "Twilight, there really was a real Crystal Heart relic. The librarian told us." He revealed to her.

Twilight's own eyes popped now, causing her to breathe rapidly at what she had done. Malibu did his best to calm her down. "Come on, we gotta tell them," He said, referring to Cadence and Shining Armor.

Once they were on the balcony, they revealed the story to Shining Armor, Twilight flipping through the book. "I didn't know it was an actual relic! The book didn't mention anything about the crystal ponies powering the Heart!" Her page flipping ended and Malibu saw one missing.

"There was a page missing. How did I not notice?!" Twilight said in despair, Cadence panting slightly when she spoke. "I-It's alright, Twilight..." Her voice faded, stumbling and falling into Shining Armor's hooves, the love magic from her horn fizzling out.

This wasn't good to Malibu, his face paling. "Twily, Malibu," Shining Armor said in fear, the shield breaking up and allowing the dark black cloud from the outside to crawl closer to the empire. Malibu gulped when hearing the low growling of what he knew was King Sombra. They were in trouble!


Part 2 shall come soon!

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