Royal Lessons: Crystal Heart

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Season 3 premiere part 2 everypony! Too Many Pinkie Pies is up next!


Things now seemed to be going from bad to worse now that the shield was down and the cloud was slowly consuming everything. Malibu backed away, shaking, when hearing Sombra laughing menacingly.

"The Empire is under attack," Shining Armor said in worry, nuzzling Cadence, helping her stand. With his love, Cadence was able to once again shoot out her shield, managing to kick out Sombra who roared since part of his horn was chipped off.

Malibu smiled when the friendly skies returned thanks to the shield though it greatly weakened her again, struggling to stand up. Shining Armor looked determined. "I have to find the Crystal Heart," He stated.

That really stunned Malibu at the idea that Shining was willing to risk himself for an Empire he had never ruled before. Twilight shook her head. "No, you stay here with Cadence. She needs you, Shining Armor. Me and Malibu will retrieve the heart."

She and Malibu both ran down the stairs. Rainbow Dash followed. "Let's do this!" Twilight was thinking some more too. "I've been trying to figure out how we're meant to pass Celestia's test. Retrieving the Crystal Heart must be it. But there's something else you can do."

Rainbow grinned. "Name it!"

"You and the rest of our friends have to keep the fair going," Malibu then instructed, Rainbow's eyes widening at that. "What? With that thing moving into the Empire?"

Twilight spoke up again. "If the Crystal Ponies find out that King Sombra is trying to take over the Empire again, their spirits are gonna be anything but lifted. It won't matter if we find the Crystal Heart, they won't be able to make it work."

Malibu and the others ran outside. "And that is why you have to keep them happy here at the fair," He instructed further. Rainbow didn't like it still but she knew her coltfriend knew best. "Keep the fair going and the Crystal Ponies' spirits high. Done and done!"

She soared away towards where the fair was, as Malibu and Twilight heard Shining Armor call to them. "Guys! Be careful," he called. Malibu nodded. "We will."

While running about the fair, Spike had heard what was going on and ran after the two. "Guys, wait! I'm coming with you!"

Twilight shook her head. "You can't. We have to retrieve the Crystal Heart by ourselves." Spike then folded his arms. "I kow. I promise I won't lift a claw to help you."

Malibu raised his brow. "Pinkie Promise?" He asked. Spike nodded. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" He then said, putting a fist on his closed eye. He and Twilight then said he could come.

Spike rode on Twilight while they ran back to the castle when Twilight had a realization. "Where are we going exactly?" Spike asked.

"Well, Twilight and I might have an idea where King Sombra hid the Crystal Heart," Malibu explained to him.

"The castle?" Spike then said. Twilight nodded. "The king would've been counting on the fact that nopony would dare come looking for it here. They'd have been too afraid to even try."

Malibu though had sparks of worry. "I really hope this is true," He said shakily. Twilight agreed. "You and me both." They went inside the castle, racing about trying to find it minus Spike while Dash and the others struggled to keep the other ponies away from the fake heart.

"It's gotta be here somewhere!" Twilight said in frustration after Malibu looked through a closet but found nothing. He spotted Spike lifting up a rug.

"Not a claw, Spike!" He snapped, Spike grinning nervously. Twilight kept muttering under her breath until they noticed the throne, and Malibu suddenly remembered what Celestia said before.

"If the empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold..."

Malibu saw Twilight gasp out in realization, Spike joining them. "What? Did you guys find it?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, because this isn't King Sombra's castle," She said. Malibu himself though was confused. "Isn't this where he lived in power?" He asked.

"Yes. But it didn't look like this." Twilight said, gesturing to the shiny throne. Then to Malibu's surprise, she began to do that dark magic spell Celestia did before, shutting her eyes, purple smoke coming from the corners of them, shooting the magic at the throne which began turning it black, all the way down to the throne floor.

Malibu stepped back when it created a huge secret entrance in the floor, gasping in shock at this. Twilight grinned, looking excited. "Whoa. When did you learn to do that?" Spike asked in disbelief. "That was a little trick Celestia taught me," Twilight replied.

Gazing down into the pit made Malibu nervous, for those stairs went down pretty far. But he knew he had to go for the sake of the Empire. "Spike, you stay here," Twilight told the baby dragon. "If you insist," Spike said nervously.

Malibu was still trembling a little but Twilight nudged him encouragingly, causing him to take a breath and follow her down. It had only been a few minutes but no bottom of the stairs yet. "Can you see what's down there yet?" He heard Spike call up.

Twilight shook her head. "Not yet, I can't even tell how far down this goes!" Then Malibu saw a piece of crystal, breaking it off with his magic, and dropping it down. They waited for a while, but no clatter noise. Twilight even cleared her ear in case she missed it, until they heard it hit the ground, which was pretty far. Malibu's face fell at this.

"Spike? Can you see outside?" Twilight called out. Up above Spike looked out the window, where the shield was struggling to remain up. "Yesss... crystalsss..." Malibu's eyes widen in fear from hearing that deep voice of Sombra.

"It's not good! Cadence's magic must be fading faster than before!" Spike yelled down.

That triggered Twilight to run down along with Malibu until she suddenly tripped. "Twilight!" Yelled Malibu, flying into the air, grabbing her. "Fly us down, it'll be faster!" Called Twilight, Malibu nodding, flying further down into the dark hole until he at last saw the ground.

He landed them safely, taking some steady breaths. Twilight gave Malibu a hug which he returned. "Twilight, Malibu, are you ok?" Spike yelled down.

"Yes, we're fine!" Malibu yelled back up, him and Twilight spotting a door nearby. Twilight tried to open it but the door kept on moving every time they tried.

Twilight grunted when hitting against the wall trying to get in. "Stop... moving!" She yelled, her horn lighting up with the dark magic from her anger. Malibu's ears fell. "T-Twilight?" He asked nervously, seeing her shoot that awful magic at the top of the door which caused it to open.

"Spike! Malibu, I think it is here!" Twilight announced, her face suddenly happy until to Malibu's confusion, her eyes turned green and red, staring at the inside of the door which was nothing but a wall. He didn't know what the heck was happening.

"Twi? Twilight? Are you—?" Malibu asked, accidentally looking at the wall himself. A bright flash entered his vision and his surroundings disappeared.


When Malibu opened his eyes again, to his shock; he was no longer in the Crystal Empire. The young clone heard beeping machinery, and stared down at his hoof. Eyes widening, Malibu saw that his hoof was a taloned hand again. He was back to being in his gargoyle form.

"Where... where am I? Twilight? Spike? Rainbow Dash?" Yelped Malibu in disbelief for this place was all too familiar. He looked about, spotting one of the tanks that he had been created in, gulping and stepping back.

A familiar voice echoed through the room, and Malibu turned to see a human coming towards him. "Oh, my creation!" Malibu stepped backward further, eyes growing bigger, for it was Dr. Sevarius, the one who helped create Malibu in the first place.

Malibu shook his head, shaking badly. "No, this... this isn't real! I'm supposed to help save the Empire! They need me!" He yelled, Sevarius taking his hand roughly, a sinister look on his face.

"Don't be afraid, creation. What you experienced. This 'Equestria' you've been speaking of; it was all a dream. I found you unconscious in the Labyrinth and brought you back before the clan could. Thailog had been searching non stop to find you, Malibu."

That made Malibu's eyes light up with tears. All that happiness he endured was nothing more than a stupid dream to mess with him? The ponies weren't real? His friends... their journeys... was all a lie. He shook his head, heart thumping badly.

"I can't believe it! I can't! Mom!" Screamed Malibu tearfully, pulling his hand out of Sevarius's. Sevarius glared, taking his arm quite hard again. "You have no 'mom'. You were in a bad concussion. Me and Thailog are your only family. There's nothing special or independent about you. And you'll stay with us forever!" Hissed Sevarius dangerously.

"NO!" Shrieked Malibu, ears down flat, turning to run away, only to run into a thickset body that laughed with Goliath's voice, giving out shaking gasps at the sight of Thailog again, cowering and covering himself, crying, not wanting to believe all of this was really happening.

"Malibu? Malibu!" Echoed a female's voice in his brain...


Twilight had been able to snap herself out of a vision that she saw in the door after Spike had called out. But when she did, she saw Malibu also staring at the door, tears falling out of his green and red eyes.

"Malibu! Snap out of it!" Shouted Twilight, shaking him. Malibu groaned, his eyes flickering before coming back to normal, panting, the tears still flooding down his face, finding himself back in Equestria. What happened to him?

Spike looked confused at what was happening. "I know you two told me to stay up here but you were down here for such a long time and you weren't answering and I got worried so I came down here but I couldn't seem to get any of your attention and you were both just staring at that wall! And... what were you looking at? I mean, it's just a wall."

Malibu did his best to pull himself together when hearing Spike say the last sentence, spotting him gazing at the blank wall in the door. The baby dragon's eyes suddenly glowed red and green like his and Twilight's did.

"Ponyville? How did I... no! I don't wanna go! Please, Twilight, don't make me!" Spike sobbed right then, showing tears as much as Malibu did who mostly sat there, staring down at the floor. Twilight was able to close the door.

She glared at it. "King Sombra's dark magic. A doorway that leads to your worst fear," the mulberry unicorn explained. She then noticed Malibu's moistened eyes, and his trembling. "What did you see?"

Malibu swallowed, not sure if he wanted to. But he did. "I-I was back in Dr. Sevarius's lab, the mad scientist human who created me alongside Thailog. He-he told me that my life here in Equestria was just a dream and that you weren't real, and that I had never been special or independent," He sniffled, kneeling down.

Twilight gasped softly in sadness for her new brother, a hoof on her shoulder. "That was just a fake vision, Malibu. I trust you that all of this and myself are real. And you are special because you're our friend. I'm sorry you had to see all of that," She murmured, giving him a hug, which Malibu returned, still sniffling and a small smile on his muzzle.

Spike also had more tears. "And, what I saw, we were in Ponyville. You told me Twilight that you didn't need me anymore. You were sending me away—." Twilight then took him into their group hug. "A fear that will never come to pass. I'm never gonna send you away. And I'm not gonna fail my test!"

Malibu then realized that was possibly what she saw in her own vision; failing the test and the Empire falling, seeing Twilight now shooting out good magic; hitting the top of the doorway and finally opening it for real.

"W-what's in there?" Spike asked, as he and Twilight looked inside. It was... stairs. "Lots and lots of stairs, Spike," Malibu replied, ears flat.

The two were about to go up them then turned to Spike. "Maybe you should come with us this time," Twilight suggested to him. Spike smiled, running out to climb up the stairs, which there were more than Malibu expected.

Meanwhile Rainbow and Fluttershy continued to do their best to cheer up the Crystal Ponies by doing a jousting match, even with Sombra's dark magic covering up the houses.

Malibu panted while they struggled up the stairs to where hopefully the Crystal Heart was, but he didn't know if they could even make it up there in time. Spike groaned, far behind them. "What if... it is just more of his magic? He makes a door that leads you to your worst nightmare. Why not a staircase that goes on forever?"

Hearing that had Twilight stop and get an idea. She checked out the underside of the stairs, her eyes now shining. "Malibu, come close to us. Spike, hold onto me." Malibu wondered what she had in mind. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Twilight grunted, starting up a spell, which caused the trio to flip upside down on the more slippery part of the stairs. Malibu yelped when they began to slide and slide. A smile came on his face. This was definitely much faster!

"Woohoo! I actually studied gravity spells thinking they might be on my test! Turns out, I was prepared for this!" She cheered, jumping slightly, Malibu's legs shaking from the ride.

"I'm glad at least someone is liking this!" He cried out in fear, hoping they wouldn't fall into space when reaching the end. But thankfully Twilight was ready, using the spell to revert gravity around them back to normal, landing on the top of the tower.

Malibu felt dizzy, rubbing his head but out of the corner of his eye; he spotted the Crystal Heart. His eyes shone in excitement. It was so beautiful.

"Twi, there it is!" He said excitedly, running forward, Twilight next to him. But when his hoof touched the floor close to the heart, what sounded like an alarm went off. His happy face disappeared, Twilight pushing him out of the way when a cage of dark crystals shot up around her, imprisoning her inside.

Grunting, Malibu sat up again, gasping in fear when seeing Twilight trapped. "No!" He yelled, trying to run towards her but yelped in pain when stepping on a dark piece of crystal, stepping back, limping.

"The heart, where's the Crystal...?" Twilight gasped aloud. Spike waved. "Over here! It rolled over to me and Malibu when you dropped it!"

"Don't move, guys!" Twilight ordered, Malibu freezing in place, the sharp crystals too close for comfort as well as Spike's. "You can move, just not toward me," Twilight added in. Malibu picked up Spike onto his back and limped away.

Twilight tried to teleport out, but Sombra's magic forced her back in. Despair flooded over Malibu. What were they gonna do now?

"This is my fault... I was so foolish and blind to the danger!" Malibu said in anger and sadness. Twilight shook her head. "No, it isn't your fault. I should've known it was booby trapped," She assured.

Spike though wanted to save her. "You have to get out of there, Twilight! You have to be the one who brings the heart to Princess Cadence! If you don't, you and Malibu will fail Celestia's test!"

Malibu gazed outside at the shadow magic covering the empire piece by piece, his heart thumping in fear and sorrow. "King Sombra is already attacking the Empire. He could reach the Crystal Ponies at any moment... reach Princess Cadence, my brother, my friends..." Twilight whimpered. "There may not be enough time for me to escape." But then, her face had a look of determination, glaring at them both.

"You two have to be the ones to bring the Crystal Heart to the fair," She declared, the teal alicorn staring in shock. "What-but-!" He gaped.

"Twilight!" Spike shouted. "GO!" Twilight roared, Spike grabbing the Heart, getting back onto Malibu who flew out of there. Malibu hovered in the air outside the castle, sweating profusely, wondering where he could go and avoid eye contact with King Sombra.

"Come on, Mal! We gotta get to Cadence!" Spike yelled, holding onto his brother's mane. Swallowing, Malibu nodded, flying around, avoiding the sharp black crystals that grew like wildfire.

The Crystal Heart shone brighter when they flew near the balcony, Malibu yelling out to everypony below. "We got the Crystal Heart!" Rainbow gasped in shock, seeing her coltfriend with Spike up there in the air.

King Sombra apparently heard him, looking up, his eyes blazing in rage. "THAT IS MINE!" He roared, his shadow form diving into the ground. Malibu's heart was thumping faster than normal, shaking while struggling to stay in the air, flying to Cadence as much as possible but Sombra's form suddenly appeared, growling and blocking his way.

Malibu yelped out in fear, covering his eyes for Sombra's horn lit up to give him more of his fear magic. His terrible voice rang in his head. "So weak... afraid..." Sombra purred sickeningly, Malibu shaking his head in disagreement, the corners of his eyes slightly showing some of the purple smoke. From this he wound up dropping Spike and the Heart.

"NOOO!" Screamed Malibu when he snapped out of it, Spike falling too fast for him. "Spikey-Wikey!" Sobbed Rarity, covering her eyes. Turning, Malibu's eyes flashed his normal red, growling, horn lighting up.

He shot his magic at Sombra, who roared deeply, firing his magic that hit Malibu in the head, causing little dark crystals to cover his horn. Rainbow flew to grab Malibu after he fell, grunting a little but bringing him back to the balcony, Sombra laughing.

Just when Spike felt it was all over for them both, Shining Armor had thrown Cadence in his direction after she saw the Heart. And with the last of her strength, she grabbed Spike.

"Huh?!" Growled Sombra in surprise, the Crystal Ponies gasping in awe, watching the pink alicorn fly above them, even her heart cutie mark that looked like the Crystal Heart began to glow. "Behold! The Crystal Princess!" Called out a stallion.

Cadence landed, breaking the fake Heart. "The Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not." She commanded, levitating the Crystal Heart into the centerpiece, its rightful home once again. On the balcony, Malibu weakly opened his eyes, seeing Dash look at him in worry, those little black crystals giving him a headache. But he heard a whirring sound.

Gazing down, he saw the Crystal Heart back in its place, spinning rapidly, and it exploded a wave of Crystal magic onto the residents, making their pelts all shiny. The crystal wave reached him and his friends, his teal coat now all shiny too. And it even restored Malibu's horn along with Shining Armor's to normal. Rarity squealed in excitement.

The wave had also freed Twilight of her prison, where she saw it defeat King Sombra, hearing him shriek in agony and defeat, exploding into pieces back to the Arctic North for good, aurora borealis shining everywhere in Equestria.

Malibu breathed a sigh, gazing at his own shimmering pelt. They had won. The Empire was safe. But what about Twilight? Did she fail her test? Spike was looking at him nervously, for he feared he had taken Twilight's glory away while the Crystal Empire residents cheered for them both along with their new Prince and Princess.


The group all ventured back to the train, where after leaving the Empire their coats all returned to normal. Rarity sighed in disappointment. "I do so wish it was permanent. Did you see how my mane just absolutely sparkled?"

Applejack winked at her. "But... good things are better when they're a rarity." Rarity giggled at her comment, Malibu somewhat glad his pelt wouldn't be so shiny wherever he went. It just didn't suit him.

His eyes drifted to Twilight and Shining Armor who were talking about what had happened. "Everything's gonna be ok. You've gotta stop saving my rump like this. It's starting to get embarrassing."

Twilight moaned. "Wasn't me who saved you in the end. It was Spike and Malibu."

"It's just a test. Maybe she'll let you retake it," Shining Armor said cheerfully, Cadence slapping him a little. "I don't think she's gonna give me a new test," Twilight said sorrowfully.

Malibu's heart was feeling pity, wishing he had been more mindful of the booby trap while on the train ride back. They met with his mom again inside the castle.

"It's beautiful," Celestia commented at the borealis outside. Twilight's head was lowered as was Malibu's, knowing he would have to tell his mom about the fear Sombra showed him. "I wish it had been me who ultimately made it so. But it wasn't."

On the window was a stained glass image of Spike giving the heart to Cadence while Malibu fought against Sombra. Celestia herself was quite proud of him.

Celestia smiled. "Twilight, as I understand it, Spike and Malibu brought Princess Cadence the Crystal Heart because you weren't sure how quickly you could find a way to escape the tower. You weren't willing to risk the future of the citizens of the Crystal Empire in an effort to guarantee your own. Far better that I have a student who understands the meaning of self-sacrifice than one who only looks out for her own best interests."

Malibu perked up. It sounded like another letter message. "And does-does that mean she-we?" He stuttered. Celestia nodded.

They opened the door where the others waited. Malibu hung back while Twilight revealed she passed the test, the other 5 cheering. Celestia had a hoof on his shoulder. "Something troubles you, my son."

He turned around, tears showing. "S-Sombra showed me my greatest fear while in the Empire. I-I saw myself back in the lab of Sevarius where I was created, where he told me that my life here was just a dream and that you, and my friends, were just a false fantasy, not real. Are... are you sure that you're still real? And that I'm safe from them?"

Celestia had a hoof over her mouth, instantly going to give her son a wing hug. "I'm real, dear son. You can feel the warmth of my hug, right?" She wrapped him up gently in her wings, Malibu sniffling while snuggling into it. She was right. It was real. This place was real. And he was happy here.

After breaking apart, she nudged him gently. "Why not go join your friends home to Ponyville? They would love to have you." Celestia encouraged. Malibu nodded, saying goodbye then running out there.

The gang were all singing a song while going back onto the train.

"We'd knew for sure you'd prevail!" He heard Fluttershy sang, her voice filling his heart with joy.

"Since when does Twilight Sparkle ever fail?" Malibu now heard his marefriend sing, tears in his eyes, as he flew up seeing her on a cloud. Dash embraced him tight, the two landing. This was real for sure too.

Now all 8 of them sang.

"All those doubts that you can dismiss

Trust yourself and you cannot miss

Turns out you were


Turns out I was

(The 7 others)

Turns out you were


Turns out I was


Turns out you were...

(All 8 friends)

...prepared for this!"

Now they all relaxed on the train, Malibu feeling the breeze of the Equestrian wind in his mane. He never wanted to leave. Spike laughed. "Yeah. I knew everything was gonna be fine..." He moaned, sighing in relief.

The others agreed, glad that this big test was over, and ready to advance to the bigger ones.


The Crystal Empire was pretty fun to write! But get ready for the Pinkie Pie clones!

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