Royal Lessons: Magic Duel

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S3 E5 everypony! Sleepless in Ponyville is up next!


A rather calm sunny day was around in the peaceful land of Equestria. Malibu and Twilight had been practicing more of their magic skills, and Malibu himself could acknowledge that Twilight's own skills surpassed even him.

They were testing levitation magic on some of Fluttershy's animal friends while Fluttershy at first tried her best to calm them. "Don't be scared, little friends. Twilight's wonderful with magic," She said sweetly, until her tone changed when talking to Twilight. "Anything happens to them Twilight, so help me..." She growled in quite a fierce tone in Malibu's eyes.

"You know Twilight would never hurt them, Flutter." Malibu commented, trying to settle her. Spike grinned. "And Twilight's magic has gotten a lot better since she crushed me and Applejack with a giant snowball," He explained, Malibu wincing when recalling that moment when they did Winter Wrap Up.

Fluttershy then agreed, though she was still nervous. "Of course she's good with magic. Twilight's great with magic. I guess I just don't want my little friends to be scared. Oh, oh, look how scared they are!" She whimpered.

Malibu looked over to see the critters cheering, looking excited more than scared, making him laugh under his breath. "They don't seem scared to me," He said in a joking manner, Fluttershy whining and covering her eyes. "I promise, Fluttershy, nothing bad will happen to them," Twilight vowed.

"I know!" Squealed Fluttershy in a humorous high pitched tone.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, concentrating hard, taking some time to get the spell going which set Fluttershy off the edge. "Stop, stop! I can't take it!" She wailed. Rolling her eyes, Twilight began to levitate the animals into the air into a really cool pattern in the sky.

The animals chittered in happiness at being able to fly without wings, Malibu smiling at how adorable it was to watch it. Twilight had beads of sweat now on her head from it. "Wow, Twilight, that's awesome," Malibu complimented, after Twilight was done.

"Phew!" She said in exhaustion, the animals gathering around her for more. "That's all for now, little ones. Maybe we can practice again later, if Fluttershy says it's alright," Twilight offered, the animals going now to Fluttershy who was cowering the whole time.

Spike looked rather proud. "Your magic has really improved since the three of us came to Ponyville, Twilight. Princess Celestia's going to love it!"

Malibu himself was looking forward to his mom visiting Ponyville as well. "Thanks, Spike. I have to be at my best when she arrives with the delegates from Saddle Arabia. I can't believe she's trusting me with the entertainment."

The teal alicorn himself had never been to Saddle Arabia but hoped to one day visit that land, for he was always ever curious about all those lands beyond the ones he already knew. But that was when a rainbow streak suddenly landed, revealing Rainbow Dash.

"Dash, what's wrong?" He asked, for his marefriend looked worried. "Guys, come quick! It's an emergency! You won't believe who decided to come back!"

Malibu tilted his head. What could be causing trouble? He and the others ran back to the village, hoping it wasn't too serious. But it turned out it was, when Malibu saw a flash of red in the distance and heard Rarity.

"You beastly beast! This shade of brown should be only used for accents!" She sobbed, Malibu and Twilight arriving in the scene, seeing Rarity dressed in an ugly brown dress having fainted in Applejack's hooves.

Malibu glared in the direction of who did this. "What's going on here?" Twilight demanded.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't... Twilight Sparkle and the Prince!" Sneered a voice that Malibu knew from long ago, gasping in fear when recognizing the pony under the black hood. Trixie had returned and meaner than ever.

"Trixie!" Malibu growled, wings opened up in defense, eyes glowing as red as hers. Spike frowned. "What's she doing here?!" He snapped.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You call that great and powerful?"

Trixie grinned maliciously more so than normal, her horn glowing red along with a strange looking pendant around her neck; and caused Rainbow's left wing to grow bigger in size, having her go off balance in flight.

"Whoa! Yah!" Shrieked Dash in fear, Malibu's ears flat in fear for his special somepony. "Stop it! Leave her alone!" He shouted, stomping his hoof. Trixie simply cackled.

"Good spell, oh Great and Powerful Trixie!" Shouted out those two colts Snips and Snails. Trixie glowered. "You two, quiet!" Her magic made Snips and Snails's horns latch onto each other. "Uh, hey, what happened?" Yelped Snips.

"Get off of me!" Snails yelled, the two young colts running about in panic.

Twilight hated what Trixie was doing. "Stop picking on my friends, Trixie!" She snapped.

Trixie's smirk remained. "You and I have some unfinished business. My magic's gotten better since I was here last. And I'm going to prove it! Me and you, a magic duel. Winner stays. Loser leaves Ponyville, forever!"

Malibu gasped in horror from this. This was outright evil! "No way Twilight will do deals like that with you!" He said in anger. Trixie humped. "Then I guess I have something to convince her."

She used her magic, conjuring chains from mid air. Malibu's eyes rounded, seeing them tie up his wings and neck harshly, bringing him over next to Trixie. "Twilight... help!" Malibu yelled, trying to use his magic to escape but it was no use. She also made Spike turn into a ball, bouncing him around.

"Trixie, let them go!" Twilight demanded. Trixie merely laughed. "With him, I don't think so," She taunted, a hoof under Malibu's muzzle who growled.

"Don't touch me!" He snapped viciously, eyes glowing again, but saw up close the pendant she wore, though he didn't say anything in case Trixie did something worse.

Twilight didn't know why Trixie was behaving this way. "Why are you doing this?" Trixie bared her teeth. "Why? Because you humiliated me!"

From a surprising show of magic that Malibu himself had never seen, Trixie conjured up a flashback of what happened those years ago. "After you showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughing stock! Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized. I even had to take a job on a rock farm just to earn a living. A rock farm!" She bellowed, making Malibu angry for he knew who would be offended by that.

"Hey! You're lucky a rock farm would take in the likes of you!" Snapped Pinkie. Malibu grinned. You tell her, Pink! But it was short lived when Trixie did a spell to remove Pinkie Pie's muzzle somehow, and seeing her without one was enough to give Malibu nightmares for a while, seeing her looking down in sadness at losing her mouth.

Trixie's eyes flashed for a second. "Now, I want revenge! And I'll just keep casting spells and keep Malibu for myself until you agree!" She threatened, suddenly making the library levitate upside down, shaking out all of Twilight's beloved books much to Malibu's rage, who also saw Owlowiscious trying to catch them all.

"Well? What do you say?" Teased Trixie, her grin growing smuger while Malibu watched his friends in torment, his heart aching most for Rainbow. She shouldn't have a wing that big, and for Pinkie unable to eat because her mouth was missing, crying, Spike bouncing around still turned into a ball. "Help... me!"

Malibu looked at Twilight, his eyes desperate and wanting to get out of these chains. Twilight gritted her teeth before nodding. "Alright, Trixie. Let's duel!"

Trixie agreed. "Excellent!" She reversed all of the spells she did, minus Pinkie Pie and Malibu, who still had a missing mouth and Malibu was still chained.

Malibu strained in his bonds that were eretheal. "Ugh, let me... go!" He shouted, Trixie then slapping him hard. "Shut up, you! You have no say in this! This is between me and Twilight!" He felt his face sting, Twilight gasping from the physical assault.

"If I lose, I won't set hoof in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you're the one banished from this one-horse town!" Challenged Trixie, her grin growing bigger and eviler. the rest of the friends gasped in fright at this, especially Malibu. If she lost, he was gonna be Trixie's prisoner forever!

Twilight nodded, glaring as the two prepared themselves. "Draw!" Trixie started, shooting her red aura at a wagon full of apple barrels, nearly having it fall onto a mare named Shoeshine who cowered. Twilight caught it, landing it back to the ground, much to Malibu's relief.

Trixie next made some pies appear, throwing them in Twilight's way, Twilight gasping but then had an idea; using a spell to summon a parasprite out of thin air. Malibu smiled, for that was a clever spell. The parasprite ate the pies, next coughing out a second. Twilight grunted when making them now disappear.

Another spell she tried caused Trixie to grow a mustache, bringing back memories for Malibu who laughed. "Magic trick number 25," he said in undertones, Trixie using scissors she conjured, trimming her mustache.

"Snips, Snails, step forward," She commanded. The two colts trembled when coming up. "Wh-what is it, oh, Great and P-P-Powerful Trixie?" Stammered Snips, until Trixie shot a spell.

Malibu stared in fear when watching the spell lift the two in the air, and when they landed, Snips was now a baby, while Snails looked over 80 years old. But how?!

Twilight had gasped. "An age spell? But... how could you do an age spell? That's only for the highest level unicorns!" She demanded. Even Malibu himself couldn't do a spell like this despite being an alicorn. If he ever got free he would ask his mom where this aging spell came from.

Trixie grinned triumphantly. "Well, Twilight? Give up?"

Twilight then tried her best to undo the age spell, lifting them into the air again, Malibu hoping she could do it, his heart fluttering in fear. "Come on, Twilight, you can do it!" Spike encouraged. But then her horn fizzled out, exhausting Twilight to her limits in magic, having her fall to the ground.

Malibu's eyes rounded, fear of her losing pulsing inside. "Trixie is the highest level unicorn!" Trixie cackled, in a more evil way than Malibu remembered. She was cocky, not evil. "And now it is time for you to leave Ponyville. FOREVER" She roared.

His other friends went to Twilight's defense. "That's enough, Trixie!" Shouted Applejack.

Rarity nodded. "You proved your point, but you can't possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville!"

Trixie wouldn't listen to them. "You fools! She's already gone! And with that her magic lifted Twilight into the air, tossing her into the field outside of the town, Malibu's heart filled with fear and sadness, struggling in his chains as Trixie also caused a magic glass dome to cover all of Ponyville.

"Let me go, Trixie! If Twilight is banished then I am too!" He roared, eyes glowing, growling while he writhed hard in his bonds. Trixie glared at him, using her magic to hold him in its aura.

"And why do you wish to be banished? You and I can rule together here." She then purred, a hoof under his chin. Malibu pulled it away, growling.

"Never! I already have a special somepony," Malibu retorted back. Trixie narrowed her eyes. "So full of honor. Very well. But once you all lose, you shall be my mate," She threatened, undoing Malibu's chains and opening a hole in the glass dome. Malibu, glaring back after his enemy, took to the air, ready to fly out of here to find Twilight.

But upon reaching the hole, he saw his other 5 friends along with Spike who were now returning back to the town, seeing Malibu. "Malibu! Are you ok?" Rainbow asked, giving him a hug. He nodded. "Yes, but I have to get to Twilight to help her. I don't have long before the shield closes again," he said breathlessly.

Fluttershy whimpered. "We can't have another friend leave us," She sobbed, covering her eyes. Malibu smiled kindly at her, a hoof around her shoulder. "Don't worry, I promise we'll be back, and with a way to defeat Trixie. Did Twilight say anything to you before she left?"

Spike nodded. "Yes it was... to keep an eye on Trixie, and that there was something strange about her. We'll let you know if we find anything," He said.

Malibu breathed a sigh before nodding once more, turning to leave the hole that was slowly closing. The others watched in sadness as the hole finally closed. Malibu put a hoof on the shield, smiling lovingly at his friends, then taking to the air, hoping to find Twilight.

While soaring high above near the forest, Malibu figured if she couldn't contact Celestia, then she would have to find somepony else with magic knowledge. One in particular came to mind; Zecora, obviously! Malibu smiled, that's where he would go.

He flew towards the forest, soaring through the trees until finally coming across Zecora's tree house. Walking up to the door, he knocked.

The zebra answered, spotting him. "Oh, Malibu. You have escaped. But what brings you out this way?" Before Malibu could answer he was tackled by nopony other than Twilight Sparkle in a hug.

"Malibu! I'm so glad you got away!" She sobbed, burying her head into his shoulder in a sisterly hug. Malibu gingerly petted her back. "Me too. I had to convince Trixie to also banish me so I could find you."

Zecora then beckoned them all inside to discuss on what to do, even giving Malibu a cup of tea, which tasted rather good. "I don't know what to do, Zecora. I feel like we've abandoned our friends. But I can't take her on horn to horn," Twilight said in desperation.

Malibu nodded. "We need a plan to put her in her place. And to me, Trixie just seemed, off. Her eyes were red, not normal."

Zecora sipped her tea, frowning but then smiled. "If you train with me, I'll show you the way. To ensure she won't stay." She then suggested. It made Twilight look excited instantly. "You'll train me in magic? But she was doing age spells. Weather spells. You name it!" She accidentally knocked over Zecora's tea. Malibu watched in curiosity when she somehow refilled it with just one wave of her hoof over her cup.

"When it comes to magic, it would be tragic if somepony licked me, especially Trixie."

Twilight seemed hopeful now. "You really think I can beat her?"

Zecora nodded and Malibu spoke up. "I know this is only for Twilight, but I would like some lessons too. Since I was away from my mom, I've only had training with Twilight." He begged. The zebra smiled, chuckling. "Very well, little one. You will train as well."

"Ok! When do we start?" Twilight begged, knocking down the tea cup once more to Zecora's annoyance. Malibu felt excited at the idea of a zebra being able to train them with more magic that Celestia herself probably doesn't know.

Back at home however things weren't doing too well as Trixie made life more miserable for the rest of the mane 7 and all of Ponyville, Rarity wishing for Twilight and Malibu to come back.

When the training started, Malibu and Twilight were sitting, floating above a pool of water, lifting some of it in the air. Malibu strained while concentrating. It was much harder than they thought.

"Ah, no noise, no sound, no din, no fuss must interfere with your focus. Unlearn what you have learned. Only then can victory be earned." Zecora instructed.

Malibu gritted his teeth, struggling to let his inner emotions of stress out, taking deep breaths. But then suddenly, he heard Thailog's laugh in his head, making him lose focus, both he and Twilight yelping out and splashing into the pond.

Zecora shook her head. "There is much, much that I can teach, but the answers you both need may still be out of reach."

Twilight sighed while Malibu shook the water off of himself, feeling angry at having those inner demons get the better of him again. "I'm sorry, Zecora. We're trying our best, but... I can't stop thinking about Trixie. There was something different about her. It's like she's gone from high and mighty to mean and nasty."

Malibu's ears fell too. "And... I heard Thailog taunt at me in my head. I'm... I'm afraid of him coming back to try claiming me again," He admitted. Zecora gave him a pitying look.

"Your thinking needs a readjust. Total concentration is a must." She instructed, Malibu sitting down in shame. Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. "Thailog is gone, Malibu. I highly doubt we will see him again anytime soon," She assured. Malibu grinned halfheartedly.

"I hope so," He mumbled. "Let's practice more."

Back in Ponyville the other friends managed to uncover that Trixie had found the Alicorn Amulet that gave her uncontrollable power, and she was the only one who could take it off.

They all chose Fluttershy to deliver the message to Malibu and Twilight. She was rather nervous at first but was soon encouraged enough to go.

While Malibu was thinking quietly for himself outside of Zecora's house, his ears perked at a familiar sound; which sounded awfully like Fluttershy.

Gasping in surprise, he saw said pegasus who whimpered when the birds dropped her right in front of him. "F-Fluttershy?" He gaped. Fluttershy sobbed, running to hug him.

"I'm glad you were here! I got news for Twilight!" She choked. Malibu tried settling her. "Easy, it's ok. You can tell us what happened inside." He helped Fluttershy into the treehouse where she had tea to calm down.

Twilight had paced when hearing about the amulet, which rather stunned Malibu. How come his mom never told him about the Alicorn Amulet? "I can't believe I didn't recognize the Alicorn Amulet!" She said in frustration.

Fluttershy nodded. "And the more she uses it, the more it'll corrupt her. And she's the only pony who can take it off!" Malibu frowned. So that was why she seemed more evil than their last encounter.

"But how am I supposed to beat that amulet? My magic's not good enough," Twilight asked. Zecora mostly smiled. "Twilight Sparkle and Malibu, much work have you both done. You learned all of my lessons, all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must mix your magic and use the 6."

Twilight repeated the words under her breath until she realized what Zecora meant, beaming. "Zecora, you're a genius!"

Malibu blinked. "Uh... I'm confused," he said. The mulberry unicorn giggled. "I'll explain later. Now let's get you back inside of Ponyville, Fluttershy," Twilight said, writing down an instruction parchment.

"Thanks for your lessons, Zecora. I won't forget this," Malibu thanked, Zecora smiling and bowing. "Not at all, little one. Beat Trixie, for the good of all."


When they've figured out a plan to best Trixie, it was time to return back to Ponyville. Malibu was nervous but felt ready this time in case he had to help Twilight.

They approached the dome, hitting on it until Trixie came. Malibu narrowed his eyes when he saw that she was using Snips and Snails to pull her carriage. She gasped at the sight of them both. "YOU!"

Stepping closer to the glass, Trixie spoke in a muffled voice on the other side. "What's the matter, Twilight Sparkle? Not enjoying your exile? And how wonderful for you to come back as my mate, Malibu!"

Malibu growled. "I'll never be your mate, Trixie! I've already made the vow of love to Rainbow Dash!"

Trixie glared while Twilight spoke. "And we know about the Alicorn Amulet. We know you cheated."

"Cheated? Moi?" Trixie asked in fake innocence. Malibu didn't buy it at all. Twilight grinned. "Yeah. And I thought you might wanna see what a real magical amulet looks like!" She gestured to the green 'amulet' on her chest, making Malibu giggle but tried not to give their secret away.

"Zecora gave it to me. It's from beyond the Everfree Forest. And it's way more powerful than your measly little Alicorn Amulet!" She bragged.

Trixie laughed. "Ha! Nothing's more powerful than the Alicorn Amulet! And nopony's more powerful than the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Malibu shook his head. "Have you considered trying to go against my mom? Another alicorn, one who raises the sun?"

Trixie ignored his words while Twilight challenged her. "Care to put your amulet where your mouth is? How about another duel?"

"Why should I? I already beat you!" Trixie taunted.

Twilight shrugged. "That's up to you! But I guess you'll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the Everfree Forest! Come on, Zecora and Malibu!"

The blue unicorn panicked for a moment. "Wait!" She next removed the glass dome finally. "Ok, ok, you're on! A second duel!"

Malibu grinned mockingly. "Get ready to eat dirt, Trixie." He teased, Trixie growling at him, stomping back inside to the town.

For some reason there was a storm cloud above them too when Twilight faced off with Trixie again. Malibu figured Trixie must've conjured it with the amulet as he stood to the side, glaring just as hard, readying himself if he had to step in. But looking off to the side he even spotted the Mayor locked in a cage which shocked him in disgust that Trixie would do that.

"Let's start with a simple age spell, shall we?" Trixie suggested. Twilight nodded. "Lets."

"Snips! Snails!" Trixie called up, the two colts coming forward, being once again zapped, both now babies again. Malibu flinched. He hated that spell greatly, not wanting that done on him anytime soon.

Trixie smirked. "An oldie, but a goodie. Ha. Now let's see what your little charm can do!" She taunted, eyes glowing red again.

Twilight nodded. "No problem. Um, Applejack, Rarity? Could you help me, please?"

The two said ponies looked confused, Malibu wondering how Twilight was gonna pull this plan off. She zapped a basic light show spell, zapping the two into little fillies which looked rather familiar to Malibu, recognizing Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, making him smile inside.

Trixie's jaw had dropped when seeing Twilight somehow performing the spell after only a day but simply shrugged it off. "Oh, ho-hum. So you can do an age spell, big deal."

But Twilight wasn't done yet. She zapped the fillies, turning them back to normal, but then had Rarity stand on top of Applejack now. She zapped again, turning Rarity into a filly, zapping again and once again changing her back to normal, though Applejack was now old. After zapping one more time, they were back to normal again, Twilight finishing with the spell.

Malibu had been watching closely the whole time. Though it was hard to see in the smoke, he sometimes could barely see his friends switching places with each other in the background, making him glad they had all their friends to help out.

Trixie was now flabbergasted, unable to say anything. "That's... that's impossible!" She yipped.

Twilight grinned. "That's nothing!" She then turned her horn to Rainbow Dash. Malibu wondered what she would do. When Twilight zapped her next spell, which was pretty much the same smoke spell from before, now Dash had a clone of herself. But Malibu could instantly see that it was fluttershy, since her pelt was painted.

Rainbow grinned at the sight of her 'clone', both of them copying each other. Trixie blinked. "How... did you...?"

Twilight shrugged. "Duplication spell. Ever see one pony play ten instruments?" She sent her smoke mirror spell at Pinkie Pie, who began to somehow be able to play all those instruments at once without magic, which made Malibu smile. Pinkie sure was talented, recalling back when she did that one pony band trick on the parasprites.

Pinkie played her instruments around Trixie, taunting her while Trixie cowered, ears flat. "T-this can't be!" She whimpered.

But then Twilight had the weirdest 'spell' by far. "Ooh, one more. I can turn a mare into a stallion." She zapped her smoke spell towards Applejack who tried to run, until it then changed to Big Mac painted as her. "Eeyup," 'Male Applejack' said, until Twilight had them switch again. That really weirded Malibu out, glad that spell wasn't a thing. He wouldn't want to change himself into a female. He liked being a male.

Twilight smiled in triumph. "Well, Trixie, looks like my amulet is more powerful than yours—." Trixie wound up breaking off the amulet around her neck.

Trixie laughed maniacally. "With this amulet, I shall now rule all of Equestria!" Malibu trembled but watched with anxiety, seeing her take the Alicorn Amulet off finally. Trixie's evil laugh cut off instantly, her eyes changing back to their normal lavender color. He sighed in relief.

She put on the 'amulet'. "Witness, my subjects. Gaze upon an ever greater and 'powerful-er' Trixie!" Lightning flashed around her, but Rainbow took her chance, zooming down to grab the alicorn amulet out of her hooves.

"Hey!" Trixie started shouting before shrugging it off. "I don't need that old Alicorn Amulet. I have this!" She stated, turning her horn to Rainbow.

"No!" Yelled Malibu but to his surprise, Trixie's spell didn't do anything horrific except tickle Rainbow Dash. She couldn't stop laughing. "Stop it! Tha— that tickles!" She chortled, Trixie blinking in shock.

"Tickles!? But that was supposed to writhe in agony! This amulet is defective!" She tried zapping Rainbow again. "Give mine back!"

Dash shook her head. "Sorry. This is going back into hiding where it belongs!" She declared, placing the amulet into a box held by Zecora who would ensure nopony would ever get their hooves on it again.

Twilight leaned on Trixie, pointing to the fake amulet. "And by the way, Trixie? The amulet around your neck? It's one of Zecora's doorstops."

Malibu struggled to hold in his laugh when he saw the 'amulet' fall off, shattering. Trixie still couldn't speak. "But... how could you do those spells? Nopony can do those spells!" She yelped.

Both Twilight and Malibu nodded. "You're right. Not even me or Malibu, though he's a full alicorn. Zecora taught me so much about magic while I was in exile. She even taught me when not to use it. My magic alone wasn't powerful enough to take on the Alicorn Amulet head to head, so I needed to use a different kind of magic - the magic of friendship." She said, ending her words in a friendship letter way.

"And, we knew the only pony who could get the amulet off your neck was you," Malibu also added in. Trixie stared dumfounded but soon eventually came to accept it. she had one more question though. "But... what about the pony with ten instruments?"

Twilight laughed. "That's not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie," She said, gesturing to said mare still playing them without her mouth. Malibu was confused at how she was still able to breathe without it, the crowd cheering while Trixie backed away. However Malibu halted Trixie right in her tracks with his magic.

"Hold it, Trixie. you don't get off scott free after nearly hurting my special somepony," He growled. Trixie whimpered at the sight of his red glowing eyes.

"I-I suppose I got too carried away," She admitted in a shy voice, her confidence gone now. "Yeah, you really did. If you don't apologize, I can do worse than the alicorn amulet did!" He growled, Malibu feeling his gargoyle anger rising.

Trixie trembled all over before nodding. "Oh, please forgive me! I do feel bad now that the amulet isn't on me anymore!" She sobbed, closing her eyes. Twilight watched her, tilting her head, before soon nodding. "You can release her now, Malibu. I think she learned her lesson now."

The gargoyle clone still didn't like the idea of releasing somepony like her, but then reluctantly agreed, turning off his magic hold on Trixie who was shaking. "Alright. At least you were able to get the amulet off yourself, as long as you stay away from any kind of dangerous magic talismans," He warned her.

Trixie nodded. "I will, I will," She pleaded, before soon going off on her way to do some really serious thinking, Malibu next going to hug Twilight, glad that the ordeal was over and that they can now concentrate on entertaining those Saddle Arabian deligates that night.

Malibu suddenly felt Pinkie tap him on the shoulder, giving muffled shouts, pointing at her face. Concentrating, Malibu managed to reverse the spell Trixie did, giving Pinkie her mouth back, all of the friends relieved to be back to normal


In his room later that evening once the show was over and his mom had returned to Canterlot Malibu had pulled out his diary to ask her about the Alicorn Amulet which he decided not to bring up while they were feeling happy. He soon got this reply:

I do not know the origins of where the amulet came from, my son. all I know is that it was from an ancient evil alicorn who stored all of her magic into the talisman, leaving it to corrupt anypony who would find it and use its powers to gain alicorn strength. I am glad you were able to get it off of Trixie and to put it back into hiding, In hoping nopony else will use it.

Malibu swallowed, not wanting to think about who the alicorn was to create such an evil item, as he soon fell asleep after saying good night to his mom and sleep under his Aunt Luna's moon.


Soon, Luna will teach Malibu how to enter the dream realm when he becomes one of the new rulers of Equestria! And it was great writing Trixie again!

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