Royal Lessons: Sleepless in Ponyville

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S3 E6 Everypony! Wonderbolt Academy is up next!


In the CMCs clubhouse Malibu was hanging out with his little friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and playing chess with them until to his surprise Scootaloo burst in, looking rather excited, too excited.

"Hey, what's happening?" Malibu asked in curiosity. Scootaloo looked almost ready to faint.

"Just... the most awesome encounter with Rainbow Dash ever while I was scootering!" She gasped out. Malibu sat up, interested in hearing about it.

Scootaloo began telling her story of her scootering adventures. "...Then, all of a sudden, I'm airborne! And Rainbow Dash looks over and was like, 'nice moves, kid'."

The other two cmcs wowed at the compliment. Malibu felt happy about his special somepony being able to be great around little colts. Perhaps this would give him and her the chance to one day have their own children.

"She really said that?" He asked, a smile on his face. Scoot nodded. "I mean, it's like she practically told me she wanted to take me under her wing, teach me everything she knows, and become like my big sister!" The young filly said with a big smile.

But from that Malibu felt somewhat doubtful about something like that happening but decided to try keeping his hopes up for her. "It's really possible," Malibu said, smiling.

Sweetie Belle nodded though seemed unsure too. "It was a really nice compliment and all, but..."

Scootaloo smiled more again. "I know, I know. But all that stuff I said could happen, right?"

The other three looked at each other before agreeing simultaneously.

"I just need to find a way to spend some time with her, y'know. So she can see more of my awesomeness!" Scootaloo brought up next, watching Dash flying outside the clubhouse window. Malibu couldn't help but feel his heart race again as he watched her soar by.

Applebloom suddenly spoke up. "Well... Applejack and I are supposed to be campin' up at Winsome Falls this weekend. Maybe I could get my big sis to invite Rainbow Dash and then you could come too!"

Malibu perked up at that. Camping sounded rather fun. "Um, am I able to go?" He asked. Applebloom's ears flattened as she spoke.

"Er, uh, it is mostly a girls/sisters only kind of camping. Sorry about that Mal." Applebloom apologized. Malibu looked a little upset but nodded. "Sure, it's fine. I'm busy anyway," He said with a fake smile. "See you all later."

He turned to leave the clubhouse, rather downcast he couldn't spend time with Rainbow Dash this weekend like he hoped to, the cmcs looking rather sad for him not being able to come.


Malibu sighed when he entered the barn, seeing Applejack already packing up for the camping trip. She turned with a smile. "Hi, Malibu. This is gonna be the best weekend ever!" She cheered, throwing a cantine into the bag. Malibu nodded sulkily.

"Yeah. Best weekend ever. Have fun," Malibu muttered, going to walk up to his room to rest. Applejack's smile fell a little from his voice but shrugged, continuing to pack.

Soon, Malibu heard the two sisters leaving, pangs of loneliness already inside. He loved the rest of his friends but the most he got out of them all was Rainbow Dash.

To make things more depressing his mom was on a diplomatic meeting in the Crystal Empire with Cadence and there weren't any royal duties for him to do at all, so Malibu wouldn't expect any messages from his mom in his journal.

For some comfort at least Malibu had his bat Shadow who tried cheering him up by playing the 'My Little Pony' theme again, making him chuckle lightly, petting Shadow on the head.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, boy. Just have been feeling bored since the Trixie fiasco last week. I wish something more exciting would happen, y'know?" He muttered softly. Shadow chittered, his wings flapping slightly.

But then to Malibu's surprise; he heard a buzzing noise, which happened to come from his journal. How? His mom wasn't in Canterlot right now! Malibu picked up his journal and flipped it open, seeing words written down that wasn't his mom's hornwriting.

My dear nephew, you must come to Canterlot. It is important that we meet.

Malibu blinked, curious at what his Aunt Luna wanted him for at all. After writing a quick reply, he packed up some of his things. Granny Smith had come up to see him.

"What'ya packing fer, sonny?" Smith asked, her head tilted. Malibu looked up at her in ernest.

"It is my aunt. She wants me to see her. I may be gone for a little while," He explained.

The elder mare nodded. "Sure hope things are all good," She said, going back down the stairs again, Malibu lighting up his horn to teleport to Canterlot.

He appeared right inside the throne room, staggering, feeling slightly dizzy. Recovering himself, Malibu glanced about for Luna.

"I'm glad you could come." Turning around, Malibu spotted Luna there near Celestia's throne, a warm smile on her muzzle. Malibu grinned back, giving her a big hug which she returned.

"Why did you want me here, Auntie? Is there trouble?" Malibu wanted to know. Luna shook her head.

"Nothing is in trouble. But it is a matter concerning when I eventually one day step down. You remember when I visited you in your dream while you were sick, yes?" Luna questioned, a hoof under his chin.

Malibu nodded. "I do. Is this... something to do with the dream realm stuff you've mentioned?" He suddenly felt nervous.

The indigo alicorn gave another nod. "For sure. We start your lessons today on how to enter the dream realm." Malibu's eyes popped in disbelief.

"I-I don't know if I'm ready for this!" He stuttered out of his nerves. Luna put her hoof under his chin gently. "I know. But we need to do them early so you will one day be ready." She said.

Malibu swallowed but soon agreed. "Ok." He replied.

"But for now rest until we are able to enter the dream realm." Luna said gently. Malibu couldn't help the smile, knowing too that everypony wasn't asleep yet and it was only 3:00 in the afternoon.

On his way to his old room in the castle Malibu wound up coming across a familiar face; Screwball. She smiled at the sight of him.

"Hi, Mal! I'm glad to see you again! What are you doing here?" She asked in curiosity, giving him a tight hug. Malibu knew he had to tell Screwball what was going on.

"Luna is going to show me how to protect ponies in their dreams in case I one day have to rule Equestria," he revealed to the chaos filly.

Screwball's swirly eyes widened and sparkled. "Oh wow! Maybe we will see each other in one of my dreams!" She said, jumping up and down, her propellor hat spinning.

Malibu grinned. "Maybe." He said, chuckling at her enthusiasm. "Luna says I have to rest since apparently the dream realm can really tire you out."

"Alright. I'll see you later then. But still happy you came back!" Screwball waved in her cheerful voice. Malibu nodded at her as he returned to his old room. He hadn't stayed in it since the wedding and was happy to see his bed again, climbing onto it, wondering what kind of camping activities Dash and the others are doing now, falling into a light snooze after snuggling into his bed covers.


In the evening Luna came into Malibu's room to wake him up for his first lesson, smiling softly at the sight of her nephew sleeping soundly. She gave him a gentle tap on his shoulder, making Malibu blink and open his eyes drowsily.

"What... whaz going on?" He slurred, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Luna chuckled. "It is time for your lessons to begin, dear nephew. Follow me," she said mystically, having Malibu slip out of his bed, trotting next to her, feeling more awake now and somewhat excited/nervous.

They soon arrived in Luna's room and went out onto her balcony, Malibu seeing lights in the town of Canterlot going out as ponies turned in for the night.

"This spell is difficult for first timers. Even I had trouble my first time," Luna began to explain, Malibu's nerves reaching an all time high, heart fluttering. "I just hope I can do it," He said shakily.

Luna gave him a gentle wing hug. "You will. Here is the spell you need." She levitated a piece of paper with fancy words on it in Malibu's direction. Swallowing, Malibu lit up his horn, doing his best to concentrate hard on the spell, gasping and wincing when losing focus, mostly from him thinking about Rainbow Dash.

The indigo alicorn shook her head slightly but still smiled. "I didn't get it on the first try either, you don't need to be embarrassed."

Malibu blushed red. "Not sure I'm ready to cast this spell by myself yet. Maybe, maybe you can do it first?" He questioned. Luna inclined her head, agreeing, starting to do the spell herself, the gargoyle clone gazing in amazement while he stayed close, the spell encasing both himself and Luna.

Everything went pitch black at first; the backgrounds fading away and soon, Malibu felt himself floating in a strange ethereal world where weird bubbles showing other ponies inside them floated by.

"Wow!" Malibu gasped, a smile of amazement on his face, Luna chuckling inside at his amazement, normally not having anypony to be amazed with her nighttime and dream powers. "Now we have to find the first pony to help in their nightmares."

Malibu glanced about, studying the dream bubbles. So far, everypony seemed quite fine until to his surprise, one bubble had one familiar filly in it, which happened to be Scootaloo. What could be happening with Scootaloo on their camping trip for her to have nightmares?

Luna floated the bubble over in their direction, Malibu watching what was happening inside. Scootaloo appeared to be running away from what looked like an old pony that had only three hooves.

"Who got my rusty horseshoe?" The old mare asked raspily, Scootaloo sobbing while she ran. At one point she backed into a tree, thinking that it was a monster, jumping but was glad that it was only a tree. Turning around, her eyes widened and she screamed, causing the nightmare bubble to eventually pop and fade away, Malibu pulling back in surprise.

"What was that all about? And that was a quick nightmare," Malibu pondered to Luna who lowered her head. "This young filly had been struggling lately, from what I have seen in her earlier dreams. I know sooner or later we will be able to help in her nightmares."

Malibu somewhat agreed but for the moment they were able to move into other dreams through the doors Luna had in the dream realm, ensuring that they were safe. He couldn't help but smile when seeing Lyra and Bon Bon together in Lyra's dream, sitting on a bench and having a picnic.

Soon, the night was up, and Malibu yawned when they exited the Dream Realm. Luna put another hoof under his chin. "You did well, Malibu. The next time we enter the Dream Realm we shall try helping your Crusader friend," She said gently, Malibu grinning sleepily, going to sleep. If this was what Luna did every night, this was surely going to be quite the risk of his sleep to take this on.


The next night Malibu was trying once again to do the Dream Realm spell. He at first couldn't do so again but once Luna gave him encouragement, his horn lit up more, gritting his teeth, then finally, to his surprise; the surroundings switched, seeing the dream bubbles and doors again. A smile appeared on his face.

"I did it, Aunt Luna! I did it!" He cheered, doing a happy flip while he was floating. Luna felt tears of happiness, glad her nephew was able to pull it off.

"That was wonderful, Nephew Malibu. Shall we now find Scootaloo?" She asked.

Brooklyn's clone nodded eagerly, glancing about for Scootaloo's dream bubble. He could suddenly hear her scream more so than she did in the previous nightmare, watching her running from what looked like the Headless Horse from that story Twilight told him, AJ and Rarity in the sleepover they had together.

Scootaloo cried out in fear, cowering, the Headless Horse growing closer and closer, Malibu knowing now they had to come into the dream, glancing at Luna who agreed, making the bubble into a door, gesturing to Malibu for both him and her to go in.

Right as they entered into this dream; Malibu could hear Scootaloo wailing out; "It's all over!" She squealed in hysterics, seeing her covering herself.

Luna then spoke. "A warm welcome to you, Scootaloo," She greeted, using her magic to remove the Headless Horse. Malibu landed, going to ensure his little friend was alright. "Are you ok?" He asked. Scootaloo was surprised at seeing him.

"Malibu? I thought you two were the Headless horse!" She said, finishing with a happy sigh.

Luna smiled. "You were mistaken. But I hope not disappointed."

Scootaloo shook her head. "You and Malibu are so, so much better than the Headless Horse. But how are both you and Malibu in my dream? Shouldn't he still be in Sweet Apple Acres and you in Canterlot?"

"I am the Princess of the Night. Thus it is my duty to come into your dream. And Malibu is being taught of protecting others such as yourself from nightmares when one day I have to step down. So this is one of his many lessons I would teach."

Scootaloo couldn't help but be a tad jealous. "So cool! But, wait, this really is a dream? But it feels so real!" She tried touching them but her hoof bounced off an invisible wall, Malibu feeling a small drum beat that could be her heart.

"I assure you, that you are asleep. But when you awake, the thing that frightens you most will still exist." Luna stated.

Scootaloo lowered her head. "Eh... the Headless Horse?"

Malibu raised his brow. "Is that really your biggest fear, Scoot?" He then asked. The purple haired filly shook her head. "I'm afraid that Rainbow Dash will find out I'm not as tough as she thinks I am."

"What happened?" Malibu pondered, sitting down next to his friend who swallowed. "I-It all stared with me being scared of the dark then-then Rainbow telling spooky campfire stories. She doesn't even know I'm a scaredy pony," She replied, tears in her eyes.

Malibu wiped them away. "If you ask me, Rainbow would probably be proud and think you're brave if you can admit your fears to her," He advised gently.

Luna agreed. "Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue," She said in a style of a friendship letter.

Then the wind rustled, Malibu seeing the dream area beginning to fade away, Luna beckoning him to fly back to the dream door. Scootaloo gazed upwards at their exit. "Face your fears!" Luna yelled out, the dream finally disappearing, the door closing shut.

Malibu panted, a hoof over his chest. That was quite the experience alright. Luna looked quite pleased at what he did in the dream. "You did well, my nephew. Though this will be of many challenges you will face to one day be the protector of dreams," She said to him.

The clone swallowed, but did his best to look brave. "I will strive my best to pass my later lessons Auntie, I promise to protect them," He stated, soon feeling Luna giving him a gentle wing hug again that he leaned into.


On their final night of having lessons, Malibu and Luna entered the dream realm again, Malibu seeing Scootaloo's dream that he wanted to go into one more time. Luna followed, wanting to see too if Scootaloo had conquered her fears.

The Olden Pony had cornered Scootaloo again, and she flinched up. "Who got my rusty horseshoe?" She growled in a sinister manner.

Malibu was about to step in again but Luna kept him back, seeing that Scootaloo was about to stand up for herself. A new voice spoke however that was familiar.

"Here it is, for pony's sake. Now take it and stop all your moaning!"

It was Rainbow Dash, throwing the horseshoe at the Olden Pony. She took it and smiled crookedly. "Thank you, and have a nice day!"

Malibu blinked, wondering what happened but smiled at the sight of Rainbow Dash again, looking forward to seeing her in the real world when she gets back from camping. Dream Dash hugged Scootaloo, who noticed the duo in the trees.

Luna giggled, winking at the filly while Malibu waved at her. Scootaloo smiled back, knowing now she didn't have to be afraid anymore.


Malibu was now back at Sweet Apple Acres again after his first lessons went well successfully, somewhat happy to be back at the quiet farm once more and to have normal sleep.

But then from the distance on the path he spotted Applejack and Applebloom along with the others coming back. Rainbow Dash flew above them, Scootaloo riding on her back.

"Rainbow!" Malibu greeted up towards them in happiness, running out to welcome them all home.

Dash set down her new 'sister', also racing to her special somepony, giving him a big wing hug, Malibu doing the same thing, nuzzling each other.

The CMCs cringed from the sight, remembering the love poison experience and still weren't fans of them making gross love at each other.

"How was the trip?" He asked. Rainbow shrugged. "Was cool, you should've seen Winsten Falls. They were awesome!"

Malibu beamed. "I hope I can see them if I'm invited on the next camping trip." Dash punched him lightly. "For sure you can come! It will make it more exciting!

The teal alicorn then saw Scootaloo running over, her eyes bright with excitement his way. Rainbow was confused. "Uh, why are you so excited?" She asked.

"Because I saw Malibu and Princess Luna in one of my dreams!" She squealed, jumping up and down. "Luna's teaching Malibu how to fight against nightmares!"

The rainbow pegasus was stunned. "Really?" She asked in surprise. Malibu nodded, blushing.

"Luna figured it wasn't too late for me to learn, I suppose. But the Dream Realm was pretty cool," he admitted. Scootaloo also had more to say. "And, Rainbow Dash and I are now pretty much adopted siblings!" She squealed, jumping up and down. happiness flooded through Malibu. "Wow, congrats!" Malibu said, ruffling her hair, Rainbow Dash blushing now but still smiling.

Then he had a question. "C-can we... hang out again together soon? I really did miss you," He said softly, pawing the ground.

Dash pecked him on the cheek. "For sure, Malibu. I would love that," She said, the special some ponies now going to Rainbow's house to catch up and just be together.


Luna teaches Malibu how to enter into the Dream Realm, which will happen again in episodes like For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls and Bloom and Gloom.

Not exactly 5,000 words like I usually do but hope it is a long enough chapter! Malibu will soon see Spitfire again and meet Lightning Dust!

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