Royal Lessons: Magical Mystery Cure

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S3 Finale everypony! Equestria Girls the first movie is up next!


The rooster crowed one morning at Sweet Apple Acres, causing Malibu to blink his eyes open, yawning and stretching. He was looking forward to just having a normal day in Ponyville after that stressful time in the Crystal Empire.

"Another morning in Ponyville awaits," Malibu said with a smile, jumping out of bed, going to brush his bushy mane as much as possible. He soon went down to have his breakfast, expecting Applejack to wait for him and making pancakes. But when he got down; it was Big Mac there making them, his face looking a little concerned.

Malibu was confused. "Hey, Big Mac. Where's AJ? I thought she was the one doing breakfast."

Big Mac looked over. "Nope." He replied in his quiet manner. Applebloom went up to him. "If you want to talk to anypony, find Pinkie Pie. She's out in the fields bucking apples for our applesauce."

Now that greatly confused him. Why would Pinkie Pie bother doing that when she had her responsibility in Sugarcube Corner? Nodding, Malibu ventured out of the barn, hearing grunts of excursion from the fields. Definitely Pinkie's voice too.

Frowning Malibu trotted over to where the sounds were and finally spotted Pinkie Pie. But she looked quite different. She was still pink, but didn't have that poofy mane anymore. Her face was also very glum.

"Pinkie!" Malibu called out, waving. She looked over, bags under her eyes. "Hi sugarcube."

Malibu halted in his tracks. Only Applejack said that phrase. What was going on? "Why aren't you helping at Sugarcube Corner? And have you seen Applejack?"

Pinkie blinked. "What do you mean? I'm doing what I have been doing since I first got my cutie mark." She looked over to her rear end. Malibu's eyes trailed over and instead of seeing the balloons, he saw three red apples. Applejack's mark.

A wave of cold disbelief flooded him. What in the world had happened since he fell asleep?! What sort of magic would do something this dangerous?!

"T-This isn't right, Pinkie Pie. Y-you're not your true self!" Malibu said, stepping back in nervousness.

Pinkie Pie just looked at him once, then turning away. "I got to go get the eggs from the chicken coop. See you around sugarcube." She walked away in her Pinkamena manner, Malibu staring in despair after her. He needed Twilight she would know how to fix this!

Malibu ran as fast as possible, soon taking to the air. But at one point while flying he felt something off about it. He at first felt boiling hot then the next was freezing, snow coming down when it wasn't winter yet, and even a rainstorm nearby. He looked up at the clouds, which looked like some kind of pattern. Where was Rainbow Dash?!

His eyes looked about until he saw Twilight running with Spike in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Malibu zipped down, landing and running with her. "Twilight, where are you going? I have a problem back at Sweet Apple Acres!"

Twilight glanced at him. "You think you have problems? Rarity has Rainbow Dash's cutie mark and said this was Rainbow Dash's cottage!"

That sent a cold wave of shock in Malibu. Yet another one of his friends that had a different cutie mark. He wondered if Discord was up to his old tricks again, not really reformed, but then remembered Screwball would probably keep him in line.

"This is a weird day," Malibu said weakly as Twilight knocked on the door, animal noises coming from the cottage. The door opened, revealing Rainbow, her face all sad. "Hey guys."

Twilight's eyebrows furrowed. "Rainbow Dash, why is Rarity doing your job?" A loud crash came as an answer, Malibu seeing his special somepony going back in.

The two pushed the door open, all three seeing what was happening inside. "And what is all that... noise...?!" Malibu asked, his ears flat at the sight of the animals not looking so calm, Rainbow trying to detain them.

"These animals don't listen, no not one little bit

They run around out of control and throw a hissy fit

It's up to me to stop them, 'cause plainly you can see

It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me."

Malibu eyed Dash's flank, seeing Fluttershy's cutie mark there. This was too chaotic for him to consume. First Pinkie, then Rarity, then Rainbow. Who was next?

Twilight, Spike and Malibu next went to Sugarcube Corner where now Fluttershy resided, trying to make everypony there laugh.

"I try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon their face

But no matter what I try, it seems a bit of a disgrace

I have to entertain them, it's there for all to see

It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me"

Malibu and Twilight glanced at each other, more despair filling their bodies when going next to Sweet Apple Acres. Malibu pointed to Pinkie. "Here was the problem I saw this morning," He said in an exhausted tone.

Pinkie looked like she was really struggling out there.

I don't care much for picking fruit and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot

No matter what I try I cannot fix this busted water chute!

I've got so many chores to do, it's no fun being me

But it has to be my destiny, 'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me."

Over at Carousel Boutique, they caught Applejack trying to make dresses but doing them rather badly. Malibu felt sad watching her stressing out.

"Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress

I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress

Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess?

My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is tellin' me."

Finally, to end the chaos, the trio found themselves watching Rarity trying her best to maintain the weather, looking rather worn down from it.

"I'm in love with weather patterns but the others have concerns

For I just gave them frostbites over top of their sunburns

I have to keep on trying, for everyone can see

It's got to be what my cutie mark is telling me!"

Rarity then wandered off away from them, her eyes lowered to the ground. Malibu knew she could only be happy with her own cutie mark, not his special someponie's.

Soon they ran back to the Golden Oaks library where Twilight was panicking bigtime, trotting about. "This is bad. This is very very bad!"

Spike himself was confused. "What's going on?! Why is this happening?!"

Malibu looked at him. "I don't know either. But how come you and me aren't affected Twilight?"

Twilight tapped her chin. "This... this is going to take explaining. While Spike was taking one of his seven hour bubble baths, I got a special delivery from your mom. It was one of Star Swirl's old spells that she asked for me to finish. So when I cast the spell so I can find out what happens, nothing seemed to happen."

Malibu turned to the book on the table, reading the spell in it. From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.

"That's a weird spell." Malibu complimented, but then Twilight looked to the Elements in the building and aside from his and Twilight's, the others had changed colors.

"But now I know something did happen! The spell has changed the Elements of Harmony! That must be why their cutie marks are all wrong!" Twilight gaped in sadness. Malibu swallowed. Now that was a big mess up indeed, glad he wasn't affected. Maybe because he was an alicorn changed from a gargoyle and not a pony from birth.

Spike had a suggestion. "So just cast a counterspell to switch them back!"

Twilight flipped through Star Swirl's book in earnest. "Mm. There is no counterspell!" That wasn't good to Malibu. He didn't want his special somepony to be changed forever by some stupid spell! Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Then, perhaps you can use that memory spell?" He asked but Twilight shook her head.

"It's not their memories, Mal. It is their true selves that have been altered."

"Zecora's cure for the cutie pox?" Spike asked once more, Twilight moaning and closing the book.

"That won't work either!" She sobbed, sitting down. Malibu's ears fell a little, coming up to her.

Spike put a claw on Twilight's shoulder. "Hey, maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe our friends will grow to like their new lives."

Twilight shook her head more. "No, Spike. They're not who they are meant to be anymore. Their destinies are now changed. And... it's all my fault."

Malibu swallowed a sad lump in his throat just from hearing Twilight blaming herself. He didn't quite know what to say after that, seeing her going up to her room, Spike watching, eyes watering. If this wasn't fixed, Ponyville would be ruined.

The former gargoyle walked gently up the stairs, hearing Twilight sing softly, looking out the window.

"I have to find a way

To make this all ok

I can't believe this small mistake

Could've caused so much heartache

Oh why, oh why?

Losing promise

I don't know what to do

Seeking answers

I fear I won't get through... to you

Oh why, oh why?

Malibu's eyes moistened, his wings and ears low, Spike joining him. Malibu knew inside he would do anything to get Rainbow her true special talent back. He sat on the bed with Twilight, hugging her gently. She leaned into his hug. "Oh, Malibu and Spike. What have I done?" She whimpered in a quaky tone.

Twilight continued to stare out the window at the depraved weather, until Spike suddenly offered words of encouragement. "Aw, come on, Twilight. You'll figure out a way to fix this. These are your friends."

Malibu grinned too, though his ears were still fallen. "I agree with Spike. We all will help."

The mulberry unicorn got off from the bed, going over to look at a portrait of herself and her 6 pony friends. "You're right guys. They mean more to me than anything. My... friends."

But to Malibu's surprise he saw Twilight beginning to glow her Element color violet. He and Spike both had to shield their eyes. "Uh, Twilight? Are you alright?" Spike asked in confusion.

Twilight's eyes suddenly had her cutie mark in them, an idea in her head. "I got it! I know what to do!" She cheered. Malibu's ears shot up in happiness. Soon they would have their friends back!

"You really do?" Malibu pressed as Twilight pulled out the elements, putting them in their original case. "I may not be able to remind them of who they are, but I can show them what they mean to each other. They'll find the part of themselves that's been lost so they can help the friend they care about so much! Come on guys!"

Spike and Malibu both nodded. "Right behind you!" They just prayed this would really fix things.

While running out they spotted Fluttershy at a hot air balloon, paying Cherry Berry some bits. "Fluttershy, wait!" Twilight yelled out. Malibu halted when he nearly ran into a grumpy mare who glowered at him. They really needed Pinkie Pie back.

"Hey, what's going on? Where are you going?" Malibu questioned in worry, seeing how sad Fluttershy was. "I'm moving back to Cloudsdale. I don't know what's wrong but, I can't seem to make anypony laugh." In a showcase she presses down on a whoopie cushion.

The trio looked at one another in confusion from that. "Before you go, I was wondering if you might be willing to help Rainbow Dash? She's really struggling with her animals," Twilight offered, a sly grin on her face.

Fluttershy rubbed her hooves. "But... I don't really know anything about animals."

Malibu had a wing on her. "But... you do know Rainbow." He put in. It caused Fluttershy's eyes to shine.

"I... know that she's a true friend. And I'll do anything I can to help her!"

"That's the spirit!" Malibu praised, as they led her to the cottage. There was a sudden banging and crashing sound from inside.

Twilight knocked. "Rainbow Dash!" She yelled, opening the door.

"I'm in here! Help! I'm trapped!" Rainbow Dash shrilled. Malibu went in, and his eyes rounded at the sight of his special somepony trapped in a cooking pot; the animals marching around it, holding forks and spoons. What happened while they were gone?

He was about to help but Twilight kept him back. Fluttershy stared. "Hurry, Twilight, Malibu! Can't you two do some sort of spell to get her out?" Fluttershy squeaked.

Malibu then knew, feeling guilty he hadn't been the one to save her but knew the action would be pointless and Fluttershy wouldn't go back to normal. He shook his head. "No. Even this is out of my league Flutter. You're the only one who can help."

Fluttershy was rather scared until Twilight spoke. "Rainbow Dash needs you!"

The yellow pegasus gulped, before going over timidly, beginning to speak to them. "Um... hello? Little woodland creatures?" She looked at Hairy the bear walking about crazily before continuing. "I know that you're all very upset and feel like giving Rainbow Dash a hard time, but we'd all really appreciate it if you'd calm down and maybe... rest for a bit?"

It wound up having the animals slow down in their actions, looking at her in surprise. Twilight and Malibu both grinned at each other. "Oh, uh, look! Here's some nice, juicy leaves for you to munch on!" She laid out some lettuce for the rabbits. "And some crunchy, munchy acorns too!" Fluttershy next went over to the animals around the cauldron. "Wouldn't you like to take a break and have a little snack?"

The otter shrugged at those words, going to have some of the nuts. Even the bear ate some too. Fluttershy smiled warmly. "Aww, look at that. I guess you were all just cranky because you were hungry." Angel turned, looking pleased to see Fluttershy come back, hopping into her hooves. "You are very welcome little friends..." Fluttershy thanked until being taken up in Hairy's arms who gave her a kiss.

Malibu watched carefully and started seeing an orange glow around Fluttershy now. "Goodness! I think I can understand them!" Twilight pulled out Fluttershy's element quickly. "I... I feel strange, like... this is what I'm meant to do, like this is who I am! My destiny!" She flew into the air, birds circling around her.

Twilight put on the necklace, which had Fluttershy look down at it, and suddenly flashbacks of her life appeared in just a few seconds. A flash of light happened, lowering her down to the ground.

Malibu and Twilight both checked on her. "Wha... what happened?" Fluttershy asked groggily.

"Fluttershy look! Your cutie mark!" Twilight gasped in joy. Malibu saw the butterflies back in their rightful spot. It sent a wave of happiness through him, giving her a hug. "I'm so happy you're back to normal!" He cried in tears.

Twilight turned to go to the door. "Now we need your help!" She said in a determined voice. The two mares began to sing.

"A true, true friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help you see

A true true friend helps a friend in need to see the light

That shines from a true true friend"

They heard Rainbow Dash call out. "Uh, hello? Friend trapped inside, remember?" Malibu quickly ran over, using his magic to pull her out and untie the ropes, beginning to sing himself.

"Rarity needs your help

She's trying hard doing what she can"

They went outside, Rainbow Dash seeing the chaotic weather around him and how stressed Rarity looked, her mane not quite so fabulous anymore.

Fluttershy smiled encouragingly.

"Won't you try, just give it a chance

You might find that you start to understand"

Malibu nudged Rainbow up into the air where he followed, demonstrating a cloud kick to her. Dash's eyes brightened in curiosity, trying it out herself, and realization flooded in her.

Rainbow Dash began flying about, clearing the sky of the clouds, Rarity looking upward to see what was happening.

"A true true friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help them see

A true true friend helps a friend in need

To see the light, that shines from a true true friend"

Now Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark back from the Element around her neck, rubbing her head painfully. "Uh... what just happened?" Malibu gave her a kiss on the cheek that she happily returned. This was the moment he had waited for.

Twilight shook her head. "There's no time to explain, but we need your help. Applejack's trying to make dresses!"

Dash looked horrified at that idea, willing to snap her out of it. "Say no more!" They ran into Carousel Boutique with Rarity, who was unsure about this. Applejack herself was just about ready to be put into a tizzy, crying at all the bad dresses she was making.

"Applejack needs your help,

She's trying hard, doing what she can

Would you try, just give it a chance

You might find that you'll start to understand"

Rarity gave a warm smile to Applejack, levitating some fabric out to try sewing some dresses herself, Applejack backing away, looking rather confused. The four other friends began singing now.

"A true true friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help them see

A true true friend helps a friend in need

To see the light that shines from a true true friend."

The white unicorn's eyes lit up from the flash backs after her Element was put on her, her diamond cutie mark reappearing finally. She rubbed her head. "Oh my, what a terrible dream I had!" Rarity glanced at one of Applejack's bad dresses, the orange earth pony smiling awkwardly. "Or, maybe I'm still having it."

Malibu ran to her, worrying now for Pinkie Pie and his adopted home. "Rarity, Pinkie Pie's about to lose the Apple farm. We need Applejack's help!"

Rarity gasped, a hoof on her chest. "Lose the Apple farm? Well we can't let that happen now, can we?"

The five of them began trotting over quickly to the farm, Rarity beginning to sing her part:

"Pinkie Pie is in trouble

We need to get there by her side

We can try to do what we can now

For together we can be her guide!"

At the farm Pinkie winced while struggling to hold up a pipe falling down. Applejack instantly rushed over, pushing it into place for her. Pinkie gave a happy smile at her savior, Malibu relieved they didn't have to worry about the pipe breaking anymore. Soon, Applejack began to go around, ensuring the farm was in proper working order by doing fields, and repairing the farm.

"A true true friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help them see

A true true friend helps a friend in need

To see the light, that shines from a true true friend!"

Applejack had her Element back on now, surrounded by her family, as she jumped for joy having her cutie mark return. "Yee-haw! Now that's more like it! What's next?" She asked turning to the others.

Twilight was concerned. "The townspeople are furious. We need the old Pinkie Pie back!"

Applejack nodded. "I'm on it. I know just the thing!" She took Pinkie Pie on her back, Malibu and the others following. They were so close to having them all be back to normal!

"The townspeople need you

They've been sad for a while

They march around, face a-frown

And never seem to smile

And if you feel like helpin'

We'd appreciate a lot!"

Pinkie began smiling, glowing green, as Applejack thrust on her Element and joke glasses, pushing her to the bridge.

"If you get up there and spread some cheer

From here to Canterlot!"

Malibu beamed when seeing Pinkie Pie's mane grow poofy once more, tossing off the glasses, smiling widely. "Come on, ponies! I wanna see you SMILE!"

"PINKIE!" The whole town cheered, welcoming their party pony back. The friends had done it.

The town celebrated by doing a parade, singing the ending of the song. The. Mane 7 marched at the front, Malibu singing his heart out.

"A true true friend helps a friend in need

A friend will be there to help them see

A true true friend helps a friend in need

To see the light! (To see the light!)

That shines! (That shines!)

From a true, true friend!"

The 7 friends got together in a hug, Twilight levitating them into the air in a celebratory way. Malibu gave Rainbow a kiss on her lips as well that she returned. This was the best day of his life, considering what they've all been through in the past.

But then there was a moment where Twilight had a sudden revelation after a few minutes, a spark in her eyes. She gasped. "Wait a second! That's it! I understand now! I know how to fix the spell!"

Malibu blinked. "Really?" He asked, impressed. She nodded. "Come on!"

The group ran back to the library where Twilight opened the book, writing it down. The other ponies stood around along with Spike.

"From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"

She marked the end of the spell with a period, closing the book, grinning proudly. Malibu felt ready to cry at the idea his best friend actually completed a spell.

But then Malibu saw Twilight's crown sent a wave of magic that made him and the others be pushed away. Confused Malibu next felt a buzzing from his pendant. A wave of rainbow colors from each one came out, startling the 6 of them, sending a wave of light around Twilight.

"Twilight!" Malibu shouted, trying to step forward, even taking off his own pendant but it wouldn't budge, and the force field wouldn't let him near. He had to shield his eyes when the light flashed even further, before it was soon gone.

Blinking them open, Malibu felt really worried and wondered what happened. "You all alright?" He asked his friends who nodded. But there was one who was no longer with them. In Twilight's place in the room was a burnt mark that looked like her cutie mark.

"NO!" Malibu roared in anguish, tears coming down his face, thinking the Elements had killed her. He ran over, looking around. Maybe this was just a nightmare! "Where did she go?!" Yelled Applejack in fear.

It took them all afternoon into the evening to find Twilight. It was like she had vanished into thin air with no trace. But Twilight couldn't be dead. Could she?

Malibu ran and flew around Ponyville, his face worked into a tizzy trying to find her. He asked everypony in the town too but no pony had seen Twilight.

Around 8:00, he felt like giving up. His mane was a mess, and he hardly ate a thing he was so worried, even forgetting to message his mom. The group met up near the library, looking just as scared as he was.

"Did anypony find her?" Applejack asked. The others shook their heads while Malibu's tears fell non stop.

Applejack noticed, going over. "Hey, sugarcube. Don't paralyze yourself. You'll get sick," She said gently, wiping his tears like how a mom would. Malibu hiccuped, allowing her voice to calm him down.

"S-Sorry. I-I just don't want her to be... be dead," he sniffled. The others felt solemn, sitting down close to Malibu to comfort him.

"We all feel the same way," Fluttershy said softly, not wanting to lose Twilight either.

Malibu's ears suddenly were filled with an explosion sound, startling him. His jaw dropped when he saw a sky phenomenon that looked like Twilight's star cutie mark. "Look!" He shouted, the rest of them turning around and gasping out loud.

The cutie mark image lowered to the ground, fading away in some light flashes. Malibu raised his arm to shield his eyes again. "Twi-Twilight?" He asked shakily, seeing somepony in there.

For it was Twilight. She looked a little unconscious for a brief moment, but then stood up. At first her body looked normal and fine, until... her wings spread open on her back, as big as Malibu's.

It was all too shocking for the other 6 friends to see, but it was something for them to stare in awe. Malibu came to the realization that Twilight wasn't dead; but turned into what he was. An alicorn!

He ran over, his eyes flooding with tears. Twilight shook her own head, while staring at the new wings on her body, then turning to Malibu. "Hi," She greeted with a smile. Malibu instantly gripped her tight in a hug.

"You scared me! But how... how did you get those wings?!" He gasped, studying them over.

Applejack had to agree. "Yeah. I've never seen anything like it!"

Rainbow Dash also hugged Twilight. "Yay! A new flying buddy!" She cheered.

Rarity's lips smiled big, loving how regal looking Twilight was now. "Why, you've become an alicorn! I didn't even know that was possible!"

Twilight blushed, but her face was rather excited at the idea of being able to fly alongside Malibu finally. Pinkie Pie swung from a rope that they couldn't really see attached to anything. "ALICORN PARTY!" She blew a party horn as well.

"I really don't know what happened to me, Malibu. All I remember is seeing Celestia. She-she said that because I finished a difficult spell, I would... become something more." Twilight said softly, flapping her new wings. Malibu was going to have to ask his mom questions about this spell his mom must've used to change Twilight into an alicorn.

Fluttershy was amazed looking. "Wow! You look just like a princess!" She indeed did.

A new voice came along. "That's because she is a princess." Malibu turned. It was his mom! He ran to her, giving her a hug, while the others stared in surprise.

"Hold on a second!" Pinkie called out, taking a drink then spitting it out.

Twilight was flustered. "A-A princess?" She stammered.

"Yeah, mom. Why did you choose her to be one?" Malibu pondered, looking back and forth. Celestia smiled in pride.

"Since she's come to Ponyville, Twilight has displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, tenderness, and of course, the leadership of a true princess." Celestia explained, Malibu feeling his emotions threatening to spill from his eyes. So that's what all those lessons were for.

Twilight trembled. "But... does this mean I won't be your student anymore?" She sniffled. Celestia smiled though shaking her head. "Not in the same way as before. I will still be here to help and guide you. But we're all your students now too." She bowed down to the ground. Malibu out of instinct felt himself bow as well along with the others, happy for Twilight to have this honor. "You are an inspiration to us all, Twilight."

Malibu wiped his eyes. "And... I am happy to have you as the rookery sister I never had," He said in a choked voice, hugging Twilight, the two finally doing a wing hug together.

"Me too," Twilight murmured, but her voice suddenly changed. "But what do I do now? Is there a book about being a princess I should read?"

Celestia giggled. "There will be time for all of that later. For now, it is time for your coronation to be prepared. I shall see you in Canterlot then." She then took off into the sky.

Twilight was shaking again. "I don't-don't know if I'm ready! I keep feeling like I still have much to learn!"

Malibu laughed. "Twilight, just breathe. You're ready. I know you are. Come on, let us rest first." He said softly, guiding her inside.

"And I still need to learn to fly!" Twilight whimpered, staring at her strange wings.

Rainbow went up to her. "I can help, and so can Malibu! Flying's easy," She said confidently. Twilight swallowed. "If you say so."

After putting Twilight to bed, Malibu himself knew he had to rest for the coronation this weekend. He still felt flustered that his closest friend was actually royalty now. Malibu and Applejack both went inside the barn.

Applebloom ran over. "What happened? We saw a big flash of light!" She shouted. Applejack chuckled.

"Nothing to worry about little sis. Other than Twilight Sparkle is now a Princess of Equestria!" She said in a cheering voice. Big Mac's eyes popped as did Applebloom's. Granny Smith's was just as in disbelief. "Ya sure yer sayin' that right?" Granny Smith asked, rubbing a hoof in her ear.

"Yeah. Twilight finished a spell and Celestia turned her into an alicorn," Malibu explained. "We have her coronation to attend this weekend, which gives us time to prepare and for Rarity to make her coronation dress."

Applebloom bounced up and down. "Wow, wow, wow! Wait until I tell the other Crusaders about this!" She squealed, Malibu laughing at her actions.

Soon he went into his room. But then something came to him. If the friendship lesson letters were possibly ending, maybe he could do one more for old times sake. Pulling out his quill, Malibu began to write.

Dear mom,

I am writing to you about a final friendship lesson. This may be the last letter but it probably won't ever be the last time I learn a new one.

I have learned that it takes courage, kindness and leadership to be able to become a ruler. And with friends by your side, you can accomplish anything. I am happy you sent me to Ponyville mom. This is the best town anypony could ever live in. And I would never forget the lessons you taught me and Twilight.

Thank you, your son;


Smiling with tears, Malibu used his magic to send off the letter, yawning, settling down into his bed. He was eager to see the coronation happen, and Twilight to be a princess alongside him. He shut his eyes, falling into sleep.


The day of the coronation on the weekend finally arrived. The friends and some of the other ponies from Ponyville had taken the train to Canterlot for the ceremony.

Rarity had worked on Twilight's coronation dress the rest of the week and he could tell it paid off. Once the coronation hall was prepared, everypony filed into their seats, Malibu standing next to his mom along with Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor. This was a special day indeed.

He saw his friends on the sides like at the Canterlot wedding who grinned back at him. Malibu's belly fluttered when Celestia began her speech, the crowd listening in.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student; Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Ponyville with my son. She even helped reunite with my sister, Princess Luna. But today, Twilight Sparkle did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Equestria's newest princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time: Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

The doors opened; revealling a sort of scared but happy Twilight, wearing her pink and yellow dress, walking out with four maidsponies around her holding up flag colors that was the color of Twilight's coat. Malibu sniffled, struggling to keep it in, as the maidsponies sang.

"The Princess Twilight cometh

Behold, behold

A princess here before us

Behold, behold, behold"

Twilight stood near the thrones, Spike holding up a cushion which held her crown, the Element of Magic. Celestia bowed to Malibu who lifted the crown with his own magic, placing it on Twilight's head.

The crown shimmered a little as she turned to face the crowd, a new Princess.

"The Princess Twilight cometh!

Behold, behold, behold

A princess is, a princess is here!"

They all stood out on the balcony, waving to the reception. Malibu flushed while waving until he heard his mom speak. "Say something, Princess."

Twilight cleared her throat. "Oh. Um. A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship. Which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say, I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I made with all of you." She gestured to the rest of her friends to come forward along with Malibu. He placed an arm around her again. "Each one of you taught me something about friendship. And for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you friends. Thank you everypony!"

The crowd below cheered the loudest Malibu had ever heard them. This would change all of their lives forever, for sure.

When going back inside, Screwball had joined them along with Discord, Shining Armor and Cadance. Discord's arms were folded a little. "Whoop dee doo, you're royal now. How exciting," Discord grumbled. Malibu frowned.

"Don't spoil the moment, Discord, please?" He asked, while Screwball hugged him. "This is awesome!" She squealed.

Shining Armor began to cry, doing a brother embrace for his sister. "Twilight! I'm so proud of you!" Twilight could see her brother begin to cry.

"Are you crying?" She asked teasingly. Shining Armor wiped his eyes. "Of course not. It's... it's liquid pride. Totally different thing."

Malibu rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said jokingly.

Applejack looked rather proud too. "Way to go, Princess!"

Pinkie Pie leapt a few feet into the air. "Best coronation day ever!"

Fluttershy hugged Twilight. "We love you, Twilight!"

Twilight felt like crying, the Mane 7 doing the ultimate hug. "I love you too, my friends."

After the ceremony, Twilight had the honor of riding in a carriage, waving to the crowd on either side of her, Malibu riding in it too. She began to sing.

"Life in Equestria shimmers!

Life in Equestria shines!

And I know for absolute certain!

That everything! (That everything!)

That everything! (That everything!)"

The main group waved their hooves in the air on the castle grounds parapets, singing the final note together, excited now for their future life with a new Princess.

"That everything is certainly fine! Is fine!"

Twilight winked at Malibu. "Whatever is on the horizon, I know I can't wait to do them with you." Malibu said to her. "All of you." The Mane 7 stared out into the distance, the wind blowing in their hair, happy for one of their own to have reached this far into life. And he was glad to have this many friends.

Felt so happy to finally write this infamous episode! But looking forward to move on and write the episodes of the later seasons. Really wanting to get to the season 4 finale too.

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