Reflection: Chasing a Crown Thief

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Time for the first Equestria Girls! Couldn't come up with a good title but it was the best I could do. May have 3 or 4 chapters in this one.


It was early morning in the Crystal Empire, where the Friendship Express begins to chug into the station there. 7 ponies and a baby dragon walked out of the train, ready to head to the castle.

One of them was a pony who was once a gargoyle named Malibu. He was excited to attend a royal summit with the newly crowned princess, his best friend Twilight Sparkle.

They walked towards the doorway past the Crystal Heart, Applejack just as excited as he was. "Hoo-wee! Your very first princess summit. You must be over the moon, Twilight."

Malibu saw Twilight's face rather concderned more than excited. "Oh, I am excited. But to be honest, I'm a little nervous too."

"Understandable, Twilight. But I'll be here to help," Malibu assured with a grin when Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared in front of them.

"You're 'nervicited'! It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell YAY ME! But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time!" She shrilled, curling up, then uncurling herself again, standing up with a grin.

Malibu rolled his eyes as Pinkie tussled Twilight's mane. "We've all been there!"

"Thanks for the reassurance, Pink," Malibu muttered under his breath.

Applejack just smiled encouragingly. "You've got no reason to fret, Twi. Everything's gonna be just—."

Malibu jumped into the air when Rarity zipped close up to Twilight. "TWILIGHT! Oh, sorry darling. I just realized you're not wearing your crown! You haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?" She asked, grabbing Twilight's face.

Twilight eyed her saddlebag. "It's in my bag. Just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it. Haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either," She muttered, trying to fly but flopping to the ground.

Malibu helped her up. "You don't see me wearing a crown and ponies still see me as a royal," He pointed out. Rarity herself also realized this too, but still spoke some more.

"Wearing it or not, you are a princess now Twilight! Embrace it! I'm telling you, if I had a crown like that, I'd never take it off. Why I'd sleep in the thing!" Rarity exclaimed, tossing her mane.

It made Twilight smile a little, as Malibu inclined his head to the doors. "C'mon, my mom's waiting," He said. The Mane 7 reached the doors, where guards opened them for them. Other guards blew loud horns in a royal fanfare. Malibu gazed in awe at their reception as they walked down the aisle. Twilight wound up bumping into a stallion guard who didn't really look like a Crystal Pony, but Malibu figured he was a newbie.

"Their highnesses; Prince Malibu and Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Called out the new guard, Malibu looking up to see his main family approach; his mom Celestia along with his aunt Luna and Cadance.

Cadance giggled at the sight of them. "Twilight! I haven't seen you and Malibu since the coronation!" She greeted. Malibu hugged both Celestia and Luna who embraced him warmly.

"We have so much to discuss. But it can wait until tomorrow. You all look tired from your journey." Celestia stated. Malibu after hearing that felt a yawn. "Suppose," He said sleepily.

"Now off to bed, all of you." Celestia insisted, the Mane 7 and Spike all going to do so. Malibu eventually reached his room, unpacking his things. He smiled at the sight of his bed nearby but now wondered, what will Twilight's future role be now as a Princess? She didn't even have a castle or a kingdom. But pretty much what his own predicament was.

Malibu gazed into the mirror at himself. Would his mom ever let him rule a kingdom without her guidance? But she did say he will one day be the main ruler of Equestria after her. The first King alicorn. He swallowed at the idea of being a king.

"Stop fretting Malibu. Things will seem more cheerful tomorrow, I know they will," He muttered under his breath, going into his bed, folding his wings under them, and blowing out his candle. His eyes soon fluttered closed in slumber.


While Malibu and the others remained asleep, the Crystal Castle had an unexpected visitor come in, sneaking around the guards and wearing a cloak. The visitor opened each door to the rooms. And when it opened Malibu's, her eyes fell upon his sleeping form.

He looked quite handsome sleeping there to the new mare, approaching Malibu gently. She stroked his mane once, causing Malibu to squirm just a little, which made her grin. But she couldn't stop now. She had to get what she came for.

Backing out, the mare finally entered Twilight's room. She smirked, using her magic to take Twilight's crown after sneaking past the baby dragon nearby, putting a fake one there in its place. But upon going back out, she accidentally tripped on Spike's tail, collapsing to the ground.

It woke Spike up. "Huh? What?"

Twilight yawned, rubbing her head, until to her surprise; she spotted her crown in a stranger's robes. She gasped aloud. "My crown! She's stolen my crown!"

Taking no chances, the mare ran out of the room now that she had been seen. She had to get back to the mirror! "Stop! Thief!"

The yelling woke Malibu up who jumped, looking around, hearing Twilight's yells. Narrowing his eyes when hearing the word thief, he ran out into the hall. "What's going on? Who is that?!" Yelled Malibu when seeing the stranger running away.

Twilight was going after her. "She's stolen my crown and Element!" Their other friends poked out of their rooms, gasping in shock and anger.

Malibu growled, his gargoyle eyes glowing, as he charged at the stranger, tackling her down. "Stop right there!" He bellowed but the mare, a unicorn, teleported herself out from underneath him, revealing her looks. She was quite stunning; an orange coat, a red mane with yellow stripes that was all poofy, and had green eyes, a setting sun for her cutie mark.

It made Malibu stare at her a little in both anger and fear, wondering where she came from and why she wanted the crown. The orange mare winked at him, continuing to run.

"Oh no you don't!" Roared Malibu, running into another room that she ran into. Both he and Twilight tackled the orange unicorn, causing the crown to fall out of the saddle bag, bouncing about until it disappeared in a flash of light from what looked like a mirror.

All their eyes except the robber's rounded in fear of what happened. Twilight glared at the unicorn. "What did you do with my crown?!" She demanded.

The orange unicorn just snickered, bucking them off her. "Sorry it had to be this way! Royals!" She taunted, before soon running into the mirror and disappearing too.

Malibu blinked. What happened? Where did she go? Fluttershy was scared. "Who was that?" She whimpered.

"I don't know. But, we probably should go back to bed until we can tell my mom in the morning," Malibu muttered, feeling tired from trying to catch her. Twilight was panicked but agreed reluctantly.


In the morning the 7 friends and Spike went to tell Princess Celestia about the thief last night. Celestia had been looking troubled when Malibu described her.

"Did she have a sunset for her cutie mark?" Celestia questioned, a solemn look on her face.

Malibu's ears fell but he nodded. "Yeah. And, she was... kind of mean. Did you know her?"

Celestia suddenly had some tears, but she wiped them away. "Yes. Her name was Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. I meant to tell you before, but you were still young in mind to understand."

It made Malibu feel like he had been left in the dark on some of Celestia's past life before he had come in but was willing to hear her story. "Sunset had begun her studies with me long before I adopted you or began my teaching with Twilight. When she didn't get what she wanted as quickly as she liked near the end of them, Sunset began to turn cruel and dishonest."

The 8 friends glanced at each other in worry, Malibu feeling happy that Twilight didn't end up being like that too. "I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led her into stealing your crown, Twilight."

Spike then pulled out the fake crown. "She replaced Twilight's with this one," He said in a bit of disgust. Malibu agreed that this crown wasn't as pretty as the real one. Celestia studied it for a while. "I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony."

Twilight was rightfully devastated. "But I don't understand. Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?"

Celestia stood up, beckoning them to follow her into another room. "You will soon know more about this place than even I do."

Malibu was curious now. "Is it something to do with that mirror we saw?" He asked. Celestia nodded as they entered, meeting with the other two princesses.

The mirror stood there, shimmering and winking at them all. Malibu gazed in wonder at it, seeing how the surface was almost rippling. What was this thing?

Luna stood next to it, her face serious. "This is no ordinary mirror. It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every 30 moons." Pinkie Pie placed a hoof on the surface, which shone and rippled more from her touch. "Sparkly!"

Malibu chuckled a little but was glad Luna pulled her away. Celestia sighed, a hoof on the edges of the mirror. "I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use this to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously this is not what has happened."

It was still hard for Malibu to take in that there was another world within this one he came to from Earth, his mind a haze. Cadance spoke next. "Twilight, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown. Without it the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense."

The clone gargoyle turned pony swallowed at the idea of not being able to defend Equestria. He would lose his sense of purpose in this world if they wound up losing their power. Luna looked more grave. "Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home. And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves."

Twilight placed on her saddlebag, walking closer to the mirror. "You understand the importance of your task?" Celestia asked, a hoof on her shoulder. Twilight nodded. "Of course."

The white alicorn bowed. "Good. Then you must go at once."

Malibu watched Twilight give a sigh, and was about to step in, wishing he could go and help, but to his surprise Dash landed in front of her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's going, we're going with her! Right?"

Pinkie let out a squee noise. "Ooh! I'm so nervicited!" She belted out, a big smile on her face.

Applejack looked at her weirdly. "You do realize that's not a real word, right?"

Celestia shook her head. "I'm afraid I can't let you all go."

Malibu was dumbstruck. "What?!" He stormed. "But I want to help!" He said. Twilight smiled gratefully.

"Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something Princess Twilight must do alone." Celestia said, but Malibu couldn't believe that.

He swished his tail. "Mom, this is one of the friendship elements we're talking about here. She can't do this without her friends! At least let me go? Two of us won't destroy a whole alternate universe!" Malibu pleaded.

Celestia didn't know if she wanted her own son to go through a strange portal, a hoof under his chin. "You could be in grave danger, especially from my former pupil." She begged, but Malibu just glared in determination.

"I've faced far worse than some thief in the night, mom. I can handle it," He stated in a brave way. It caused Celestia's eyes to look rather proud, that her son had become more brave than when she first found him.

Soon she gave him a wing embrace that Malibu also buried into. He sure would miss his mom. "You are brave to volunteer, Malibu. You can go." She murmured gently.

Luna though had a warning to give. "Time is of the essence you two. On the the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return." She said, making Malibu suddenly nervous again at the idea of being stuck in another strange world after just getting used to this one.

He and Twilight both gazed at each other after Malibu said goodbye to Rainbow Dash. "Y-You ready?" Malibu gulped, staring at the shiny surface of the mirror.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. C'mon." The two of them took each other's hoof, the rest of their friends watching in sadness, Malibu bracing himself when stepping through the mirror which felt like ethereal liquid on his skin. Spike however, didn't want to let them be all by themselves, having the urge to jump in after them.

"Spike, NO!" Screamed the other 6 ponies in fear but too late. Malibu gave out a shout when he felt the portal beginning to suck him down in a swirl of colors.

He spun and spun around, struggling to keep a hold of Twilight's hoof but soon it slipped out of his grasp. "Twilight!" Malibu screamed out, feeling dizzier and dizzier until he could see a speck of light at the end of the portal. Their travel ended in a big flash, Malibu's vision fading to darkness after hitting against some kind of hard ground.


A few moments of silence later; Malibu could feel himself coming too, his eyes slowly blinking open but rather nauseous from their traveling, his body for some reason weird.

Malibu with his eyes open weakly saw pavement road before him, and suddenly heard Spike who had been shaking Malibu. "Hey, Mal? You alright?"

The teal alicorn shook his head, a hand on it. "S-Suppose. But what are... you doing...?" Malibu's vision now was able to come back to normal. But what he saw didn't look normal, for Spike was now... a dog!

That stunned Malibu for a moment, wondering what side effects the mirror had until he gazed down at his hoof, however not quite resembling it. He saw five fingers. Hands?!

Feeling his face, Malibu gave out gasps of fear and shock, staggering back. What was happening? Was he a... a... HUMAN?! Turning around some more, Malibu suddenly heard Twilight scream, seeing her turned human as well.

It was the oddest thing, for Twilight looked like herself, though not by much. Her human skin and hair were pretty much the exact same colors except now she and him wore clothes, minus Spike. Malibu looked down at his shirt which was a light gray one with brown pants and black/white shoes.

Twilight had begun having a panic attack, breathing hard. Spike glared. "Twilight, Malibu, you gotta get it together!"

The alicorn/human rested on her knees and hands, trying to breathe, Malibu doing the same. "What... does the rest of us look like?" Twilight whimpered, glancing at her trusty assistant.

Spike had a paw on his chin. "Um, like you. Only not you. Your muzzle's really small."

Malibu's eyes popped. He had no gargoyle beak, or a pony muzzle, but a small human nose. This really freaked him out even more, trying not to scream. Malibu even felt his hair which was a rather bushy gray, like Brooklyn's when Brooklyn turned into a human.

Twilight nearly let loose a scream too until Spike put his paws on her mouth. "Are you guys gonna scream again?" They both shook their heads no, calming down enough to get their bearings finally.

Sounds of car engines that Malibu hadn't heard in ages rang in his now human ears, eyes drifting around what looked like a small suburban city. "What is this place?" He asked softly, still on his hands and knees, but soon realizing he could now stand up on two feet again.

Taking a breath, Malibu used the sides of the portal to stand himself up on his shoes. His legs felt a tad wobbly but soon got used to it while Twilight gazed back at the portal entrance. "I don't know, but that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria." She had put her hand through it, which turned back into a hoof. It quite weirded Malibu out a little bit until she pulled it back out.

Twilight glared in determination. "We have to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there before the gate closes!" She claimed. Malibu agreed wholeheartedly but wouldn't mind possibly exploring what this world had to offer.

"Where should we begin looking? It's like a needle in a haystack!" Malibu asked, wondering where on earth Sunset could've brought the crown. Twilight though had her instincts look over to what looked like a castle. "I suggest we start searching the castle first," She suggested.

Spike agreed. "Works for me!" Malibu had begun walking on his two legs but then his eyes widened when seeing Spike jump onto Twilight's back, who began running like in her pony form. A small chuckle came out of his mouth when another human saw what she was doing, eyeing her strangely

"Er, Twi, why not walk like me? I've stood on two legs before as a gargoyle," Malibu suggested, Twilight quickly jumping up, grinning awkwardly at the other guy who had also been walking his dog.

Twilight whimpered when beginning to walk bipedal for the first time, her legs super wobbly. Malibu quickly caught her shoulders. "Just walk the same time I am. It isn't too hard." He instructed. It made her huff. "Easy for you to say." But soon after a time her legs got used to it, eventually grabbing the railing to the building entrance.

"Come on, guys! I do not want to be like this for longer than I have to!" She quipped, going up the stairs clumsily while Malibu walked behind her. He didn't blame Twilight since she lived her whole life as a quadruped.

Spike wound up grinning sarcastically. "Well, look on the bright side! At least you won't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore!" He wound up looking down when Twilight gave him a look.

Malibu watched Twilight when she looked like she was about to use magic; winding up slamming into the door instead. "Hm!" She struggled, trying to get some kind of magic to come out, then gasping. "My magic! It isn't working!" She freaked.

"Uh, yeah. Not mine either, since as humans they don't have horns," Malibu pointed out, rubbing his own forehead. He probably shouldn't have said anything now when Twilight gripped her hair, her eyes popping out. "WHAT?!"

Spike frowned. "We really need to find you a mirror." He said, Malibu pushing the door open. Inside was rather... interesting. It didn't quite look like a castle to him at all. Rather, it looked more like a... school?

He walked around a little in the main entrance until Twilight spotted a cabinet what looked like trophies in it. "What do ya think, guys? Other artifacts she's stolen from Equestria?"

Malibu studied them. "I really don't think so," He said, until hearing a bell ring. He jumped when more humans now made themselves known; mostly consisting of high school age students.

He and Twilight felt pushed around by the mob, sometimes Malibu thinking he saw some familiar faces which looked like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon but shrugged it off. Soon he was backed into the lockers, Twilight tripping and stumbling, bumping into another teen.

"Whoa! You ok?" He asked, looking down. Malibu quickly ran the best he could to the scene, seeing the strange boy helping Twilight up. Malibu glared a little. Since this was a new place, trusting strangers for him here, especially humans was a big no no.

He took her arm, still glaring at the teen. "She's fine."

The teen raised his brow. "Guess you're new?" He questioned curiously. Malibu nodded. The teen held out his hand. "Name's Flash Sentry." He greeted. Malibu took his hand reluctantly, shaking it. "Malibu."

Soon Flash Sentry checked his watch. "Late for class, but I'll see you around," He called, winking at Twilight before leaving. That made Malibu growl a little but quietly, still not trusting him.

Spike glanced at them in fear. "I don't think this is a castle," He whimpered, the other two agreeing with him, wondering how they would get around in here.

The whole place now Malibu knowing was some kind of school was like a maze. There were humans everywhere which made Malibu more nervous and shy like his old self, wondering if he made the right call going through the mirror. Twilight as well was looking around in fear at everything being so different. Malibu even spotted a human with a cellphone which was interesting since Equestria didn't have any kind of technology.

They even peeked into a school room seeing a human female that strongly resembled the teacher Cheerilee. Malibu blinked. How did this world even work if there were human counterparts of themselves?

The Cutie Mark Crusaders as humans had also passed them by in the hall, Malibu finding this all hard to take in. They both stood there, unable to move for a time until hearing a voice after the crowds dispersed.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I just thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you dropped it." Malibu's ears were confused. Was he hearing Fluttershy? How could she have followed them?

The trio snuck around a wall, spotting another girl there with very familiar looking orange hair with red stripes. "Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything. You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you!"

Malibu gasped, for he recognized that second voice right away. It was Sunset Shimmer, now as a human. She wore a black vest and pants. The girl next to her, was almost impossible to believe it was Fluttershy. Same pink mane, and for some reason yellow skin.

"It... doesn't really belong to you either..." Fluttershy whispered softly, Sunset suddenly slamming her hands on the locker, standing over her. "Excuse me?!" She snarled, making Fluttershy whimper out loud, sinking to the ground. "N-Nothing."

Malibu glowered at what was happening as was Twilight too. "That's what I thought! It's as good as mine and you know it!" Sunset taunted. "You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals."

Twilight and Malibu both stepped from their hiding spot, Malibu's hands clenched into fists. "How dare you speak to her that way?!" Twilight snapped.

Sunset turned at her voice, seeing them. "What did you say?" She hissed. Malibu stalked closer. "She said... how dare you speak to her that way?" He repeated, glaring hard in her direction.

The two of them kept up their staring contest until Sunset grinned cockily, flipping Malibu's chin who grunted furiously. "You two must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want..." She gave a sharp glare to another male teen who quickly hid in his locker, walking off with a stride in her step.

Fluttershy watched them in awe. "I can't believe you both just did that!" She breathed.

Twilight shrugged. "We couldn't just stand there."

"Well is just that... nobody stands up to Sunset Shimmer," Fluttershy stated.

Malibu gasped a little, looking back at the red hair girl with yellow stripes. Was that really her? "Sunset Shimmer?" He asked under his breath.

Fluttershy blinked curiously. "You know her?"

"Sort of," Twilight replied, Malibu knowing he couldn't tell this version of Fluttershy that he was really from a different universe this time around since this world clearly had no magic at all. "I don't think I've seen either of you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?" Fluttershy pondered, making Malibu gulp, grinning nervously.

"Uh... yep, yeah. Transfers. That's us. Name's Malibu. That's Twilight," He greeted, holding out his hand but Fluttershy shrunk, whispering under her breath.

Twilight inclined her ear. "I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked. Fluttershy whispered her name again. Twilight was now confused. "It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy, but how can that...?"

Before Fluttershy could answer she spotted Spike the dog, her eyes brightening. "Oh my goodness! Who is this sweet little guy?" She crooned, kneeling down near Spike, Malibu stumbling a bit. "That's Spike! My uh... dog," Twilight claimed. Malibu nodded. Good call on her part.

Fluttershy picked up Spike by his cheeks. "Oh, he's so cute!" She brought out a biscuit. "Go on. Eat up, little pup!"

Spike looked in suspicion at the treat but then gave a little taste. He seemed to love it, gobbling it up like a normal dog, making Malibu laugh.

"Wouldn't you just give anything to know what they're really thinking?" Fluttershy asked, gazing at Spike in adoration.

Twilight chuckled. "He usually just tells me." Malibu noticed Spike make the slashing motion, letting loose a quick bark and an innocent smile. Suppose he would have to bark for a time.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, Malibu grinning like Spike. "Nothing. He-he tells her telepathically is what he does, heh."

Twilight's brow turned up, looking quite confused at what he claimed but Malibu made a clearing throat noise and she caught on. "Yep. Like he said. But Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?"

Fluttershy looked stunned. "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess?" Twilight said awkwardly, continuing. "Do you still have it?" Fluttershy shook her head no. "But you know what happened to it?"

"Mhm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday. But then something hit me on the back of my head which was the crown. I had no idea how it got there. I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia."

Malibu's jaw dropped at the name. "Princ-principal Celestia? My m-er she's the ruler here?" He quickly corrected himself, Twilight just as stunned.

Fluttershy stared quizzically. "You could say that. Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules."

So Luna is here too. But... where are Cadance and Shining Armor? Malibu asked to himself. Sadly Fluttershy didn't give any mention of them. "Where is she now?" Twilight asked.

"Probably in her office." Fluttershy informed. Malibu, Spike and Twilight all ran in directions to where it could be, coming back seconds later looking embarrassed. "Third door on your left."

Malibu waved. "Thank you!" He said, until Fluttershy stopped them again, looking concerned.

"You're really not supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck them into your backpack. That's what I do." Fluttershy smiled when three animals appeared which were a mouse, a cat, and a bird. Malibu wondered how they did in there. "They just get so lonely when I'm at school all day."

Twilight nodded. "Oh, ok! Thank you!" She thanked as well right when the bell rang.

Fluttershy jerked up. "Oh, no! I'm late for class!" She scooped up the animals, waving and running off. Malibu was left breathless, finding it hard to believe he met an alternate world Fluttershy, wondering who else he would meet, but was nervous now about meeting his human counterpart mom, as he and Twilight ventured over to her office.

Hope everybody enjoys human Malibu for a while.

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