Starter Lessons: Owl's Well That Ends Well

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S1 E24 Everypony! Party of One is up next!


It was a big night in Ponyville since a meteor shower was coming their way. Applejack was packing up a bit of food they would share while Malibu had a telescope he was going to use, his eyes bright with excitement. Applejack chuckled at his face. "First time seeing a meteor shower?"

Malibu nodded, blushing red. "Yeah, me being raised by an evil clone maniac keeps me from seeing sights like that," He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Applejack nudged him in a playful manner. "Well, you'll get a firsthoof experience of it. It only happens every 100 years or so, you know." The gargoyle clone blinked. "Really?"

Applejack smiled. "Yup. So this is sometimes a once in a lifetime experience for us. Applebloom, ya comin'?" Malibu saw her running down. "Sure sis! Wouldn't miss it!" The trio then went out the door to join up with their friends.

They went out into the field near Ponyville where he saw the rest of the town gathered in groups to watch the meteor shower. It was a rather pretty night and he could see Spike and Twilight walking up with a saddlebag. Malibu also saw Rainbow Dash and he went up to her. "Hey," He greeted. Dash smiled at the sight of him and bumped his shoulder. "Hi, Mal. Gonna be quite the night!"

Spike had brought out the food he brought as well, a fruit punch bowl and a bunch of cookies. Malibu smelled them and they smelt good. "Spike, what are these cookies?" Spike grinned. "They are my freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies!" Pinkie squealed at the sight of all those cookies. "Eee! They look amazing!" She grabbed one and ate it, munching noisily.

Malibu himself took one with his magic, and bit into one. It was nice and fresh, soft too. He never knew Spike was a good baker. "These are good, Spike." Malibu praised, making the dragon smile awkwardly. "Aw, gee." Dash ate some cookies herself and drank punch along with the rest of them.

"Wow, Twilight! You're lucky to have such a rad assistant. I wish I had someone to do whatever I told them," Rainbow said. Malibu saw Scootaloo jump up and down. "Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me! I'll do whatever you want, Rainbow Dash!" She volunteered. Dash smirked. "Oh yeah, pipsqueak? How about taking out the trash?"

The prince raised his brow but was surprised when Scoot agreed to, taking up the apple core and running off. Rarity petted Spike's head. "Do we have Spike to thank again for this amazing spread? Isn't he simply amazing?" Spike smiled. "Oh, come on." He paused, looking around. "I said, come on."

Pinkie petted Spike too, making Malibu chuckle. "Little Spikey-wikey! Who knew that big ferocious dragon started off so cutsey wootsy?" Rarity pulled out a fancy sparkly bow. "Spike, you are such a little star, that I had to make a little bow tie for you." She placed it on his neck, causing red to appear on his cheeks.

"Gosh, you guys are embarrassing me, stop it!" He looked at Twilight. "Twilight, your turn!" Malibu couldn't help but use his tail to smack him. "Alright, over doing it there, dragon boy," He said, Spike rubbing his head as he nodded. Sweetie Belle suddenly pointed. "Look, everypony! The show is starting!"

Malibu felt excitement as he and the others ran to see the shower happen. The skies were lit up with all those meteors. Malibu's eyes lit up at the sight. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, tail swishing in happiness. Everypony else was oohing at the sight but he remained silent, until he felt Rainbow Dash's hoof on his shoulder.

"Uh, hey. So, you really have never seen a sight like this?" Dash asked curiously. Feeling sad all of a sudden, he shook his head. She nuzzled him and he felt a little better, but wanted to ask the question since the Gala was only a week away now. "R-Rainbow Dash? I-I wanted to ask you something." She glanced at him curiously.

Malibu pawed the ground. "D-Do you want to... go to the Gala with me, not just as a friend, but... as a... uh... date?" The rainbow pegasus was startled from the question but felt tears in her eyes. "You know I would! Even though I want to meet the Wonderbolts there I still wanna hang!" She hugged Malibu, and even planted a kiss on his cheek, making him turn red once again, the two gazing up at the stars together and watching the meteors. It truly was magical. He and Dash put one of their wings around each other's shoulders.

After the shower was over they were finishing up the food there, Pinkie Pie eating the last of the cookies. "Mmm! Wow! These cookies are delish!"

Twilight grinned. "Speaking of which, Spike, can you bring us some more punch?" She glanced around, as did Malibu. "Spike?" Malibu spotted the small dragon asleep in the punch bowl, snoring. "Oh, the poor little thing." Rarity cooed. "He's worn himself out alright," Malibu commented, nudging him gently. "And now the punch has been... 'spiked'!" That made everypony there laughed.

Malibu volunteered to help get Spike home. He and Twilight went to the Golden Oaks Library where Twilight invited Malibu to stay the night again which he accepted. She tucked Spike into bed. "Good night, Spike. Sweet dreams, Number one assistant." She said softly.

The two went downstairs and Malibu was about to turn in when he saw that she was still staying up. "Hey, Twi, what are you doing this late?" She looked at him. "I'm just doing a little late night research if you want to watch." The gargoyle clone tilted his head. It could be interesting to learn about comets since he's still new to these things in this world and Earth.

He sat down next to Twilight as she began to write. "The Study of Comets. Comets are small, irregularly shaped bodies that are made of nonvolatile grains and frozen gasses. They..."

A rattle at the window startled the two, glancing about. "What was that?" Malibu questioned in confusion, scratching his head. Twilight shrugged, continuing to write. "...have body structures that are fragile and diverse..." the wind rattled yet again, Twilight dropping her quill. She and Malibu were rather confused at what was happening until the sudden open window had a wind blow Twilight's paper.

"Shoot!" Twilight moaned. The two of them ran to the window and saw it was flying far out of their way. Twilight was looking rather anxious. "Oh, this is a job for Spike! If only he were awake!" Malibu spoke up. "I could fly out and—."


Malibu jumped at the sound and spotted a brown owl sitting at the window, holding the page in his beak. Twilight smiled, taking the scroll from the owl with her magic. It seemed to have scared the owl and was about to fly.

Twilight went up to the owl, holding up her hoof. "Wait! Don't go!" Malibu gave a gentle grin. "We come in peace, you don't have to be afraid of us," He told the owl, its head turning around. That somewhat creeped him out but the owl was kind of cute. "Thanks for returning my scroll," Twilight thanked, the owl hooting happily.

A wind came through the window, making the owl shiver. Twilight looked worried for it. "Gosh, it is cold tonight. Say, would you like to relax in here and keep us company while I work?"

Malibu saw the owl hoot in agreement, seeing it being a male one, sitting on a perch nearby. He glanced at Twilight. "You think you'll name him Twi?" He asked. Twilight wasn't sure. "Don't know if I will really keep him as a pet, will have to see what the next day brings."


In the morning Spike had woken up late, panicking over being late for his chores that spooked Malibu awake after having fallen asleep while Twilight studied. "I know it is already ten, but I am scaly-tailed and bright eyed and ready to work twice as fast! Oh, please, don't be upset Twilight! And what do you want for breakfast? Oatmeal? How about a sunflower smoothie? Grass pancakes?"

Malibu rolled his eyes, chuckling. "It's fine, Spike. We made a new friend that was helping her out with her studies last night." Spike looked at him once then back at Twilight. "But, my morning chores!"

Twilight smiling. "It's ok. Owlowiscious did them for you." Malibu blinked a bit. "That's his name now?" He asked. She nodded. Spike tilted his head. "Who?"

"Our new junior assistant. He's gonna help out with your chores so you won't be so tired all the time," the unicorn explained. Spike seemed stunned. "Wha... wh... what do we need a junior assistant for? I'm not tired! I do fine on my own. I don't need sleep, I...!"

Malibu put a hoof on Spike's mouth. "Spike, Owlowiscious is just here to help out a little bit," He explained, Twilight nodding. "Yep. Now, I have to go out. Malibu, before you leave, could you introduce Spike to Owlowiscious?" The teal alicorn nodded. Spike grinned nervously. "Worried? Do I look worried? I'm not worried. Who's worried?"

He and Spike went into the library. Spike watched as Owlowiscious's head turned about in that creepy way, making the two cringe. "Whoa! Dude that's creepy," Spike commented. Malibu had to agree, wondering how owls even do that.

"Uh, hi there! I'm Spike. I'm sure Twilight and Malibu has told you all about me."


Malibu raised his brow as did Spike. This owl obviously couldn't speak basic pony language but Spike kept trying. "Uh, Spike? You know, assistant number one?"


Spike glared. "I'm Spike! And who are you? What are you?"


"Who?" Spike asked. "Hoo!" Owlowiscious replied. "I thought your name was Owlowiscious!"


Malibu flinched slightly. "Er, I think that is all he can say," He tried but Spike now looked pretty pissed. "Ok, 'whoo', 'Owlowiscious', whatever! I'm Spike ok? Look, all you need to know is that I'm number one, and you're number two. Got it?" Spike snapped.


At that the young alicorn had a feeling things won't be going too well. Spike backed away, glaring. "So, a man of mystery, huh? I'm keeping my eye on you! I got eyes in the back of my head too, you know!" Malibu watched Spike crash into the door, having himself wince. "Well, not really, but... you know what I mean!" He slammed the door shut.

Malibu glanced back at Owlowiscious. "Sorry about that, he's used to being Twilight's only assistant," He apologized to the owl. "Hoo." Owlowiscious replied, making Malibu chuckle awkwardly. "Uh, yeah. Well, see you later," He said, leaving the library.

Later in the day, the others were introduced to Twilight's new friend, Pinkie Pie looking excited about Owlowiscious. "Oh, what a fantastical, flufflicious feathery little friend! I'm hooked!"

Everypony laughed including Malibu. "Uh, good one," He said. Spike was sitting in the window of the library, reading an owl book from what he could see. Fluttershy petted Owlowiscious. "He's just wonderful," She complimented. Malibu's ears picked up Spike's voice.

"He's just wonderful!" The dragon said in a mocking sounding voice. Everypony glanced up at him, making him jump. "Uh, yes, wonderful. He's quite... the charmer..." Malibu saw he said it under his breath. Spike really did seem jealous.

Rarity pulled out the same kind of sparkly bow from yesterday. "And Owlowiscious is just such a star I had to make this little bow for you!" Owlowiscious gazed at his bow with what looked like a happy look but didn't seem that way to Malibu. The clone gazed back at Spike who huffed in anger and slammed the window shut.

Applejack tilted her head. "What's he all saddlesore about?" Malibu spoke up. "Mostly because of Owlowiscious getting the attention," He explained. Fluttershy's ears lowered. "Maybe Spike feels threatened or worried that Owlowiscious would replace him," She said, Twilight shaking her head in denial. "Replace him? Hah! That's crazy! Spike knows he can't be replaced!"

Malibu however spoke up. "Then perhaps I can make sure he knows it if I keep my eyes on him," He then suggested. Twilight shrugged, nodding as she and her new pet went inside, the others eventually heading out.

Inside Malibu spotted Spike muttering under his breath until seeing Twilight and Owlowiscious. He turned his head towards Malibu who smiled nervously. "Why are you still here?" Spike asked grumpily. Malibu flapped his wings. "J-Just wanted to continue my magic studies with Twilight." He replied. Spike raised his brow but went on his way as Twilight spoke.

"Hey, Spike! Can you fetch me that book called 'Two headed Myth—."

Spike interrupted. "...Mythological Mysteries! I know where it is!" Malibu saw him run to the shelf, stacking up some books reaching up but it wasn't there. He looked confused. Twilight smiled, the owl handing her the book. "Thanks, Owlowiscious. Hey, Spike, no worries. Owlowiscious flew up and got the book for me!"

The teal alicorn saw Spike glaring hard. That was jealousy if he ever saw it. "Oh, and gee! I guess I need 'Ferrets of Fairyland' too." Before Spike could move Malibu watched Owlowiscious suddenly snatch up said book from Spike's pile, making it topple. His ears fell. "Be careful," Malibu exclaimed. "D-Don't need- whoa!" Spike yelped.

"Climb down from there before you fall!" Twilight said, right as the book pile collapsed. Malibu had managed to catch Spike with his magic and lowered him down gently, Spike huffing in anger, some steam coming out of his nostrils being a dragon and all. Malibu placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Don't let it get to you, Spike—." Spike just slapped his hoof away, grumbling. Malibu could feel in his heart that eventually Spike's jealousy would soon burst.

Some time later into the day Malibu was sitting with Twilight looking over her notes with her until a snap sounded. Her quill broke. "Shoot!" Twilight exclaimed, Spike showing up in just 2 seconds. "Yes sir!" He said, ready for action, making Malibu grin a little. "My last writing quill, it's broken."

Spike grinned. "Never fear! Spike, your number one assistant is here!" Malibu then watched him roam around the library, looking for a quill, but not finding one in the whole place. He raced for the door. "Where am I gonna get a quill?" Opening the door Spike ran outside to look for one in town.

Twilight and Malibu ran to the entrance. "Spike, come back!" Malibu shouted, but Spike wouldn't listen. Twilight went back inside to be met with Owlowiscious hooting, holding a feather in his beak. She giggled. "Oh, how sweet of you, thanks," She said, taking the quill but hoped Spike would eventually return. Malibu ran out to look for him.

He eventually found Spike at a chicken barn, chasing a chicken around, soon tackling it. "Spike! Stop!" Malibu said, charging in and using his magic to lift him out of the fray. Spike had managed to grab a feather from the chicken when it happened. Looking messed up.

"N-No need for magic..." Spike said woozily, Malibu taking him back, Spike holding up his feather for Twilight. "Spike... to the rescue..." He slurred, falling off of Malibu's back. Twilight shook her head. "Oh, Spike. I was calling out for you when you were turning this place upside down. Owlowiscious gave me one of his feathers to use as a quill, see?"

Spike eyed that feather, and he got so mad that the heat from his scaled hand burnt the feather and shriveled it up. Malibu cringed. "That's just great. Perfect! Sweet! I think I'll just, uh... finish up the rest of my chores! Or did Owlowiscious already do them?" Spike spat in a huffy way.

Not handling it too well... Malibu thought to himself, swishing his tail. Twilight shook her head. "Oh no, there are quite a lot of them." Spike folded his arms. "Well, that's fine. Because I can just stay up all night and finish—." He collapsed on the stairs, falling asleep and snoring. Malibu sighed, ears lowered. All this jealousy was really wearing him down and the young alicorn had been trying his best to ensure Spike didn't hurt himself but it didn't seem to be working.

Twilight glanced down at the baby dragon. "Poor Spike. He'll come around. He's genuinely a good little guy." Malibu nodded, nudging him lightly. "Spike's really let his jealousy control his emotions," He said in a worrying voice while Twilight went into another part of the library. Malibu jumped when hearing his friend scream, running in.

He saw her face looking devastated; revealing a burnt astronomy book that was sitting on the shelf, all the pages turned to ash. That could only mean Spike had involvement somehow. "I-I'm sure Spike had a good explanation," Malibu stuttered but Twilight's face was furious, throwing the book down at Spike's side and waking him.

"Huh?" Spike yelped. Twilight glared at him. "Spike, what is this? You said yesterday that this book was missing. Well, Owlowiscious found it right where it belongs, but like this. How did it get this way?"

Malibu noted Spike's nervous face. "Uh... well... um... You see, I... I just didn't wanna disappoint you and uh... have you ever seen a dragon sneeze?" He asked quickly, holding his tail. Malibu face palmed himself again as Twilight spoke more. "I've seen a dragon lie. I'm very disappointed in you, Spike." She snapped, going on her way to buy a new astronomy book.

Spike pointed accusingly at Owlowiscious. "You set me up! But two could play at that game!" He said angrily. Malibu attempted to calm Spike down but it still wasn't working.


"Not who! Two!" Spike let loose a huge growl of frustration, stalking away. Malibu quickly stepped in front of him. "Spike, there's no need to be angry. You should be happy you don't need to do so many chores, and I'm sure Twilight will forgive you." He said in a desperate manner but Spike shoved him out of the way, his eyes narrowed. "No, Mal. Owlowiscious is out to steal my job. And I gotta stop him." He left the library to do what he wanted to do, Malibu's ears falling, knowing now that Spike's jealousy had really consumed him.

He used his teleportation to have him go to where Spike was intending to plan his revenge on Owlowiscious, appearing behind a tree near Rarity's place. He peeked through the window on time to see Spike wearing a ridiculous hat, cape and mustache, stealing Opalescence's mouse toy, cackling under his breath.

Malibu quickly ran back to tell Twilight what was happening so they could prevent the incident. Twilight was reading her book when Malibu teleported in the room, his face panicked. "Twilight, Spike is planning to frame Owlowiscious. I tried to snap him out of it but he wouldn't listen. Please come!"

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious hooted as Twilight nodded, following Malibu downstairs, hearing Spike cackling while ripping up the mouse toy and dumping ketchup to make it look like a real mouse being eaten. Spike backed up right into Twilight as the duo entered the room, giving him looks that made him guilty, quickly undressing from his outfit and pointing to the toy mouse.

His face was full of fake sadness. "That poor little field mouse, torn to pieces! It must've been Owlowiscious! Ya know, since owls eat, you know, mice. What a terrible, terrible bird! He must be punished! Right?"

Twilight had a face full of utter disappointment, Malibu himself glaring but seemed more afraid of Twilight being the most angry. "Spike! I don't know what upsets me more—that you deliberately tried to set up Owlowiscious, or that you actually thought this pathetic attempt would work! You've let your jealousy get the best of you, Spike. I am truly disappointed. This is not the Spike I know and love!"

Malibu raised his hoof. "Twilight..." She swished her tail. "I won't even talk to him now," She snipped, shutting the door, leaving the two alone together. He felt sorry for Spike but not too sympathetic since Spike brought this on himself. He saw tears fall down the baby dragon's face. "S-she doesn't love me anymore!" He sobbed.

The alicorn shook his head. "I'm sure she doesn't—." Spike shoved him away. "I couldn't believe you snitched on me! No friend snitches on each other!" Spike said in an angry, sad voice. Malibu backed up. "Y-You know that what you did was wrong. And I was trying to help you snap out of your jealousy!"

Spike growled. "Just leave me alone! If Twilight doesn't want me, then I don't need her! I'm leaving!" He blew hot air out of his nose when going to pack. Malibu's own tears began to show, not even attempting to stop him now, sitting down, sniffling.


Some hours later since Spike's departure Malibu got the courage to speak to Twilight who was shuffling through her notes, still angry looking. He also narrowed his eyes, walking up.

"Twilight, there's something you should know," Malibu said, but was interrupted. "If it is about Spike, then it isn't important."

Malibu frowned, stomping his hoof. "He ran away Twi! I did my best to stop him!" The mulberry unicorn gasped in shock, her eyes watering. "What...?" She gaped. Malibu nodded. "We got to find him!" At first his friend hesitated then figured Spike was probably in trouble, nodding. "Let's go," She said, he, her and Owlowiscious running out of the library, following the footsteps he left behind from the ketchup.

Running through the forest was rather dark but they had the help of their owl friend and in the distance they heard loud roaring from an upcoming cave. Panic rushed through Malibu, sensing Spike could be in there, Owlowiscious hooting and flying ahead, into the cave.

When seeing inside; Malibu spotted a huge pile of gems as well as a large green dragon trying to go for Spike who was cowered in a corner until Owlowiscious gave a hoot to distract the owl, scratching him with his talons, giving Spike the chance to run.

"Spike!" Shouted Malibu. Twilight waved her hoof. "Over here!" Spike grinned in relief, jumping onto Twilight's back. The group made a break for it, the green dragon hot on their trail through the darkened trees now having gotten pitch black. "It's too dark! I can't see!" Twilight cried in desperation. Owlowiscious hooted again, flying in front of them and guiding them through.

The green dragon wound up getting stuck in thick trees behind, roaring more and shooting fire into the sky once they exited the forest, all panting heavily once safe.

Spike jumped off of Twilight's back, sighing though glancing at Twilight in sadness. "We were so worried about you. I was so worried about you. Why did you run away?" The baby dragon kicked the dirt, tears falling down. Malibu sat down since his legs were worn down. "I... I thought you didn't need me anymore. And that you didn't love me anymore."

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. "Spike. Sure, I was disappointed, but you are my number one assistant! And friend. And you always will be. It's just that sometimes I need some help at night. I can't ask you to stay up late. You're a baby dragon and you need your rest. Owls are nocturnal. So I asked Owlowiscious to help. But not to take your place. No one could ever replace you, Spike. Not even when you are being a jealous numbskull." She giggled when petting his head, making him smile.

Malibu spoke up then. "And Spike, I didn't tell on you for mean purposes. You know that right? I was trying to protect you from yourself." Spike nodded, wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry for misunderstanding you Mal and for being jealous. We still friends?" The former clone gargoyle nodded. "Always little guy," He said, bumping his shoulder.

"And I am sorry too, Spike. I should have been more sensitive," Twilight also apologized. Spike glanced at their owl friend. "And, Owlowiscious... I know now that you weren't out to take my job. Forgive me?"


Spike tilted his head. "Me. Forgive me. Spike."


The baby dragon turned to his pony friends, looking confused, making them chuckle. "He forgives you, Spike," Twilight translated, Malibu nodding. Spike had another question. "Hey! How did you guys know where I was?" He asked. Twilight pointed. "It was your ketchup covered feet. Owlowiscious discovered your footprints and followed them all the way to the cave."

Malibu watched Spike chuckle nervously. "Oh yeah, the ketchup. It looked pretty real though, didn't it?" Twilight raised her brow, making him flush.


Back at the Golden Oaks, they set up to write a letter to the Princess. Twilight smiled while Malibu sat on a cushion to relax. "I know Princess Celestia will wanna read about what happened today!"

Spike got his quill up. "I'm ready when you are!" Twilight was about to speak but then got an idea. "Hey, Spike. Why don't you write to Princess Celestia? And tell her what you've learned?" Malibu liked the idea, nodding. "That would be cool!"

"But, it is a big responsibility!" Spike explained. Twilight nodded. "I know. But nothing my number one assistant can't handle."

Malibu watched the moment before him as Spike began to write.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

This is Spike, writing to you about my adventures. This week I've learned that being jealous and telling lies gets you nowhere in friendship. I also learned that there's plenty of love for every friend to share. So from here on out, I promise, that I, Spike, will..."

The two friends blinked when seeing Spike's head fall onto the desk, snoring softly again, making them chuckle. "Oh, Spike," Twilight laughed.


Malibu glanced up in surprise. "Uh, you know who." He said. Twilight agreed. "Spike! You... ohhh!" They then had another laugh while Malibu thought he saw Owlowiscious wink. This will definitely be an interesting new member to their little group of friends.


Will soon write Pinkie Pie's mental breakdown in the next episode, and the Grand Galloping Gala.

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