Starter Lessons: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

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S1 E23 everypony! Owls Well that Ends Well is up next!


Malibu had managed to heal well through the weeks at the hospital since the Timberwolf incident and was now back on his feet once again. His mom had returned to Canterlot and he looked forward to writing the next letter to her.

He was wandering a field near some woods that wasn't the Everfree taking in the fresh air after being cooped up in the hospital. But to his surprise the alicorn heard screaming, the screaming of three fillies.

It has to be the Crusaders again. What have they been up to? Malibu thought to himself as he ran in the direction of his little friend's voices, until he saw the three of them doing a crazy trick with a rope that he learned was called zip lining. They got stuck in the middle of the rope which snapped and the CMCs all screamed again when falling.

"I'm coming, girls!" Malibu shouted, taking to the air and managing to catch all three with his magic. They stopped screaming at the sight of their savior.

"M-Malibu! I... we can explain..." Said Scootaloo, chuckling nervously. They were all covered in tree sap so Malibu figured they would have to be cleaned up or else Applejack and Rarity would have a fit.

He landed them safely on the ground. Applebloom looked at her friends. "See anything?" Scoot glanced at her flank. "Tree sap and pine needles but no cutie mark," She muttered. Malibu face palmed himself. "So this was what this dangerous stunt was?" Sweetie Belle nodded. "Though I didn't want to really get a cutie mark in zip lining," She insisted, causing the other two to give her looks.

"Plan B?" Applebloom asked Scootaloo. She grinned. "Yeah, you know where we can find a cannon at this hour?" The other two cringed while Malibu's eyes flashed. "No. Definitely not a good idea," He said firmly, causing her to look down in disappointment.

They threw off their equipment. "It's no use, no matter how many times we try we still end up without our cutie marks. And surprisingly often covered in tree sap," Scootaloo complained. Malibu tried to smile. "You will get them, I know you will," He assured. Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, and maybe we should do something less dangerous. Like pillow testing or flower snipping."

Malibu got a bucket of water and a towel for them to clean themselves. "This town is full of ponies who have their cutie marks. Why don't we ask them how they did it?"

Sweetie Belle dried herself off. "That's a great safe idea." The alicorn agreed. "Yep, and you can get interesting stories too."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said. "And we can start with the coolest pony in Ponyville."

"Applejack!" Applebloom suggested.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cheered.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Come on, guys. I said 'cool'! You know who I'm talking about. She's fast. She's tough!" Scootaloo took a short run on her scooter, kicking the water bucket. "She's not afraid of anything!" The filly wasn't aware she still had sap on her front hooves.

Her two friends looked at each other, Malibu having a deadpanned look on his face. "Pinkie Pie?"

"No! The greatest flyer ever to come out of Cloudsdale!"


Malibu swished his tail. "C'mon, she's talking about Rainbow Dash!" He snapped, liking the idea of hearing about how his marefriend earned her cutie mark. The two others nodded. "Oh, yeah, that makes much more sense."

Scootaloo raised her hooves in the air. "Let's do it. Let's find out about how Rainbow Dash earned her cutie mark!" Malibu saw the sap still there and tried to warn them but too late as they high fived, getting stuck. Laughing, Malibu managed to pull them gently apart, washing Scootaloo's hooves. "Let's go."

While Malibu flew, Scootaloo took the others on her scooter. Malibu saw some bunnies on the road. "Watch out!" He called, having Scootaloo skid to a halt. Applejack's voice rang through the air. "Get back here, ya thievin' varmints!" She shouted, since the bunnies had apples with them. Malibu tilted his head. "Thievin' what now?" Applebloom asked, right as Applejack crashed into the group.

The teal alicorn helped them up. "Applebloom?" AJ asked as her sister looked at her apple cutie mark. "Hey, sis, how did you get your cutie mark?" Applejack raised her brow. "I never told you or Malibu that story?" Malibu shook his head no, sitting down near them.

"Hey! I thought we were gonna ask Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo complained. "You need all the help, right?" Malibu questioned. Scootaloo agreed, but reluctantly. Applejack smiled. "Why, shoot. I was just a little filly. Even littler than y'all."

Malibu suddenly felt something in his head, causing his eyes to flash and somehow; he found himself seeing a vision of Sweet Apple Acres, as well as a young Applejack and Big Macintosh.

What? Malibu asked himself in amazement at seeing this while AJ kept talking from the present. "I didn't want to spend my life on a muddy old apple farm. I wanted to live the sophisticated life, like my Aunt n' Uncle Orange." Malibu watched small Applejack venture out from the farm and then the scene changed to a big city, possibly bigger than Canterlot.

"So I set out to try my luck in the big city, Manehattan! The most cosmopolitan city in all of Equestria!"

The former gargoyle stared around in awe at the city sights like little AJ. She nearly bumped into another unicorn who glared at her. "Hey, Outta the way, you rube!" Malibu frowned a little at that, watching little AJ walking to where her aunt and uncle lived. "I knew I'd find out who I was meant to be in Manehattan." AJ's voice echoed inside his head.

Filly AJ knocked on the door, and it was answered by two sophisticated looking ponies. "Aunt Orange! Uncle Orange! Thank y'all so much for lettin' me stay!" Malibu couldn't help but find little AJ's voice rather cute. Aunt Orange giggled. "Y'all. Isn't she just the living end?"

Uncle Orange also chuckled. "How quaint." Malibu pawed the ground slightly, not sure if he wanted to live in a place like that. "Don't worry. We'll have you acting like a true Manehattanite in no time." Aunt Orange promised, ruffling little AJ's hair. Malibu blinked as the scenery switched to now dinnertime.

"And how are you finding good old Manehattan?" Asked one male pony with a top hat. Little AJ smiled, now having a stylish mane looking like her aunt's. "Oh, it is simply divine."

Aunt Orange nodded in approval. "Very well said, my dear." Malibu watched little AJ speak again. "Although, I must admit the city noise took some getting used to. Where I'm from, nights are so quiet, you seldom hear a peep until the roosters wake you."

His ears fell at that with her doing her country talk. The other rich ponies glanced at each other in shock. "The... what?" A mare exclaimed. "I say, my dear, what in the world is a... 'rooster'?" The stallion questioned, making little AJ blush in embarrassment. Thankfully the bell dinged signaling dinner. Malibu looked forward to seeing what they ate in the rich life. "Dinner is served!" Little AJ sighed. "Thank goodness. Being a city pony's hard work. I'm so hungry I could eat a..."

All that was on the plate was... whatever rich ponies like these ate. Malibu cringed when seeing little AJ looking upset about not having much on her plate. Once more the scene changed and now it was nearly sunrise. Applejack gazed out the window sadly. Malibu went to stand near the image of her, as the sun came up.

He still felt pretty privileged to see the sun being a gargoyle in pony form. Sunrises were usually his favorite. "Cockadoodledoo. Oh, I wonder what Granny Smith and Big Macintosh are up to. I bet they're applebuckin' their way through the Red Delicious trees. Oh, what I wouldn't give for just one bite..."

Malibu's heart went out to little AJ, wanting to put a hoof of comfort on her shoulder but felt air, since they weren't aware of his presence. "I never felt so homesick in all my days as I did right then." He heard the adult Applejack say until his ears picked up the sound of an explosion. Both he and Little AJ were startled, seeing a rainbow appear out of nowhere.

"It was amazin'! A rainbow pointin' right back to... home. In that moment, it all became clear." Little AJ's eyes brightened and the scene changed one more time, to her running right back to her rightful home, her family welcoming her with open hooves.

"I knew right then just who I was supposed to be." Malibu then managed to witness Applejack's three apple cutie marks show...

He blinked, shaking his head and found himself back in the present, Applejack finishing her story. "That's when this here appeared. I've been happily working in the farm ever since."

The cmcs and Malibu both enjoyed the story but Malibu himself was confused at how he could actually see it. "Uh, yeah. Was most interesting..." he replied nervously, still rubbing his head. The bunnies then returned, blowing raspberries at AJ who glared and ran after them. "There they are! Get back here, ya thievin' varmints!" She shouted, running after the rabbits.

Sweetie Belle smiled. "Aw. That was such a sweet story!" Malibu nodded in agreement, happy Applejack decided to live in Sweet Apple Acres, not wanting to think what would happen if she hadn't seen that rainbow. Scootaloo huffed, jumping onto her scooter. "Sweet, try sappy. Blaugh! Come on! We've got to find Rainbow Dash and hear the cool way to get a cutie mark!"

Sighing and shaking his head Malibu went along with them, hoping they will find his marefriend to hear her story. This time however after some time wandering, they nearly ran into Fluttershy. The girls screamed and Malibu quickly landed so he wouldn't crash. Fluttershy happened to be herding some ducks across the road.

"Alright, little ones. This way. This way." She smiled at Malibu who waved his wing at her. "Hello, Malibu. And you girls should be more careful. Somepony could be hurt. Why are you in such a hurry anyway?"

Scootaloo spoke up. "We're trying to find Rainbow Dash, so we can hear how she earned her cutie mark."

Fluttershy looked interested. "Oh, that would be interesting. You know, I wouldn't have gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for her." Malibu was stunned. "Seriously?" He asked in surprise. The pegasus nodded. "Oh yes, Mal. It all started at Summer Flight Camp..."

Malibu suddenly felt it happen yet again, and now he was at said camp, looking up to where young Fluttershy was trying to fly. "Not again..." Malibu muttered to himself, while Young Flutter whimpered during her struggling.

"You'd never guess, but when I was little I was very shy. And a very weak flyer." Young Fluttershy managed to reach one of the rings but she tripped and slid down the cloud. Malibu's ears fell when watching her fall, hearing her gasp, then collapsing at the bottom.

Familiar laughing sounded and Malibu recognized the bullies from Cloudsdale; Dumb-Bell and Hoops. "Nice going, Klutzershy! They oughtta ground you permanently." Malibu growled, stomping his hoof before remembering again they couldn't see him. "Ha! My baby brother can fly better than you!" Young Hoops taunted, as they kept laughing, Young Fluttershy cowering and crying.

"It was the most humiliating moment of my life. And then, out of nowhere..." He heard Fluttershy's voice say, as a rainbow blur suddenly appeared, and recognized his marefriend Rainbow Dash as a filly now. "Leave her alone!" Little Dash exclaimed.

Hoops smirked. "Ooh, what are you gonna do, Rainbow Crash?" Little Dash kept glaring. "Keep making fun of her and find out!" Dumb-Bell glowered. "You think you're such a big shot? Why don't you prove it?"

Malibu saw Little Dash grin. "Whaddya have in mind?"

Soon the teal alicorn was now standing near where the race would be held. Hoops glared at Little Dash at the start. "You're going down!"

"In history, maybe! See you boys at the finish line!" Exclaimed Little Dash, raising her wings. The three got ready to race until Little Fluttershy waved the flag, and the three were off, but accidentally knocking her off the cloud.

Malibu felt himself falling too, despite it just being a vision the drop scared him, but really wanted to see the race. He supposed seeing this from Flutter's POV would be good to start. Little Fluttershy squealed when falling until a group of butterflies near the ground caught her somehow.

"Huh?" She asked in confusion. Malibu breathed some relief that Fluttershy hadn't splattered to the ground. He heard adult Fluttershy speak in his mind. "I had never seen such beautiful creatures. Butterflies don't fly as high as my cloud home. And I'd never been near the ground before."

Really? Malibu asked himself, scratching his head, when he eventually started to hear Little Fluttershy sing.

"What is this place

Filled with so many wonders?

Casting its spell

That I am now under

Squirrels in the trees

And the cute little bunnies

Birds flying free

And bees with their honey


More animals joined near Fluttershy, dancing with her, making Malibu smile, knowing that this was probably where she got her cutie mark. And her singing was still pretty sweet.

"Oooh, what a magical place

And I owe it all to the Pegasus race

If I knew the ground had so much up its sleeve

I'd have come here sooner, and never leave

Yes, I love ev-er-ythiiiiing!"

She finished singing right as a familiar explosion sounded like from Applejack's story, causing the animals to scatter and hide. Malibu ducked as a pair of ducks flew over him, though they wouldn't have hit his head anyway. Fluttershy glared in determination, going to calm them down. "Shh, it's ok." She assured to some squirrels in the bushes. They came out. Flutter knocked on a tree. "You can come out." A couple chipmunks showed themselves.

Little Flutter put her head in the water. "Everything's okay." It caused some frogs and turtles to appear from hiding, as well as coaxing the birds out. "There's nothing to be afraid of." The teal alicorn felt pride in his heart and saw how the animals settled near her.

"Somehow I had the ability to communicate with the animals on a different level." He heard Fluttershy say from the present. Malibu saw the butterfly cutie mark show up, and the vision faded...

Shaking his head, Malibu was back in the present, blinking his eyes rapidly. Fluttershy tilted her head. "Mal, are you alright? You looked zoned out, and your eyes were glowing." He grinned awkwardly like before. "Uh, uh..."

Scootaloo piped up. "Wait, wait, wait. What happened to Rainbow Dash? What about the race?" Fluttershy shrugged. "Oh. Well, I wasn't there, so I don't really know what happened." That made the smaller pegasus groan. "Come on, Crusaders. We've gotta find her. Besides, I can't take anymore singing..." She muttered.

Sweetie Belle had an idea. "Maybe my sister knows where she is!" She suggested. Malibu nodded at that idea as he waved to Fluttershy, following them in their wake to Carousel Boutique.


Inside however; they got pulled in to have a fitting. Malibu sat to the side and watched his little friends getting their dress up. "How did we get roped into this? Oh, we'll never hear Rainbow Dash's story!" Scoot complained. Rarity perked up at that. "Are you girls still obsessing over your cutie marks?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Of course! Most of the fillies at school already have theirs!" Rarity put a hoof on her chest. "I know how you feel. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why I didn't have mine..."

Malibu then felt his vision swim, now seeing the flashback of Rarity's fillyhood, making him groan again from having to go through this once more.

He could see a play rehearsal happening where three young ponies were dressed up in Rarity's outfits. The teacher smiled at filly Rarity. "Well done, Rarity. Your costumes are very nice."

Little Rarity looked desperate. "Nice?! They need to be spectacular! And the performance is tomorrow!" Malibu saw the scene change to Rarity's room seeing her trying to work on the costumes. "I tried every trick I could think of, but nothing seemed to work. The costumes just weren't right, and the play opened that night!" Rarity's adult voice narrated.

Malibu saw Little Rarity looking ready to be in tears. "Maybe I'm not meant to be a fashionista after all!" To his shock her horn suddenly lit up on its own. "Ah! What's going on?!" Her magic dragged her out the door and across some lands of Equestria. "I had no idea where my horn was taking me. But unicorn magic doesn't happen without a reason. I knew this had to do with my love of fashion and maybe even my cutie mark! I knew that this was... My destiny!"

Little Rarity had bumped into... a rock. Malibu felt curious about that as Little Rarity was quite furious. "A rock?! That's my destiny?! What is your problem, horn? I followed you all the way out here for a rock?!"

She humphed in anger, glaring. "Dumb rock!" The teal alicorn and her both felt that explosion that happened in the last few visions he saw, making the rock crack and split open. Little Rarity shielded her eyes then saw all the gems that was in the geode rock, her eyes brightening.

So that was her inspiration... Malibu thought to himself, as the scene changed to the play of that night, the costumes now in sparkly gems, everypony in the audience oohing at the sight of the costumes, Little Rarity's teacher gazing at her student with pride. And Malibu spotted the three gemstone cutie mark show, shaking his head as the vision ended.

"Malibu? Are you ok darling?" Rarity asked in worry, Malibu rubbing his forehead. These were making him have headaches. "T-think so..." He muttered, Scootaloo crying out in frustration. "Ugh! These namby pamby stories aren't getting us any closer to our cutie marks! They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that!"

Rarity nodded. "Yes girls, that's exactly..." She blinked when seeing them leave. "Come on, girls! We need action! We need Rainbow Dash!"

Malibu gave Rarity an apologetic grin. "Sorry. I did like your story though," He said, Rarity shrugging as he left too.

They bumped into Twilight next however who sat them down to tell them her story. Malibu saw Scootaloo groan and let her head fall on the table while she spoke. "As a young filly in Canterlot, I always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration, where Princess Celestia raises the sun..."

His vision flickered, finding himself at said celebration. Malibu's eyes rounded at the sight of everything; rides, food and more, just to celebrate raising the sun. He'd never been to the one in Canterlot before. Malibu spotted little Twilight as she moved through the crowd to see his mom.

"And I saw the most amazing, most wonderful thing I've ever seen!" The alicorn heard trumpets, and he watched his mom walk onto the stage, waving, and flew into the air to raise the sun, a beautiful orange yellow that flashed over the crowd. Everypony there oohed and aahed at the sight. Malibu's eyes shone from watching his mom do it, and Little Twilight's did too.

That was amazing! Malibu thought to himself while the scene changed to Little Twilight reading about magic in the library. "I poured myself into learning everything I could about magic."

Malibu watched Little Twilight struggling to use her magic to turn the page until she was able too, time going by, reading every single book on her desk.

Always a bookworm... Malibu chuckled silently, as her parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light came to see her with a letter to Princess Celestia's school. This was possibly before he came into the picture. "My parents decided to enroll me in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. It was a dream come true! Except for one thing... I had to pass an entrance exam!"

The scene now showed him seeing Twilight at said exam, looking ready to pass out as the judges watched. One pony pushed a dragon egg in on a cart. Is that Spike's egg? Malibu asked to himself in surprise, as the instructions said she had to make the egg hatch with her magic.

"Well, Miss Sparkle?" A mare asked impatiently. Little Twilight laughed nervously, staring at the egg in loss of what to do. She then eventually attempted it but only a small spark emerged. Malibu watched her continuing to struggle.

The mare judge looked at her watch. "We don't have all day," She said snootily. Malibu glared at her while Little Twilight kept trying her best. "I knew it was the most important day of my life, that my entire future would be affected by the outcome of this day and I was about to blow it!" Present Twilight said in her voice over.

Malibu's face fell when her magic still didn't work. Twilight sat down in sorrow and guilt. "I'm sorry I wasted your time." The teal alicorn's ears lowered for his adopted sister, until that familiar explosion from the previous visions happened yet again, scaring Twilight, and somehow; activating her magic. The magic spell hit the egg and Malibu watched it hatch into baby Spike, making him smile, seeing how cute baby Spike was.

Twilight wasn't done though as her eyes glowed and more magic burst from her horn, making the judges float and turned her parents into plants, even making baby Spike suddenly become huge, attracting the attention of Celestia. Malibu was backing away, wanting to avoid being hit despite it only being a vision, Twilight whimpering and struggling until his mom appeared and put a gentle hoof on her.

The magic stopped then and everything changed back to normal. "Twilight Sparkle," Celestia started as she interrupted. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean..." his mom raised her hoof. "You have a very special gift. I don't think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities."

Twilight's eyes rounded for good reason. "Huh?" Celestia continued. "But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focus studies."

"Huh?!" Celestia smiled. "Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to make you my personal protégé here at the school." Malibu's eyes shone in happiness, now realizing that was how his best friend got with Celestia before him in the first place. "Well?" Her parents nodded excitedly and Little Twilight jumped into the air. "YES!"

Celestia raised her hoof. "One other thing, Twilight." Little Twilight's smile faded. "More?" She fell to the ground. Malibu saw his mom point her hoof at Little Twilight's sparkle cutie mark having appeared. Little Twilight beamed.

"My cutie mark, yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!" She squealed, jumping about. The vision faded away...

Malibu groaned again, blinking and seeing Twilight back in the present jumping about like her filly self, the cmcs looking awkward. "Ok, ok!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"We're happy for you, Twilight," Sweetie Belle stated. Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah, thrilled. Let's get out of here while we still can..." Malibu himself didn't want Twilight to question him about having blacked out during her story so he too snuck away with the cmcs.


While following them behind their scooter, Scootaloo herself was pretty frustrated. "Ugh! Why don't we ever smash into Rainbow Dash?" Malibu was about to speak when some how Pinkie Pie appeared in the wagon. "You're looking for Rainbow Dash?"

Malibu shook his head in surprise. "Uh, how did you get in there?" Pinkie smiled. "I jumped! And If I was Dash, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner! Of course, if I was anyone, I'd be at Sugarcube Corner. Hey, I have an idea! Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner?"

She nearly fell off the wagon and Malibu caught her. Sweetie Belle wasn't sure. "Well, we're sort of looking for Rainbow Dash so we can hear how she got her cutie mark." Pinkie's eyes brightened. "Cutie Mark? Come with me and I'll tell you how I got mine!"

The former gargoyle cringed. He secretly didn't want the visions to happen to him now while flying but it was too late as Scoot agreed. "Why not?"

"Alright!" Pinkie cheered as she began, Malibu gasping as his vision faded once more, seeing a strange barn before him.

"My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. We spent our days working the fields. There was no talking. There was no smiling. There were only rocks." Malibu tilted his head when seeing Little Pinkie doing her job on the rock farm. She really grew up in a place like this?

Her mane was rather flat and not poofy at all, face looking sad and bored. The bell rang, Malibu seeing her parents and three sisters going inside. "We were in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field, when all of a sudden..."

The explosion sounded, and the rainbow from Applejack's story appeared here too, Little Pinkie's eyes widening in awe, a wind making her mane poofy. "I'd never felt joy like that before! It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever!" Malibu watched her smile grow bigger before going into thought as the rainbow disappeared. "And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too, but rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?"

Little Pinkie zipped into the barn, Malibu watching the sun set then rise in two seconds, turning to see her father coming out. "We'd better harvest the rocks from the south field." The teal alicorn could hear party music from the barn.

Her mom raised her brow. "Pinkamena Diane Pie! Is that you?" Malibu blinked. Her full name, interesting. He thought, seeing Little Pinkie poke her head out. "Mom! I need you and dad and the sisters to come in, quick!"

Malibu followed the rest of the family inside, standing off to the side of the barn to watch. "Surprise! It is called... a party!" Little Pinkie gave a grin while her parents and sisters stared open mouthed, as they all struggled to smile.

The family looked about at each of the party decor, their mouths twitching. "Oh, you don't like it..." Little Pinkie said sadly, turning away. But was proven wrong when the family gave big grins, joining in with the party. Malibu smiled, ears perked in happiness for Pinkie.

"You like it! I'm so happy!" Squealed Little Pinkie while dancing with her dad, her balloons cutie mark showing, making his vision fade...

He was brought back to the present, groaning from all the visions he had and was somehow still flying, Pinkie talking. "And that's how Equestria was made!" Malibu glanced over, wings tired. "Huh? Uh... tired..." He fell to the dirt, laying there in exhaustion, the cmcs crying out and Pinkie Pie jumping out the wagon to help.

"Malibu? Can you hear me?" He heard Pinkie's echoey voice. He groaned, nodding when she helped him to his feet to go inside Sugarcube corner. Inside his head began to feel a tad bit better, smelling all the good food inside, and saw his marefriend Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo smiled. "Rainbow Dash! You're here!"

Dash went up to Malibu, a hoof on his cheek. "Hey, you look pretty worn out. And I heard your little friends were looking for my cutie mark story."

Malibu glanced at her and the others. "About that, something weird had been happening. Whenever they told their story, I would suddenly have visions of seeing them, when they were fillies. I can't explain." He muttered, sitting down and rubbing his head. Twilight was startled but excited. "That's why you zoned out and your eyes flashed earlier! It must be some kind of new magic!" The teal alicorn shrugged. "Maybe. I'll have to show you guys. Dash? You able to tell your story?"

Rainbow Dash was a bit concerned for Malibu's wellbeing but she took a breath and told her story to the cmcs. "It all happened during the race at Flight Camp, where I stood alone against all odds to defend Fluttershy's honor!"

Twilight glanced at Malibu who's eyes flashed big and went completely still, knowing now he was seeing the events that were going on in the story, feeling excited.

Back at Cloudsdale, Malibu was once again seeing the race. Fluttershy fell off the cloud after it started but this time he was watching it all from Dash's POV. His eyes followed Little Dash flying super fast along the track, a grin on her face, Dumb Bell having crashed into a pillar during it.

Malibu heard her voice speak. "I've never flown like that before! That freedom was unlike anything I've ever felt! The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my mane... I liked it... a lot!" He smiled when seeing how free she must be feeling until Hoops bumped her out of the way.

"Ha! Later, Rainbow Crash!" He taunted, diving down towards the finish line. "Hey!" Little Dash snapped, following, going faster. "Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast..." Rainbow from the present said, as Little Dash zipped by Hoops, making him spiral out of control. "Was winning!"

The alicorn's eyes rounded, seeing history being made; with his closest friend, Rainbow Dash, doing the Sonic Rainboom. The explosion echoed everywhere, amazing the spectators. Little Dash flew super fast with a rainbow trailing behind her, not her mane. He felt tears coming to his eyes.

"Most people thought that the sonic rainboom was just an old mare's tale. But that day... The day I discovered racing... I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible passable!" Little Dash flew over the camp, displaying her rainbow trail, the spectators cheering when she crossed the finish line. And then her cutie mark appeared, with a smile on Little Dash's face, feeling his vision fading...

He blinked when finding himself back to the present again, everypony staring at him and Rainbow, legs trembling. "You alright?" Twilight asked. Malibu nodded. "I'll live. But that Rainboom, was amazing Dash," He said shakily, making her go red, glancing at the cmcs. "And that, little ones, is how you earn a cutie mark."

"Whoa..." Breathed the three of them. Fluttershy had a realization. "Wait a second. I heard that explosion. And I saw the rainbow too. Rainbow Dash, if you hadn't scared the animals, I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my cutie mark."

Pinkie spoke too. "I heard that boom! And right afterwards, there was this amazing rainbow that taught me to smile!" Applejack then spoke her piece. "When I got my cutie mark, I saw a rainbow that pointed me home. I bet it was your sonic rainboom!"

Malibu had a hard time believing that they all got their cutie marks right as the sonic rainboom happened. It felt too unreal. Rarity gasped. "There was an explosion I could never explain when I got my cutie mark!" Twilight rubbed her head. "This is uncanny! If that explosion didn't happen when it did, I would've blown my entrance exam. Rainbow Dash, I think you helped me earn my cutie mark too!"

Pinkie tackled Rainbow in a hug, Malibu chuckling at the sight. And he thought about it again. Maybe that sparkly gemstone shaped like a star that brought him here had been the element of magic! "We all owe our Cutie Marks to you!" Pinkie cheered, Dash smiling nervously at her.

Fluttershy looked excited. "Do you realize what this means? All of us had a special connection before we even met!" Rarity nodded while Malibu helped Rainbow Dash to her feet, nuzzling her and she nuzzled him back. The two now felt a stronger connection than they ever felt before. Malibu hoped Delilah wouldn't be mad should he ever see her again. "We've been BFFS forever and we didn't even know it!" The white unicorn said.

Everypony else came in for a group hug, all laughing and awing, Malibu feeling happy to have friends like them. Scootaloo rolled her eyes while her other friends awed at the sight. "Ewww... gimmie a break. Come on, Crusaders. Maybe we just need to try zip lining again." Sweetie and Applebloom hugged her right then, making her moan.

Fluttershy spoke up then. "Hey, how about a song?" Malibu couldn't help the chuckle when seeing Scootaloo's eyes popping. "Nooooo!"


Later that evening Malibu had decided to sleep over with Twilight who was having Spike write their recent letter to his mom.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow." She had glanced out at a rainbow right at that moment, Spike groaning.

"Gross! When did you get so cheesy?" He grumbled, Mailbu laughing. "Just write it, Spike," Twilight said, a hoof around Malibu's shoulder. "And Malibu, hopefully you can talk to my mom about those visions you saw of our stories." Malibu nodded. "Me too," He said, knowing this would be a big mystery to unravel.

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