Chapter one

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Birds sang in the summer dawn, I stood small but stable my form was still working on forming fully. It had been quite a while since my old body's Demise, in human ages I was around a child of ten to twelve. I snuck past shadow Freddy who guarded me like a hawk, I ran to the cave entrance and stood my body thinner then a twig. I ran out of the cave enjoying the dawn light, I was about to enter the treeline when golden Freddy grabbed me.
"Awww," I complained, he chuckled and sat me on his shoulder.
"I will let you explore but so long as you don't leave my sight," Golden Freddy warned, I nodded and he put me back down. I began to chase stray leaves and the local animals, it was my first time out of the cave. Golden Freddy kept his eye on me knowing that if I got lost shadow Freddy would have his head. I giggled as I ran, once or twice my pin like feet got stuck in holes or vines. I tripped over a small branch and face planted into a thorn bush, golden Freddy rushed to save me from its prickly grasp. I had a cut or two from the thorns, it stung but I didn't mind much. We went back to the cave to find a furious shadow Freddy, upon seeing the cut on my arm he flipped out.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? HOW DID SHE GET CUT!? WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME FIRST!?" Shadow Freddy fretted, I rolled my eyes.
"Easy shadow Freddy she isn't something you can just control," golden Freddy scoffed, I ran to Freddy and the others ignoring their argument.
"Hey what are they on about now?" Freddy chuckled, I crossed my arms and sighed.
"The usual, shadow Freddy needs to calm down I don't understand why I'm so important," I complained, Freddy glanced at the others before shrugging it off. Shadow Freddy walked over golden Freddy with him, they seemed to have figured it out now.
"I'm sorry for our constant arguing but puppet come with me I need to speak with you.......alone," Shadow Freddy apologised, I followed him back out of the cave. We headed to a nice clearing that sat on the side of the mountain, rocks made it's outer exterior blend keeping it hidden.
"There's something you need to know little one, your soul is older then your memories allow you to see, your memories have been wiped to keep you safe, I worry a lot because I can't loose you again, Nightmare stole your life and now that you've been given a second chance to save the world everything that sided with him before will try to trick you to destroy the world like Nightmare wanted, I can't bare to loose you again that's why I stress so much, I know it's a lot to take in and you might no believe me but is true," Shadow Freddy explained, my eyes widened and I shook my head backing away.
"So I'm a target is what your saying," I gasped letting it sink in, this wasn't what I was expecting at all.
"Yes that's why I want you to stay where I can see you so they can't get you, the twisted ones roam looking for a new master to cause destruction for, I'm sure they will come looking for you, I'm endangering you by bringing you out here but I needed to speak to you alone......." Shadow Freddy began but he was cut off by a distant roar, he seemed to recognise it but I didn't. Immediately he beckoned for me to hide, I ran behind a large boulder peeking out to see what was going to happen. Large twisted forms of my friends began to sneak up and circled shadow Freddy, my eyes widened at their horrid appearance.
"He requests you hand her over," came the dark and twisted voice of twisted Freddy, shadow Freddy stood tall and defiant.
"I won't allow you to twist her mind and hurt her like you did in her past!" Shadow Freddy growled, the twisted ones stood still and parted. A large jet black twisted version of whatever nightmare looked like stepped forward, its blood red eyes glowing with hatred and the wish for destruction. From what I heard nightmare had an immortal follower whom took over his body, something bad was going to happen I just knew it.
"Last chance, you can either keep her safe and hand her over or you can risk both her life and the lives of others and try and keep her," he offered, shadow Freddy considered this for a moment.
"I won't let you hurt her," shadow Freddy roared, his face filled with disappointment.
"Your persistent I will give you that, twisted wolf and twisted foxy........get her," he ordered, shadow Freddy watched as they began to creep toward my hiding location. Seeing them made me shake slightly, I had to defend myself if shadow Freddy found it hard to. Shadow Freddy launched himself at the twisted ones trying to keep me protected, he called himself Nightlock for reasons I am oblivious I wasn't paying attention to. While shadow Freddy was busy with the twisted ones he failed to notice Nightlock sneaking around to get me while shadow Freddy was busy, he grabbed me by the neck upon reaching me giving me little time to try and flee. I tried to remove his hand from around my twig thin neck, shadow Freddy got distracted on my screech long enough for the twisted ones to pin him down.
"I'm disappointed, you failed to keep her hidden and failed to protect her, I'm going to let her watch how a failure like you suffers for not following the simplest of commands," Nightlock grumbled, fear struck me like a hard blow so using my slowly growing power I zapped his hand and he released me.
"LEAVE US ALONE!" I screeched blasting the twisted ones away, Nightlocks eyes narrowed. I stood in front of shadow Freddy as he recovered, the others found us and helped shadow Freddy to his feet. I stared at nightlock my needle sharp claws ready, as small as I was I was very powerful. Nightlock stood his eyes locked onto me, he then began to laugh confusing me.
"Just like your past self, pathetic, loyalty to these fools will only get you killed just like before, if you refuse to see them I will make you see!" Nightlock roared, my eyes widened. I wouldn't win a battle against something so powerful, I needed to grow more before I could face him. He began to advance, I narrowed my eyes getting my power ready for what I would do next.

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