Chapter two

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When Nightlock got close I teleported us away, it drained a lot of strength from my body but I didn't care. I had teleported us to an abandoned house in the forest, it had rotted away and looked thousands of years old. We went inside where I collapsed on the floor exhausted, golden Freddy grabbed me and placed me on a bed of moss that had grown thick from its ability to grow wild. Shadow Freddy had a couple of wounds but his main priority was keeping me safe, Golden Freddy used his own power to create a hidden barrier to keep our location hidden from Nightlock. It wouldn't be long before I would finally transition into my full form with full strength and power beyond my own dreams, Nightlock would be my nemesis until the day we no longer existed. I had a choice to make, it wouldn't be easy but as each day passed I would be forced to decide my path. Would I do what everyone claims I did before and protect them until it destroyed me or, would I save myself and leave them to Nightlocks horrible claws. Having gained some of my strength back I leant against a crumbled wall, the others seemed to recognise this place. James knew it by heart, his wolf body was a nice silky grey. He went about touching walls his eyes focused the the memories the crumbled house brought, I knew everyone had their own stories to tell.
"I can't believe it stands even after so many years it's still standing," James mused in amazement, I giggled then held my head having a sudden headache. Golden Freddy sat up straight and kept his eye on me, shadow Freddy however was at my side in an instant. I covered my face as the pain got worse, only then did I realise that Nightlock before I teleported us away had done something to my head. Golden Freddy recognised something and began to explain something I couldn't hear, shadow Freddy recognised this too.
"Where oh where has the puppet gone? its strings attached and its will soo strong, is it here? Is it there? Or is my puppet hidden elsewhere?" Nightlocks voice sounded in my head, apparently he liked riddles and rhymes. I shook my head and jumped when shadow Freddy touched my shoulder, the pain began to fade but it left an annoying ringing.
"You ok marionetta?" Shadow Freddy questioned worriedly, I nodded and sighed.
"Just Nightlock saying a rhyme," I rolled my eyes, shadow Freddy chuckled softly.
"I didn't know something so evil liked rhymes," Golden Freddy added, I nodded but it had me thinking. What did Nightlock mean by strings attached, I knew that he didn't know where we are but by strings attached confused me.
"He said strings attached and will soo strong, what does that mean?" I questioned myself slightly too loud, everyone glanced at each other.
"I think he means that he's trying to control you but your will is too strong that it's hard to do maybe?" Freddy shrugged, I sighed shaking it off.
"Anyways at least he can't find us for now, we should be safe until my final transition," I muttered hopefully, everyone nodded knowing that we were hidden well by golden Freddy. Chica and bonnie were talking about things I didn't care about, Freddy and shadow Freddy were muttering about something I couldn't hear and James and Golden Freddy were talking about the memories they had in the house. Out of boredom I began to experiment with my power, I was stronger then I knew this I realised when I managed to teleport our large group to safety. I went off on my own down into the basement, I found parts from old models and spare suits. I found a little version Springtrap, I decided to call it plushtrap. Of course I didn't know of Springtraps evil doings, I began to mess about with my power. Using some of it I created a little version of myself and put it into the plushtrap, it blink and looked at me. I smiled at my new creation, I didn't noticed golden Freddy watching me.
"Hello little plushtrap," I greeted with a smile, I helped him stand and he smiled back.
"H-hi, sorry I can't remember anything," Plushtrap shook his head, I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry the past isn't important the future is, and I'm your first friend!" I chirped, his eyes brightened. I cleaned some of the moss that collected on him, I turned to see golden Freddy standing at the stairs a smile on his face.
"Who's that?" Plushtrap questioned, I giggled.
"That's golden Freddy he's my other friend, don't worry you will have many friends in no time," I giggled, plushtrap smiled and followed us out of the basement. Everyone turned curious about my new friend, they would get along great.
"Everyone meet my new friend plushtrap!" I chirped, everyone came over with smiles. I knew it wasn't the time to be making new friends but everyone was bigger and wiser then me, it made me feel not so alone.
"H-hi," plushtrap greeted cautiously, I had to tell him everyone's names.
"That's shadow Freddy, that's chica, there's bonnie and Freddy, and of course you've met golden Freddy, they're my friends so now they are your friends too," I explained, plushtrap smiled liking new friends. Shadow Freddy seemed shady about both his name and appearance, I glared at him and he acted more cheerful. Plushtrap began to talk with everyone happy to meet them, I smiled but responsibility hit me like a rock. I began to understand why everyone was so cautious about my current size and state, being small and vulnerable meant we had more dangers to face. Plushtrap looked at me and I put on a smile until he turned away, I looked out the window hoping I could protect them when the time came.
Yeah yeah I can just imagine complaints already "Plushtrap is from FNAF 4 and wasn't there before" WELL to be clear he wasn't mentioned before and I never described James's basement to full extent so shut it.

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