A important letter

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I reached over and turned it off and looked at the time, it was currently 9:00 AM in the morning, I stretched and got out of bed, he went into the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I went downstairs to see my parents, my mom drinking a cup of coffee and my dad reading the newspaper.

(Y/n) : "Morning, *Yawn*." I say with a yawn, they both looked to me and smiled. My mom walked up to me and hugged me and I hugged back.

(M/n) : "Morning, how was the entrance exam?" she asks letting me go and walking back to her cup of coffee.

(Y/n) : "It went well, I destroyed quite a lot of robots and saved a few people." I say with a smile on my face

(D/n) : "That's good." he says with a proud smile on his face before looking back to read the paper. I then make and eat my breakfast and after I'm done and cleaned up after myself, I then start to go outside to train.

(Y/n) : "I'm going to go train for a bit, is that ok with you guys?" I ask, they both nod and I start walking to the back door.

(D/n) : "Try not to push yourself, you know what your power can do to you." he says in a warning tone, "Remember what happened to you when your fire came in and when you were overconfident." he continues in the same tone, I stopped myself from grabbing the door handle, and looked down towards my hands, I remember the fear of when it grew out of control my parents stopped it with the garden hose but after that I only use it for close combat, but maybe its time I used my fire for ranged attacks instead.

(Y/n) : "Don't worry I won't push myself too much." I say, but I will be cautious just in case and I will control it. I then walk out the backdoor and and the back gate to my training area that me, my parents, and two other people know about, I walked for ten minutes and I arrived at a abandoned ware house.

I then walk to the entrance and opened it and saw that the place looked exactly like it did when the others moved homes.

I went inside and closed the door behind me and walked to the center of the room dropping my training items on the floor near a pole. I then set up the training dummies, the ones I was using were fire proof so they would help me improve my ranged attacks, but I also had to be careful of my own wellbeing. I then walked a few 15 feet away from the dummy and lit both my hands on fire and I then blasted the dummy with scorching hot green fire.

*Time Skip* 2 hours later 

I had finally got the hang of my ranged attacks. But I burned myself a little bit, but it wasn't major so I decided to head back home, because my parents told me that something had arrived for me. But before I left I decided to wrap my hands in burn recovery bandages to help them heal faster so I began to wrap them up.

After I've done that, I start to walk home, and when I arrive I see my parents smiling at me with a letter in my moms hand.

(Y/n) : "Is that for me?" I ask, they both nod and my mom hands me the letter and I open it and inside it is a small device and I place it on the table waiting for it to activate, and suddenly is activate and who I see surprises me, it was All-Might himself, I then realized that he must be working at UA now as teacher.

All-Might : "Is this working, Ah yes it is Ahem Young (L/n) I believe a congratulations is in order because you scored very high during the entrance exam, with you having 60 villain point and 20 rescue point it make 80 altogether which means you passed and the class you are in will be the best Class-1a. I must say I am proud, even though people say bad things about you I completely disagree with them, because from what I have hear you quirk hurts when you overuse it yes? I saw at the exam that you saved two people while using you fire quirk even though it was hurting you in the process, that what happens in line of duty you have to make sacrifices even if that means hurting yourself. I believe that you have the potential yo become a great hero just like your parents, and I know you will work hard to get there, so with that all I can say is welcome to UA." the message said and then it turned off.

I was crying and I looked to my parents to see that they were crying as well, because I got in and all the things All-Might said about me were so compassionate and kind, I then walked over to my parents and they both wrapped me in a great big hug, with me hugging back I smile knowing that I was going to prove everyone wrong that I have what it takes to become a hero.

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