An encounter on the way back from a exam

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(Y/n) POV

It was around 1 o'clock and I was on my way back home with my backpack from the Entrance Exam that I had to take to try to get into UA. It was about a 30 minute walk from where the entrance exam to my home, and I was nearing a short cut that would save me 10 minutes, it was an alleyway that I usually take on my way back from school.

When I turned the corner to head into the alleyway, I looked to see two men inside the alleyway, I shrugged, and continued walking, the two men both look at each other and both nod and walk to the middle of the alleyway blocking my path and that's when I noticed that one of them was holding a knife and the others hands covered in rock and I smile slightly and thought to myself, 'Well this is turning out to be a real interesting day indeed'.

Thug 1 : "Hey kid hand over your belongings and there won't be any trouble." he said in a threating tone.

Thug 2 : "What he said." he said plainly, I smile at them and decide to mess with them, so I through my backpack to the one that had the knife, he caught the bag but he had dropped the knife, and the two thugs looked at each other with confused looks. Then suddenly in the blink of an eye I activated my Black Charge quirk and dashed towards the thug that had my backpack, at lighting speed and kneed him in the face, knocking him out.

The other thug was completely stunned about how fast I just did that and he got ready for a fight, so I decided to fight dirty and use my Toxic Inferno quirk, so I engulfed both my arms in a green flame and the thug was just standing there in fear of what he was seeing.

(Imagine the fire is green and you are in normal clothes)

I then run towards him, the thug still standing in fear of what just happened and I took advantage of this and punched him square in the face knocking him into the wall and knocking him out cold.

I then let the fire on my hands dissipate and walked over to my bag and picked it up. Before I left I tied the thugs up and called the cops, I told them where I was and they said, they would send two cops to pick the thugs up. I then started to continue to walk to my home and when I reached the end of the alleyway I accidently bumped into someone and I try to apologize.

(Y/n) : "Oh, sorry about I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." I trailed off realizing who I just bumped into, I could realize that kind of ponytailed hair anywhere.

(Y/n) : "Momo?" I said with surprise in my voice, she looked at me and her eyes went wide realizing who I was.

Momo : "(Y/n)?" she said with a hint of surprise and realization as well, we both stared at each other for a few seconds and then we both laugh and burst into tears of joy and hugging each other, because the last time I saw her was when she moved house when I was 7 years old.


7 year old (Y/n) POV

In the park where you, Momo, and Shoka used to meet, Momo wanted to meet with you and tell you something very important, and you felt like it wasn't good news by the way she said it. You arrive and see Momo sitting on the ground with her head on a tree with a sad look on her face.

(Y/n) : "Hey Momo, I'm here so what did you want to talk about." you said in your usually friendly tone.

Momo : "Umm.. w-well I uhh..." she stuttered, I approach and tell her it's alright, she then starts to cry a little and she tells me what's wrong.

Momo : "Me and my parents are moving." she says with a few tears in her eyes, I the approach her and hug her.

(Y/n) : "Momo, it's alright  I know we will see each other Again sometime in the future." I say comforting her.

Momo : "Thanks (Y/n)." she says hugging me back, I then realize something and ask, "Where's Shoka, is she here?" I ask, Momo then shakes her head and tells me that she already moved away, I frowned  it would be nice of her for once to tell me something important.

Momo : "Well, I should get going, my parents might start wondering where I am." she tells me and I say goodbye and we both parted ways, and also start wondering if we will ever meet again, but if I have faith I know we will.

End of  flashback

Me and Momo both take a moment to calm down and we both let go of each other from the hug.

(Y/n) : "Hey Momo its great to see you again." I say happily

Momo : "It's good to see you too (Y/n)." she says happily as well, I then look at what she was wearing and it was very nice.

(Y/n) : "That's a very nice outfit your wearing Momo." I say making Momo blush in embarrassment. I laugh after seeing her embarrassed, I used to tease her when we were little all the time.

Outfit she is wearing :

  Momo : "(Y/n), do you really have to embarrass me after all this time." she says with a small blush on her cheeks.

(Y/n) : "Yup, its is good to see you too princess." I say her blush get a little darker and I chuckle, I then look over her shoulder to see a coffee shop and I then ask her something.

(Y/n) : "Hey Momo there's a coffee shop over there if you want to go catch up on things?" I say pointing to the coffee shop, she looks to wear I was pointing, and I then continue embarrassed about what I say, "That is if you want too?" I say embarrassed.

Momo : "Sure." she smiles and she then grabs my hand and we walk to the coffee, we both walk in and we both get our own drink and get a table and start talking about all the things that have happened while we were separated, I then ask a certain question that made me and Momo question, what happened.

*Time Skip* to the certain question

(Y/n) : "By the way Momo, do you know what happened to Shoka are you two still in contact?" I ask she then, shakes her head and says;

Momo : "No, I don't really know what happened, the last time I talked to her was when she was acting strange and she had a bandage on her left eye, and when I asked her what was wrong she just said it was 'non of my business'." she said with a bit of frustration in her tone, while looking out the window. I then think about what could be the problem that Shoka had back then, and then it clicks, I sigh and Momo asks me what's wrong.

(Y/n) : "I think I know what the problem was." I say with a bit of sadness in my voice

Momo : "What was it?" she asked, interested in what I thought.

(Y/N) : "I thinks it to do with her family." I simply say, Momo looks at me with a curious look, "I think it's mostly to do with her father," I stop and Momo wait for what I have to say, "Endeavor" I say with a bit of anger in my voice, Momo's eyes widen.

Momo : "What you mean her father is..." she trails off and I nod she sits back in her chair and process's what I just said.

(Y/n) : "Well, I think its time for us too go, its ten past two." I say which catches her attention, and she agrees.

(Y/n) : "Hey Momo how far is your home?" I ask and she replies by saying "It's a 15 minute walk from here."

(Y/n) : "How about I walk you home." I offer

Momo : "Why not." she says, we both then to start to walk to her home.

*Time Skip*

 When we both arrived I was very shocked, that she lived in a mansion !!

(Y/n) : "Holy Crap !! You live here?" I shouted and asked her at the same, she rubbed her neck in embarrassment.

Momo : "Yeah, I should head inside, oh before I do, want to exchange phone numbers so we stay in touch?" she asks, I nod and we exchange numbers and she went inside, I start to walk back to my home with a smile on my face, knowing that I got to see one of my old friends again, but I then start to wonder where Shoka was right now.

After 15 minutes I arrive back at my home : (Looks like this)

I then go inside and realize that my parents aren't and thought that they must be doing hero work, so I just relax and do chores around the house and after a while I made myself dinner and also made enough for my parents as well and ate my dinner, when I look at the time it was 8:30 pm, so I decide to go to bed and get some rest and wait for my letter to tell me if I did or did not get in to UA.

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