Class Rep and a Question

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When we arrived at UA there were tons of news reporters outside the entrance, who were asking my classmates tons of questions.

Reporter : "Hey you, can you tell us what its like to work so closely with All-Might."

Izuku : "Uh...uh, sorry I have to go to the nurses office, right away"

Reporter : "Are you one of All-Might's students, tell us what's the Symbol of peace like in person?"

Uraraka : "Um what's he like, well... he super muscley, yeah."

Reporter : "How is he fairing as a teacher? What are you learning?"

Iida : "His leadership and wisdom remind me on a daily basis that I attend the worlds most best educational institution, of course he is the personification of honor and integrity that one would expect. But he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side, it's truly a unique opportunity to be under the direct teachings of the pro we all admire."

Reporter : "Excuse kid are you in All-Might's, what's it like be taught by him."

(Y/n) : "Well I've only had one lesson with him, but all I can say is this is that he is a good teacher."

Reporter : "Thank you for the answer."

Aizawa : "Ok you've disturbed my students enough already, please leave."

After the gate was up 

As I was walking to the entrance of the school I saw some of my friends waving at me and I waved back at them, the people that were there were Iida, Uraraka, Iida, Shoji, and Jiro. They then looked behind to see my parents Night Charge and Solar Flare talking to Aizawa about something.

Shoji : "So it seems like we have new heroes on campus, who are they?"
Jiro : "Well I can tell you this I have never seen them before, any idea who they are (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) : 'Oh boy I should tell them later but not now.' 

(Y/n) : "Nope probably some new teachers, come lets get to class."

Iida : "(Y/n) is right lets get to class."


Aizawa : Decent work on yesterdays combat training you guys, I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results, Bakugo you talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss ok?"

Bakugo : "Yeah whatever"

Aizawa : "And Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match is by messing up your arm again, work harder and don't give me the excuse you don't have control over your quirk, that lines already getting old, you can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it, so show a little urgency huh."

Izuku : "Right."

Aizawa : "lets get down to business, our first task you all need to choose a class reprehensive."

Everyone : "Oh good just normal school stuff." 

kirishima : "Pick me guys I wanna be class rep."

Kaminari : "I'll take it."

Jiro : "Yeah your gonna need me."

Mina : "I am totally the right pick."

Everyone then started shouting about who should be the class reprehensive, until Iida spoke up.

Iida : "Silence everyone please, the class reprehensive duty is to lead others, that's not just something any one can do, you must have trust with every student in the class, therefore the most logical to fill this position, is to vote on it."

Everyone : "Its pretty obvious that you want us to vote for you."

Kaminari : "Uh... is this really the best idea."

Tsuyu : "We've only known each a few days how do we know who we can trust."

Kirishima : "Beside everyone well just vote themselves."

Iida : "Most people will, but that means who ever receives multiple votes must be the best person for the role, its the best way right sir."

Aizawa : "Do what you just decide before my nap is over."

We then started voting for each I voted for Momo, because one she is smart as hell and she fits the role perfectly. When the result were showed they were very surprising.

(Y/n) (L/n) - 4

Momo Yayorozu - 3

Izuku - 3

(Y/n) : "Wait, WHAT!? Why do I have the highest amount of votes."

Izuku : "How did I get three votes."


Sero : "What did you honestly think anyone was going to vote for you."

Mina : "Looks we have to choose a rep."

Izuku : "I don't want to be class rep, Yayorozu can have the position can have it."

Momo : "Thanks Midoriya."

Soon after the voting was done me and Momo stood and the front of the class next to each other.

Aizawa : "Alright the class rep is (L/n), and our deputy is Yayorozu."

(Y/n) : "I do my best to prove myself."

Momo : "Lets hope that goes well.

We then look at each other and I look at her with a smirk and she blushes red about what happened yesterday, soon after we all went for lunch I found Momo and Shoka at table and site down with them and they both blush red about me kissing both of them after school, then Momo asks me an interesting question.

Momo : *Blushing* "Hey (Y/n), Can we ask you a question." 

(Y/n) : *Eating* "Sure, what do you guys want to talk about ?"

Shoka : *Blushing very, very hard* "Why did you kiss us yesterday ?"

(Y/n) : *Stops eating food and eyes widen* 'Sh*t any other question but that, well it was going to be asked sometime'

(Y/n) : *Sweating* "Well I did it because... *sighs* because I love you both. *Blushes deep crimson red*

Momo : *Blushes redder than Kirishima's hair* 

Shoka : *Blushes redder that Kirishima's hair*

Both : "Really"

(Y/n) : "Yeah, when we were little, I started to develop feelings for both of you, and after you guys left I felt I wouldn't be able to express my feelings to you guys and also you guy are terrible at hiding your feelings for me."

Momo&Shoka : "(Y/N)!!"

(Y/n) : "Sorry, so what does this means for us three."

Momo : "I don't know but I don't mind sharing, Shoka what about you."

Shoka : "Yeah, I don't mind sharing too but, we have to see what (Y/n) thinks."

(Y/n) : "Yeah I don't mind having two girlfriends, just don't let your father find out about my quirks he'll have us in a quirk marrigae before you know it, but he still is a huge jackass."

Momo : *small gasp* (Y/n) !"

Shoka : "No, no, he's got a point."

just then out of nowhere the alarm went off.

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