USJ Attack Part 1 (slight change)

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(Y/n) POV

The alarm went off.

"Warning Level 3 security breach, all students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

(Y/n) : "What the heck."

Momo : "It seems that someone has broken into the school, come on lets go." *get out of her chair*

Shoka : *Does the same* "What are you waiting for lets go."

(Y/n) : "Alright fine, lets go."

We then start running and head for the exit only to see that so many students were in the hallway, me, Momo and Shoka all look at each other with worried, I then looked out the window to see who had broken into the school and I saw... the PRESS! I was shocked but realised that we need to get the situation and I looked up to see and sign and an Idea popped into my head.

(Y/n) : "Shoka, do you think you can launch be to that sign ?"

Shoka : "Why, what are you thinking... you know what never mind. Get ready... now !"

I got launched by Shoka's ice and used my lightning to swing myself onto the sign and after that was over I shouted at the top of my lungs.


After that everyone started to calm done and headed back to the cafeteria.

Elsewhere 3rd POV

At the entrance of UA we see Principle Nezu, Midnight, 13, Recovery Girl, And (Y/n)'s parents Night Charge and Solar Flare standing at the entrance inspecting what has happened.

Nezu : "How are ordinary members of the press able to bypass our security systems, someone else must have been behind this, some villain actually managed to infiltrate our school, but was this to show their power or a declaration of war."

Night charge then walks up to the destroyed gate and picks up what remains of it.

Night Charge : "Look at this its completely turned to dust, must be a show of power or... I believe this is a warning."

Midnight : "What do you mean a warning ?"

Solar Flare : "I beleive that she is saying the villains are trying to say is that 'We can get in any time we want'."

*Time Skip* Back with Class 1A 3rd POV

Aizawa : "Today's training will be a little different, you'll have 5 instructors, me, All-Might and 3 other facility members will be keeping tabs on you."

Deku : 'Three pros is that because of the break in ?'

Sero : "Sir what kind of training is this ?"

Aizawa : *hold up a card* "Rescue, you'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwreck's, stuff like that."

Kaminari : "Disaster's huh... sounds like were in work a big workout."

Mina : "Totally."

 Kirishima : "Real hero stuff, man tis is exciting."

Ausi : "Finally I get to show of how good I am in water." *Ribbit*

(Y/n) : "Um, guys he hasn't finished talking."

Everyone then looks at Aizawa with a nervous look

Aizawa : "Thank you (L/n), what you wear in this exercise is up to you and I know your excited about costumes." *Presses a button and the costumes come out of the wall* "But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet and might limit your abilities. This special training is at a off campus site, so will be taking a bus to get their, that's all start getting ready."

Everyone then got up and got their costumes on.

(Y/n) POV

I got my costume on left the changing room, I left my mask off  but left it around my neck and my hood off as well showing my face, I even have my swords and my moms dagger and my dads shuriken with me. When everyone was outside waiting for the bus, I heard the sound of footsteps and saw my parents coming to towards while talking to each other, everyone turned to see the two new hero's coming towards them.

Jiro : "Hey guys aren't those the same two hero's we saw at the beginning of school."

Shoji : "I think they are going to be two of the five teachers with us."

Iida : "But one question, who are they."

(Y/n) : "Those two are Night Charge and Solar Flare, two underground heroes who are some of the best at gathering intel for special missions."

Mina : "Really that's so cool."

Kmainari : "Yeah that's awesome."

Ojiro : "Wait how do you know so much about them even though none of us have even heard about them."

Just as he said that Night Charge and Solar Flare stopped next to me. I then looked at both of them and realized they were smiling for under their masks and they both nodded, I then smiled wide and looked to everyone who was waiting for an answer.

(Y/n) : "Well the reason that I know so much about them is because..."

Everyone : *Waiting for an answer with tension *

(Y/n) : "Their are my parents !!" *Smiling wide*

Everyone : "WHAT !!!"

(D/n) : "Yup our little blaze shocker here is our son." *Gives you a noogie*

(Y/n) : *Laughing* "Dad knock it off."

(M/n) : *Also laughing* "Honey that's enough, its time to go."

(D/n) : "Alright, alright." *chuckles* "Alright everyone on the bus."

We then got on the bus and everyone started to get to know one another especially me. I am currently sitting in between Mina and Aoyama.

Mina : "So let me get this straight, those two hero's are your parent's."

(Y/n) : "Yup and my quirks are combinations of their quirks."

Iida : "That is very interesting."

Asui : "If were pointing out the obvious, then there's something I have to say about you actually." *Looking at Deku*

Deku : "About me, what is it Ausi."

Asui : "I told you to call me tsu." 

Deku : "Oh yeah right."

Asui : "That power of yours isn't it a lot like All-might."

Deku : "What really, you think so huh, I never really thought about that, I guess its kinda similar."

Kirishima : "Wait hold on a second, your forgetting that All-Might doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge."

Deku : *sighs in relief*

Kirishima : "But still I bet its cool to have a quirk like yours, you can a lot of flashy stuff with it, my hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive."

Deku : "Aw no way, I think its really cool, your definitely pro material with a quirk like that."

Kirishima : "You really think so, seems like it be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier."

Aoyama : "My navel laser is the perfect combination of beauty and strength."

Mina : "Yeah but it give you a stomach ache sweety."

Kirishima : "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, its Todoroki, Bakugo and (Y/n)."

Asui : "He's not popular."


Asui : "See."

Kaminari : "You know we basically just meet you, so its kinda telling we all know your personality, it flaming crap mixed with garbage."


Iida and Bakugo then start arguing with each other.

Momo : "Such a disgusting conversation."

Uraraka : "Yeah but its kinda fun listening to them fight."

Aizawa :  "Hey, hey were here so stop messing around."

Everyone : "Yes sir"

As we stopped and everyone got off the bus except for me and my parents as I got waled to the door I then suddenly out of nowhere I get extremely painful headache and I grab my head, my parents rush over to me to see what's wrong, I then suddenly see some kind of vision.




When the vision was over left go of my head gasping, I then look up to see my parents to see worried looks on their faces.

(D/n) : "What happened are you alright ?"

(Y/n) : "I had a vision."

They both looked at each other with worried looks.

(M/n) : "It seems that your third quirk will be activating much sooner than we realized."

(Y/n) : "Well were gonna have to wait and see."

I got up and left the bus and we got to see  the other teacher who would be watching over us, Thirteen.

Thirteen : "Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you."

Everyone : *Gasp*

Deku : "It's the space hero Thirteen, an experienced pro that's rescued a ton of people, from disasters from around the world."

Uraraka : "Thirteen is my favorite hero."

Thirteen : "I can't wait to show what's inside."

Everyone : "This is gonna be awesome."

We then walk inside and saw that the place was huge.

Kirishima : "Whoa, looks like an amusement park."

Thirteen : "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire-zone, a wind storm, etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters, I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it USJ."

Everyone : "Just like universal studios Japan."

Aizawa : "Hey shouldn't All-Might be here already, let me guess-"

Thirteen : "Something else." *holds up three fingers* "Apparently he did too much hero work on his way to school, and used up all his power, he's resting in the teachers lounge."

Aizawa : "That man is the height of irresponsibility ." 

Aizawa : 'Well should be ok with just the four of us.' "Clocks ticking, we should get started."

Skip Thirteens Speech

I then look down towards the fountain and see it warping and my eyes widen in shock.

(Y/n) : "Guys look !!"

Aizawa, Night Charge, Solar Flare and Thirteen turned around to see people stepping out of kind of shadowy mass and walking towards us.

Aizawa : "Thirteen protect the students."

Kirishima : "What is that thing ? Wait has the training started already ?"

Deku : *Starts to walk forward*

Solar Flare : "STAY BACK !!"

Aizawa : *Puts his googles on* "This is real, those are villains."


 Kurogiri : "The only real heroes I see are Thirteen, Eraserhead, Night Charge and Solar Flare. Perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All-Might should be here as well.

Aizawa : "So you scumbags  used the press as cover and sneaked onto the campus."

Shigaraki : "Where is he,  I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who are eager to meet him, the want All-Might, the great symbol of peace, can't believe he's not here, maybe if I kill a few kid he'll come out to play.


Kaminari : "What real vilains no way."

Kirishima : "How could so many get into a UA facility this secure."

Momo : "Yeah, Thirteen why aren't the alarms going off."

Thirteen : "Good questions not sure."

Shoka : "Is the entire campus under attack, or is this their only target, either way if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then they carefully those this isolated location as an entry point when a class was in progress, their idiots, but they've thought this out.

Solar Flare : "Thirteen get the students out of here and alert the main campus." *Activating his fire*

Aizawa : "Will deal with the villains"

Deku : "You can't take them all even of you three are experienced."

Night Charge : "Listen kid we know the risks but you can't be a pro if you only have one trick." *Activating her lightning*

My parents and Aizawa then jumped down into the group of villains and started beating them living crap out of all of them, my dad sent waves of fire at the villains while my mom sent burst of lightning at them, I then turned around and ran towards the entrance knowing that my parents can handle themselves everyone keeps running towards the entrance with me Infront of everyone else, until we get cut off by the mist villain.

Kurogiri : "Its a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains, I know its impolite, but we decide to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello, and besides isn't this a fitting place for All-Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath today, yet I see now sign of him, there must have been some sort of change of plans we could not have foreseen, ah well what does it matter I still have a role to play." *About to use his quirk*

Kirishima and Bakugo were about to jump at the villain until I jumped forward and landed Infront of the villain I then lit my hands of fire and sent a powerful wave of green flame a him, it was so hot that everyone had to cover their faces from the heat.

(Imagine its green)


Kurogiri : "You live up to your schools reputation boy, and that is a very powerful quirk you have their, but you should be more careful boy otherwise someone will get hurt."

Thirteen : "(L/N)!! Get out of the way right now"

Kurogiri : "I scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths."

(Y/n) : "SHIT!!!"

The black cloud then engulfed me and everyone else and suddenly I was falling from a high distance, into water but before I landed in the water I put my mask on so I could breathe underwater. I then landed in the water and realized that the mist villain must have have a warp quirk, I then see something coming towards in the water and saw a villain that was shaped like a shark about to bite me, but I dodge the attack and punch him square in the face knocking a few of his teeth out, I then feel something grab onto me and pull me out of the water and landing on the boat in the flood zone. I then see Asui and Deku on the ship as well.

Asui : "This turning out to be a terrible day in class."

(Y/n) : "Yeah no kidding."

Deku : "They knew our whole schedule and knew we would be here, they must have gotten the files when the alarm went off, the teachers were trying to get the press off school grounds, that means they were waiting for the perfect time to attack, just like Todoroki said they would."

(Y/n) : "If they spent so much time planning this attack they must've found a way to kill All-Might, my moneys on that brain dude that was at the fountain."

Deku : "If they can beat him, then we have to stop what ever these guys are planning, we have to work together to keep All-Might safe, no one at UA knows what's happening so it up to us to be heroes."

(Y/n) : "I'm with you Deku, lets take them down."

Asui : "Guys the water."

(Y/n) : *Activates lightning* "They're coming, we need to defend ourself."

Where everyone is :

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