USJ Attack Part 2

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Me, Tsu and Deku were standing on a boat in the water zone surrounded by villains, that's when an idea came to me.

Y/n : "Hey guys here's an idea."

Tsu : "What is it?"

Y/n : "I'm going to try a build up enough electricity to take out the villains. Stall enough time for me."

Deku : "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Y/n : "No, but I've always wanted to try it."

They both looked at me with worried looks, I then began to charge up my lightning, we then feel a shake, we look over the side to see a hole in the boat. We all looked at each other with worried looks.

Y/n : "Any idea on how to get off this ship?"

Tsu : "I've got one, I can jump us off the ship, since my quirk allows me to have the abilities of a frog."

Y/n : "That's actually a very useful quirk. I'm almost ready to unleash the shock."

Deku : "Y/n the villains don't know what our quirk are so we can use that to our advantage

Y/n : "Right, Deku we need you to make an air force, we need them in one place, I've only got one shot. Ready?"

Deku nods and gets his finger, we then jump off the, Deku makes a large blast of air creating a whirlpool making all the villain get sucked into it, but he breaks his finger, I then blast my lighting into the center on the whirlpool, electrocuting all the villains, Tsu then grabs me and grabs Deku with her tongue and we all jump away from the sinking ship. After that we started walking back towards the entrance.

Y/n : "That went well, but your finger doesn't look so good here let me help."

I then bandage up Deku's finger, and we continue walking until we got back to the fountain area where we see my parents and Aizawa have taken down the villain except the for the brain dude, Aizawa then charges at some hand guys and elbow him in the chest, but I then see Aizawa's elbow start to crack and it then starts to bleed, I then try to get out of the water, but Tsu grabs my shoulder. My parents the grab Aizawa and pull him back while they get in front of him, just then the massive brain villain, he grabbed Aizawa and stared to break his bones, my parents stood there in fear, the giant villain then swung his arm and my parents were then thrown into the wall and the hand villain was about to touch them, when I leapt out of the water and something weird happen in an instant I was beside the villain, and i punch the air in front and a gust of air pushed the villain away.


Hand Villain : "Your the green fire kid that attacked my associate."

I then pull out my swords and light them on fire and activate my lightning.

Y/n : "Yeah what about it?"

Hand Villain : "Why don't you meet my friend.... Nomu."

I then see a shadow loom over me, I slowly turn round to see the massive brain villain, he gave me a dull stare, I take a few steps back.

Hand Villain : "Nomu crush him!"

In a split second, the villains fist was an inch from my face, my eyes glow black, and in the blink on an eye, I was 10 feet away from the villain. The hand villain looked at me with surprise. I was panting because I have never gone that fast, ever

Hand Villain : "How did you dodge that? Nomu catch him!!"

I looked at the villain called Nomu, I then run away at blinding speed and the chase had begun. I begin by running around this Nomu was fast, if I even slow down for a single second it would catch me, I run everywhere around the USJ and then I decided to attack the Nomu, I go to stab the villain, I stab one of my swords in the Nomu's neck, but the second I stabbed in his shoulder, we struggle for a second before crashing at the fountain again. Nomu the grabbed me by the neck and picked me up. He then pulled out my swords and dropped them to the ground only for the hand villain to pick them up.

Y/n : *struggling* "Hey don't touch those, they belong to my family!"

Hand Villain : "Do they now..."

What I saw next, made my anger reach it's peak, the villain began to to turn my family's swords to dust, my fire activated and the Nomu's hand that was holding me, was burned badly and the nomu let go of me, I then used my new wind quirk to create a whirlwind to pick up Aizawa, my parents, and Deku and Tsu. I then proceed to drop them off at the entrance, I then look back at the villains.

 I then use my wind quirk to charge towards them and I then blast green fire at them and it burns the hand villains and I then shoot lightning at the Nomu and and release a huge amount of green fire and used my wind quirk to create a green fire cyclone and all the villain present got burned, but then out of the green fire the Nomu, punched me in the ribs breaking a few on them making me crash to the ground. I then look up to see the Nomu above me, I then hear an explosion and look at the entrance and see All-Might standing there, but he wasn't smiling and then I slowly black out due to the pain.


After a few hours, I woke up in the hospital and looked around, I then feel a sharp pain in my chest and my arms, I look down to see bandages around them. This was normal... a sad cost to getting higher fire resistance. I then see two people sleeping beside. I turn to see Momo and Shoka, sleeping soundly. I smile at them and I look behind them to see my parents resting, while sleeping in their own beds as well. I want to get stronger and make sure that I never fail again. I then remembered the sports festival was coming up and I wanted to see how far I can go.

To be continued

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