A Different Identity:

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Since I was young, I've know millions of things, you know, the usual. For instance, I've known how to get changed, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. However, the things learned in this world come at a price. When I learned how to escape the brutality of the beatings, and leave...I left my friends behind. I left them all.

I regret it. I regret every single passing moment. Not because I yearn to be beat again. But because of the loneliness. Sure, I have Sting, but I do miss Levy. I miss all of my friends. Even the one friend who I met during my childhood. The one I can never forget. I mean, who has pink hair? You can't just forget about pink hair. Natsu had moved later that summer. Sadly, we lost touch.

I looked at my works. They hung on the white wall, a few paint splatters claiming it along the way. I sighed, content with all of them. Each and every piece of art I accomplished was sold. One of them caught my eye, the one I had just finished. A smile crept it's way to my face. Picking up the work, I walked to the counter and set it down, admiring it.

"Maybe this one isn't for sale?" I asked to no in particular.

The painting was of eight people. Each person in the painting making my smile wider. One of them catching my eye. I placed my hand above the canvas, not touching it. I admired the different colors of their hair. My childhood friends. Natsu included.

"Perhaps it would look good in our apartment?" Looking up, I saw Kirito standing in the door way to my studio.

"Maybe it would." I smiled and put it on the drying rack.

I looked at my watch, seeing it was only six in the afternoon. I walked to my paints, and lifted the palette off of my wooden table.

"Just finished?" Kirito asked, folding my easel and putting it away.

"Yeah," I smiled and walked to my sink. The cold water rushed over the palette, leaving a mix of colors. I held it under a little longer, watching the colors wash away. I sighed, content with my work today. "Will there be copies of this?" Kirito's voice erupts from the drying rack.

"Probably, you want one?" My voice comes out calmly, as I think of all the buyers.

"Yeah, I would like one. Do I get a discount since the artist is found of me?" He chuckled, walking over to the wooden table, picking up my brushes. "Maybe," I giggled, walking to the paper towels.

I wiped the palette, setting it on the table to dry. I look to Kirito to see him still cleaning the brushes. "Asuna?" I look up to see Kirito smirking at me.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"You have some paint on you're face!" He pointed to me and laughed.

"Hey!" I remarked, running to the mirror. I leaned in and looked in the mirror, I didn't see any splatters of paint.

"Kirito!" I yelled, storming from the bathroom.

"What is it sweetie?" He laughed as he noticed me pouting.

"You liar!" I marched up to him and wacked him in the back of the head. He chuckled and turned on his heel, catching me in an embrace.

"Time to go home?" I looked into his eyes, waiting for an answer. He nodded, pulling my apron over my head and putting it on the hanger. I walked to the coat rack by the door, pulling mine off. I reached for Kirito's and walked back over to him.

He took his jacket and put it on, taking mine from me and slipping it over my shoulders. "Do you want to get something to eat before we go home?" He asked.

I nodded. I had been working since five this morning, and I was hungry. He chuckled, ruffling my hair and we walked out of the studio's door. I turned around and locked the door. I turned around, searching in my pockets as we went. I found my mittens, slipping them over my hands. It was winter here in New York. It was cold, and bitter.

Kirito and I make our way down the streets, doing a little window shopping on the way.

"Look!" I pointed to an easel, but this one was special. The easel I was pointing to could fold. Folding easels are mainly used to take outside. But I want it for something different. Kirito and I have been planning on traveling all around Europe. I want a foldable easel so I can paint all of the amazing things we see. "Asuna, you're birthday isn't that far away, you can wait a little longer, can't you?" He chuckled, watching me.

My face pushed up against the glass, admiring the easel. Kirito laughed and tried pulling me away from the glass. Right as we were leaving, the shop keeper came out. "Miss, would you like that easel?" She asked politely. I looked back to the easel, my eyes glittering as they went. I turned back to the lady, nodding. She smiled and took my hands, leading me in.

The woman took me to the racks of easels, looking for the one in the window. She turned to look at me, smiling. "You're Asuna Yuuki, right?" She asked. I nodded, blushing lightly. I didn't get noticed by a lot of people, but when I did, it was quite embarrassing.

"I heard you're birthday was soon, correct?" I smiled.

"Yes. My birthday is in June." I looked around at the easel's after answering her.

"Well then, an amazing artist needs a good easel." She turned to get something from the back.

I kept looking at all the easel's then turned to Kirito. "I'm sorry if you didn't plan on this," I gestured to the shop.

"It's alright, as long as you're happy." He put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in.

Kirito worked for a company named Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail was an establishment, working off of city funds. Fairy Tail had many different partnerships. Kirito didn't tell me a lot about his co-workers.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Stressful," He replied, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon, don't be like that." I elbowed him in the side, gently.

He snickered and looked to his left. One minute he was fine, and then his eyes were popping out. I pointed to him laughing, not bothering to look the side.

"Asuna," He pointed to what he was looking at. My eyes widened.

"A good easel, for a good artist." The lady handed me a foldable easel, one better than the one in the window. This one was light.

"M'am, I couldn't possibly take this." She smiled and pushed my hand to my heart.

"Consider this a gift that will keep on giving to the world. The world is a canvas, but only those who paint can paint it without a mask. So please, make some more good art with this easel, and please, stop by." I hugged the lady.

"I will!" I smiled and said my goodbyes, Kirito following suit.

Then we walked to the restraunt, ate, and went home.

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