A Different Identity:

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This world has so many lessons to teach every single person. But this world also has so many distractions. Whether it be lovers, or animals...the distractions can be hard to work through. My distractions happen to be four things. Kirito, is my lover, I wouldn't call him so much as a distraction, but maybe a small want to be with him is. My dog Plue. Plue is a white border collie, he has some brown mixed in, but he also has beautiful blue eyes.

Last but not least, Art. Art is a distraction for me. When I pick up a brush, or a pencil, my ideas just start flowing through. It makes it difficult. Everything in my life, has become a distraction to something else.

"Asuna, you're going to be late!" Kirito's voice woke me up. I sat up, pulling some of the hair that fell in my mouth out.

"What time is it?" I groggily asked him.

"It's ten o'clock. I let you sleep in." He chuckled when I started to run around the apartment.

"Sweetie~" He teased, walking into my closet, watching as I went through everything.

"I was kidding, it's only nine thirty." My fists clenched as I spun around and glared at him.

"Kirito!" I yelled, pounding my fists on his chest.

"Hey, hey calm down." He gabbed my fists, laughing at me.

"I have to get ready." I pushed him out of my closet, getting dressed in a white long sleeved shirt, red skirt, and some ankle boots.

I came out of my closet, taking a deep breath. I walked to my mirror, and laughed. My hair was going in every direction. I picked up my toothbrush and put some tooth paste on. Brushing my teeth, I closed my eyes and thought of the work I did yesterday. I spit in the sink, wiping my mouth afterwards. I started to brush my hair, putting two braids in and tying them back.

"Ugh," I leaned my back against the counter, stretching.

"You look tired," I laughed at Kirito's comment.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I giggled, and got up off the counter.

"Well, let's get ya some food," He took my hand and led me into the kitchen where a nice set of food was.

"Awe, you didn't have to." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and sat me in the chair, pushing me in.

"Don't you have work?" He shook his head.

"Nope, no work today." He leaned back while eating his food recklessly.

After finishing, I put my plate in the sink, grabbed a jacket from the coat rack, and my keys. I walked over to Kirito, gave him a kiss, then left.

Walking along the streets of New York, it was cold. Winter. I held my hand out, catching some snowflakes. The snowflakes remind me of a time back in Washington D.C. My mother and I walked along the streets, looking at the memorials, then it started to snow. I smiled and put my hands to my heart, letting a silent breath escape.

I walked into my building, opening the door to my studio. I put my coat on the rack, and put my keys on the hook, sliding on my apron afterwards.

"Time to get to work." I picked up the palette, putting on some yellow, green, blue, red, pink white, and brown.

I took the brush away, and looked into the painting. "What was I thinking?"

I looked deeply into the picture, remembering the times I had spent back home. Washington D.C. I sighed, and put the brush down. Deep breath.

"Lucy Heartfilia." I picked up the canvas. Walking over to the corner of the room, putting the canvas in the trash. I shook my head, walking back to the easel, pulling up a new canvas.

"Yukino, I'll paint her!" I smiled and started painting Yukino.

Yukino was Sting's fiancé. She was going to be my sister in law. Kirito didn't even know of Sting. Every single thing that lead back to the Heartfilia family, was hidden from Kirito. Anyways, I started to paint Yukino.

I finished it and smiled, putting it on the drying rack. I cleaned the palette, and put my easel away. Looking at my watch from time to time. It was already seven. I took off my apron. Sliding on my coat, and grabbing the keys, I walked out. I locked the door. Walking out of the building, I walked down the streets of New York. I walked into the apartment complex.

"I'm home!" I shouted, walking in the door.

"How was work?" A voice came from the bedroom.

"It was okay," I rubbed my temples.

"Did something happen?" I shook my head.

"Nothing, I just painted something weird today, and had to throw it away." I sat down at the dinner table, setting the keys down, and putting the coat on the back of the chair.

"Oh no," His face, was worried. I've never thrown a painting away in my life.

"What was the painting?" He sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

"Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia." I sighed, looking up to see his face. He looked like he recognized her.

"I see," He stood up, "I'll make dinner, you just sit back and relax." He smiled.

"Thank you," I hugged him from behind.

I walked up the glass stairs to the bedroom, and went to the closet. I changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Walking down the steps to the living room, I picked up the tablet.

I tapped the 'turn on TV' on the tablet. Our large studio apartment is controlled by a tablet. I sighed.

"Dinner is ready!" Kirito whispered.

I jumped, looking behind me to see him right there, "Don't scare me like that!" I pouted.

I got up, walked over and ate. After we were done eating, we walked up the glass stairs, and went to bed. His arm wrapped around me, "I'm never letting you go." He whispered.

"Goodnight Asuna." He kissed me and laid down.

"Goodnight Kirito." I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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