Chapter 3||Bags n' Bottles

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"Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies."

~Ann Landers

The moment that the door was flung open, every cigarette and alcohol scent seemed heightened.

That's when I started to feel nauseous.

"Wassup girl!" I heard the guy in front of us say, he was in a dark blue t-shirt and plaid shorts. He was short, though he had clothes on, I could still make out that he was well-built with broad shoulders and was very dark-skinned.

"Sean!" he said, moving in to hug him. But then another guy comes up behind him.

"And who do we have here?" The other guy said gesturing towards me, he was in a white marina and white boxers. He was tall, trim, fair-skinned, and had black hair with some yellow tones in it.

"This is Orianna, one of my closest friends," Darcy said animatedly, looking at me and then back at the two guys.

"Nice to meet, you Orianna, My name is Jerald." He took the back of my hand and placed a soft peck on it.

I fought back the urge to cringe. Even though I wanted to drag my hand away and wipe it off. But I didn't, instead, I politely smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Jerald." As much as I wanted to be polite, I subconsciously dragged my hand away.

"Behave!" Sean snickered lightly. Jerald just rolls his eyes and turns back around to go inside the house. "Oh come in guys." He gestured for us to enter.

We went inside on the spur of the moment, considering it was getting dark. As soon as the big mahogany door was shut, I could now see that the house was elegantly designed. It had a huge foyer with a table at the entrance of the stairs and a simple circular pine wood table.

Going further inside, I saw a figure in one of three white leather couches. It was a white guy, he had green hair, and he looked well-toned as well as the others. He was hunched over with a Cuban cigar in his mouth, glaring at us from the corner of his eye.

"This is Jacob," Sean said casually.

"Hello, Jacob." I waved at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. So much for first impressions.

Before I could've said anything else, he got up and grabbed one of the many bagged white substances on the glass table in front of him and stormed off.

What's up with him?

"He isn't that much of a talker," Jerald said as he pushed through and headed for one of the rooms and emerged with a small bottle of Ciroc Vodka in one hand.


Darcy just rolled her eyes as if it was regular. And for a brief second, there was silence, until Darcy spoke. "So y'all wanna head to Evin's party now?"

"Yeah, but that, Evin ain't on good terms with any of us so no," Sean said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" I said curiously. I wanted to find out what was so wrong with going to 'Mr. lover boy's birthday party.

"Let's just say that we thought we knew him but then we didn't," He said as he looked off in the distance at nothing in particular.

"Oh." I silently thought it over. I wanted to know more, but decided not to push it.

"Yeah." He walked off and slammed into the couch, picking up a game controller and some headphones.

Darcy and I walked off towards the door as she reached for the door, I turned around just in time to see that he had been using a straw to snort up some of the same white substance I had seen on the table earlier.

Great. They're crack heads and alcoholics.

She ran her hand through her hair one last time before she opened the car door and stepped inside. She looked upset.

As I climbed into the passenger seat,
she didn't waste any time starting up the car.

She didn't say anything so I just remained quiet.


After a few minutes of driving, I got bored so I took it upon myself to start a conversation.

"So, are all your friends--except for me of course, are crack heads and alcoholics?" I said sarcastically.

"No, just my brother's friends," She said as she gripped the staring wheel and stared ahead.

I, on the other hand, was very confused.

"What br--"

"You know, the one with the dramatic exit," she cut me off as if she already knew what I was going to say.

"How?" I felt a slight headache creeping in.

"My mother had to carry that man's demon spawn," She started as she rolled her eyes.

Sometimes I pretend I don't know him," She finished in a flat tone.

"Oh, Okay." I tried to stifle back a laugh.

"But why is he-- 'Style' by Taylor Swift started to play and then cuts off. It was my mother.

15 missed calls. I'm officially dead.

"Its Mom, I think I need to get home," I said panicked. Without saying a word, Darcy stepped on the gas, making me thrust forward a little.

I needed a prayer.


The moment I entered the house, my mother was around the table, with a coffee mug, narrowing her eyes at me.

I can't take the tension.

"Why couldn't you answer my calls?" She said raising her voice a little.

Picking my brain for a reasonable excuse I said, "I had detention after school, and It wasn't even my fault!" I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

She slammed the mug onto the table and came closer to me.

I was beginning to sweat by now.

"If you ever do something like that again, you wouldn't like to suffer the consequences." She hissed as she grabbed my arm.

"Whatever!" I ran upstairs and slammed my room door shut.

I'm tired of her crap.


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-stay safe

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