Chapter 4||House Arrest

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"I rebel; therefore I exist."

~Albert Camus

I plopped onto my bed, imagining how it could just swallow me away from this world.

Especially from my mother. She forced me to stay home because I came home too late, like what? I bet Darcy doesn't have these problems.

Having realized how cold it was getting in the room, I dragged my favorite green Froggie blanket for warmth, but to my surprise, something was tugging onto it.

"Patch no!" I attempted to get the blanket from him. But, he only saw it as a game.

"Fine, you can have it." I pretended to be on my phone. As planned, he dropped the blanket and tried to pick it back up.

Taking the opportunity, I grabbed my blanket and tossed it up, where it successfully landed on my closet top.

He only stared at me as if judging me.

"One point for me, Zero for you." I giggled, running my hand along his fluffy cream coat.

He barked as a response and wagged his tail out of the room.

This is nice, finally some peace and quie--

Beep! I feel my phone vibrate on the stand beside the bed. I looked at the screen and saw two messages from Darcy.

I smiled lightly as I opened them and texted her. What was I going to wear? I can hardly put together some clothes for grocery shopping much less a party.

I heard the door knob turn amid my rummaging.

I slowly placed the top I had in my hands on the floor and drew out the conveniently hidden knife from my back pocket, pacing for the door to open.

The knob seemed to be vigorously pulled onto. Then all of a sudden, I heard a jabbing on the other side of the door.

"It's spoiled little princesses like you that get killed," I heard a muffled voice growl, I'm pretty sure it was a man.

I stood silent. I was scared for my life and didn't know what to do.

Hearing the door being jabbed hard this time, I slid under my bed, making sure that I gripped my knife.

The door was forced open, followed by footsteps, I could see two big black boots from where I was positioned.

"I know you're in here, sweetie." He paused as he flung open my closet door.

"I've got you wrapped around my finger. I mean, your little puppy is singing with the angels now..."

He stopped. It sounded like he was going through my school bag.

I hope Patch is fine.

"Orianna Hall, what torture you have ahead of you?" He said. His footsteps inching closer to the bed.

What does he mean?

I was confused at that then he continued. "Not to mention what I already did to your mother." He burst out into laughter.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, as I imagined the possible outcome of this.

I could die.

The room fell silent after that. Then I felt myself being tugged from underneath my bed.

I could only make out a flash of white cloth and a black glove that snaked around my nose.

Then everything faded into black...

[****Deleted Scene]

I got out of the taxi and walked to the doorway of Darcy's house.

All the while I forced myself to focus, and forget about what happened earlier. I feel disgusted with myself.

My mother had only been drugged and got up when everything was over, but my puppy was unharmed and I thank God for that.

And best believe it, my mother didn't remember anything.

I just needed to get out of the house to clear my head.

House arrest or not, this was all crazy.

Before I could've knocked on the door. It was swung open and a very drunk Darcy appeared in front of me.

"Took you long enough." She draped her long arms around me and pulled me inside.

"You have no idea," I said, my voice coming out as a whisper.

I really wished we hadn't moved.


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-stay safe

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