Chapter 5||Take a hint

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"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

~Neale Donald Walsch

The music was on blast and the aroma of burnt cigars and beer sat still in the house. I found myself having to push through people, most people had either a bottle of beer or a simple red party cup in one hand, which was at least half filled with some clear liquid, from what I could make out.

I walked into the kitchen, trying to look for Darcy, who just disappeared into thin air.

It was large and was filled with all sorts of liquors. Most of which I haven't even heard of. I sat down on one of the kitchen bar stools, looking around momentarily in an attempt to find my very drunk friend.

"Say something strong for the lady?" Said the bartender, he turned around to pick up a tall white bottle from the shelf behind him.

"No thanks, I don't drink," I answered. Even though I really should've taken that drink, due to what just happened before I came to this party.

I need to stay focused. And that was difficult since the entire house reeked of alcohol and the deafening music didn't exactly help.

So I got up to surf the crowd in the living room.

Pushing past numerous swaying and drunk teenagers was a task all by itself.

For a second, I could've sworn that I saw Darcy on the couch.

I was relieved, immediately walking on over to her, when I felt someone grip my arm.

"Remember me beautiful?" I flipped my head around to see who it was. It was that creep from school.


"Um, Rick was it?" I said sarcastically, trying to get out of the situation.

"I can be whoever you want me to be."

"Then be gone." I tried to move, but he blocked me.

"I'm not going anywhere." He reached his arms out.

"Well, I am." I ducked under his arms and continued towards Darcy.

What's the matter with guys these days?

I walked over towards the couch to be hit with the strong scent of vodka, which indeed came from Darcy herself. Her limbs were sprawled all over the couch.

"Darcy, wake up, we need to get home now."

She remained stiff as a bat.

"Darcy!" I tried to shake her awake.

"He-heaven's sake girl, gimme a break!" She shifted into an upright position.

"Let's go Darce, "I said, grabbing onto her arm.

"W-wait!" She said, her eyes barely popping open.


"I have to go to the bathroom now," She said suddenly moving around, hugging her torso.

"Fine, but be quick," I said urging her to the bathroom. She nodded, heading off.

Some night this'll be.

I decided to wait for her at the entrance, so I pull out my phone to text her when I fell over, hitting my knee.


I laid there for a second until I saw someone stretch their hand out to help me.

It was Jacob. The first on my list of possible assaulters. After all, he looked the part.

I took his hand, frightened at the sudden act of courtesy. He took me up in less than a second. All the while, his face was neutral.

"Are you okay?" He said under his breath.

"I'm fantastic!" I said plastering a fake smile onto my face, as the pain spread into my whole left leg.

"I'll just drive you guys home," He scowled, taking out his phone and walking off.

I limped over to the couch and sat down. My leg was throbbing.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took in a sharp breath. I opened my eyes to see Jacob coming toward me. His expression was hard when he spoke.

"Darcy is outside waiting, let's go now." He shoved his phone into his back pocket, taking my leg as he prodded at it.

"Uh-huh," I said feeling my cheeks burn. I was in pain, but not even a partially blind person could mistake his attractiveness. I think he saw me blush because he just shook his head, gesturing to another guy in the crowd.

A tall figure emerged from the crowd, walking briskly towards me.

It was Jerald in his usual long white marina, which was accessorized by a big gold chain around his neck.

Jerald smiled this one creepy smile at me and I swear I felt my last meal crawling back up in my throat. Then I saw Jacob whisper something in his right ear. There was a flash of an uncertain emotion later and Jerald's face fell into a neutral expression. He lifted me effortlessly, carrying me outside.

I peered over his shoulder, watching Jacob disappear into the crowd. Not long after, Jerald placed me on the seat of a white van beside a passed-out Darcy and ran back to the driver's seat to start the vehicle.

Part of me was curious to see where he went. Just then, the door of a car was slammed shut, although it was dark out, I could still make out Jacob's features.

He was in a black Benz jeep. It sped off in no time, leaving only skid marks, followed by a light cloud of dust.

What a gentleman.

I was snapped back to reality by the sound of Jerald's voice.

"Everything okay around there?" He said looking back at me through the rearview mirror. I only nodded in response, which was followed by the van backing out of the parking lot.

I pushed my phone into my pocket, taking a glance at Darcy. She was slouched in the seat with her mouth wide open.

I wanted to take a picture but my subconscious wanted to just leave her alone. I shook my head and dismissed the thought. My mind is just swirling with thoughts of what happened to me and about Jacob.

Will he be back for me? Will I have the right resources to protect myself if there is a repeat? I can't go through that again. I don't think there's enough space in my heart right now for Jacob.

Even though he was so damn fine.


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