Chapter 32||Letting Go

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"I realize there's something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they're experts at letting things go."

-Jeffrey McDaniel


Jacob's POV


We found ourselves hitting the rough gravel on the jagged cement roads. It was around 5 in the morning and I was still groggy and upset from having to be moved around so much. Not to mention sore.

"Hang in there Jakey!" Jerald places a hand on my shoulder for support to which I instantly shrug off. I hated getting pity from anyone. Even if it was a very serious deal at that.

"You're still pissed about all this huh?" He adds mockingly, seemingly trying to get back at me.

"I know who's more pissed though. " He doubles over on the back seat beside me earning glares from X and Sean from the front. I let out a long sigh, trying to cope with this idiot.

"It's that Doctor guy, you should have seen his face when I told him that you're grandmother's last dying wish was to see you." He blows down still laughing a little, trying to recover from his previous state.

"We had to tell him something, dude wouldn't shut up about doctor's orders and all that crap." Sean chimed in. My eyes darted over at X, the infamously quiet and stoic driver. The only driver I knew with unquestionable loyalty, such loyalty that saved my ass. I really owe him one this time.

"We'll have to pull over here, we need some medicine. " Sean instructed X toward a small supermarket of some sort and I got a strong gut feeling that something was not right once two large, black, heavily tinted SUVs came into view. They were parked one behind the other, and even more interestingly, a group of men had just come out of the one in front.

"Are you guys following?" Jerald questioned, his eyes glued to the guy in a blue long-sleeved dress shirt. I had already figured that this guy had a little weight to his name with how very surrounded he was by 4 well-built bodyguards. They were walking down, coming straight toward us.

"X? I think we had better start moving now." Jerald anxiously starts to stir, his eyes darting all around us.

"No, let's wait for a bit., I ordered to which Jerald whips his head around, his face warped in fret.

"C'mon Boss, we could get the drug some place els--. "

"I'm sure X heard that clearly. " I cut him off instantly.

"Crystal., X answered, his eyes glistening with mischief from the rearview mirror, and Sean scuffs.

"Wuss." He spoke up, his tone sinister, stirring up something within Jerald.

"Don't give me that shi--"

"Hush up ladies." X held a hand up and both fall silent in an instant as they see the group of men approaching the car. Mustering all the strength I had in my body at this hour was not easy, but necessary for maintaining my image. I positioned myself normally, trying to ignore the pain that was being aroused from the sudden shift.

"I'll grab the medicine." Jerald jumped onto the opportunity, literally getting out, from beside me. He sprints up to the store and managed to catch the attention of one of the guards from the group. He taps something in his ear and immediately every other guard is visibly more tensed. All the while, the man in the midst of it all was not exactly oblivious but he wasn't exactly calm either. I could tell, from his demeanor that he meant business.

What really eats at me is that I don't think I even know him. But what I do think, however, is that he would've been a considerably good partner.

He stops over X's side and leans over on the opened window.

"Pleasure." He starts smoothly, an air of 'snobby rich guy' radiating off him. He didn't strike me as the hard worker type either, so it must've been inheritance.

X nodded in acknowledgment and his eyes fanatically searched about the car before stopping at Sean and me. Sean nods as well and I dodge his attempt at intimidation. A game I knew all too well.

Not bothering to greet him back, I narrowed my eyes at him to which he smirks, his eyes then looking away from me.

Something about this guy felt off.

"Can we help you, Sir?" X casually asks and I just know X is all over him. Trying to get a grasp of what this guy is really about.

"I'm looking for Hall. " He pauses scanning the inside of the car.

"Orianna Hall." His gaze was now focused on me. And it seems like I was way less aware than I thought I was because he read right through me.

Just hearing her name did something to me. I haven't heard from nor seen her in days.

"You know something. " He seemed to be more intense, his eyes now calculating.

What does this guy want with her?

"Yes, as a matter of fact, she's my girlfriend. " I answered purposefully and I feel a smile creeping unto my lips when I see his eyes widen a little.

"Interesting... " He trails off, his gaze shifting to across the street. I brushed off his manipulative attempts at seeping into my head. He was trying to push me to the edge, but too bad for him, I know how to tango just as well.

If not better.

"What's even more interesting is you trying to hunt her down as if she were prey. " Sean breaks his silence, redirecting the guy's focus onto him.

His eyes suddenly grow seemingly sincere, a low, breathy laughter then breaks in from him, his eyes darting to the ground.

He mumbles something out of earshot before speaking up. "Well, you see she's more like my business." He lifts his head up, a slightly menacing smile mounted on his face.

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm the rage that was trying to claw its way out. It's been a while since that ugly beast of mine reared its head. My gaze on him, was all this while still fixated on him.

"What business is that exactly?" X finally spoke, some degree of concern meshed with the harshness of his tone led me to think he had just enough as I had.

"She's my Fiancèe. " He smiled cockily, crossing his arms over his chest triumphantly. I unclenched my jaw, which I was not even aware of doing. I narrowed my eyes at him, being so close to him reminded me of some things. Some very disturbing things that I had to do to a certain someone's uncle.

Where would she find a husband in such a short time? And even if she did, I am certain that there wouldn't be one girl so quick to marry a stranger.

"She slipped away from me, I had her at my house you know. " He added as he noticed I was not saying anything, he watched for my reaction as he continued.

"She slept in my bed." He said and that was it, I let out a heavy breath I was yet again, unaware of holding. My body was tensed and my head was spinning, anger spiraling out from within me.

"What did you just say?" I growled at him through gritted teeth. Images of him lifelessly laid on the rough gravel now seem so appeasing to satisfy this innate urge to render his whole body unidentifiable. I did not let up on him for once, I made sure to take into account every movement he made. My thoughts were getting out of control and I had suddenly resorted to taking a deep breath in, slowly in a lame attempt to calm myself down. It was truly disappointing and disspiriting how much I couldn't curl my fingers around his neck and tighten my grip until those eyeballs of his rolled to the back of his head. Oh, he wouldn't dare to speak another word again.

Another word, especially about Princess. My Princess.

His smile grew even more as he apparently drank in the appearance of my disheveled state. He folded his lips before he continued. "Tell you what..." He trailed off, his eyes shifted to across the street, I followed his stare to see a small, modest-looking joint from across the street a few blocks up. It had a huge blinking sign in front of it, the letters were Russian.

"Why don't we have a chit-chat over there, settle things, you know, man-to-man." He stood up from his crouched-over position and straightened up, walking over to the same SUV from earlier, his little minions surrounding him as he did. From the rearview, X's eyes met mine, and just after, the engine then roared back to life. We swung around, heading up the road to the little restaurant, I could now make out as we neared it. In a matter of moments, we were now parked in front, the sign now clear enough to read. "Makari's fast food., I whispered to myself, Sean quickly getting out to help me out of the car, the sound of a car door being slammed a few parking spaces down next to us. I slowly stood up, the strong soreness preventing me from even attempting to walk on my own. This little scratch is placing a heavy dent in my plans.

I swallowed the pride I had left as Sean held me up for support, helping me to walk up to the restaurant door. The guy having already opened the door and entered, I enter not long after. As expected, the place was very small, having the typical red, Boothe-like chairs with only a few single seats. The employees around the counter were sloppily dressed and the entire air reeked of grease and high body odor. I was fortunate to have honed my tolerance for these types of atmospheres. I took a seat in a boothe chair next to the window where the guy sat across from me. In locking eyes with him once more, I gritted my teeth, seeing him so content like that really pissed me off. Immediately, I gestured for Sean to leave, the guy now clearing his throat.

"You seem pretty messed up." He casually looks down at my bandages, his eyes lighting up in sickening delight. It was as if he drew great pleasure from seeing me like this. I looked away from him in disgust, watching the passing of vehicles up and down the street.

"Let me introduce myself." He spoke up and I kept my eyes glued to the road running my fingers through my messy green hair. This guy was really annoying me, he's taking his own little time with this. I take back what I said about him being a good partner, he would only waste my time and my money.

"My name is Ezekiel Stanley, The C.E.O. of Zeke and Stan Corp." He announced quite proudly. I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, he acted as though he had achieved anything from the ground up. I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to say anything because I know that I would say some messed-up shit. I really don't want to be here, but for Princess, I guess I could make a little exception.

"As you may already know, we're engaged to be married, the wedding shall commence in the morning at 11 sharp." He took a small white and silver glittery card from the inside of his jacket and slid it up to me. It had white ribbons and the outline of a bride and groom printed onto the front. This shit looked so legit, it's crazy. I looked at it, not daring to touch it, because all this just doesn't make any sense. It all happened way too fast for my liking.

"What does Orianna have to say about this?" I asked him, searching his face for any subtle hints of him lying. I swear if I find even the slightest clue...

He smiled smugly. "She doesn't really have a say you know, it was a contract drawn up before she was even in existence." In an instant, it feels as though my chest is tightening, my vision blurring. What did he just say? So this is really a thing?

"Don't look too surprised." He added and my mind starts racing with a million different thoughts. Who did this?

"It was her people who did it you know, more specifically her grandmother." He said, turning his gaze to the window, getting deeper into thought. So, If I put two and two together, they are just going to get married for business. His eyes narrowed at me, studying my facial expressions before getting up.

"I wouldn't get any ideas though, she already told me about you, you're not good for her and you know it." He said and my breath hitched, he somehow managed to see through me. I know that I'm not good for her, but I was willing to try.

"A guy like you wants access." He spoke humorously, taking a small black card from his jacket and sliding it up to me. He then turned his back before speaking once more.

"All the details are there, call me and you'll get exactly what you want." I took the card up, turning it over as I scanned it over. This was my chance now, I can finally really get what I wanted, all this time. He had a really enticing offer, one which, of course, I knew must've had strings attached.

"But there's a small catch." He looked at me from the corner of his eye, his back still turned, ready to walk out as if he needed to be somewhere. If this catch was about where she was, even I couldn't be able to help him by this point, even if I actually wanted to. A twisted smile then made its way onto his face.

"Let her go."


A/N: Thanks for reading everyone!

Stay safe as per usual


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