Chapter31||Wine and Whispers

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A/N: There's swearing in this part:-( TAKE PRECAUTION EVERYONE!

"The greatest glory in living lies not in falling, but rising everytime we fall."

-Nelson Mandela


After being seated in the back, my door was closed and a few seconds later the door by Ezekiel's side as well. The delicate scent of mandarin with a prominent woody fragrance permeates the air around me, just for a little bit. I lowered my head, trying to preserve whatever pride I had left within me as I felt the intensity of Ezekiel's glare on me. I lift my head one more time, soaking up the image of the house that I was being ripped from. I thought that we were friends and I thought that we had something. He and I had something.

But it's obvious we didn't and we don't.

A newly found anger arises within me and I clench my fists into balls, my breathing getting more rapid.

"What the fuck do you want with me? Can't you just leave me alone?" I rambled on, my blood boiling with the hopes of hitting a chord in him. Just enough for him to get pissed off to the point of changing his mind. From the corner of my eye, I saw that his lips curled into a smirk.

"Language Miss Hall." He slowly rolled off his tongue.

"It's obvious I can't leave you alone." He slowly slides his tongue over his bottom lip, bringing a well-cut, crystal shot glass to his lips. He then turned to his window, his fingers positioned just right for me to see a good-sized piece of a carat on his index finger. It was hard not to notice it as it glistened with every stream of sunlight that poured in through the windows. I heard his deep humming as he took another sip of what I presumed to be liquor from its clear-like appearance with a sort of light amber hue to it.

"This is what it's come to." He slightly held his glass in the air.

"You drive me crazy. " He chuckled briefly before bringing the glass back to his lips, silently taking a longer sip this time.

"Apparently not enough," I added under my breath and I know he caught that when I heard another hum from him, this time a little more high-pitched.

"You know something? I think I know exactly what you need." He hissed right after he downed the remaining liquor, squeezing his eyes shut as he finished, which revealed a deep dimple on his cheek.

After telling the driver to go to 'The Spot' he adjusts the collar and fastens the black buttons on the cuffs of his long-sleeved even dress shirt. I just left the conversation at that. Asking about it would be useless, though what lay thinking about is how stupid I was and naive.

Never again. I know I said that already but at that time, in my h, heart I knew there was still something. But right now, he'd be lucky to ever see my face again.

You know what? To hell with my Mother, to hell with Jacob, to hell with everyone.

I turned my face to the window, aimlessly staring at the blurry passing of vehicles and becoming absorbed in the hypnotic beauty of the late afternoon sky. The once bright hues were now being replaced by an orange-yellow-like hue that spilled over from the sun as it rested at the edge of the same ocean that echoed its color scheme.

After a few turns and stoplights, we finally turn a corner with more compact bushes, where the area was more manicured. As we drove into the narrow lane, vast areas of concrete roads were now replaced by a strip of palm trees. All of which were well aligned to the same height with low-cut cut grass and a crisp line of concrete pavement, enclosing it all together. The lane was not as long as I perceived it to be because we made a stop at what seemed like the location.

My view of the landscape was now blocked by a white-patented wall. We were in front of two very large ebony-stained gates with small, viny-like flowers of mainly white and red with a few yellow ones too. The gates slowly opened apart revealing more lush green grass neatly divided by a driveway way. Beautiful violet flower shrubs on each side of us lined every corner of the extensive area of land. The vehicle had slowed just before the short, softly lit solar lights that aligned the driveway way, diverging from the huge area of land that now took over the scene.

On top of the grass stood a plastic igloo of some sort, moderately lit on the inside of it. Fascinated by it, I succeeded the driver by hopping out of the car and pacing over to it. There were maroon cushions placed on the floor of it arranged seat-like manner, the igloo was creatively but elegantly strung with bright fairy lights in its interior.

"This is beautiful," I breathed out just as Ezekiel walks up right beside me. He smiled warmly at me as he slightly gestured for me to enter first. My eyes scanned the entirety of the space and my eyes stop at a low-lying table that held bright and vibrant fruits and cheese. I didn't miss the small ice bucket on the corner that had two bottles of some sort of liquor shoved into it.

I sat with my ankles crossing over each other on one of the soft, velvety cushions right after he had come in behind me. I popped a grape in my mouth, enjoying how sweet and juicy it was.

"Thank you for doing all of this for me." I brought my eyes up to meet his, which held an exaggerated confused look in them.

"You thought this was for you?" He fakely eyed me suspiciously which caused a fit of laughter to escape my lips.

"Stop it!" I defended between giggling. After pulling myself together, I popped another grape into my mouth.

"You totally have a thing for, me," I mumbled from having the grape in my mouth, jokingly batting my eyelashes seductively for good measure.

"Well... " His eyes darted to the liquor in the ice bucket to which he starts fixing two glasses for the both of us. The liquor being poured in had a light red tint to it, which made me assume it was wine.

"There's no denying that." He handed the half-filled glass to me.

"Please enjoy, this is a vintage one of mine." He gently swirled the glass in his hand before taking a small sip from it. Right after, I decided not to battle with myself over some wine. After all, I needed this.

I repeated his procedure, all the while he watched me, his eyes slightly widened in some sort of anticipation.

"So?" His eyes narrowed, zeroing on my lips for a little bit as if he was trying to predict what I was going to say.

"It's...good," I answered truthfully, spreading the earthy, mushroom-like notes over the entirety of my tongue, savoring the taste for as long as I could.

"Right, it pairs well with the grapes doesn't it?" He proudly asks and I hummed in delightful agreement with him, taking another small sip.

"1972 Adeotè, " he rolled off his tongue with a slight French accent, staring off in the distance and smiling as if he was remembering something.

"The year I was born," he coolly states and I choke a little bit, trying to contain myself.

"Wow." I tried my best not to sound too bewildered. To my surprise, a deep chuckle escapes his lips.

"I actually don't look my age, " his deep voice was heavily laced with sarcasm.

"That was actually my mother's birth year, my grandfather harvested those grapes just months after she was born," he explains all the while the smile never left his lips. I smiled at him in response. I really liked this side of him, you know, when he isn't trying to force me into marriage.

We continue this playful banter until nightfall, exchanging favorite songs, and books to which he and I astonishingly have very much in common.

"I had a very good time today, thank you," I managed to tell him though it came out way too sloppy to my liking. I found myself feeling very woozy, yet I felt so alive as if I could reach up and touch the stars.

"Okay, I'm glad you did." I felt his strong scoop me up. I didn't have the energy to protest so I just buried my face into his shirt, my nostrils instantly being graced with the entrancing scent of his cologne.

"Hey! Why can't I see the stars anymore?" I hiccuped, suddenly feeling my eyes hot, filling up with fresh tears.

"Ssh, we'll see them again tomorrow, Okay?" He tried his best to console me while he laid me on the back seat. My body, now felt like mush as I struggled to sit upright. After hearing the hard tires make contact with the gravel, I figured we were now on highway way. The steady acceleration of the van mixed with the red wine lulled me into a blissful slumber.


My eyes were flooded with darkness just as I opened them, I could barely see anything other than the tall wooden columns of the ceiling. I pulled my weary body out of the bed, a certain throbbing in my head slowly intensified as I sat upright. I shuffled toward the door, flinging it open as soon as my hands gripped the knob, without having much care. I needed some water and badly at that. As I dragged myself across the hall, heading to the large staircase, I was grateful for the dead silence.

Until, after a few moments, of course, it was no longer silent. I picked up some indistinguishable murmurings as I descended the staircase, the voice becoming more recognizable the closer I got to the source.

It was Ezekiel, he was talking in a very unusually hushed tone.

That's weird.

I carefully stopped at the foot of the staircase, immediately scurrying to hide on the other side of it as I saw his back turned to me. He was pacing about the place, in deep conversation with someone on his phone.

It was dead silent again before he whispered. "Yes, the girl's okay, she's with me." His tone was heavy with desperation. It was as if he was convincing someone.

"Everything's set up...yeah."

"I've already taken care of him too."

Who is he talking about?

"Yes ma--, I mean yes, I'll make sure of it. " His tone was dark and interestingly, he was now struggling with his words. That's odd for someone I considered to be Mr. Smooth. I guess he had a boss that was even smoother than he was.


He hung up soon after and I scatter to the front of the staircase, making it appear as if I  had just come down.

"What are you doing down here, you almost scared the living shit out of me." I brought my hand up to my chest, trying my best to sound convincing.

"I should ask you the same question." He countered and I try to drown out my loud voice of conscience.

I placed one hand on the site of the throbbing pain as it felt like it was developing into a migraine. He nods in response and heads to the counter, grabbing me a glass of water.

He returns with the glass full in his hand.

"Make sure you take some aspirin with it, they're in the bathroom. " He hands me the water before mumbling almost inaudible under his breath. It was something along the lines of him 'giving me way more than I could handle.' I hummed to him in response before turning around and heading back upstairs.

"Sleep well, Darling. " He said from behind me, his voice crisp and dripping with authority, reclaiming his domineering aura in an instant. I continued on my way up the staircase, not bothering to respond this time, my mind stirring with loads of questions.


A/N: hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Keep safe! ❤❤


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