Chapter10|| I don't care

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A/N: This is a very important chapter so that you guys can understand Jacob's character a bit more. Enjoy!

Back to story**

"I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal."

-Jane Austen

Jacob's P.O.V

I mess around with girls. It's what I do. But in this case, I wouldn't particularly indulge in meaningless emotions, derived from chemical reactions inside the brain, that's just pointless.

This time I have a weapon that no one is aware of. Not even the girl knows how much use she is, to me. For business, of course.

Richard Hall was and still is, one of the biggest names in the biz. I've known the guy ever since I was a kid. He was basically the closest thing I had to family. He was the one who taught me everything that I know today and I couldn't have been so successful if it weren't for him.

Imagine how much more power I would possess, if I get access to his old headquarters. That's exactly where Orianna comes in, she is way more clever than I had initially thought. So taking the right approach with this girl, could land me millions.

You could call me selfish or whatever but I've learned that in this life you have to take what you want, and not just wait around for something good to happen.

After the girl hung up I grabbed a bag of chips and opened Netflix. Just a couple of minutes in, my eyes started to flicker...


"I hate it when it rains. But I know that you'll protect me, Mr. squiggles." A blue light flashed and I squeezed my eyes shut.

Why hasn't mummy come up yet? Did she forget to tuck me in tonight?

I gripped onto Mr.squiggles tighter when I heard mummy screaming from downstairs.

"Mummy?" I ran downstairs, I don't want to be alone up here. I should be quiet, I don't want to wake baby sister up.

Tiptoeing down the steps, I bobbed my head around the corner, to look into the living room.

Why are they pointing a funny-looking water gun at her head? It doesn't look like mummy is enjoying it. But the big men are laughing. I don't like when mommy's upset.

I walked into the living room.

"Mummy?" She was crying.

"Jakey, honey, please go back to bed."


"You heard it, kid, go back to bed," The bad man shouted at me.

I feel sad, I don't wanna leave mummy with the bad men. I turned around and walked slowly upstairs. I peaked around the corner so the bad men don't see me.

The bad man puts the water gun on mummy's head and a small thump echoed.

Mummy fell back into the couch. And there is blood coming from her.

What's wrong with mummy?

Bloody sleeping pills don't work. Now I'm up in the middle of the night, shirt soaked and feeling tormented.

It's the first time in 8 years since I've had the same nightmare. I sat up in the bed and removed my shirt, tossing it into the hamper.

It's 1 a.m and I don't think I'll be able to sleep again. I head downstairs for a shot of brandy, maybe it'll be enough to put me to sleep.

It's dark and unusually quiet in the kitchen, seeing as the guys are always noisy.

Just as I'm about to open the cabinet door I hear a few cups fall on the floor, my head snapped in the direction of the sound. I flicked on the lights to see Jerald hastily putting the cups back on the counter.

If he's smart he won't say anything to me. I grabbed the shot glass and a bottle of brandy and poured a small amount for myself. All the while not giving a shit about Jerald.

"You know, I could've sung you a lullaby if you'd asked me to," He said batting his eyelashes like an idiot.

I felt my jaw clench. But I just down the brandy, feeling the burning inside my chest. I slammed the glass onto the counter, almost shattering it.

I heard a snicker behind me. Sometimes I hate having the asshole as my friend.

"Piss off!" I flipped him the bird before heading upstairs.

"Love you too bro!" He called back.

I shut my room door and hit my bed instantly, trying to fall asleep. My mind wandered back to my mother.

I remember being 7 when she died. And that I barely remember what happened after that. I just remembered wandering around the streets with my sister for a while until one day a guy with a gold tooth took us in, which I, later on, grew to know as Robert hall.

He gave us a place to stay and food to eat. I even remember begging him to take me on one of his runs. My first kill was at 16. I was determined to make my first the guys who killed my mum.

No matter how many bullets had been fired that day, it couldn't satisfy the anger I felt towards them. And ultimately, what I did couldn't bring my mum back.

Up until this day the one question that remains unanswered is, why did they kill her?

That is what I've been focused on trying to find out ever since. They must have been sent by someone. And that person deserves a bullet right between the eyes.

Until then I want to get my hands on Robert Hall's old headquarters. The guy's place was the definition of techy. I can guarantee with his equipment and technology I can finally nail this bastard.

I just happen to know someone close to him. The challenge is to figure out a way for her to go out with me first.

Then eventually she'll fall for me and she'll allow me to get what I want.

Because I am Jacob La Croix, I always get what I want.


If u enjoy what I write you can leave a comment and vote.

-stay safe


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