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"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."

              ~George Bernard Shaw


Jacob's P.O.V

Getting her to deal was the least, at least she'll stay out of my business now. I braked at the mansion around 5 pm.

The evening breeze was cool and felt refreshing against my skin.

I headed straight to the headquarters, opened the chestnut drawer, and took out the nearly finished pack of cigars.

I lit the last one, inhaling harshly, welcoming the all too familiar taste to enlighten my senses, I coughed a bit. I couldn't control the urge to smile at the thought.

I mean like why are females so gullible?

They believe any shit that comes out of my mouth. I knew the girl was way too curious for her good so she would just focus on getting info to 'help' me out, instead of snooping around my business, heck what's my inside men for?

I leaned back on the chair, with the cigarette in one hand and a profile in the other.

Ah, Danford, such a terrible way to die, all you do is owe, my mind drifted.

My phone vibrated, snapping me out of a daze. The name 'rookie' was visible on the screen. I answered the video call and couldn't help but smile as the light filled the room in the video and a man, about in his late 40s suddenly appeared. He was in a filthy basement on Wesgrove avenue downtown, tied to a chair and blindfolded.

"I swear, I was gonna wire the money, I swear, please, just please, I'll make a call and it'll be here, just please, don't do this," I heard the guy begging.

"Shut up! Maybe you should've thought of that before it was too late." I listened to the rookie in amusement.

I sucked in the smoke and my smile grew, even more, when two men in black appeared from the corners of the screen. One holding a heavy-duty stapling gun, and one holding a chainsaw. My head felt light as I exhaled.

"Tell me where Jeremiah's run off to! Yea, don't act like he ain't your nephew!" The rookie barked at him, causing him to start shaking for a little.

"I C-can't, you'll kill him, won't you? Please, he's all the family I got," The old man answered.

I laughed as the chainsaw started up, causing the old man to start bawling and shaking hysterically.

"Cut right through his left arm," The rookie ordered the guy in black.

"I swear I don't know, you can't do this!" The old man squealed as the chainsaw is lowered onto his left arm slowly digging through his flesh, causing him to yell in agony.

I watched as the lifeless limb fell to the floor. Blood rushes out and the old man's face was twisted in pain.

"H-he's at t-the airport," He shook and breathed shakily.

I paused for a short while, thinking about the move I'll make to deal with Jeremiah, there's nothing quite like fresh information.

"Finish him," I said, watching as the chainsaw is slowly brought to his neck.


Orianna‛s P.O.V

I'm on my bed, laying on my stomach, and for the last few hours, I've been on the web trying to find Jeremiah's phone number.

Sure I don't like the guy, but I really needed to hold up my part of this bargain. I would remember when we were kids and he used to tease me about my skin color.

I had so much hate for him back then, but a very wise old woman had taught me to forgive and to forget.

After a couple of minutes, I find myself on Facebook. I typed in his name and saw about a hundred names pop up.

Scrolling through I found a profile picture of a guy that seemed to look like him. I clicked on it and searched for a phone number. I grabbed the house phone and dialed the number.

It rang shortly and went straight to voicemail. I tried again and the same thing.

I rolled onto my back and let out a sigh, feeling defeated. What if Jeremiah's dead or something?

No. Maybe he is just busy, yeah,
he's just busy. I sat up and thought it would be best to go through his pics. Wow, this guy's an open book.

I came across pics with him and the blonde girl, they look happy. And the pics were recently posted.

Then it hit me. Why couldn't Jacob just Facebook him? It would've been way easier for him to do it himself.

Maybe he just told me to do it to get me busy. He thinks he's smart, I bet he does. It's not like I was even that interested in what he was doing. Yeah, you were. My subconscious added.

Does this boy think he can make me look like a fool? I'ma call this white boy and give him a piece of my mind. I was fueled by anger when I called Darcy to give me Jacob's number.

It is answered on the first ring. "Listen up you nasty, good for nothin', broke ass -"

"Excuse me, ma'am, how may I help you?" A man with a deep voice interjected.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, I took a deep breath. "Yes, um could you transfer the call to Jacob?" I absentmindedly picked at the skin around my fingers.

"Ah, Mr.Jacob, no problemo." I heard the beeping of buttons through the phone and not long after...

"What do you want?" He greeted cockily.

I cleared my throat. "Listen up you nasty, good for nothin', stank piece of shit, white boy, you think I'm dumb huh? I know you didn't just tell me some random shit to get me off your back, what kinda dirt bag are ya?"

I heard him breathe out heavily on the other end, then a chuckle erupted from him.

I was pissed by this point.

"You're sick as shit, no wonder your so single and sad and be lookin' raggedy all the damn day long, and you damn breath smell like raw fish."

I didn't hear him say anything, so I continued." Oh hell no, you act like I'm petty enough to even care about yo shit, boy, I couldn't care less bout yo last name, you're dirt to me, trash, you hear that?"

I awaited a response, while my heart hammered a thousand miles an hour from adrenaline.

"Come on now baby, you're making me blush, stop being so cute, I know that you like me, if you wanted to go on a date why didn't you just ask?" He retorted sarcastically and I swear I saw red.

"Urrrg! This isn't over!" I shouted through the phone and hung up.


A/N: I think I am going to do Jacob's P.O.V next, hehee.

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-stay safe


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