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"In the end, you have to choose whether or not to trust someone."

~Sophie Kinsella

Jacob managed to lose the police and drove on an alternative route, to get me home. He stopped at my gate, avoiding eye contact.

"Look, whatever just happened back there, I'm sure as hell that I did not have a thing to do with it," I said, trying to assure him.

"Sure princess, you didn't call the police." He unlocked the car doors. I rolled my eyes as I got out, slamming the car door behind me. Just as I took a step towards my house, I hear the screeching of the tires, I turn around to the smell of exhaust.

Well isn't he a ray of Sunshine?

And I still have no phone. At least I have my dog.

"Hi, patch!" He wagged his tail and scratched at my feet in excitement. I pick him up and walk inside. The house is empty as usual, but its nothing I'm not accustomed to. After such a long, accelerated day, I head upstairs for a shower and go to bed.

"Night boy." I snuggled my puppy. I don't know what's worse, the fact that Jacob called me 'princess' as that guy did, or the fact that he accused me of being the rat.


Jacob's P.O.V

That spoiled rich brat almost caused me an arm and a leg. I thought I told Darcy to stop bringing her little friends over while we're doing business. She must've been watching from across the street.

"Um... Boss, we have a lead." Taking out a cigar, I dragged the files closer to the table to open them.

"Yeah, you can leave." I fanned him off. Let's see... I brought the lit cigar to my mouth, the strong fumes filled my lungs as I inhaled. I inspected the first file.

Name: Jeremiah Peterman
Age:19 y/o
Education: College Undergraduate
Occupation: Unemployed
Family Relation(s): Danford Peterman, 49(uncle)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Address: 18 Lacomade Street, Hamiltonshire street, Chester County

Hmm... I exhaled, feeling a weight being lifted from my shoulders, this thing was good. "Jeremiah, old pal, what have you been up to... I hope you know where to stick your nose." I chuckled, recalling the time I took his girl out for a little joy ride.

I'm thinking that this is one of his vengeful schemes to get back at me. I sucked in a sharp breath and breathed the fumes out. Eyeing the other profile I bit my lip.

Name: Orianna Hall
Age:17 y/o
Education: High School
Occupation: Unemployed
Family Relation(s): The late Robert Hall(father), Diana Wills-34(mother)
Ethnicity: Black
Address: 10 Hamiltonshire street, Chester County

Mmm... a smile crept onto my face, I took a closer look at the profile. Mr. Hall... The man was legendary. I didn't know he had a daughter. This means if she knows about these things, why would she call the police? Hmm... except she probably didn't.

My eyes traveled to the profile on the left. Sighing, I picked up my phone...

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said putting out my cigar.

"Try me," He said and I smiled, knowing that my partner was a ruthless businessman.

I spoke up, "It's Jeremiah, he double-crossed us." I waited for a response.

It was quiet for a bit. "... I knew he couldn't be trusted." I heard rustling on the other end.

"So what you say we do now?" I said, having my inside men beside me, waiting for the call.

"I say we teach him a lesson, after all, revenge is a dessert best served cold." The call ended abruptly.

I pointed at one of the men I wanted to come.

"Boss?" He whispered, turning his ear to me.

"I want him alive!" I pointed indignantly at the profile picture.

"Yes, Boss." He left with two other men.

Orianna's POV

"Oh Darcy, why did you tell your stupid brother to pick me up?" I was lying on my stomach with my elbows propping me up while skyping her on my laptop.

"He's not all that of an ass you know, though he has his moments," She said, looking preoccupied with her phone.

"Yeah right, moments." I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of which, what has that wicked witch of the West say about your new look?"

"Well, that's her problem, what can she do?" peel my skin off?" We both went silent, just staring at each other until laughter filled the room.

"But, you never know, she just might," Darcy struggled to get out between laughter.

"Anyways, I got homework so bye!" She chirped. Like she even does homework.

"And, you better not send him to pick me up again." I pointed jokingly to the screen.

"Hmm... Bye!"

"Darcy--" She ended the call. Shaking my head, I closed my laptop and headed downstairs for something to eat. The kitchen was quiet and felt lonely, but I shook off those feelings as quickly as they came, food is all I need. I was about to open the fridge when I saw a sticky note:

"Will be out of town for a few days, don't do anything stupid."

Rolling my eyes, I crushed the note and tossed it in the bin. I never really had a close relationship with her, and I don't think I've been an angel for the past few years so she won't mind if I invite Darcy, and maybe a few more friends.


It's amazing how a bit of invite leads to a party.

I winced as I brushed past the multitude of drunk teens who spewed jargon without a care in the world. The music blasted as I heard faint chanting further on in the crowd. I made my way into the living room where I saw a girl on top of the coffee table, swaying her hips along to the music. She looked drunk and familiar.

"Hey, Darcy, what you doin up here?" I cautiously pulled her down from the table.

"Woah there, isn't this what you do at a party?" I heard her say, pointing to the coffee table. I barely could hear what she said next so I dragged her lifeless body upstairs to talk.

Handling a drunk Darcy was enough let alone having to push through the crowd with only one hand free. Making my way upstairs, I passed a few teens making out and some even threw up on the carpet.

Well, that's gonna be fun to clean.

I finally reached the top of what seemed like a never-ending staircase. Gasping for breath, I opened my room door and pushed Darcy to the bed, where she fell listlessly, despite my efforts of being gentle.

Wow, I'm out of shape.

"Okay Darce, what was it you wanted to tell me?" I said, taking off my heels. my feet were killing me.

"Oh, I don't remebe--" she fell onto my bed with a huge grin on her face.

Sighing, I took her shoes off and drew the covers over her.

"Night Darce." I turned off the lights and closed the door.

"Oof!" I slammed into something. I looked up to see that it was Jacob.

"What are you doing?" I said referring to the fact that he was directly at my door.

"I have to talk to you about something," He said, eyes glued to my face.

"What?" I said walking downstairs. I felt my hand being jerked back.

"Up here's more private." He dragged me into the bathroom with one hand.

He pressed me against the wall with both hands blocking me in. He inched his face closer to mine. Looking me dead in the eyes, he inched even closer, eyes flickering to my lips for a millisecond.

I could feel and smell his hot minty breath on my face, he licked his lips as he studied my face. I felt frozen in one place, and I couldn't help the urge to kiss him, closing my eyes, I moved in closer.

"Jeremiah Peterman," He said and
I was still frozen.

"Huh?" I stared at his lips confused.

"He's the rat, not you, I know you must have some dirt on him," He was still blocking me in with his hands. I smirked, folding my arms.

He was slicker than I thought.

"Is that an apology?" I retorted half smiling. Two can play this game.

"I won't say a word, til you move your hands." I folded my arms, holding his gaze.

The second his hands were moved, I dashed downstairs, taking the corner to the back door, Losing him in the process. I scanned the backyard and sat down, to catch my breath.

Wow, I'm unfit.

I mean I haven't heard about Jeremiah for a while now, not since I was a little girl. I could always remember my father going on about his family affairs, I clearly remembered him stating something about Jeremiah's father owing him.

It took a while to analyze everything. and then It all came back. I felt the bench move and I turn to see Jacob beside me.

"Look, let's make a deal, If you can give me deeper info about Jeremiah's personal life, And I wouldn't dare bother you anymore," He said, facing me.

Wel,l that seems fair enough. "Deal," I said, feeling satisfied.


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-stay safe

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