Chapter7||Say What Now?

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"Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different."

~ Albert Szent Gyorgi


"So can I just take a break off of school, just for today?" I pleaded with Darcy. She stared at me for a while before speaking.

"You're my best friend and I know that you wouldn't skip school unless something was wrong, so yeah, just for today, k girl?" She held my hands.

Seeing that we were passing through town, I just asked Darcy to drop me off at the hair salon, so that I could get my hair done." Text me as soon as you're done." pointing her finger at me sternly.

"OK, mom!" I said closing the car door and sticking my tongue out at her.

Then it hit me. I don't have a phone.

I needed to find a phone store. It's going to be challenging because this is my first time in the town.

Walking through the town, there was this small bookshop on the corner that caught my eye, it read: 'Cărți ale secretelor'.

Something just didn't feel right about how desolate the place was.

Maybe it's nothing.

I stepped into the store hoping for directions to the salon. The bell jingled as I pushed the door to go inside, shortly after I saw someone appear from around the counter.

It was a middle-aged woman with pale skin and a huge smile painted on her face. To be honest, I wouldn't take her for the warm greetings type.

"How may I help you, young miss?" She eyed my tats and piercings with her nose scrunched up.

"Um... Could you tell me where the salon's at?" I said blankly, looking around the shop. She sighed.

"Sure, it's just over there beside that store."

"Ok, thanks," I said, right before noticing that she had something strange on her ear. "If you don't mind me saying, there is something on your ear," I said reaching for it, her eyes light up and she suddenly hits my hand away.

"Oh it's nothing, just a-- a birthmark," She said looking behind me. And I took that as my que to leave.

Well, that was awkward.

After walking over to the other side, in the hot sun, I finally found the salon.

Fortunately, there was barely anyone in there, so I told the hairdresser how I wanted my hair.

I sat down in the chair for what seemed like hours, I was so dang bored.

Looking around I saw a black Jeep pull up at that store that I was at--oh wait, isn't that the same Jeep that Jacob left at that time? I darted my eyes over there to make sure.

And... What do you know? Jacob. In. The. Flesh.

But what would he want with a bookstore? He doesn't look like he'd fancy reading. He sported black jeans and a blue hoodie, and his hair was messy. I watched as he took long strides into the store.

The lady there greeted him just as she did with me but then I saw Jacob move into the back and then the lady drew the blinds.

Well, that's strange... Maybe that's where he gets drugs?

By this time my hair was finished, I paid the hairdresser and went over to the mirror. I ran my hands through my hair as I inspected it, those highlights were a great idea.

I was in there for a while and I was hungry, so I decided to get a snack.

Walking over to the small food store, which happens to be two shops away from the bookstore, I saw Jacob walking out and I just didn't want him to see me, not that it would even matter anyways...

So I went right ahead into the food store, making sure that I avoid him. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and a bottle of beer and cashed out. I walked over to the nearby food court and sighed in relief as I saw that many people were either on their phones or having lunch.

Minding their business, you know like everyone should.

I flopped down on a seat and started to eat some chips while playing a bit on my phone, I almost beat level 155 of Candy Crush....when I heard a car door slam, I turned my head to see Jacob walking towards me.

"Darcy told me to pick you up," He said nonchalantly.

"But what if I don't wanna go with you?" I said crossing my arms.

He scoffed."Well, that's fine by me, you could walk back home for all I care."

He strolled towards his Jeep. I wonder if he's really related to Darcy because if not I could just hit him so hard...

But on the other hand, I guess I do need the ride, my house isn't exactly a stone's throw away...

"Hey! Wait!" I jogged up to the Jeep and climbed in.

"That's what I thought," He retorted smugly and reversed out of the parking lot.

I turned my head to the windows to avoid talking, and he seemed fine with that. The rest of the ride went well until I heard sirens behind us.

His eyes darted to the rearview mirror. "It seems we have a rat." He glared at me, before I could say anything, he stepped on the gas, and the car thrusts ahead.

"What's going on? What's happening?" Pinned to my seat, I could still see the police on our tail.

"A minor issue.." A roar resonated from the Jeep when it swerves into a tunnel. It was complete darkness inside, until a small light grows as we near the exit, with the police still behind.

My attention swiftly turned to the cliff that was now only a few meters away. Panic bloomed within me and my hand subconsciously felt about the car for something reliable to grab onto.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself," He spoke lowly and I could sense a hint of annoyance in his tone.

As per usual.

I rolled my eyes and immediately dragged my hand away from his thigh.

"That's the last time I'm ever doing something like that again, " I quickly added before squeezing my eyes shut, we were getting too close to the cliff and I couldn't bring myself to watch any longer.

I guess this is how I die.



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-stay safe


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