Chapter29||Old Friends

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"I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down."

-Christina Perri

Jacob's POV

"You youngsters have no class. " He adds and his words carried an even thicker Russian accent. In an instant, we were now surrounded with rifles from every corner and the air was now a lot thinner than before. How could we not see this coming? How could I have not seen this coming? Something in the back of my mind knew that this was only a false victory. I look around me, both Sean and Jerald seemed defeated. Except for X.

He was quite calm.

"Fire!" Marcov spits and I did not-or could not even have the thoughts up front to even think about an escape route due to the intensified throbbing pain that jolted from my thigh up to my upper body. It was excruciating.

"Hold!" I heard someone say. The voice was deep and stern and had an equally thick Russian accent. This voice sounded quite familiar. I looked around me, X, Jerald and Sean were all exchanging glances, and I am sure they are all just as confused just as I was.

"You are under arrest for the unlawful distribution and trafficking of drugs into this country." I heard the same familiar voice announce and I hear the sound of some metals being pulled out. From in front the vehicle, I could faintly make out the features of this person, yet I knew him and very well at that. It was an old friend of mine, quite tall and having the same strong, military build as X had. It was Police Chief Alarick Khudovich, Ricky for short. I remember he was really into undercover operations. But how he ended up back in Russia after only being in an American operation, I could not quite comprehend. For now at least.

I watched as Marcov's round figure had been pressed onto the hood of the car with his hands were forcefully bent behind him. The sound of him being handcuffed followed suit. It was then shortly after he was served his rights before bitterly being shoved into the back of one of the vehicles that had surrounded us. It was in that exact moment, for the first time in ages I saw X perked up, his muscular arms crossed over his chest as he shook his head, quite contented.

He then jumped out of the car and met Ricky Midway his walk back to us. They greeted each other with a slightly rowdy diagonal hand clap, calling each other's name aloud as if they hadn't seen each other in ages.

This is weird. For X even.

Both of them began chatting and laughing loudly while they were approaching the vehicle. "This is my old pal, Ricky, I'm just glad he was at the right place at the right time." X excitedly patted his back while smiling. "Yeah, the moment I saw this guy calling my phone, I just knew it would be worth my while." He returned the smile that X gave him.

"Ah we had some good times, nice to get back into the saddle for a little bit." He breathed out, his laughter dying down drastically. "Best I get going now." He quickly scanned inside the vehicle and immediately his eyes rested on my wound.

"Jacob, it's best we get you out of here, right now. " He hurriedly opened the door and slowly took me from out of the car. He then put my hand over his shoulder and supported me straight back to one of the military style vehicles from earlier. There wasn't many persons in the back and so he rested me on the back seat, propping my injured leg onto the seat. The only guy that was in the back with me barely seemed to care, only other than glancing over a few times at my wound.

I let out a shaky breath. "Thank God you're here, Ricky I don't think I'm going to" I finally blurted out, meaning every last word with the shakiness of my breath and every fibre of my being. The shirt I had tied around my thigh was now soaked through and through and I could feel my muscles getting weaker and weaker with each movement.

"Hang o--..... " I could not make out what he was saying as the rest of the words had become severely muffled, my body, in an instant felt so weak. It felt as if it weren't mine anymore. I knew I had to hang on, but with this little strength I had left, that became a tumultuous task in itself. Just the will to live was too much to handle, the irony of it. In an instant, my eyes began to slowly flicker shut, and I found my self finding it exhausting to fight them open. I knew if I gave up that this could be it. This would be it.

But, what's so wrong with letting go, what could there be tethering me to this life...

Her? Oria-- my muscles were now overly exhausted from keeping my eyes open and so they desperately gave out. And my eyes eyelids instantly closed shut.

And eventually I succumbed to the darkness.



"Jakey!" The blue eyed, moppy headed little gremlin tugged at my shirt. She seemed quite jumpy today.

Guessss What?!" She smiled up at me, revealing that one missing tooth that was taking so long to fill in. She loosened her grip from my shirt that was now slightly over stretched. I sighed a breath of fresh relief.

"What?" I asked her quite disinterested with the conversation.

"Not now Darcy, I have to go play with Mr. Squiggles now. "

She rolled her eyes, letting out a long sigh before becoming cheerful again. "I met someone today. " She shyly began looking at her feet, her hands behind her back.

"I have a bestie now! She's so cool." I rolled my eyes at her, this time I scooped up one of Mr. Squiggles tentacles and made a dash for it upstairs.

"Come back! Her name is Or--"

"Lalalalalalaa! I can't here youu!" I shouted from the top of my lungs running away from her as fast as possible.

"Jakey!" I looked down at her from the top of the staircase, she had fallen onto her bum. I giggled at her, I sticking my tongue out at hhe right after. What a baby. She then immediately threw a fit, kicking and throwing her self all about on the carpet.

"Jacob! For Heaven's sake! leave your sister alone!" Mom called from the kitchen down stairs and I immediately felt upset, Darcy was so unfair.



"It's best we monitor the patient for now." I picked up on muffled voices. My eyelids seemed paper thin in contrast to the bright light that pierced through them.

"Yes Doctor-- he's waking up!" I heard another voice say,which sounded like it was coming from above me, now sounding alot clearer. My hand instantly shot up to cover my eyes, as I now found the light to be too bothersome.

"Jacob! You son of a gun!" Even before opening my eyes, from the exaggerated way of speech, I instantly new that it was Sean. I gave him a small reassuring smile which he returned before retreating outside to the others. Not long after, they--Jerald, Ricky and X were all now gathering inside the room.

"I'll give you some time." The small, greasy haired man clothed in a long white coat gave Sean a little pat on the shoulder. He then fixed his glasses up his nose before pacing out of the room. I watched as Jerald and Sean's gaze followed him, both turning their nose up at him after he was out of sight. I could not help but smile internally at their syncing at the perfect time.

"You gave us quite the scare man." X spoke with concern peaking ever so slightly in his voice. He was now on the other side, opposite Sean. X then drew himself closer to me and began whispering, his voice now low and crisp as he spoke. "We can't keep you in here, it's too risky. "

"I know." My voice came out hoarse and low, much to my surprise.

"I've already taken care of the particulars." Jerald bursts into the conversation, proudly crossing he arms over his chest afterward.

"Right, grab some lunch and we'll get going right away. " Sean adds and I could not protest to that logic.





Hope y'all are staying safe!

Much love ❤❤


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