Chapter 7: Plans

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Findekáno did not sleep that night, instead he spent his time watching the stars and tweaking a piece of music he had composed a while back. When Turukáno finally came home near the dawning of the next day, he immediately went to find his brother in their small courtyard.

"Who is she, Finno?" He took off his outer garment and laid it over a chair inside before walking through their doorway to where Findekáno sat watching the stars. "You spoke in riddles earlier."

"That is the question, Turvo. Who is she?" He smirked at his unsatisfied expression. "Trust me, brother. We are all trying to figure that out. But, come. Sit. For it is a strange tale."

And so Turukáno pulled his own chair beside his brother in their garden courtyard. He placed a cup of water onto a side table and gestured for Findekáno to continue. His brother nodded.

"When Nelyo and I were out, letters reached us by way of the ravens," he began. "They contained identical summons to Lorien from the Valar."

Turvo's eyebrow raised in evident surprise. "Why?"

"Just listen." Findekáno paused for effect before continuing. "We joined with Lady Nerdanel and Kánafinwë before traveling there."

"All of you received summons, then?" Turukáno took a sip of water as he contemplated this. "From the Valar?"

"Indeed." He smiled. "When we reached Lorien, and crossed to Lórellin, we were met not just by Estë and Lorien, but by Manwë and Varda also!"

At that, Turvo stopped sipping his drink and nearly spilled it. "Both of them?!"

"Yes." Fingon nodded and sat straighter, turning to face his brother more directly. A glint shined in his eyes from the light around them and the excitement he felt.

Turukáno had enough of his dramatics. "Well what did they have to say, brother?"

"It was less what they said, and more what they revealed. They stood apart and behind them lay the maiden you met earlier, peacefully asleep from Estë's enchantments." Findekáno leaned in. "They told us she had been brought here, to Arda, by Ilúvatar himself."

Now Turukáno did choke on his drink. "What?!"

"Truly! I do not lie!" Findekáno continued quickly, before his brother could get a word in edgewise. "Her hröa is like ours, of the Eldar. But, according to the Valar, her fëa is not!"

"What is it then?" Turvo leaned in closer as he spoke, intrigued more than he ever expected to be.

"They do not know for certain, but expect it is of the Secondborn!" Finno nearly laughed at his brother's shocked expression. "I told you it was not a discussion for all ears."

"This is strange news indeed." He murmured quietly to himself before speaking up again. "And father knows?"

"Yes. I told him that night," Findekáno revealed. "The Valar have asked us to watch over her."

"What is her name?" Turukáno asked. "I cannot recall."

"Eve." Finno said it slowly, and Turukáno repeated it. Findekáno laughed. "It is a strange name for a strange maiden."

They sat in silence for awhile, and soon the dawn had come forth fully. Laurelin and Telperion merged to create the day and the brothers retreated back inside their house.

"What are you going to do, then?" Turukáno asked him suddenly as they ate the meager breakfast they prepared.

Findekáno looked at him in confusion. "Do?"

"For this maiden." He rolled his eyes. "The Valar tasked you with helping her. I am sure the Fëanorions shall help, but you are the most level headed of them all. Aside from Lady Nerdanel, of course."

"You think me more level headed than even Káno?" Findekáno chuckled. "Thank you, brother."

"Is she staying with Lady Nerdanel and Fëanáro now?" Turukáno ignored him. "The Ambarussa will surely make life difficult for her if that is the case."

"Nelyo and Káno are both busy today, or so they told me yesterday," Finno revealed with a nod. "Eve should probably not stay in their house the entire time. The Ambarussa are quite devious. Entertaining, but devious nonetheless."

"Where has she visited?" Turukáno asked him.

Findekáno gestured to the door. "Here. Tirion. The only other place which she most likely does not remember is Lorien."

"What of Alqualondë? You could take her there. Mother and Lady Eärwen would welcome you surely." Turukáno stood from the table then and cleared his place. He looked over at his brother who contemplated his words. "Take Findo with you. I am sure he is eager to learn of Lady Eve."

"Not a bad idea, Turvo." Findekáno nodded and followed his brother to wash his dishes. "And mother and Lady Eärwen should know of these developments. I will go see what Eve has to say."

Finno, clearing his place and changing his clothes from the night he spent outside, eagerly got ready to show Eve more of Valinor. Thankfully Findaráto lived by himself not far away. Now dressed in a light blue, flowing shirt and black pants, he rushed out the door and down the street to Findo's house.

It surprised him when they met in the street halfway between their houses.

"Finno!" Findaráto laughed. "I was coming to see you."

"And I you," Findekáno said with a nod. "What did you need?"

Findo shrugged. "I thought perhaps, since the sons of Fëanáro are busy today, we could show Lady Eve more of our home!"

Finno grinned in excitement and grabbed Findo's arm. "I thought the same. Alqualondë?"

"My thoughts exactly. Our mothers will want to know of what has happened." Findo nodded.

They began walking through Tirion's white-golden streets towards Fëanáro's large establishment. Elves made their ways back and forth, to and fro, especially across the square on the way to the market. The two princes were well loved by all, and so they often became stopped by their people. But neither would have it any other way.

When they reached the more secluded home of Fëanáro and his family, they found Tyelkormo and Curufinwë outside with Huan and the twins. Curvo alone had a look of poorly hidden displeasure upon seeing them.

"Finno! Findo!" One of the two redheads called out and ran over. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Telvo," Findekáno smiled, ruffling the young boy's copper hair. "We came to see if Lady Eve wanted to come with us to Alqualondë."

"She is still inside," Tyelko told them, reclining in the grass against Huan's strong body. He turned to the other twin. "Pityo, take them inside and see where the girl is."

The boy with a shade of hair slightly lighter than his brother nodded and ran into the house. Finno and Findo followed quickly behind, leaving Tyelko and Curvo chatting in the yard. When they went inside, they found Moryo in the sitting room, but no one else.

"Moryo, where is mother?" Pityo asked him quickly. "Finno and Findo want to see Eve!"

Moryo turned from where he sat drawing and found his half cousins smiling at him. He rolled his eyes. "My you two are eager. The women are busy. Lady Eve is being fitted for dresses."

"Not any more she isn't," Nerdanel corrected her middle son as she led Eve into the room. "We are all finished."

An elf maiden bowed to the royals assembled before leaving, sewing kit in hand and measurements taken. Eve meanwhile fidgeted where she stood in a light blue gown with golden accents. Her auburn hair which fell about her shoulders had been brushed nicely and parted to the left. On her left wrist was tied the bracelet she'd bought the previous day.

"Oh hey," her smile brightened immediately upon seeing the golden haired Findaráto and dark haired Findekáno standing together by a seated Moryo. "Good morning!"

"Indeed!" Findekáno nodded with a smile. "Sorry for bursting in, Lady Nerdanel, but we know Nelyo and Káno are busy for a few days and had hoped you would allow us to take Eve to see Alqualondë, and meet our mothers."

Nerdanel paused and looked from Eve to the cousins. For a moment Finno and Findo feared she would say no, but then she smiled and nodded. "I think that is a wonderful idea. If you start soon you can reach the city by nightfall."

"Our thoughts exactly." Findaráto gestured to Eve. "Would you agree to come with us?"

"Where are we going?" she asked in confusion. "And can we stop at the market first?"

Findarato nodded. "Alqualondë. It is the city of another group of elves, the Falmari. They are my kin, for my mother is of their kind."

"And our mothers are both at the city right now," Findekáno revealed immediately after. "And yes, we can stop at the market."

Eve grinned, and though she felt rather overwhelmed and slightly nervous, she found herself saying yes to the trip. Nerdanel rubbed her arm in comfort before ordering Pityo to find a spare pack.

"I shall lend you one of my riding outfits," Nerdanel told her as they wandered back to her room. "You can pack the dress you wear now and wear it in Alqualondë. Stay here."

And so Eve waited for her new foster mom, sitting at the edge of her bed and twiddling her thumbs. It didn't take long for Nerdanel to return with a tan and black riding outfit, complete with pants and a nice shirt, a cloak, and boots. She undid Eve's dress laces before leaving her to change and pack a few dresses that had been lent to the young woman.

Eve looked in the mirror and suddenly felt more at ease. Pants and shirts were more her style, and these fit her well. The pants went slightly to far, but it was nothing she couldn't tuck into the boots. Carrying the packed bag and her cloak, she rejoined the men and Nerdanel in the sitting room.

"Are you prepared?" Findaráto asked her, smiling.

"Yes." She smiled and turned to Nerdanel. "Thank you so much, again. Everything you're doing to help me, I can't repay you. I feel so bad!"

"Do not, child. I only wish to be your friend, and perhaps a mother for you here." Nerdanel smiled at her kindly, and it made Eve feel warm inside.

For many years, Eve had not had a mother. Eleven years had passed since Meredith Gallowyn had died, leaving George with John, Lucy, and Eve. And Eve missed her everyday. The pain had lessened, but the hole had not. The idea of having a mother here, it warmed her but also stung. It confused her greatly.

"Come, let us go. The market should be open." Finno gestured towards the door. "You may borrow one of the horses at my house."

Eve grinned. "Cool, I love horses! We used to take summer classes at the stables near our house, and I rode on the equestrian team at my college."

The brief silence revealed their hesitant understanding. For they knew most of what she said, but not all.

"I'm good with horses," she translated.

Findekáno grinned. "Cool, as you say. Come! Let us get going!"

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