Chapter 8: Small Reminders

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With Findaráto to her left and Findekáno to her right, Eve left the house and passed out into the yard. She felt the glances of the sons of Fëanáro. She had not interacted much with Tyelko or Curvo, and had barely exchanged more than a passing word to them that morning. Moryo she liked well enough, and the twins, however pushy they seemed, were actually very kind.

"Goodbye, Eve," Pityo waved as he wrestled with his brother's hound. Huan pinned him to the ground and he had to wave upside down.

Telvo laughed and grabbed Huan, forcing the dog off his brother. Then he paused and bid the same to her. "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" She smiled widely. Then she gave a hesitant wave at the older sons.

Tyelko shot her a small smile and nodded, but Curvo merely raised his head in a half hearted effort at bidding farewell. She didn't catch what Curvo muttered to his elder brother, but Tyelko evidently did not find it amusing and smacked him in the head.

"What was that for?" Curvo sneered, rubbing the back of his head and stumbling back.

Tyelko growled at him. "Try being polite next time."

When both their gazes landed back on Eve, she shrugged half heartedly. Tyelko looked at Curvo furiously when she and their half cousins walked further away. But the twins ran up to them again before they reached the gate, leaving Tyelko to scold his brother more thoroughly.

"When are you coming back," Telvo asked them. "Do not keep Eve too long, cousins. Ambarussa and I wish her to see the forge!"

Finno smiled at them. "Do not worry. Three days, at the most. One to get there, one to spend there, and one to come home."

Pityo nodded and crossed his arms. "Good. Ambarussa is right. She has much to see here still."

Eve smiled at them and it widened when the giant golden wolfhound approached her. The dog pushed its way to her side and she fell to her knees in front of him, her head at his own.

"Don't worry. You can show me the forge when I get back." She smiled at the twins before hugging the dog. "And you are going to spend some time with me if your owner ever let's that happen."

She didn't realize that Tyelko stood behind Huan until she looked up and saw him. Eve's movement faltered and she let go of the dog.


Tyelko shook his head. "It is clear you like the company of animals. You are being gentle with him."

"I grew up with animals. Before... before coming here it was me and my cat Spencer, and my fish Bubble." She felt tears stinging her eyes as she thought about them and without even thinking she grabbed Huan again for comfort. When she withdrew her face from his fur she sheepishly looked up at Tyelko again. "I like your dog."

He laughed, and it threw Eve off guard. But he ruffled Huan's fur and nodded, offering a hand for Eve to get off the ground. She took it.

"You are welcome to spend time with Huan when you return. Perhaps you would like to see what other animals inhabit Valinor?" When she nodded in reply he cracked a smile. "Good. Ambarussa are in for another one of my lessons anyways."

The twins high fived and teased Huan, getting him to follow them again. She watched them happily. Eve turned to Finno and Findo. "Do either of you have animals?"

"No," Findaráto shook his head. "Though I did have a fish as a child."

Finno merely smirked. "I had a Turukáno. A brother was enough for me."

Tyelko stood awkwardly and then finally spoke up again. "I wish to apologize for Curvo. He is in a foul mood today."

"What's wrong?" She looked at him in concern and then back at Tyelko.

The brother shrugged. "A project of his is not working as it should. Our father is frustrated with him, and Curvo is not used to that. He has ever been more skilled than any of the rest of us in craftsmanship." Then he turned to Findekáno and Findaráto. "You best get going."

"Yes," Findekáno agreed. "Take care Tyelko."

"You as well, all of you." He nodded and turned back to where Curvo laughed with the twins who chased Huan.

The cousins and Eve walked out through the wrote iron gate and down the path to where it joined a road. From there, Findaráto took the lead to the daily market. As they came to the Great Square, both elves turned to her.

"What did you need at the market?" Finno asked her.

She shuffled her feet and her cheeks grew red. "When I tried to sleep last night it was hard," she admitted. "I miss having a stuffed animal."

Findaráto smiled with a quick nod. "That we can solve."

They continued on until the market. This time Findaráto led the trio down a different line of stalls, filled with toys and children's items. There were also domestic items, pots and pans and some articles of clothing for women. Findaráto led them straight to a stall at the end of the row, and as wares stood dozens of fluffy plush animals.

"Take your pick," Findaráto nodded. "I will pay this time, as Finno bought that bracelet for you."

She smiled at him, happy tears filling her eyes. "Thank you so much."

Eve turned to the stall while Findo chatted with the merchant. Evidently the prince knew well the man who sold the stuffed animals because their speech was familiar. She heard something about "Lady Artanis," but her attention stayed on the toys before her.

A little sheep, made of some of the softest material she'd ever experienced, was the first to draw her attention. Eve picked it up and held it, squeezing the body. That's when she saw what had sat behind it.

"Oh." She placed the sheep down nicely before grabbing the new toy. Shaped like a seated cat with fur of grey, this time tears did fall. She quietly whispered the name of the animal it reminded her of. "Spencer."

Finno was at her side instantly when he realized she was crying. The merchant and Findo looked at her in concern also, though she managed to hold herself together well enough. Findaráto paid the elf for the cat plush and explained she had lost her precious animal recently before they all moved away from the stand.

"I'm so sorry," she muttered, wiping her eyes and cheeks with her sleeve. "I didn't-"

"It is alright," Findekáno assured her. He hesitated before placing a hand on her arm as he had seen Nerdanel do to comfort her. "Do you still feel well enough to travel to Alqualondë? If you do not, we can take you home."

It amazed Eve more than she had expected that Findekáno, ever joyful and full of laughter, could so immediately transform. His expression was laced with concern and his hand on her arm was gentle. Another thing that surprised her was how, though every elf she had met so far had greyish eyes, she found that each set of eyes held emotion even more than she had ever seen in her own people's. Findekáno's warm grey eyes now only seemed to feel concern. Findaráto, who's grey leaned more towards blue, seemed confused.

"I think..." she paused. "I think I would still like to travel. I don't really want to go back and say I failed."

"It is not failure to need help or more time," Findekáno assured her. "But if you wish to continue, we certainly will not say no!"

After she nodded again, Findaráto gestured for them to follow. "Finno, I am going to hurry ahead and get my horse. Shall we meet at your house?"

Findekáno nodded. "Yes. By the time you get there, I will have found a horse for Eve."

Findo bowed farewell to both of them and hurried off as they walked more slowly. Eve clutched her toy cat closely, certainly not eager to put it away yet. Findekáno watched her carefully. Even more than before he wished to ask about her life prior to her arrival. He could not imagine leaving Valinor for anywhere, and the concept of being placed around people unfamiliar to him frightened him. He believed, more than ever, that Eve was stronger than he or anyone else had suspected. Perhaps even more than she herself knew.

As they left the market behind, walking in comfortable silence, Eve regained composure. By the time they had left the Great Square, she even smiled at the sight of a young elfling.

"My home is not far," Findekáno revealed a moment later. "Turukáno might be home. I told him of your story last night."

"The guy I ran into?" She made a face. "I hope he doesn't hold it against me."

Finno shook his head firmly. "Not at all."

"Everyone here is so forgiving." She chuckled lightly in disbelief. "Believe me, if I'd run into another student on the way to class, I'd never have heard the end of it."

At her assertion on the forgiving nature of elves, he made a strange face. Thinking of Fëanáro and his half brothers, Findaráto and his own fathers, certainly threw a wrench in her claim. Yet though Nolofinwë and Fëanáro remained on poor terms, they merely did their best to avoid the other. Nothing had stopped several of their children from becoming fast friends.

"Do all you guys get along?" Eve asked innocently, not even watching Findekáno as they turned down a side street. "You and your cousins."

He gave a short laugh. "Not all, no. Turukáno and Curufinwë definitely do not enjoy the other's company. But then, Curufinwë generally dislikes everyone but his brothers, especially Tyelko."

Eve looked at him. "What about you?"

"I do not mind anyone. But it does sting to hear Curufinwë insist we use the proper terminology for our relationship." Finno paused before explaining. "We are half-cousins. My grandmother, and Findo's, Indis, is not by blood related to the Fëanorions."

"Oh." She quieted. "I didn't mean to bring up a topic like that. I'm sorry if it is uncomfortable for you."

But he merely laughed and gestured to a wooden gate. "Never apologize for seeking answers about this new life you lead." He led the way in and shut the gate behind them. "I do not know if Turvo is inside. If he is, he can keep you company while I pack."

"Okay," she said with a nod. As they entered the small yet fancy house, she smiled. It was a nice house.

"Turvo!" Finno shouted.

An answering voice spoke up from not far away. "Calm down, Finno. I am right here."

"I brought Eve. Would you sit with her while I pack?" He beckoned for Eve to enter the next room. "Oh, Elenwë! Hello."

"Hello Finno," a kind, feminine voice floated to where they stood. It belonged to a woman with a fair face, blue grey eyes, and golden hair. "You must be Lady Eve!"

Eve paused in amazement if her beauty. She sat in a chair across from Turukáno, and the two seemed to have been looking at several drawn portraits. Eve nodded with a wave. "Hello."

"I told Elenwë what you told me," Turvo revealed.

Findekáno nodded. "Good. Then you two may keep her company." He turned back to Eve and gestured to an open chair. "I shall return shortly, and then we will get you a horse." He bounded up some stairs and deeper into the house.

"Okay." She shuffled self consciously, playing with her hair as she sat down. Elenwë smiled at her and she smiled back.

Turukáno nearly laughed at the young woman's awkwardness, almost an endearing feature. "Lady Eve, how have your first few days in Tirion been?"

"Great, fine. Yeah. Good." She didn't feel put off by Turukáno today like she had at their first meeting, but she missed Findekáno's charm and Findaráto's kind curiosity.

Elenwë leaned in. "Would you like to see a picture of Findekáno when he was but a child?"

At that, Eve cracked a genuine smile and nodded eagerly. Turukáno chuckled and passed a framed painting to her. She took it carefully and looked at the work. Her smile widened.

"Aw man, he's adorable!" A full grin now sat upon her face. She pointed. "Look at his cheeks!"

Turvo and Elenwë laughed with her. The brother of the elf in question nodded. "My mother, Lady Anairë, often tells stories of how our servants in the palace used to play with him like a doll."

Eve fell into a fit of laughter, forgetting all about her discomfort. She decided immediately that she liked both Turvo and Elenwë. When Findekáno came down the stairs clothed in black and sky blue riding gear, she devolved into laughter again.

"What?" Finno grinned alongside the others. Then his face fell for a moment. "Is that my baby portrait?"

"Yes, Finno," Elenwë teased him, standing and walking past him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered. "She found it very funny."

"Oh really?" He chuckled. "Where are you going, Elenwë?"

She smirked. "To get a glass of wine. I know you and Turvo keep good stock here. Rumor is you have a case from Yavanna's vineyard."

"If we do you will never find it without help," Finno teased her right back. Then he turned to Eve. "Come on. We should see which horse you will ride. I have four for you to choose from."

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