Chapter 3

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   I awoke to a slight shake. When I opened my eyes, I saw Candy stood over me, smiling. Those beautiful eyes of hers locked with mine.

   I smiled. "I always seem to forget how beautiful your eyes are."

She laughed. "That's because you spend to much time looking at my chest."

I chuckled before pulling her down for a quick kiss. "Can you blame me?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "C'mon, everyone else is already up."

After getting ready, we met everyone else in the living room.

"A cave, huh?" Dana questioned.

"Like a cave, cave?" Kat added.

I laughed a little as I walked past them, Candy following close behind.

After everyone was ready, we headed out.

   About halfway through the hike, Stephanie and Billy walked up next to us. "How're you holding up?" Billy asked.

   "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

   They all gave me a knowing look.

   I sighed. "Yeah, so far, so good."

   "Well, just remember that we're here for you." Stephanie said.

   I nodded as Candy wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "So, how big of a cave are we talking here?" She asked.

   "Pretty big, we had to spend the night in it when we first came up here." I replied.

   "I remember that." Stephanie said.

   "What happened?" Billy asked.

   "Well, there was a big storm and we had no other choice, so."

   "I bet that was uncomfortable." Candy said.

   I laughed a little, memories of that day flashing through my thoughts. "You can say that again."

   Eventually, we emerged into the familiar clearing.

   Wendy and Jen walked ahead of us. "Well, this is it." Wendy said.

   Jen looked around, a small smile on her face. "I forgot how beautiful it was here."

   The newcomers walked up to inspect the cave, while the rest of us gathered up some firewood.

   After getting a fire started, we all sat around it and Wendy pulled out the supplies to make s'mores.

   "Really? Aren't we getting a little to old for s'mores?" I questioned.

   "Speak for yourself, I love s'mores." Kat said.

   A few people laughed.

   "Thank you, Kat." Wendy said as she passed everyone marshmallows.

   More memories started to resurface as I stared into the fire.

   Then, I felt a nudge, pulling me from my thoughts.

   I glanced up to see Candy looking at me with a humorous smile. "Babe, you're burning your marshmallow."

   I looked down at the charred marshmallow slowly falling off the end of my stick.

   I flicked it off into the fire and Candy took my stick, handing me her s'more. "Here, take mine. I'll make another one."

   I gave her a small smile before taking a bite of her s'more.

   Honestly, I felt bad for her. She was way to sweet to be with someone like me. I was broken, damaged goods, yet she put up with me. She told me she loved me everyday and she meant it. I don't know how I got so lucky but, I loved her right back.

   Wendy stood up on her rock, pulling me back to reality.

   She had her s'more raised in the air. "I'd like to make a toast."

   We all raised our s'mores.

   "First, to Beth and Kris, we're all happy for you guys and we wish you a lifetime of happiness."

   "Cheers." We all said in unison and took a bite.

   "And secondly." Wendy started again. "To Beth and Stephanie, the whole reason we're here today is to celebrate your reunion so, congrats on graduating I guess."

   We laughed before taking another bite.

   At around nightfall, I found myself standing in the mouth of the cave, puffing away on a cigarette. All my closest friends sat around the fire, laughing and smiling.

   We've all grown a little bit since we were last here.

   Wendy and Jen had a kid, Blake and Kat were married, as well as Beth and kris. Stephanie and Billy were moved in together.

   Everyone was moving on with their lives, while I felt like I had to start all over again. I lost my wife, my kids, my house. I lived in a trailer park with a stripper for a girlfriend.

   But, when those eyes captured mine, I couldn't help but smile. Our life may not have been perfect but, I loved her. She made me happy when my life was falling apart. I may not have fully recovered yet, but she was slowly helping me put myself back together. And who knows, maybe I'd marry her one day. Buy a house together, have kids together. Start a new life, with her by my side.

   She walked up to me with a smile. "You know the party's over there right?"

   I looked down and smiled. "Yeah, I'm just enjoying the view."

   She snaked her arm around my waste, scanning me with her eyes. "It is a beautiful view."

   I smiled a little wider before leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips.

   We stayed like that for a while before everyone decided it was time to head back.

   The hike was quick and when we got back, we all retired for the night.

   I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Candy kissed my forehead before laying down next to me.

   "What're you thinking about?" She asked.

   I turned to face her. "Just the future."

   She smiled before looking at the ceiling. "And, where am I in this future of yours?"

   I looked back at the ceiling as well. "Sitting in a lounge chair right next to mine while we watch the kids run and play."

   When I looked back, she was already eyeing me, a look on her face I couldn't read.

   "What?" I asked.

   She just broke into a wide grin. "I'd love that."

   I kissed her before pulling her closer to me...

   The next morning, everyone woke up early and got packed up so we could head home for the big reunion.

   We dropped Beth and Kris at their place before heading home.

   We walked through the front door at a little after four.

   "Skylar, it's a fancy reunion, you have to dress up." Candy said as she headed for our bedroom, me following close behind.

   "That doesn't mean I have to like it." I mumbled as I followed her through the bedroom door.

   I sat down on the bed as she flipped through the closet, presumably looking for something I could wear.

   "Do you not own any dresses?" She asked.

   "No, I don't like dresses."

   She just laughed, then suddenly went quiet.

   "You ok?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to her.

   She had a familiar white dress in her hands. My mind immediately flashed with memories of my wedding day.

   "I didn't know you kept this." She said.

   I shook my head. "I didn't either."

   She hung it back up before standing and shutting the closet. "You can borrow one of my dresses."

   I nodded. "Yeah, ok."

   She squeezed my shoulder before opening her half of the closet and pulling out a couple dresses.

   I slowly sat back down on the bed.

   This week hadn't been going great. It seemed like everything we did brought back those memories and my wedding dress was the icing on the cake. I tried so hard, for so long, to forget everything. To try and start over but, this week just kept pushing those memories back and suddenly I had a bad feeling in my gut and I wasn't sure why...

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