Chapter 8

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   A couple nights later, I found myself at Twist again. I refused to take the pain pills, but my hand still hurt like a bitch. So, what's the second best pain medicine? Alcohol and lots of it.

   I waved to Blake before stumbling out of Twist. I was definitely way to drunk to drive and Candy was working tonight, so I decided to catch a bus.

   After finally making it to the bus stop, I took a seat on the bench.

   After a few minutes of waiting there, I heard a woman's voice. "Hey!"

   I turned, locking eyes with that girl from the bar and her three friends.

   I lowered my head with a sigh as they approached.

   "Hey, bitch! I'm talking to you!" The girl yelled.

   I just kept ignoring them, hoping the bus would get here eventually.

Unfortunately, they got to me before the bus did. One of the girls sat next to me, while the other two walked up behind me.

Then, the girl I beat up knelt down in front of me. "Remember me?"

I just kept looking down.

"Not so tough now, huh?" The girl next to me asked.

I felt the anger starting to rise again. I knew I was outnumbered and would most likely get my ass kicked but, I didn't see another way out. So, I smiled at the girl before kicking her in the face then elbowing the one next to me in the nose.

The two behind me grabbed me. I tried to break free but, they were to strong.

I struggled against them as the the girl I beat up got in my face. "Now we're gonna teach you a lesson."

I spit in her face.

She laughed and wiped it off before punching me hard in the face. Then, the other girl punched me.

After a few more punches, they dropped me to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach and back. I blocked my face and head but, there wasn't much else I could do.

Then, the bus came to a stop in front of us, causing the girls to run off in the opposite direction.

I rolled over on my back as a few people started getting off.

That's when I heard her voice. "Skylar? Are you ok?" Rebecca asked as she ran up and knelt down next to me.

I glanced at her before looking back at the sky. "Peachy."

She sighed before grabbing my arm and helping me up to the bench, taking the spot next to me.

I leaned forward on my knees and spit some blood out.

"Jesus, what the hell happened?" Rebecca asked.

"Just a bar fight." I replied, spitting more blood.

She looked around. "Where's your car?"

"Still at Twist."

She seemed to think about something for a second before standing up. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

I nodded before leaning back on the bench and pulling my cigarettes out.

After a few minutes, my car came to a stop in front of me. "What're you doing? And how the hell did you get in my car?" I asked.

"You still leave your spare key behind the rear tire. Now get in, I'm taking you home."

I flicked my cigarette away before reluctantly getting into the car.

The car ride was silent all the way home.

I didn't know why Rebecca decided to help me but, I wasn't gonna stop her. It was better than running into those girls again.

She pulled into the short driveway of our trailer.

"This is where you live?" She asked, taking in the surroundings.

It wasn't much, but it was home. "Yeah, what's it to you?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, I just didn't expect it is all."

"Yeah, well, I didn't have a lot of options after you left."

She lowered her head and I grabbed the keys from the ignition before getting out.

"Thanks for the ride." I said as I started making my way to the door.

"Wait." Rebecca called out, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned to her. "What?"

"Where's Candy?"


She sighed and started tapping her foot, then she looked at me again. "Can I come in?"

I was stunned she would even ask that. I didn't know the reasons for her behavior tonight but, I didn't care. It felt right, her being here. So who was I to say no to that?

"Uh, sure." I said, waving her over.

She closed the car door and looked around before walking up behind me. I unlocked the door and opened it, holding it for Rebecca.

I flicked the lights on after we were in.

She looked around the small trailer. "I know it's not much-"

She smiled. "But, it has that home-y feel."

I smiled back. "Right."

She glanced at me, giving me a sad look.

"Here, take a seat." She said, gesturing to the couch.

I sat down and watched as she grabbed a hand towel and wet it before taking the seat next to me.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Cleaning you up." She said as she started wiping some of the dirt and blood off of my face.

I lit a cigarette as she moved to my neck.

Even if it was just to clean the blood off my face, I missed this. The closeness, the touching and all I wanted to do right now was kiss her.

I looked her in the eyes as she slowly wiped the side of my neck. That's when I felt it, that attraction, that pull that I haven't felt in a long time. She had to feel that to right?

Then, she looked away. "I should get going."

She stood up and started heading for the door.

I grabbed her arm and stood up. "Wait..."

She looked me in the eyes. "What..?"

I sighed, feeling tears starting to well up. "Don't leave me again."

Her eyes flicked between mine and my lips, that pull starting to form between us again.

I felt myself slowly leaning in and to my surprise, so was she.

I closed my eyes in anticipation.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long. Her lips connected with mine in a deep, lingering kiss.

When we pulled apart, we avoided making eye contact.

"I'm, uh... I'm sorry, I should-" But, I cut her off, locking my lips with hers again.

She was hesitant at first but, then, she ran her hands down my back and landed on my waist, pulling me closer to her. I rested my hands on her cheeks as we deepened the kiss.

After all this time, it only took one kiss to make me feel whole again, to melt the ice around my heart. All I needed was her.

A car door closing outside ended our kiss.

"Shit, it's Candy." I said.

"I should really be leaving." She said in a slight panic.

I just smiled, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. "I still love you, Rebecca."

She smiled back and was about to answer but, the door opening made us jump apart.

Candy stood in the doorway. "Oh, hey Rebecca, what brings you here?"

"Uh, I was just dropping Skylar off, she got into a pretty bad fight at Twist."

Just then did Candy notice the cuts and bruises on my face. She dropped her purse and walked up to me. "Oh my god, are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She leaned in for a quick kiss.

When we pulled apart, I could see a disappointed look cross Rebecca's features.

"Anyway, I'll leave you guys to it." She said before opening the door to leave.

Candy stopped her though. "Rebecca... you should have dinner with us before you leave town."

She looked from Candy to me. I shrugged.

Rebecca smiled. "I'd love to."

Then, she left, leaving Candy and I alone.

She rubbed my cheek softly. "Are you sure you're ok?"

I smiled. "I promise."

She smiled back before pulling me into a kiss.

I didn't plan on kissing Rebecca but, after all this time, it still made my heart feel like it was gonna jump out of my chest...

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