Chapter 9

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   "You kissed her!?" Blake asked, anger clear in her voice.

   Luckily we were in the back room of Twist. "Jesus, keep your voice down."

   She shook her head. "I can't even look at you right now."

   She started to walk away but, I stopped her. "Blake, promise me you won't say anything."

   She sighed. "Fine."

   And, with that, she walked out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

   Of course I felt like shit for doing that to Candy but, I couldn't help it. I still loved Rebecca.

   I eventually rejoined Blake in the bar and Wendy and Jen showed up not long after.

   "Can I have another beer please?" I asked Blake.

   She gave me a disgusted look before slamming the bottle in front of me and walking off to another customer.

   Wendy and Jen exchanged a quick glance. "What was all that about?" Jen asked.

   I sighed and shook my head. "Nothing."

   "That didn't look like 'nothing'." Wendy said.

   I sipped my beer. "Trust me, it was nothing."

   They exchanged another quick glance before dropping the subject.

   Then, the doors opened and we all looked in shock at the girl standing there.

   "Rebecca? What're you doing here?" Wendy asked.

   Blake walked up quickly. "Sorry, we don't serve your kind here."

   Rebecca gave her a confused look. "What?"

   Blake folded her arms over her chest. "You heard me."

   "Blake, it's me." She replied with a nervous chuckle.

   Blake just eyed her, refusing to back down.

   I stood up and grabbed Rebecca's arm, leading her outside into the rain, quickly running to my car.

   "What's with Blake?" She asked once we were inside.

   I looked down. "Well, she's not very happy with you."

   "What? Why?"

   "Because, when you left, you didn't just leave me. You left them behind to."

   She lowered her head. "Oh..."

   I sighed. "So, what's up?"

   She locked eyes with me. "I wanted to talk to you... about the other night."

   I already knew what she was referring to. The kiss.

   "Oh, uh, alright. What's on your mind?"

   She sighed and looked down. "It was really great... but, I can't... not anymore."

   "What are you saying?"

   "I'm saying, you have Candy now and I have a job and a life to get back to in California."

   "Fuck the job, I can't lose you again. Not after I just got you back."

   She shook her head. "But, you didn't get me back..."

   "Please, Rebecca... don't go... I love you so much and I don't think I can go through losing you again." I said, a few tears dripping down my cheeks.

   She wiped at her eyes. "I'm sorry, Skylar... but, I have to go." She said as she stepped out of my car into the pouring rain.

   And, there it was, I had to watch her walk out of my life for the second time. But, this time, I wasn't hopeful.

   Then, a thought occurred to me.


   "You let me."


   She was right, I let her walk out of my life the first time and here I was doing it all over again.

   Without thinking, I got out of my car and started running, attempting to catch up to her before she was gone for good.

   "Rebecca! Wait!"

   Thankfully she heard me over the rain. She stopped when she saw me jogging up.

   "Skylar-" She started.

   "Please, just hear me out." I said, breathing heavily from the running.

   She seemed to think it over, then sighed and nodded.

   "Thank you... You said it yourself, I let you leave, and you're right. I did because I was scared. But, I'm not scared anymore, if you leave, then I'm coming with you... I can't let you walk away again because I love you to goddamn much and I love the kids to damn much... Please, all I'm asking for is a chance. A chance to make things right." I said, searching her eyes.

   She looked down and closed her eyes. When she looked back up, she had tears in them or maybe that was just the rain.

   "You weren't the only one who got hurt, Skylar. Do you think It didn't kill me when I left? Do you think I didn't stay up all night crying, wishing I had you there by my side? I was scared to but, I made a choice to try and better my life..." Then, she paused, wiping at her eyes as the rain continued to fall around us.

   Suddenly, she locked eyes with me. "What a fucking waste of time that was. All it did was drag me away from the only girl I've ever loved."

   Before I could respond, she pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. The moment couldn't have been more perfect. The kiss, the girl kissing me back. Hell, even the rain added a nice touch, like something out of a movie.

When she finally released my lips, she pulled me into a tight hug, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered.

I could feel her start to cry, which in turn made me start to cry again.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more." I replied, causing her to laugh slightly.

When we pulled apart, I held her at arms length, unable to wipe the grin from my face.

"So... you're staying?" I asked, hopefulness in my voice.

She just smiled and nodded.

I pulled her in for another kiss.

The moment was great, I had the love of my life back and my kids. But, unfortunately, nothing ever seems to work out for me.

"Skylar?" I heard her voice cut through our moment.

I released Rebecca's lips and turned, locking eyes with Candy's. Tears streaked her face and the look she gave me broke my heart.


She just shook her head before driving away.

I reached my hand out. "... Don't go."

Rebecca wrapped her arm around my shoulders, the rain really picking up now.

"We should get home." She said.

"I need a beer." I replied sadly.

She rubbed my shoulder. "I'll come with you, then."

I just nodded before taking her hand and walking back to Twist.

Blake wasn't happy about it but, she let us in anyway.

We sat next to Wendy and Jen at the bar. It cleared out for the most part, presumably because of the rain.

Blake leaned against the wall, arms folded, staring a hole through Rebecca. The rest of us were quiet, not really sure what to say.

Then, Rebecca spoke. "Blake-"

She put her hand up, cutting Rebecca off. "If you're gonna apologize, save it, because it's to late for that. You may not have been blood, but I considered you family. Just as much as Skylar or Wendy... You left us all hanging." Then, she walked away.

Rebecca lowered her head and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Well, I'm happy you're back." Jen said.

We all looked at her, sad expressions on our faces.

She lowered her head. "Right, not the time."

Then, Rebecca stood up. We all watched as she walked over to Blake.

I decided to follow her.

Blake sat on the stage, head in her hands.


"No." She cut off.

Rebecca shook her head. "Dammit, Blake, just listen to me!"

Blake looked up, slightly shocked from Rebecca's tone.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Blake, or you, Skylar. Or any of you." She said, glancing back at Wendy and Jen.

"I was only doing what I thought was right..." She finished.

"Well, whether you meant it or not, you did hurt me. Skylar might have been married to you, but we were in it together. One big happy family. Do you think I liked watching Skylar drink herself half to death because of what you did?"

Rebecca looked at me. "You did?"

I lowered my head and Blake stood up. "You bet your ass she did. But, it wasn't just her, everyone felt it. You were our family and you gave that up when you walked out of our lives."

A few tears rolled down Rebecca's cheeks. "I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I put you guys through so much pain..."

A couple tears rolled down Blake's cheeks now. "Well, you did... we loved you, all of us did."

Even I felt like crying right now. But, then, Blake surprised us by pulling Rebecca into a tight hug, tears flowing free from both girls now.

"We still love you." Blake said.

"I love you guys to." Rebecca replied with a sniffle.

Blake reached her arm out for me to join and I did, wrapping them in a tight hug.

We stayed like that for a while, Wendy and Jen joining us eventually.

I couldn't describe how happy I was to have Rebecca back but, that only developed another problem. Candy...

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