God of Betrayal

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Hey, Readers!!!! I'd like to thank all my readers who have been supporting me to keep on writing!  You guys are the reason why I have the energy to keep on writing (Or in this case, typing)!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 11, Enjoy!!!!!!! >.<  >.>  <.<  :)


Lucy P.O.V

I know I wasn't in the best position right now, but he couldn't possibly be thinking that I'm cheating on him! His eyes were filled with so much emotions : Anger, confusion, and shock. "Natsu, I know this may look bad." I said, trying to calm him down.

"I can't belive you would do this!" He yelled.

"I told you, Natsu." Lisanna said.

"Stay out of this!" I screamed.

"Um, Atsuko? Who is this?" Isamu-niichan asked.

"Oh, so you told him everything!" Natsu kept on screaming.

"It's not what you-" I tried to tell him, but a sudden pain was struck on my face. It took me a while to realize what had just happened. Natsu just slapped me. I touched my cheek to feel a shaprt sting. "You.....slapped me." I whispered.

"As of now, we're done." He said angrily. A sudden struck of pain hit my heart. Not just a few hours, we acted like a bunch of romantic fools. Now, we were a disfuntional broken up couple. "How dare you hurt Atsuko!" Isamu yelled.

"Stop calling her that like you know her!" Natsu yelled, pushing Oni-chan.

"Natsu, you can calm down a little." Lisanna said quietly, holding Natsu's hand. "I know what Lucy did was terrible, but I want you to know something."

"What!" He growled. Suddenly, Lisanna kissed him passionatley. I looked with at them with hurt eyes. Please pull away. Please pull away. I thought.  Instead, he did the complete opposite.

He kissed her back. Their kiss was intense, powerful, and full of emotion. Lisanna opens one eye and catched my eye. She smiles.

"Natsu.." I whispered. I fell to the ground, not able to bear this any longer. "Atsuko!" Isamu exclaimed.

Suddenly, I couldn't see anymore. Instead of seeing my true love kissing another woman, I began to see a man running our direction. What is this? I thought to myself. The man wore a black cape and black trousers. He had scratches all over his face and arms. I looked at his waist to see weapons of all kinds all around him. Is he...an assassin? I asked myself. Suddenly, I remembered something so obvious that I should've known right away. 

He was a god.

God of Betrayal.

My vision returned, seeing Natsu and Lisanna still kissing, and my brother was still at my side. "Lisanna! Isamu-nii! Run!" I screamed. Everyone's eyes were on me, wondering if I were crazy. "What are you talking about, Atsuko?" Isamu asked me.

"Don't try to trick us!" Lisanna hissed. Natsu didn't say a word. I groaned and closed my eyes. The God of Betrayal was almost here! I stood up and began to ran the direction the god was coming. "Atsuko! Where are you going!" Isamu asked.

"I'm going to fight!" I yelled back. I ran into the thick woods, not sure exactly where I was going. I stopped and tried to listen for his footsteps. Suddenly, I felt a jab on the back. I fell to the ground and began to cough up blood. I look back to see him in front of me. The God of Betrayal.

"I am the God of Betrayal." He said. "I am here to kill the Fire Dragon Slayer."

Natsu? Why him,  I thought to myself.

"Wow." I laughed, still feeling pain on my back. "You sure are straight forward." I slowly stood up, wincing at the pain of his kick. "Water Nebula!" I chanted. Two waves of rushed water came clashing at the assassin. He got slammed into the tree, and he groaned with pain.  "I don't have time to kill you! I have to kill the Fire Boy!" The assassin screamed at me.

"You are not taking a step further." I told him. 

"If that's what you want." He growled. "A Thousand Sword Strike!" He brought out his sword and ran toward my direction, and with one strike, it turned into multiple strikes. I tried to dodge most of them, but I scratched along the side of my arms and waist. I fell to the ground and felt a an enormous amount of pain. I screamed with agony. Then, a flashback appeared in my head. When we were fighting the God of Love, Natsu went straight to my side, trying to tend to my wounds.

But that was all in the past.

I tried to stand up, but the pain was too much, making me fall to the ground. But instead of attacking me some more, he just stood in front of me, watching me. "Why do you fight?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked him again, not sure if I heard him right.

"Why do you fight for the man who betrayed your heart?" He asked me again.

I wondered that too. Would it be better if Natsu fought. "Because I love him." I told him weakly.

"But your love has become one-sided. What will you do now?" The assassin asked me.

"Keep on living." I told him with a smile. "Don't you ever get tired?"

"Tired?" He asked me, acting a little confused.

"Tired of obeying the Devil. I know you'll get killed if you don't, but is it really worth it?" I asked him. He looked at me with shock. And then he looked up at the night sky, which were filled with stars. "I guess I am." He sighed. "But how can I repay my sins."

I thought about it for a moment, forgetting the pain all over my body. Then I had an idea. "You will attack me with your most powerful spell, as will I.  But mine will be enough to...." I didn't want to finish my sentence.

"It's alright." He said silently with a smile. "I deserve it."

"No one deserves death." I whispered. I slowly stood up, and got my stance ready. I could only do this once, so I had to make it good. "Goodbye, Dragon Slayer."

"Goodbye, God of Betrayal." We both took our stance and chanted at the same time.

"A Million Sword Strike!"

"Boiling Blood Ribbon!" Our attacks pasted eachothers and hit us at the same time. I giant wave of pain approached my body. I screamed with agony, as did he. We both feel to the ground. We looked up at eachother. I smiled weakly at him, and he did the same thing. "It was a great honor fightingyou, Ms. Dragon Slayer." He whispered. I nodded with agreement. He began to disappear into a gold dust. He reached out one hand, and I reached out my other hand. I was able to feel his warm hands before he disappeared forever. May you find peace, I prayed. Suddenly, I began to feel dizzy and light headed. I began to loose consciencousness, and everything was black.

Natsu P.O.V

I was at the party, hanging out with Lisanna as my new girlfriend. She held my hand tight, and I reacted to it by squeezing it. The thought of Lucy made me feel sick inside. After everything we went through, she had the nerve to cheat on me like that. She even told that guy everything about herself, from her fake life to her being a Dragon Slayer! I tried to ignore all my thoughts on Lucy and continue on with my new romance: Lisanna.  Suddenly, the Fairy Tail doors flew open, with Elfman carrying something. "Wendy! Quick! Help her!" Elfman cried. 

"What is it?" Wendy said urgently.

"It's....Lucy." He said softly, showing us Lucy's body. I gasped to see her all beaten up and bloody. Her head was practically cracked open, and her whole body was red and blue with bruises and blood."Lu-chan!" Levy cried.

"How did this happen!" Gramps said angrily. Suddenly, Lucy's eyes were open, but they were'nt her eyes. Her eyes were not blue, but a bright shade of grey. She stood up, and looked directly at me. "You are the Fire Dragon Slayer." She said, but through someone else's voice.

"Um..Yes I am." I said.

"I am one of the six gods; the God of Betrayal." He announced. I looked at him with surprise. The God of Betreyal! How come I didn't see him! "My objected was to kill you originally, but this woman changed my mind." 

"Why did you want to kill me?" I asked him, confuseed.

"Because you made an utter betrayal against this woman!" He suddenly growled.

"He didn't do anything! It was all her! She was the one who was caught with another man!" Lisanna defended me.

"You mean by hugging her long-lost brother?" He asked, looking at me with cold eyes. 

Wait, what? Did he just say long lost brother? "W-What?" I asked him.

"Isamu Chouko, the older brother of Atsuko, or in this case, Lucy!" He hissed.

Oh my God. What had I just done. I kneeled to the ground, shocked by his words. "The way you treated her, she should be merry that she's no longer with you." He jeered.

All I did was stare at the ground. I was speechless. I was in utter shock. "it is now time for me to go. You better begg for forgiveness!" He growled. A white light suddenly appeared from Lucy's body, and the spirit of the God of Betrayal ascended into heaven above. Lucy's body was about to fall to the ground if it weren't for Elfman catching her. Everyone was silent, looking at me. "You!" Levy suddenly screamed. She walked up to me and slapped my face solid. "It's your fault she's in this pain! I hate you! I hate you!" She began to pound my chest, but then fell to the ground, crying her eyes out. "Don't listen to them." Lisanna whispered, holding my hand tightly.

But all I could do was stare at the ground. Wendy and Elfman took Lucy's body to the infermary, hoping that they could heal her. Everyone was in sorrow.

But I think it was I who felt the most pain.

The one who felt the most regret.

The one who betrayed my true love.

"I'm going to step outside for a few minutes." I told Lisanna.

"Okay, don't be long." She said with a smile. She pecked my cheek, and I headed out the door. I closed the door behind me and walked to the field where Lucy and I were in the afternoon. I remembered the chemistry  we had. The way we were like best friends. 

I screamed to the top of my lungs. I screamed. And screamed. And screamed. I got down to my knees and began to rip out all the flowers from the ground. Tears gushed out of my eyes, and I began to cry out loud, mixing it with a scream. A horrible thought appeared from my head. A thought that would haunt my head forever.

I destroyed the best love I've ever had. 

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