Goodbye Forever?

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When I woke up in the middle of the night, the first thing I saw was an arangement of flowers all around me. I slowly sat up straight on my infirmary bed, the pain striking me. I looked over to my right to see Levy sleeping on the chair. It would normally be Natsu to be sleeping on that chair, I thought to my self with sorrow. A flashback of everything that happened last night appeared in my head, and my heart ached. It was all over. I hear a groan and see that Levy is waking up. When she notices me, tears begin to swell up her eyes. "Lucy!" She exclaimed. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. Ignoring the pain all over my body, I hugged her back. "I thought you were dead." She whispered.

"Me? Dead? Don't you know I'm a strong girl." I joked, showing her my lack of muscle. She giggled, and I giggled as well. I haven't laughed liked this in a while. "You wait right here! I'm going to get the others." She informed me. I nodded, and she left me alone in the infirmary. I could hear her yelling about my recovery, and I laughed. I looked at the bouquets of flowers, reading each note. There was one from Mirajane and Elfman, wishing me good health. Another from Gajeel and Levy (Aw!), wishing that I get well soon. After reading them, I sighed and leaned back. But there was one bouquet that I missed; one that I stood out compared to the others. I looked at them hard to see that they were larkspurs. My heart was in agony when I realizing who they were from.


Suddenly, the doors flew open, and almost everyone in Fairy Tail rushing inside. They were all hugging me, crying for my good health, and so much more. "Your alive!" Ezra exclaimed.

"Oh God. We thought we lost you!" Wendy cried.

"We're glad that you're safe." Gray smiled.

"Don't do that to us again, bunny girl!" Gajeel scorned.

"Why are you guys acting like I just resurrected!" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I was only out cold for a day, right?"

Everyone was silent for a minute. Some coughed, some whistled. But it was Levy who spoke out. "You've been unconscience for three weeks."

Three weeks! That's impossible! The fight only happened last night! I looked at them stunned. "Three weeks!" I blurted out.

Wendy nodded. "Your injuries were very fatal. It took me two weeks to heal most of you, but then something kept you from waking up." I couldn't process what was happening. I looked to my right to see that I had been out for three weeks. I took a deep breathe and said, "Um, can I please have some alone time? But I want Levy to stay." They all nodded and left except for Levy. She took my hand and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

I was silent for a minute, and then I asked, "How's Natsu been doing?"

Levy looked at me flabbergasted, but then said, "He's still dating Lisanna. They've been inseparable."

I nodded and looked down on my sheet. I tried to fight off tears, but they were too strong for me. Tears began to stream down my cheeks. Levy wiped them off and said, "If it makes you feel better, I  slapped his face."

I smiled a little, but not alot. "Thanks."

"I'll let you rest. I have to meet Gajeel somewhere." She said.

"Are you together?" I asked, giving her a playful look.

"......Maybe." She blushed. I laughed and shooed her away. I was now alone in the infirmary. I got bored, so I began to write a list about people. So far, I had :

Lisanna's an evil bitch

Levy was my best friend

Wendy is like a little sister

But when I got to Natsu, I didn't no what to write at all. All I did was just stare at the piece of paper in silence. If I was still with Natsu, I would've written how he was like my best friend and how I loved him deeply. But now, Natsu was just.....Natsu. Suddenly, the infirmary doors opened, and at first I thought it was Levy, or Master, or even Wendy to check up on me. But no, I was way off. I saw someone who had evil in them. Someone who destroyed my happiness.


"Well, well, well. Look who's awake." She snickered. I looked away in silence. I had nothing to say to her after what she did. She walked up to me and sat on my bed side. "I actually have to thank you, Lucy. If it weren't for your bad timing, Natsu and I wouldn't be together. We're already making up for the time that we've lost." My anger began to boil up, but I tried as hard as I could to keep it hidden. Suddenly, she grabs my chin and yanks it towards her face. "Listen to me, Heartfilia.  You are going to do exactly as I say." She hissed.

"O-Or else what!" I hissed back, spitting into her eye. Suddenly, Lisanna's hand began to glow a bright red. But instead of turning into a animal paw, it did something else. Appearing from no where, two giant blood-thirsty hounds appeared on my bedside. Their snarls and barks made me jump  and back up on my bed. "That's not Take Over Magic." I said, my voice shaking with fear.

"I know right." She said, her eyes filled with evil. "But that's not important. What's important is that you follow my one instruction."

"And what's that," I asked her.

"Leave Fairy Tail and never return," She smiled.

I looked at her with shock. "Leave! Why would I want to leave!" I screetched.

"Because I told you too. Unless you want a different fate," She pointed to the hounds, who were barking and biting on the bed. I backed away in fear, and looked at her with tears. "Please," I begged, "don't do this to me."

"You did this to yourself by being born." She growled. She walked up to the wall and touched it  gently. The wall suddenly began to melt, leaving a wide open hole leading to the woods outside. She pointed to it and ordered, "You will take this path to Hinamizawa. You will go and never return ."

I looked outside to see it dark, not a single star in the sky. "But I'm still bandaged up. I won't be able to walk in my condition," I explained to her, showing her my wounds.

"You think I care," Lisanna sneered. She grabbed  my arm and pushed me outside. "I'll give you a five second head start before I release the hounds."

"Five seconds!" I exclaimed.

"Five," She began to count down. "Four." 

That's when I grabbed my bag and began to run. Despite all the pain I felt, I had to run in order to save my fate. The forest was so thick and dark, I had no idea where I was running. Suddenly, I heard the hounds barking, getting louder and closer. I tried to run faster,  and faster, but my wounds were getting in the way of it all. I had to find a place to hide. As I ran, I found a hollow tree that I can squeeze into. Quickly, I jumped into the tree hole. I prayed silently that the hounds wouldn't find my scent. I could hear them right by the tree, from their barks to their pants. They whined and returned to their master. I sighed with relief that I was safe.

Or was I? I had just left Fairy Tail, my home, by force, never to return. Tears jerked out of my eyes, flowing down my pink cheeks. I grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and began to write a note, hoping that someon would see it. I grabbed a leaf and wiped tree sap on it and stuck it on the tree bark. I wiped them off and tried to think of a plan I only know one place where I was safe, one place where I will surely belong.


Natsu P.O.V

It's been three weeks since my break up with Lucy. Although I still had feelings with her, I've been having a great time with Lisanna. We've made up for all the time we've lost by going to amusement parks, festivals, and even restraunts. I had just left to grab my scarf that I left at my house, but when I returned, Fairy Tail was filled with camotion. People ran everywhere, screaming and yelling names. People bumped into me almost seven times, which annoyed me so. "What is going on!" I exclaimed.

Gray ran up to me, his eyes filled with panic. "Lucy's missing!"

My heart sank below. "What do you mean she's gone! Isn't she still unconscious!"

"She woke up a few hours ago. Levy left the room for half an hour, but when she came back, she found a giant hole in the wall and the room in pieces." Gray explained.

"Where's Levy now?" I asked urgently.

"In the infirmary." Gray aswered. I wasn't sure if he said anything else because I was too busy running to the infirmary. When I get there, my emotions go to horror. I see a piece of the wall melted through, leaving a giant hole in the wall. I see her bed in shreds, almost as if they've been bitted. All her flowers are scattered all over the place. And then there's Levy, on the ground in tears. I know I wasn't in good terms with her, but I still walked up to her and said, "Levy?"

"Stay away!" She screetches. I jolted back, and she looks at me in the eye. Her eyes are filled with anger, no, rage. "You have no right to be here!"

"What do you mean I have no right to be here! I have every right to be!" I yell back.

"It's because of you that all this happened! Because of you, anything could be happening to Lu-chan! She could be..." She suddenly went silent and began to weep again. I could see her tears falling down to the petal covered ground. "I've been taking care of her since the accident. You only visited once, out all those twenty one days, you only visited once!" She screams. 

I felt something sick in my stomach. It wasn't that sandwich I had today, nor was it the punch I got from Gajeel. 

It was guilt.

Pure guilt.

I fell to the ground and suddenly felt tears coming down my eyes. "Oh God." I whispered. "Oh God!" I began to cry alot, the most I've cried everysince I lost Igneel. I looked outside the wall and looked deep into the dark forest. I stood up and began to ran into the forest. "Lucy!" I cried. "Lucy! Where are you!" I stopped and tried to sniff out her scent. It was faint and old, but I waas still picking up something. I slowly followed it and the scent ended at a giant hollow tree. A tree? Why a tree, I thought to myself. I looked around, maybe trying to find some clues to where Lucy might've gone. Suddenly, I see a piece of paper stuck onto the bark of the tree. I smell it, and it had only two main scents : vanilla and strawberry. Lucy's perfume!  I exclaimed in my head. I unfolded the piece of paper and began to read it :

Dear Reader,

Whoever you may be, I am in need of desperate help. I am running from the law. Well, actually, not really. She thinks of herself as the law. She pretends to be one thing, but she is the complete opposite of what everyone thinks she is. Because of her, I lost everything. My freedom, my family, and worst of all, my true love. Because of her, I was forced to leave my home, Fairy Tail, and to never come back otherwise my concequences would be deadly. Right now, I'm going to start my journey to my birthplace, Hinamizawa. I'm going to find answers, no matter what the cost. I'm fighting right now, and I'm fighting for one person only. My beloved Natsu. I may not be his love anymore, but he will always be mine. For you, my dear reader, if you do decide to show this to others, I want you to know the name of the person who did this to me; the one who ruined my life completley. This enemy, this foe, is Lisanna Strauss. I must leave, so please, dear reader: Save Me.


Lucy Heartfilia. Or for now, Atsuko Chouko

My mind went completley blank. I read it over and over, but still couldn't believe it. I became angry, no furious. I was tricked! And because I was tricked, the love of my life was running, still wounded from a battle I didn't even bother to fight. Furious, I began to run back to Fairy Tail, getting fired up to kill the betrayer of Fairy Tail.

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