Song of the Lost Souls

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Hey, Readers! I can't believe this story has reached over 1000 views! I'd like to thank all those whose kept on reading my story! You guys keep me writing! THANKS SOOOOO MUCH! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 18, ENJOY!!!! 

(*_*) (*_*; (+_+) (@_@) (@_@。 (@_@;) \(◎o◎)/!


Natsu P.O.V.

I gasped in complete shock.  Because of Lisanna, we've been attacked multiple timees. Because of Lisanna, a war between gods and dragons will soon come. Because of Lisanna, we're where we are. "You.....did what?" I asked.

"I wanted the Six Gods to be released." She said with a sinister smile.

"But....why?!" I asked desperatley. "They want to kill all the Dragon Slayers! Including me!"

"We made a deal." Lisanna explained. "They could kill every Dragon Slayer they could for my soul, except for you."

"Why me?" I asked. She suddenly grabbed my hands gentley. She put one of my hands on her cheek and whispered, "So that we can be together."

I violently pulled away. "You think I'd be with you after everything you've done! You murdered two innocent people!"

"Natsu, calm down." Lucy said silently.

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Why do you sound like you're okay with this! She killed your brother and father!"

"You don't think I know that!" Lucy screetched. "I'm just saying to not bring violence into this."

"I feel like I might." I growled softly. Lucy grabbed my arm and looked at me with a stern face. "Please. If you love me, you won't use any source of violence."

I was silent for a minute, but then I sighed. "Fine."

"God, just stop it already!" Lisanna screamed at Lucy. "You don't have to rubb it in my face!"

"Who said I was rubbing it in your face." Lucy said silently.

Lisanna screamed. She began to run towards Lucy. I tried to block her, but Lucy pushed me out of the way. I thought I was about to see a cat fight, but some thing incredible happened. Lisanna stopped in the middle of running. Her face was filled with frustration. "What the?" Lisanna gasped.

I looked over at Lucy to seee that it was her doing. Her hands were all over the place, freezing Lisanna's movements. "Blood Magic. Similar to Water Magic, so it was easy to learn." Lucy explained. She punched the air, and Lisanna flipped and fell hard on the ground. "You bitch!" Lisanna screamed. Suddenly, there was a beeping sound coming from Lisanna. Lisanna groaned. "We'll finish this next time." She growled at Lucy. She looked at me, and her eyes softened. "If you join me, you won't die."

"Well, then I'll have to fight hard then." I hissed. Lisanna's face hardened, then it turned nasty. "Then I'll see you soon." With a wave of her hand, a giant wave of smoke appeared, making her disappear in a blink of an eye. I could hear Lucy sigh. "I thought she would never leave."

"It's alright." I said calmly. "She's gone."

"But not forever." Lucy said sadly. I could see her skin turn pale. I stroked her cheek gently and said, "I'm not going to listen to  her. I'm going to stay with you."

"Promise?" She asked.

I nodded. "Promise." Lucy smiled softly and hugged me gently.I held her tight, not wanting to let her go. Suddenly, a thought came up on my mind. "What are we going to tell this village?"

"The people of Hinamizawa are supersticious people. It'd be better to just say that they went travelling." Lucy said silently. I could hear a silent yawn coming from Lucy. "Let's go to bed." I told Lucy.

"Alright." Lucy agreed.

Lucy P.O.V

Even though I was as tired as hell, I still couldn't sleep. The fact that my brother and father were dead haunted my mind. I looked over to see Natsu sleeping like a baby, snoring loudly. I laughed and continued to stare at the wooden ceiling. "What am I going to do now?" I asked myself. Suddenly, I heard something that you usually never hear at night : singing. Curious, I got out of bed and left the house, following the sound of the singing. It lead me all the way to the lake, which was still glowing multiple colors. "Who's singing?" I asked. Suddenly, a bright golden light appeared in the center of the lake. An image appeared, but the light was so bright that I couldn't see clearly.  "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. The golden light dimmed down, and the image was more clear.

It was my mother.

"Okaa-San!" I called out in tears.

"Come here, my child." She whispered.

"How?" I asked her. "You're in the middle of the lake!" 

"Just walk," was all she said. I walked up to the shore of the lake, and slowly began to walk into the lake. But instead of sinking into the freezing water, I was walking on the surface. Amazed, I walked faster towards my mother. But before I could hug her, I stopped myself. "Are you real? Or are you just an figure of my imagination?"

"I'm real for sure." She said with a smile. Everything about her was so familiar. Her long black hair, her beautiful white skin, and red ruby lips, her shiny blue eyes, and her favorite white cherry blossom kimono. I reached out to touch her, and she wasn't transparent, but as solid as any other human. Tears over flowing my eyes, and I gave her a giant hug. "Okaa-San!" I cried.

"I'm here, Atsuko. I'm here." She said using her beautiful voice. "But now is not the time to shed tears. I only have little time left."

"Otou-San said that you were being held captive by the the Six Gods." I told her.

"Yes, it is true." She said sadly.

"Then how are you here?" I asked her in confusion. Using her hands, she created a vortex in mid-air. It was too bright to see what was on the other side. "Just follow me." My mother said. I nodded, and she entered the vortex, and I followed. Suddenly, I couldn't feel the ground anymore. I was flying in mid-air! I looked around to be in just an empty white void, the only people being only my mother and I. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"Just watch." She said. Then, the singing appeared again. I turn to see black orbs flying all around us. All of them were singing a sad song. A song that put me to tears. "What...are they?" I asked.

"Souls that have been sold to the Six Gods." My mother said.

I looked at her with shock. It looked like there were over a hundred souls floating around. So Lisanna wasn't the only one, I thought. "What are they doing?" 

"They are singing to God. Hoping for forgiveness." My mother said sadly. Her eyes were fill with sorrow. "These souls can never be returned. They are forced into imprisonment. Just like me."

"But what does this have to do with me?" I asked.

" The Six Gods feed on various things on what they control. Just like the God of Grief, he wanted all of your grief for himself." My mother explained.

I was beginning to understand a little, but not much. "I still don't understand."

"The Six Gods will not completley be destroyed with simple spells." My mother said.

"Then how!" I said, raising my voice a little. "I want all this to be over, so that I can live in peace."

My mother gave me a sad smile. "You were always impatient, Atsuko." My mother floated towards me and began to stroke my hair. "But for this battle, you will have to be patient."

I sighed and looked at her straight in the eyes. "Tell me. What do I have to do to finally defeat all the Six Gods for good?" 

My mother's smile turned grim. She looked away. "Tell me, Okaa-San!"

"A sacrifice will have to be made." My mother said silently.

"What kind of sacrifice? My magic?" I asked.

But my mother shook her head. "I can't tell you." 

"You have to tell me! How will I defeat them if I don't know how?" I asked desperatley.

Suddenly, I see a tear fall down my mothr's face. "Do you really want to know?" I nodded. She looked at me with her blue eyes, which were shinning through her tears. "It has to be a living sacrifice."

My heart stopped suddenly. A living sacrifice? As in a human sacrifice, I thought to myself. "As in a Dragon Slayer has to give up their life." I said, my voice shaking a little.

My mother shook her head. "It's a specific Dragon Slayer. One who possess smiliar magic to the Devil."

My head began to understand who it was, and it brought tears to my eyes. "No." I whispered. "It can't be."

"I'm afraid so." My mother said silently. Suddenly, her image began to disappear. "I'm running out of time. The Six Gods know I'm contacting with you."

"Wait! Before you disappear, just tell me the name of the sacrifice, to make sure I'm not right." I begged, tears falling down my face.

My mother's face looked grim as she disappeared, but as she disappeared, she said the name of the  sacrifice. 

"Natsu Dragneel."

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