Chapter Seven

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I walk down the path through the woods. It's about seven in the morning. I'm just so eager to try out my wings, I couldn't sleep any longer.

I push through a tangle of branches and find myself in a clearing. The perfect spot to test my wings.

I take a deep breath. "Like a dragon I will fly, wings take me soaring through the sky!" I feel a tingling feeling on my back, then a whoosh as my wings open up.

A big gust of wind blows through the field and carries me up into the air. Suddenly, I'm flying over trees and rivers and everything else on the ground. I get to leave it all behind. I could. I could fly away forever.

But what about my family? What would happen? Would they send a search team for me and find out about my secret? And I can't leave Desiree all alone. She needs me!

But don't I have to do what's right for me? Put my own well-being before others'? I land on a tree and think about that for awhile.

I think I should stay. It would be so selfish of me if I left my family. And I could never survive on my own. I should make the most of this. I have the ability to grow wings and a tail whenever I want! It's amazing!

I jump off the tree and soar up into the air again. I soar high above the clouds. I go higher and higher until.... Oh my God.... I must be in the exosphere now. I didn't think this was possible. Wow.

It's dark blue in every direction except down. I can actually see the curve of the earth. It's breathtaking, literally. I should really get back down to the ground now. But I'm tempted not to. I could go anywhere in the world. I now know that I am capable of that. It's so amazing that it's hard to take it all in.

I feel myself start to fall. The air whooshes past me. I'm heating up. I do the parachute thing with my wings again. I drift down slowly through the atmosphere for awhile until I start to breathe normally again.

It's almost evening. I didn't know I was out here for that long. When I get back home I go up the stairs and collapse onto my bed.

It's night. I'm running down the path to the woods. I can hear the river running and I jump and dive in. Everything is black. It's cold, but somehow comforting. Something scares me awake.

I gasp. I'm floating on the river. I must've sleepwalked. I can hear voices calling for me.

"Serenity! Where are you?"

It's my mom.

Suddenly Desiree comes into view.

"Renny! Are you okay? You have to get out of there!" she shouts. "I heard you going downstairs so I woke up mommy and daddy and we followed you out here!"

I can't move and I can't talk. It feels like I'm paralyzed. Something is very wrong. The current is pulling me. I pull together all the strength in my body to say one thing: "I will see you again." Then I go under.

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