Chapter Six

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I feel so tired and anemic as I climb into bed. I almost feel like all the things that happened today were just hallucinations.

Sasha left shortly after lunch since there wasn't really much for us to do. I didn't go back to the creek after she was gone.

As soon as I lie down on my bed, a sheet of drowsiness settles over me. I feel so comfortable, almost like I'm lying on a cloud...

I am walking down a rocky hillside. I quickly navigate over the jagged rocks, going faster and faster. I am running from someone.

I look over my shoulder anxiously and see a huge black figure climbing over the rocks. I look back ahead just in time to see that I'm on the edge of a cliff. I turn back around. The figure is just a few yards away.

I need to escape, but I can't see how. I turn to face the edge of the cliff, preparing to be tackled by whatever is following me. Then, suddenly, the words come to me: Like a dragon I will fly, wings take me soaring through the sky.

I feel a tingling sensation on my shoulder blades. Just as the black figure lunges at me, I jump off the cliff. I'm falling...

Then, my wings open up, and I'm soaring over the valley. I fly higher up into the clouds. The sun is setting, turning the clouds a crispy gold color.

I look back to examine my wings. They're light blue and fluffy. They feel like cotton, but at the same time they're strong and steady.

Looking back ahead, I see that the sun is sinking below the clouds. Soon I won't be able to see. I fly down into the clouds, holding my arms out to my sides as I do. The clouds feel cool and soft on my skin.

When I get below the clouds, I notice that I'm flying over the ocean. There is no visible land in any direction. I must be flying really fast.

I fly for a long time. My back is getting sore. I put one hand between my shoulder blades, trying to massage away the pain. I can barely see where I'm going, but it's not like there's anything to see; I'm in the middle of the ocean. Well, I think I am. I guess I won't know if there's land nearby until I get close enough.

I think I see a light in the distance. I squint at it, trying to make sure it isn't just leftover light from the sunset. I don't think it is.

I fly faster, trying to get to the light, because it might mean there's land. I'm beginning to learn that I don't like flying for long periods of time. My wings are starting to slow down. That's not a good sign.

I push my hair out of my face. I can see what the light is now: Fire. But why would there be fire floating above the ocean? And more importantly, how?

Now I'm really close. There's something else next to the fire; the thing that is making the fire, in fact. It looks like a dragon. It looks like a dragon, I don't really know because I've never seen one before. But I'm pretty sure this is a dragon, or something like it.

Whatever it is, it's breathing out bursts of fire. The fire casts a lot of heat and light across a large area. I can feel the heat from where I am. I can also see better with the light. I think I see land; but to get to it, I'll have to fly past the dragon.

I hover in place for a moment, take a deep breath, and fly toward the land. I curve to the left, away from the fire-breathing creature. It sees me, and is now trying to follow me!

I fly as hard as I can. The land is coming up fast. I brace myself to hit the ground, but right before I do, my wings orient themselves in a way so that they act like a parachute, and I softly touch down on the sand.

My wings feel kind of heavy now that I'm not flying anymore. Now I'm safe back on the ground, I don't need wings to get around. There. My wings are enveloped in blue sparkles, and they dissolve, returning me to my previous form.

Suddenly, I feel a wave of heat hit my back. Crap. I forgot about the dragon. I turn around, just as the dragon breathes out a huge line of fire. Right. Toward. Me.

Oh, God. That was just about as scary as the tail dream. Maybe scarier. But then again, I can't remember the tail dream very well. I know that this one seemed longer, though.

Wait a second. I just learned how to get WINGS! Not only can I now swim like a fish, I can also fly like a bird! And it's magic! After what I've been through in the last few days, I don't see how I can deny that magic is real. It's a little scary, though.

I guess I'll have to try out my wings tomorrow. I'm tired though, so for now, I just need to go back to sleep and hope that everything wasn't just my imagination.

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