Chapter sixty three. Going public.

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It had been six months since Jenny's disappearance and there was still no sign of her. Joon-Jae had given up on police help and employed several private agencies, they gave him constant  updates about the lack of progress. Unfortunately he couldn't stay in London forever, soon he was back in Korea, running his agency.

He hadn't gone public with his relationship, yet so many false rumours circulated about him, people never gave up trying to match him with this or that star. Maybe Jenny didn't want to come back to a man with such a bad image. He wanted to plan a fantastic, public wedding for Jenny, when she was found but first he had to save her. Joon-Jae knew she wouldn't just leave him, he would feel something, he had to believe Jenny was OK, unhurt but trapped somehow.

Every week the agencies and his team in England discussed their discoveries, pooled recourses and planned the next move. It was becoming clearer to everyone that someone in the police force was involved but why was it always like this? Couldn't they be the good guys for once? Just one bad apple in the barrel was enough.

One day, he decided enough was enough, the decision to tell everyone about his relationship couldn't be held up anymore. Everyone needed to know, the more people looking for her the better. With the sheer amount of fans he had, millions of eyes would spot something, anything that might discover her whereabouts.

He picked up the office phone and called the marketing department, they would know what to do. By that evening a news conference was organised for the next morning. Joon-Jae was unsure if he was doing the right thing, was this too rushed? Should he plan what to say, maybe delay it until he knew something. No, it had to happen, what if this was Jenny's only chance?

He barely slept that night and ended up being ready for the conference several hours early, he had no appetite but that was nothing new. Joon-Jae had been out of public view since losing Jenny, so the media were shocked to see his change in appearance, he was noticeably thinner and looked unwell.

He walked onto the stage in front of rows of reporters and sat down shakily, ready to share everything with the world. Mr Do passed him a cup of honey water which was the only thing Joon-Jae could stomach in his state of mind. He spoke first while Joon-Jae drank from the glass.

"Welcome everyone. Please allow Mr Heo Joon-Jae to speak first, all of your questions will be answered in a few moments," Mr Do said.

The crowd murmured as they waited for him to start and one reporter shouted out some questions impatiently.

"Mr Heo, are you retiring due to illness? You've lost a lot of weight, is it terminal? " He said.

This shocked the crowd into silence as they were all having similar thoughts. Joon-Jae's face had become angular and sunken. His skin no longer glowed with health and his clothing hung on his body as if they were several sizes too large. He looked up at the crowd sadly, his cheeks already wet with tears.

The reporters started typing and chatting into mobiles but they stopped when Joon-Jae raised his hand. He tapped the microphones and began to talk, telling everyone the whole story from the beginning.

"I'm not sick but I am in pain, I need everyone's help, it's the only way. I have been keeping a secret from you all, from everyone here and my fans all over the world and now I will reveal everything.
Nearly two years ago, I fell in love and began to date a wonderful woman. It didn't take me long to know she was the one for me. On the first day that I saw her she made me smile and the day I confessed my love for her, I decided to marry her. I bought her a ring that evening," Joon-Jae paused to wipe the tears from his face and collect his thoughts.

The reporters started typing and murmuring to each other but fell silent when Joon-Jae started again.

"We got married in London and she gave me a wonderful son, a sweet handsome boy. I thought my life was perfect, that nothing would go wrong and once I was ready, I was going to give her the best wedding at home. My plan was to make our relationship public when my new agency was up and running, but something happened, someone took her from me.
I know this happened in London but my Jenny could be anywhere, I need everyone's help to find her. My wife and son were kidnapped six months ago and the police have given up on her. When I reported her missing they said her chances were slim but I refused to believe that. Since then I've been doing everything I can to find her. Will you help me?" Joon-Jae pleaded.

The reporters stood up and they all started asking questions at the same time, shouting out to be heard over the rest. Mr Do calmed them so each question could be answered. Joon-Jae tried his best but in the end he left the answers to Mr Do, he just didn't have the energy. He swayed as he stood to leave but after nearly fainting, Joon-Jae was sent to the hospital by his staff, the reporters were the witnesses to his terrible state. The story hit the world like a wild fire, out of control and unstoppable.

In a convenience store in a run down part of Seoul, Mark saw the news with Jenny's picture made public. At first he got angry, thinking that Joon-Jae was doing another publicity stunt at Jenny's expense but after reading the report thoroughly, he put down his pot ramen and cleared his rubbish away. He regretted walking away from Jenny, she had always been honest with him but he hadn't listened.

Everything was his fault, he shouldn't have lost contact, he had wanted someone that was never his. Looking at the picture of Jenny and Joon-Jae together with their newborn baby, made everything crystal clear. She had always insisted on her love of Joon-Jae and their baby looked adorable, he had no right to act like a spoilt teenager.

In his anger at being rejected, he hadn't told Jenny about the conversation he had overheard. The day he left, after his failed proposal, he had been contacted by a detective. The man had asked him several personal questions at the police station that didn't seem at all relevant to Jenny's case, they were more like the questions made by a jealous boyfriend towards a rival.

As he was leaving the building, the detective was nowhere to be seen so he had walked to the car park, going over his painful rejection in his mind, the weird questioning session already nearly forgotten. He heard the voice of the police detective talking on the phone. At first he ignored it as it seemed like his guess was correct, the man was interested in Jenny and was happy that Mark was out of the picture.

Although this conversation was overheard nearly a year ago it was still clear in Mark's memory, his guilt made it stick. The thought of any harm coming to Jenny was something impossible, after all the man was working as a police detective but it still gave him chills. Out of resentment, he turned away, this wasn't his problem.

He hated his past self but out of instinct, he had recorded the questioning by the police and accidentally, the overheard phone conversation too. With that thorn of doubt, the recording had been saved and backed up.

Maybe this clue could help Joon-Jae find Jenny, at least she should be happy if she was going to reject him like that. He couldn't bare to think that out of his own selfish sense of jealousy, he held back some important information and that policeman was highly suspicious.

He walked the bus stop and pulled out his phone, the voice clip was still saved. A few minutes later, an email was sent with the voice clip attached and Mark got on the bus with a slightly clearer conscience. All he could think about was his guilt, his ending with Jenny wasn't supposed to be like that.

Even further away, on the other side of the world, Sally held her little girl in her arms. She was staying at her mother's house in Canada, until her boyfriend Sam, was ready to bring her home. It had been a fight to get him free but once she had discovered her pregnancy, people had started to believe their relationship. They were planning to have a their own wedding later that year and Jenny was invited.

Sally and Jenny often emailed and called each other, becoming close despite their age difference but recently Jenny hadn't been in touch. A week ago, Sally had received a strange email which she had almost deleted but something had stopped her. It felt like it was from Jenny but she didn't recognise the address, could something have happened to her?


Will Jenny be found? See you next time, don't forget to vote and comment.

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