Chapter sixty two. Disappearance and dispare.

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Joon-Jae looked at the time and picked up his phone, it was time to call Jenny and see his son. They had video calls every evening and usually texted each other throughout the day. Of course it was early morning here but what mattered was catching Jenny at the agreed time. All this trouble from his old agency was stopping him from being with them and he missed them both.

If the police hadn't given him a travel ban, he would be by their side, but his old agency was a strong opponent. The fight to save the people under slave contracts, was a lot more complicated to solve than he had anticipated. He hadn't explained everything to Jenny but today he wanted to tell her everything.

He knew from experience that holding back and keeping secrets would cause more trouble than revealing the truth. At least he knew the situation was close to being resolved, CEO Daniel Kim was waiting for trial and once it was over, his travel ban would be lifted. Just three more days until he could hold his wife and son.

The call stopped when it wasn't answered, was their son causing his mother trouble again? It was rare but sometimes Jenny couldn't pick up and she usually called back within a few minutes. Joon-Jae paced around to room for nearly an hour before calling back, but there was still no answer.

Frowning, Joon-Jae called the house help. She answered within two rings.

"Hello, Dana from mother's help services, who is this and how can I help?" The woman answered.

"This is Mr Heo, I believe you are helping my wife while I'm away. I can't get hold of her, please could you check on her?" He asked.

"Ahh, Mr Heo, your wife cancelled our services. She believed that we were no longer needed, she sent me a message this morning. She had already reduced our services to only two hours daily so it was to be expected," She explained.

"Are you sure, she told me yesterday that she was thinking of increasing the time again. She would have asked me first if she wanted to cancel. We talk to each other every day so that can't be right. Look, I'll pay the start fee again if you send someone to check on her," Joon-Jae begged.

"Sir, calm down, it's probably nothing. I will go and check myself, how would you like to be contacted when I find her?" She asked.

"Please email me and I will call you back, I wouldn't want to cause you the extra cost of an international call," he said apologetically.

She agreed to check back with Joon-Jae in an hour and hung up. He sighed, maybe Jenny hadn't charged her phone, she could be sleeping or dealing with a soiled nappy. Pacing, he tried to call her again but he didn't get through.

Eventually an email from the mothers help services popped into his inbox. He quickly read the contents and rang back.

"What do you mean? Sorry it's Mr Heo, about this note, where did you find it?" Joon-Jae said.

"It was on the hall notice board, I still have the key. She says, she's staying with friends for a few days and not to worry. See, she's fine. Should I leave the keys here?" Dana asked.

"No, hold on to the keys for a bit longer, I'll pick them up myself on Wednesday," he said.

They ended the call but Joon-Jae wasn't fooled, he didn't know of any friends Jenny was close enough to stay with. If the note had said she was with her mother, it would have been more believable but not many people knew that they had settled their differences. It was too suspicious and even at a friends house she would answer the phone.

He couldn't leave the country but he had plenty of people working for him who could and manager Do, would be a good choice. He had changed completely since moving to Joon-Jae's new agency, the man actually knew how to smile. Mr Do, no longer spoke like his back was pierced with steel poles and was emotional and animated in a conversation. He was like Pinnocio, changing from a puppet into a real boy.

A lawyer should go with him, if the police were needed, he would know what to do. Hopefully he was wrong, maybe Jenny had a friend that she wanted to catch up with and he was just over thinking. If that was the case, this was probably too much but what if it wasn't, what if she was in danger?

Joon-Jae started making calls, Jenny needed him, she was waiting to be saved. He rushed to get everything organised and Manager Do, who was no longer his manager but a partner in his company, was on a flight back to England within the hour. An British lawyer would assist him when he arrived.

He announced to everyone at his new agency that he had other business so he wouldn't be in for some time, assigning his work to the staff. He wasn't needed at the office so much, now that everything was in motion, only the travel ban stopped him from leaving.

Joon-Jae called Mr Na and got ready for a long day, a lot of paperwork and calls later, he was on his way to the police station. The officers at the Seoul Central police station were surprised, when Joon-Jae turned up two days early for his questioning, with his main lawyer, Mr Na.

"Can I speak to Officer Kang?" Mr Na asked.

Joon-Jae spent the evening and the next day getting free of any loopholes, the travel ban was finally lifted. There wasn't much of a difference as it would have been dropped the next day anyway. Mr Do was at his house in London by the time Joon-Jae was on the plane, he sent photos of the house showing that Jenny hadn't even taken any clothes or bags with her, the note itself wasn't even in her handwriting.

The day before, Mr Do and the Lawyer, Mr Peters, had gone to the police only to find that Jenny had already been reported missing. They didn't have his contact details to inform him as Jenny didn't provide them in the next of kin form, instead her mother had been told. She would be meeting him at the police station that afternoon in London.

When Joon-Jae arrived he was exhausted, he urgently needed to find Jenny and he hadn't slept in two days. He sat in the waiting room, hunched over in dispare, while Mr Do greeted Jenny's mother.

"Ahh, I heard about you. Aren't you the the one that split up my daughter and my lovely son-in-law. Jenny told me everything, if you mess with them again...." She said.

"Ha, um! Oh yes, sorry, I was just doing my job. Joon-Jae and Jenny are a perfect couple, I would never break them up again. So, we should work together, to find Jenny," he answered, politely.

"Detective Simons and Detective Marshall, are ready for you all in interview room two," a man said.

Joon-Jae trudged forwards, after Mr Do and Jenny's mother. They crowded into the room, joining the detectives who were waiting, with laptops and a pile of files. The detectives whispered to each other, passing some photographs between them, looking up as everyone sat down.

"I'm Detective Marshall, this is my colleague Detective Simons. I was in charge of Mrs Heo's case, and my colleague was the most familiar with her background. Is everyone aware of her poisoning and attempts of harm towards her?"

"What! That's the first I've heard about it!" Jenny's mother shouted.

"Sorry mother, I thought Jenny told you about it, that's why she quit her job so soon," Joon-Jae explained.

"I suppose she didn't want to worry me, but what does this have to do with her disappearance? " she asked.

"Well, she volunteered to go back to her work place as she felt the threat was from one of her colleagues. However the suspect was not working alone. I believe you knew of a woman named Kelly, she is definitely involved in the previous incidents but we couldn't find any direct evidence that she had anything to do with the disappearance of Mrs Heo," Detective Marshall explained.

"How could you allow a woman with a young baby to go there on her own? My wife could be in danger, I'll never forgive you if my wife and son are hurt!" Joon-Jae said, angrily.

Mr Do had to hold Joon-Jae back while detective Simons insisted they would do everything they could. Detective Marshall nodded and left the room while detective Simons smiled sadly and passed them some leaflets about missing persons. He left them in the room to mourn in peace.

"The nerve of that man, saying she was unlikely to be alive! Nonsense, my Jenny will be fine, don't worry dear," Jenny's mother said, patting Joon-Jae on the back.


Will Jenny be found? Will Joon-Jae have a break down? See you in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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