A Few Others

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Sans is now back at the surface again, as he is going to see if there are more Mobians that are still living above the Underground for him to rescue. Though, this time, he is not doing this alone.

Tangle, Whisper, and Jewel, they are joining in on this too. Sans attempted to get past everyone unnoticed so that he could continue his search for any Mobians that are still at the surface, but Tangle and her 2 other friends found him trying to go look for them, and opted to come alone. Of course, Sans tried to tell them to back out of this one, as he does not want them to get killed, but since they want to see if some of their friends are alive still, they want to help Sans, since it would have been much more easier than wait below. Sans was defeated in the conversation, and lets it pass, as he knows that he cannot talk them out of this one. Of course, the only one that actually agrees with him is Whisper, due to not wanting to go through what happened above again. But as Tangle is still going, regardless, Whisper decides to follow Tangle, as she does not want to her friend to be killed while she is here to help Sans.

Sans sighed, as he began to walk what seems to be a forest with rivers of blood. The branches are covered with organs and entrails, as dead animals are hunted by them like the entrails are nooses. Whisper takes out her weapon, as she began to look around to see if there are any demons that needs to be shot. Jewel looks a bit scared, as she looks around to see these things around the group. Tangle doesn't look scared, but Sans...his right eye began to glow a brighter red than it did before, as Sans looks around to see if there are any demons inside of the area they are in. His left eye began it glow purple, due to the Determination and the Patience being activated now.

"i still can't believe i let you do this, coming with me, even though you know how dangerous it would be to return to the outside world again. sometimes, i'm beginning to wonder if your mentality is telling you to become a demon yourself."

He spoke out as Jewel spoke back to him.

"Well, you should know that many of us are putting our own lives on the line, just as you are."

Sans spoke back to her.

"that is only because i have the magic powerful and plentiful enough for me to keep me from being killed by any demon that might try to kill me in the first place. do you think that I would go outside unprepared?"

Whisper spoke back to him, as Sans looked very annoyed of the situation that he is now inside of.

"Of course we wouldn't believe that, and honestly, I agree with you there. But my friend, Tangle, is to stubborn to let you go on alone, and she wants to see if some of her old friends are still alive."

Sans puts his hands on his face, as clearly, this is something he did not want to happen. But he knows that he cannot do anything about this now. Because of Tangle wanting to go, he has to deal with this part of his adventure, one that he no longer has control over. He could teleport them back if he wants to, but he does not want to make Tangle mad. So, he is just gonna have to deal with it.

Tangle smiled a bit, as she wrapped the tip of her tail around Sans' right hand, catching Sans off-guard. Sans tried to move away and tug his hand off of the tail, but the tail is holding strong, and refuses to let Sans go. Tangle smiled, as she than let's go of Sans' hand, before wrapping her tail around Sans' torso, making Sans confused at what it is that Tangle is doing to Sans.

"tangle, what are you doing?"

He spoke out to the Lemur, as she smiled.

"What do you think. Want to have some fun with you."

Sans sighed, as he spoke out.

"Can't we have fun, once we return back home?"

Tangle shrugged, but she still has her tail wrapped around Sans, as pinched his nose, if he even has a nose to pinch to show his frustration. Of course, as they kept on going, they than heard the rustle of leaves and twigs. This caused Sans to turn around to see who it is that is making those sounds.

"Who's there?!"

Sans spoke out, as he summoned a Gaster Blaster, ready to fire them at command. Everyone did the same, and they saw that a demonic Mobian has leapt out of the bush, and is launching themselves at Sans. The Skeleton got ready to fire, but than...


A Kunai appeared out of nowhere, and pierced the head of the Demonized Mobian. This caught Sans by surprise, as he spoke out.

"Okay, that was seriously not me."

Than. Sans turned around, as Tangle and her friends did the same, as they saw who it was that actually did that.

Before Sans are 3 Mobians, and each of varying races. One of them is a 24 year old chameleon Mobian. Another is a 28 year old Crocodile Mobian. And the last one is a bee mobian, looking like he is at the age of 21. Tangle recognized them, as she spoke out.

"The Chaotix?!"

Sans looks at Tangle, as the crocodile spoke out.

"Hey, Tangle. Nice to see you after a very long time, huh?"

Tangle nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yeah, it has been a long time."

Sans looks at Tangle, and spoke out.

"you guys know each other, tangle?"

Tangle nodded, as she than spoke out.

"I do. These are the Chaotix. The Large guy is Vector, the Chameleon is named Espio, and the little one is named Charmy Bee.

Charmy pouted, as he than spoke out.

"I'm not that little, you know!"

Jewel than spoke out.

"Than how is it that you are at the same height as me, Charmy?"

Charmy looked confused, and than got close, and true to Jewel's words, Charmy is at the exact same height as Jewel's height. Char my gives off a deadpan glare, as he spoke out to her.

"Okay, I don't think I need you to remind me of that."

Jewel giggled, as a female voice spoke out to everyone.

"What is going on here."

Everyone turned to see that another bee is heading to their direction, and one Charmy has been living with his whole life.

"Oh, hey Saffron. We're reuniting with some old friends."

Charmy spoke out, as Saffron looks and sees Jewel. Her eyes widened, as she sees her old friend that she has not seen after such a very long time of being separated from her.

"Oh my gosh. It's so nice to see you again, Jewel!"

Saffron spoke out, as she flies up and shakes Jewel's hand. Saffron smiled, as she spoke back.

"Of course. It is nice to see you again after so long, Jewel. I always believed that you are still alive, even after all of this."

Jewel nodded and smiled wider, as than, another voice spoke out.

"Oh my! Tangle, It's really you!"

Tangle looked right behind Espio, and sees an old friend that she had never thought she would be able to see after years of separation.


Tangle spoke out, as she than and hugged Belle, who smiled and hugged back.

"You're still okay. I'm so glad that you're not destoryed."

Belle smiled back, as she hugged back the Lemur, as she spoke out to her.

"I haven't been destroyed, Tangle. The Chaotix were able to find and hide me from Eggman and his machines. I was able to remain hidden with them, until some help would arrive. And it seems and it seems you're the help we all now need."

Tangle nodded with a smile, as Sans spoke out.

"I'm surprised that you all manage to survive, in spite of the large number of demonic Mobians surrounding all of you. How did this even happen?"

Espio spoke out to Sans.

"May I suggest we talk about that at our place?"

Sans looks at Espio and nodded.

"Anywhere besides outside, yeah."

The group than began to turn to the direction of where the Chaotix live, but than...a demonic shark was suddenly heard in the open. This made them stop, and Sans looks behind him to see that there is a demonized Mobian here.

"Okay. Seriously. How many of the Demonized Mobians must we keep fighting?"

Tangle spoke out, as Sans than snapped his fingers, and summoned a bunch of Gaster Blasters around everyone.

"a lot, apparently."

He clenched his first, and the Gaster Blasters fired, destroying a bunch of the Demonized Mobians, even though mixed moved out of the way, in order to avoid getting killed by the blast itself. And than, all hell broke loose, literally. Espio took out a bunch of his kunai, and began to throw so many of them at the demonized Mobians, killing them, as they have been hit in the head. Another Demon tried to attack from behind, but Espio manage to teleport out of the way and avoided getting killed by the demon, before stabbing the Demon with one of the Kunai that he held in reverse grip.

Vector grabbed onto a bunch of the demons, before throwing them into trees, piercing them with the branches. He than ripped a tree of of the ground, and swung it like a bat, sending the Demonized Mobjans flying. A dead flickie that was dead had dropped down to the ground, but Vector did not notice, as he is way to focused onto the fight that he is in, in order to take care of what he had just done. He than punched one of the Demonized Mobians with so much strength, it sent them flying away extremely far, as he than grabbed another, and threw it at their buddies.

Belle  jumped away from a demon that tried to grab her arm, and kicked it back with immense force. She than punched a demon hard in the face, and got some blood on her knuckle. As she turned around, Whisper blasted one if the demons with electricity, shocking and exploding the demon at the same time. She than changed it and made it spew out fire at the demons, setting them on fire. It caused them to shriek and howl at the same time, as Tangle than used her tail to whip a bunch of them very far away. Sans, on the other hand, kept on using his Gaster Blasters to destroy the demons, and make sure the group is safe. He than nursed his Gravity Manipulation to raise the Demons in the air, and they looked down to see what is going on, before he spreads his arms outwards, as they scattered extremely far away in multiple directions.

"Alright, they'll come back at any moment. So let's move!!"

Vector shouted out, as every in every began to follow the Chaotix, and Sans decides to stay behind, in order to buy the group a bit more time than before so that he can hold the demons off. Unfortunately, though, Tangle is not having any of that, as she than grabbed Sans with her tail, and dragged him along, as she lifts him up into the air, still keeping Sans wrapped around. Tangle did not look happy, and in fact, looked a bit stressed, as she continues to run with the others, hoping that they can make it to the building on time.

Later...at the Chaotix's office...

Sans and his friends are now inside of the Chaotix's office, and needless to say, Sans is very surprised that they could were able to survive in a place such as this, in spite of the fact everything's not advanced. Sans looks around, and spoke out.

"I'm impressed you manage to survive, in spite of having no real defenses to cover up your own house and protect it from destruction."

Tangle and Whisper nodded, as even they are surprised about this. How is it that the Chaotix were able to survive in such a place like this, even though the place is now looking like it has a high defense. Perhaps that they had used something in order to protect themselves from the Demonized Mobians? Vector than spoke out.

"Well...where do you want us to start at?"

Jewel looks at Vector and spoke out.

"How about at the very beginning of when you first caught on with this situation."

Vector nodded, as he than took a deep breath, as he than spoke out.

"Well...to start it off...back before the situation escalated to the way it is, me and the others have been getting phone-calls of some people disappearing, and a bunch of the Mobians killed brutally. Me and the others look towards the sight of what is happening, and needless to say, we saw that it must have been a very serious situation. But the thing is...we had no idea how much serious it was. Once we saw the gruesome look at the corpses, we knew that they might still be here. And we were right. A Demonized Mobian came out of nowhere and tries to kill us. Espio, luckily, was able to get us out of that mess by killing the demonized Mobian, just before it could kill us. When we saw that the Demonized Mobian looked like, we knew that something otherworldly must have done this. We were able to find out what happened, but by the time that we did...the situation had reached the absolute peak."

Whisper spoke in her quiet tone.

"Let me guess, it was a demon looking like Sonic, right?"

Espio nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yes, that is correct. How do you know that?"

Tangle spoke out.

"If you can believe it, we've encountered him. That guy calls himself Exetior, and is the leader of these demons."

Vector sighed, as he puts his hand over his face, while speaking out.

"Well...at least that is one mystery that we had solved now. Even though it had to be in a time such as this. Man, we really should have seen this much more sooner, than we had to see in this situation!"

Espio coughed a little bit, before he than spoke out.

"Anyways...when the situation reached the absolute peak of it all, me, Vector, and Charmy knew we could not get everything away from this, as by the time we discovered it, everyone began to be killed left and right way too fast. So, we decided to try and find a couple of our friends to try and protect them from what is going on right now. We were able to find Saffron, who was about to be ripped apart by some demonized Mobians, and we were able to find Belle, who is wandering everywhere, no sure what is going on. We were lucky to have find her, otherwise, some of the demonized Mobians would have came out of nowhere and tried to tear her apart. And now, we are hoping that there could  be a place where we could be truly safe in."

Tangle and Sans looked at each other, and Sans nodded, as if messaging her to tell them about Mount Ebott. Tangle smiled, before looking at the Chaotix, and spoke out.

"There is one place that is safe to go to, one that not even the Demons can go to."

This caught Charmy's attention, as he than spoke out.

"Really? What is it, than?!"

Tangle smiled, as she than spoke out.

"Mount Ebott. It is Sans' home, as well the home of the remaining, normal Mobians."

This caught their attention, as Vector spoke out.

"Mount Ebott? Isn't that the Mountain that made a bunch of people disappear when they fall into it?"

Whisper spoke out.

"The thing is...the Mountain is home to a third race, called the Monsters, and they are very magical beings. So no, the rumor about Mount Ebott is not true."

Espio spoke out.

"That is very perfect. It is just what we need in order to get out of this nightmare that we are in. But how do we get to the Mountain? We are all very far away from it."

Sans looks at Espio and spoke out.

"I know how. I can use my magic to teleport you into Ebott. It'll be a but of a drain for me, but it'll be worth it."

Vector spoke out.

"Can you also teleport the whole Building?"

Sans looks a but nervous, as he spoke out.

"yeah, i can. just hope i don't accidentally squish someone with your building."

Vector than spoke out.

"Well, regardless, it'll be worth it getting out of this mess."

Belle raised her arms into the air, as she spoke out.

"Yes! Finally! We can be free from this!!"

Sans nodded, as he spoke out.

"stay inside the building, okay? i can teleport the building and everyone inside of it."

Sans teleported outside, as Tangle spoke out.

"Hey, Sans! Wait!"

Tangle shouted out, as she rushed outside to see if he is really going to do it. But Sans blocked the door with his blue bones, preventing her from reaching it.

Sans extended his hand, his left eye glowing purple, as he used his power to a greater extent than before. And before the others knew it, they teleported, along with the building that they are in. Right in front of Sans...is a large crater, of where the building used to be.

Sans sighed, as he rubbed the top of his skull, which is still covered by his hood. He looks at the front, and continues to stare down at the hole that is in the ground, before he than spoke to himself.

"Well...there's at least one situation covered. Now, it is time to go-"

Before Sans could finish, a spikes bone covered in blood came out of nowhere and nearly stabbed Sans in the foot. Thankfully, Sans was able to quickly move out of the way, but looked to see who it is. Than, more came out of nowhere, and Sans jumped back as far as he could to avoid getting hit by the sharp bones that are rocketing towards him. He skids back a bit, as he looks to see who it is, and raised his arm, as he prepares to fire a Gaster Blaster at the one that did this. When more suddenly came, Sans clenched his fist, and the Gaster Blaster fired, as it destroyed the bones, and go to the direction of the attacker. The attacker was able to move out of the way, though, and simply jumped into the air, and landed down onto the ground, and there...Sans was able to see the appearance of the attacker, and needless to say, the way the person looked, it was not a pretty sight. So much that it makes Horror Sans look cute in comparison for even trying to be very scary.

Sans looked immensely revolted at what he is seeing before his eyes. This...thing...it looks like him, but has insane eyes...and is holding the top half of Papyrus' skull! Sans' eyes widened, as he looked horrified at what he is seeing. It is obvious that this is an alternate version of Sans, one where he killed Papyrus. And he does not seem to look very remorseful about what he had just done, at all. The look on his face, it looks like it is devoid of concepts such as empathy, and instead, it is filled with bloodlust, cruelty, and Insanity. Than...the other Sans spoke out.

"your determination...i want it all. i want it all from your all-dying corpse. i will get what I want from you. your determination...IT IS MINE!!!"

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