Insanity vs Dust...

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Sans and his double looked at each other, as Dust looks very disturbed by what he is now seeing. He is seeing another version of himself, looking all bloody, having separate teeth like a Mobian and a Human, and has a cracked skull, with a crazed expression on his face. Probably the most crazed version of himself that he has ever seen in his life. And he is holding the head of his Papyrus. Sans looks down at the Papyrus head...and he was horrifed to see what's with it right now.

The Papyrus's crying. It is obvious that the Papyrus of this Sans' works is still alive, and is suffering extreme agony from what is happening to him now. It is suffering a fate that is much more worse than death, much more worse than being demonized.

This is enraging Sans so badly, that his left eye is twitching at the horrendous sight. His hands clenched into fists, even though they are inside of his coat pockets. But the smile never left his face, as he spoke out to him.

" certainly are quiet the scary guy, aren't ya? So why don't ya tell me who it is that you are."

Dust spoke out, as he looks at his double, who than began to laugh, before he than spoke out.

"Call me Insanity. And you...Dust...YOU ARE GONNA DIE!!!!"

He shouted, before spiky bones came out of the ground, and tried to pierce Dust, who than got out of the way as fast as possible. Dust was shocked, as he cannot believe what is about to happen. He is going to fight a version of himself, one that, in his opinion, is the most irredeemable, and most evil version of himself to this very day.

He fired a Gaster Blaster at Insanity, but Insanity simply dodged with his teleportation, and throws the Papyrus head at Dust, who used his Gravity Manipulation to stop the head in midair, all to give Insanity the time that he needs in order to go forward and punch Dust extremely hard in the face, squared.


Dust cried out in agony, as he is thrown off of his feet, and crashed into a tree. He than held his face, and saw that his nose hole is beginning to bleed our Determination. Dust was shocked, as he is not expecting for that to happen to him. As he looked, he saw Insanity in front of him, and needless to say, Dust immediately teleported out of the way on instinct, as Insanity used his magic to erupt spiky bones from the ground. Dust looks at Insanity, as he thought to himself.

'man...he does not call himself insanity for nothing. the other me's attacks are extremely unpredictable, it is just purely out of control. purely insane.'

He clenched his fist, as he than rushed back towards Insanity, his hand covered by a Gaster Blaster, with Insanity doing the same, and they punched each other in the Gaster Blaster-Covered fist, as a shockwave is made, with Dust making sure that he does not get himself killed by this vile counterpart of himself. Clearly...this is not going to be an easy fight.

Back in Waterfalls...

Inside of Waterfalls, the house of the Chaotix teleported slightly above into the air, before they crashed down onto the ground. Luckily, this didn't destroy the place that the Chaotix lived in, though it did damage the floor of the building slightly. The Blue Bones vanished after the landing, and Tangle went outside to see that they are back in Waterfalls again. And...Tangle nearly fell into the water. Thankfully, though, she was able to use her tail to prevent herself from falling down into the water, and reel herself back onto land, but still, she wasn't expecting Sans to do that in such a very sudden way.

" looks like we're still alive."

Charmy spoke out, as Espio spoke back.

"We are. But Sans isnmr with us. He'a left himself behind."

Charmy deflated a little bit, as he spoke out, sad.


Tangle has a look of disapproval on her face, as she cannot believe that Sans would do that to her, though with good intentions.

"Man, Sans really does not want us to get killed at the surface, doesn't he?"

Tangle spoke out, as Whisper spoke quietly to Tangle.

"He did it because he cared for all of us, Tangle. It is because we are his friend that he does not want us all killed."

Tangle looks bit annoyed, as she than spoke out.

"I know that Whisper..."

She turns and looks at her friend with a determined expression on her face.

"But I'm not letting a friend of mine get killed back at the surface! I need to get back to Sans, fast, before Exetior might try and find him!"

Whisper than spoke out.

"You try and help, it will make you a target as well, as you will get demonized and killed, Tangle. And besides..."

Whisper looked sad, as she than spoke out.

"I lost you before during the time when Eggman created the Zombots. I don't want to lose you again, Tangle."

Tangle looks at Whispers with a sad look, understanding that she would be hurting her friend again if she tried to go back into the outside world. Than...a voice spoke out to the group.

"And what is this talk about, if I may join in?"

Everyone looked up to see Rouge the Bat is coming down from above. Vector looks up and is surprised to see who it is.

"Rouge!! Wow. It has been a very long time since we last met each other!"

Rouge looks at Vector, and spoke out.

"Hello, Vector. It has been years since we had last met. How have you been?"

Vector spoke back to her.

"If you mean besides the fact that me and my group had it survive a demon invasion with no help, than we've been doing very fine. None of our friends have been demonized, thankfully."

Vector nodded, as she spoke out to him

"That's good. Also, where is Sans?"

Tangle looked a bit unsure of what to say, but she didn't need to. Because Whisper took over for Tangle.

"I can explain what happened."

Whisper told Rouge of what had happened. Of Sans going out to find more Mobians that have not been demonized, how Tangle and her friends decided to go with them, how they have met the Chaotix, and Sand teleported them while inside of the building. Needless to say, Rouge's unamused.

"Clearly, that Bonehead doesn't know what he is gonna get himself into by simply staying behind."

She has a frustrated expression on her face, as Tangle nodded.

"I know. And I'm getting worried that he'll be killed by Exetior. He may have escaped last time. How can he escape this time?"

Rouge looks down at she crossed her arms and held her shoulders, as she began to think of a plan.

"If only there is a way for us to find. And locate to where Sans is."

She spoke out to herself, and as she said that, another voice spoke out.

"Maybe I can help wit that."

Rouge turned, and she saw that Killer is coming towards there the group is.

"Killer, do you know of where Sans is at?"

Killer nodded, as he spoke out.

"Of course I do know where he is. Alphys manage to get a tracking chip on Dust, just in case he takes too long."

Rouge smiled a very wide smile, as she than spoke out to him.

"Good, than that means we can go to him."

Tangle grinned, as she spoke out.

"That's awesome!! Take us to him, Killer!"

Killer nodded, as he than extended his hand, and after a second, both Mobians teleported. Whisper looked at the place that Tangle was once positioned, before speaking out.

"please, be careful."

Everyone looked at the place that Tangle and Whisper was at, and they too prayed for their safety, hoping that nothing bad happens to them.

At the Surface...

Dust skids back, as his arms are raising in a blocking position, and he looks to see Insanity rushing towards him, as he fired a sharp bone at Dust to kill him. Dust ducked down, as he than moved from the side in order to get away from the bone that has been fired in his direction. He than jumped up into the air, as he than felt his body glow and turn blue, due to now being affected by Gravity Magic.

He than felt his body began to go down fast, and as he looked down at the ground, he than see sharp spikes from below. He teleported out of the way, but than, he felt something wrap around his neck extremely tight. He didn't have time to see what it was, as he felt a rush if wind in his back, and he than felt his back being slammed into a tree.

His vision became a but Barry, and he can barely lift his head from the sudden movement. But being extremely determined, he looks up to see that Insanity was the one that grabbed him by the neck, and is looking at Dust with an extremely vile murderous intent, as his mout twitched a little bit. Dust's left eye twitched in return, as they both stared at each other for a few more seconds, before Insanity spoke out to Sans.

"this is the moment...."

He raised his hand, as a sharp bone manifested into the air, before Insanity grabbed it, and held it in  reverse grip, ready to stab Dust.

"where everything ends."

Dust, with his left eye glowing much brighter, summons sharp purple bones into the air, and gets ready to fire them, as both Insanity and Dust prepare to attack and kill each other by skewering each other. Dust has no idea how long he can keep this up, nor does he have any idea how long he can last against this version of him. But regardless, he is going to keep on fighting agaisnt this version of him, no matter what happens to him. Insanity raised his hand a bit more to stab Dust, and Dust prepares to clench his fist, as the both if them prepare to turn each other into shish kabob. However, before that could happen, all of a sudden, a light gray and dark gray tail came out of nowhere and bats Insanity away, forcing Insanity to let go of Dust. At the exact same time, the tail wrapped itself around Dust's waist, and he was pulled away a little bit into someone's arms.

"Oh, Sans. Did you really think we'd let you do this alone?"

The voice caught Dust's attention, as he than looked to see Tangel again, somehow back at the surface, even though he just teleported them back. Dust was immensely shocked at what he is seeing.

"what the..."

Dust began to speak out, when another female voice spoke out.

"Did you think we were going to let you do this alone?"

Dust than looked up at where the voice came from, and saw someone he was not expecting to come along.

Sans looks up to see Rouge sitting on one of the branches of the tree that is still intact from his fight against Insanity Sans. Rouge than dropped down, as she than spoke out to him.

"Honestly, you Bonehead. What were you thinking doing that, teleporting your friends back to Ebott like that?"

Sans looks at Rouge, and without hesitation, spoke out.

"i was thinking of not getting my friends Demonized, in case exetior finds this place. but it looks like he decided to send someone else to do the job for him."

They looked back and see Insanity about to get up from the ground. Rouge than spoke out to Dust.

" looks like this time, you aren't doing this all on your own right now, Sans."

Tangle nodded, as she than spoke back to Dust.

"Right, because this time, 2 people are gonna be the ones that help you out in this."

Dust was about to protest, but than, Insanity was able to fully get up from the ground, and looks at the Trio than had been recently formed, before firing sharp bones at the 3. Tangle than used her tail to whip them out of the way, as she than rushed forward and began to go hand to hand with Insanity. And surprisingly, even though Insantiy is a skeleton, he is shown to be able to keep up with Tangle, and even land some solid hits onto her. But Tangle is able to do the same thing, before she wrapped her tail around Insanty's neck, and through him into a tree. This hurts his head a little bit, but that dies nit mean that he is going to go down that easily. No, in fact, he is going to do a lot more harder than that, and besides, he has forgotten what it means to give up. Insanity than looks at Tangle, and fired a series of sharp bones at her, as she than used her tail to get out of the way, but Insanity did another thing. He used his Blue Magic, and made her go flying forward into a tree, that is erupting with spiky bones. She closed her eyes, as she does not want to see what was about to happen, if she can still live be through that. But...the impact never came. She looks, and she saw that she is only half a feet from getting pierced by the spikes. She looked back, and sees Dust is holding his hand, his left eye glowing purple, as he holds Tangle in place, before using his magic to reel her back in. Insanity tried to force her forward again, but as Insanity never properly trained himself to  use this level of magic, it is actually weaker than Dust's own gravity magic. So Tangle is saved.

Rouge took the turn, as she charged forward and attempted to kick Insanity as hard as she could in order to break some of his bones.

Insanity was able to defend against the kicking, but he was than grabbed by the hood, before being thrown away, as Rouge than kicked him in the back, and than kicked him up into the air. Insanity tried to fire bones in her direction, but Rouge, using her wings, was able to avoid getting hit by them. She than went back down onto the ground, and than charges at Insanity to try and strike at him. Insantiy made a wall to defend himself against the Bat Mobian, but that does not mean Rouge is going to let that stop her. No, she is going to make sure that she gets to beat down this extremely evil skeleton. Rouge used her wings to fly up into the air, before she slammed her foot down onto Insanity's head, which made it break a little bit. But Insanity fired some more sharp bones at Rouge, as she than used her wings to fly away from the sharp bones that are heading her way. But as she flies away, suddenly, usher turned blue, and was forcefully taken down by the Gravity Magic of Insanity, and she looks down to see bone spikes down below onto the ground. Rouge looks in horror, as she realizes what was about to happen next.

But as she looked down, suddenly, a tail wrapped around Rouge's waist, and she was sent reeling away from the bone spikes, as Tangle had been the one that had saved her life.

"Thanks Tangle. Guess I owe you one at that."

Tangle smiled, as she spoke out.

"For a friend of mine, anytime."

As they smirked at each other, laughter was heard, and they look to see Insanity staring at them with his eyes of everlasting cruelty.

" does not matter how many of you come to try and fight me. you will all still die."

Tangle and Rouge, without any hesitation, than charged at Insanity, in their efforts to bring him down. Both began to kick, punch, and strike at Insanity, in their effort to protect Dust, who is still exhausted graviton from the fight that he was in when against this other version of himself, who is by far the most evil one that he has ever seen. Tangle than wrapped her tail around Insanity, and Rouge began to repeatedly hit him with a barrage of kicks at his face, in hopes that this wound fatally hurt him far more than what they had done to him. But as she tries to kick him one more time, hoping that this one would kill him, Insanity teleported, and he than appeared behind Tangle in order to try and stab her. But than, his soul turned Blue, as he is than sent flying away from the Lemur. The 2 Mobians looked to see that Dust is back on his feet, and he looked a little refreshed.

Tangle waves at Dust, as if to somewhat tease him. Sans rolled his eyes, as he looks back at Insanity, and prepares to fight him once again. Insanity looks at Dust, who than summoned a Gaster Blaster, before firing it at Insanity. But Insanity manage to get out of the way, and attempts to kill Dust so he can gain his LV. But Dust had not been fighting with all of his magic during the last time they had fought. He had only been using his bone attacks. This time, he is going to use them, so that Insanity can finally die.

Raising his hand, he summoned a bunch of fireballs, and launched them at Insanity, who than got hit by them, as the damage he had taken was great. Than he summoned a large bone in the, which snapped, and even more fireballs began than spill out of it like liquid. But Insanity immediately got out of the way, and tries to hide from the bushes so that he can take Dust by surprise. Unfortunately, Dust summoned a wall of electricity, which he stole from killing Alphys from the previous timeline. Insanity looks at Dust, as he than fired Undyne's spears at Insanity, who than used his bones to prevent himself from getting hit. But Dust fired. Gaster Blaster out of nowhere and shot at Insanity, damaging him immensely, and with Karma in play, his attacks became poisonous to Insanity, as it caused him to deal extreme amounts of damage to him. Insanity's grin, however, never faded, as he than charged at Dust again, only to get hit by a tail, coming from Tangle, as Rouge and  Tangle had been observing the fight this whole time, and decide to intervene right now, so that Dust does not get as tired as he did in the right, and to make sure that they get to kill Insanity much more quicker than before.

Tangle, Rouge, and Dust grouped together, as they prepare to go charging in at Insanity, with Insanity doing the same thing. But before they both could fight each other...a sharp bone whizzed past Dust, and tries to hit Insanity, which grazed him in the arm, Determination began to leak it from the sudden wound. Dust was caught completely by surround at what had us to happened, as he than spoke out.

"that...that was not me."

Tangle and Rouge looked at Dust, and he too looks confused at what had just happened. But before anyone could speak to Dust about this...


This made both Sans' Dust recognized the there is only one person who is known to make this laugh. And the way that the laugh is sounds so immensely demonic just now, not to mention a little but crazed. He turned he looks to see who it is, as Insanity does the same thing.

" can't be..."

Sans spoke out, as he sees a tall figure coming out of the trees...and the figure is revealed, and it was someone that Sans was not prepared to see.


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