A New Nightmare

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The 3 Sanses and Sonic looked enraged, as they see Exeller. All 4 of them took a stance, as Exeller steps forward towards the 4 blue people, ready to fight Exeller.

"Hehehehehehehe. I'm honestly surprised that Exetior did not find you all yet, as even he can travel through worlds. But how you did it...I'll never know."

Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"and you will never be able to know, nor will you stop us from trying to get back to where we originally came from, as well as bringing my counterpart with us."

Exeller smirked, as he spoke out.

"Not unless I am going to be the one stop you 4 pathetic fools!"

Killer smirked, as he aimed his knife, and Sans extended his hand towards the demon, and Sonic took a stance, with him speaking to Exeller.

"You...your ally, Exetior...took so much from me, and ripped them from my life. He took Tails, Knuckles, Sally, a whole bunch of my friends that had nothing to do with whatever plan you have inside of your head. They were innocent people!! And they were the closest thing I had to a family!! And your kind, along with Exetior...you ripped them away from me! And that is unforgivable!! I am going to make sure...that you pay!"

All of a sudden...Sonic's blue fur began to turn black, before a black pulse of energy came out of where Sonic is at, catching everyone off guard. Even Exeller was not expecting that, as he looks to see what happened to Sonic. When the smoke cleared, Sonic, has now transformed from the rage that he had felt from what was ripped away from his whole life, and is never gonna come back.

This is the transformation of Dark Sonic. His blank white eyes of rage looked at Exeller, as he gets ready to make sure one of the demons suffer for what they have done to his friends, who he had seen as his family. But before he attacks, the 3 Sanses decide to make their attack at Exeller. They fired bones, and Exeller blocked them with his powers, as he spoke out.

"You fight me...and it will end in your death!"

But Sans simply responds back to Exeller.

Sans shouted, as he unleashes his Gaster Blasters, along with Dust, who summoned his own. Killer smirked, as he summoned his Gaster Blasters, and all 3 of the skeletons fired. Exeller got hit full blast by the Gaster Blasters, and it was extremely agonizing, the way he got hurt. Exeller was launched into a wall, as the wall crashed, making a large crater that is larger than Exeller's body. He than tried to stand up, but Dark Sonic instantly came in front of Exeller, and began his unrelenting furious assault on one of the members of Exetior's demon army. He unleashed a bunch of punches and kicks at Exeller, and became to fast and rapid for the demon to react, due to the transformation drawing power from his own rage. This made him much more powerful than before, and it gave Exeller a bunch of injuries. But Exeller is not going to let Dark Sonic win against him, and launches a powerful energy blast from his eyes, and than made the ground erupt with powerful energy, launching Dark Sonic back, as Killer than rushed forward, and fired red knives at Exeller. Exeller got pierced by the knives, and it caused immense pain to the demon ally of Exetior. Dark Sonic than landed next to Killer Sans, and needless to say, both Killer Sans and Dark Sonic look like they would be a perfect duo, due to how extremely aggrieved and ruthless they are.

Killer Sans and Dark Sonic than rushed toward to try and attack Exeller, who had been caught off guard by the power of the 3 Sans' Gaster Blasters' power lasers. Killer than swung his hand downwards, as an energy slash appeared and attacked Exeller, agonizing him.

Killer Sans launched Red Knives and Gaster Blasters at Exeller, causing so much pain to him, while Dark Sonic rushed up towards Exeller and unleashed a fast, furious assault of punches and strikes towards Exeller, who is unable to defend in time, due to the double team attack of both the skeleton and the hedgehog.

But Exeller than roared out at the top of his lungs.


He than unleashed an extremely powerful shockwave that pushed Dark Sonic and Killer Sans away from him, as they landed on the wall. But as that happened, suddenly, 2 glowing shines are shown, and Exeller looks to see Dust and Sans extending their hands, as they began to fire their Gaster Blasters, and without warning, fired them, hitting Exeller with them, blowing a hole at the side of the building, as Exeller than began to land on the ground. Dust and Sans followed after Exeller, as they fell out of the hole, and began to attack with bones and Gaster Blasters. They both than landed on the ground before Exeller, who fell last. The collision with the ground made a weak, yet powerful shockwave, making Sans and Dust step back a little bit. Both Dust and Sans looked to see if Exeller is going to get up. And he did. Exeller Rose from the pike of rubble that he was buried under, and needless to say, he looked extremely unhappy with with Sans and Dust had done to him.

"Impressive. But now enough!"

He than charged at Dust, but Sans teleported to the side, and used his gravity manipulation to stop Exeller in place, before slamming him into a wall.

Needless to say, that became extremely painful to Exeller...and his own spine. He than landed onto the ground, he looks up, and than charges at the 2 Pun-Making Skeletons. But Dust than rained down purple sharp bones at Exeller, pinning him to the ground, while Sans simply fired Gaster Blasters from above, hurting Exeller's back more. But Exeller than teleported and tried to attack from behind. But Dust saw the attack happen, and used his body as a shield, as there is not enough time to make a large bone that can protect Sans.


Dust took the full brunt of Exeller's punch, but it caused him immense agony, as he is launched into Sans, knocking both skeletons off of their feet, and the Black Apple came out of Dust's pocket, as it rolled a bit, before stopping, standing up straight. Exeller didn't seem to notice the apple, as he than prepares to kill the 2 skeletons, when suddenly, Dark Sonic landed next to the others.

Sonic than jumped forward and punches Exeller on the face, knocking him back pretty far, shine also saving the 2 skeletons from being killed brutally. Both Dust and Sans stood up, as Killer landed along with the other 3, as his knife is gripped extremely tightly in his hand, ready to stab Exeller with it. Exeller than fired a beam of energy, nicking Sans' shoulder.

Than...the Determination that leaked out of Sans' shoulder wound...it than flied out of the wound...and landed on the black apple that Dust had accidentally dropped on the ground, as well as a piece of bone from said shoulder. When that happened...a sudden reaction began to take place. Due to the negative emotions coming from Dark Sonic, and the essence of Sans, something very unexpected began to happen.

As all 4 of the blue guys are fighting Exeller...they than felt negativity coming out from behind their backs. They looked behind themselves, and saw the black apple, beginning to 'glow' a shadowy aura.

"That...that apple...it is what I have been looking for..."

Exeller spoke out, before roaring.


He than charged at it, as he got past the group, and prepared to take it. But unfortunately for Exeller...it was already too late. As soon as he got close, the apple shattered like glass, and dark goo began to erupt from where the black apple was at. The black apple, fueled by the negative emotion of Sonic, including his righteous anger, and the determination of Sans, began to form a new thing. The black liquid began to intertwine and reweave, as it began to form something very new. After a minute of it forming...a new shape...a new entity...it finally appeared.

In the place of the Black Apple...was an entity made of black goo. The entity resembles Sans, but the right eye is missing, with the left eye looking like the glowing eye Sans uses in combat. The clothes mimic the ones worn by Sans, but on the back of them...were tentacles.

The entity looked confused at what is happening, as clearly...this is the first time it is now something...conscious. Sans looks at the entity...and the entity...looked at Sans. Sans than summer a mirror, for it to look at the reflection. The entity was caught off guard...but looks, and began to see the reflection moving the exact same way at the exact same time at it is. Than, Sans puts away the mirror, and it began it look at the entity again, and they began to observe each other's appearances and specialities.

"can you...speak?"

Sans spoke out to the strange entity. The entity seemed confused...until Sans extended his hand. The entity looked at it...until the entity raised his own hand...and touched Sans' finger. Sans smiled at the entity...while the entity smiled back. Clearly...it was learning something. But unfortunately, Exeller was not happy with this.

"No!! NO!!! That apple was supposed to be mine, and mine alone!!!"

Exeller than charged at the liquified entity, and the 3 Sanses tries to get in the way in order to protect the entity. But they ended up being launched away by the demon, as he tried to grab onto the entity. But the moment the entity saw Sans getting hurt, it did something that no one was expecting to it to do.

The entity than both raised and fired its tentacles at Exeller, and struck him in the torso, hard. Exeller than spat out blood, as he got hit by the tendrils, and the tendrils pierce him badly.

"What...what is this?"

He snarled out, before nearly being attacked by the strange entity again. This time, Exeller does not dare to fight, and instead of fighting, he feels from the entity that had just spawned. The entity than looked at the others, and Sans, did a thumbs up with a smile on his face again, meaning, 'did good.' The entity smiled, as he than wrapped one of its tentacles around Sans, and helped him up on his feet.

"thanks for that."

Sans spoke out, as he than rubbed the entity's head. Even though it is made of a strange black liquid, it still feels solid. And to the entity, it felt nice, as he closed his eyes in content, at the feeling of its head being rubbed by Sans, who it is making happy by showing some sign of care. Killer and Dust looked, as Dust than spoke out.

"gotta admit, from something that had been recently made, he's got fight inside of him."

Killer nodded, as he is also impressed by what he had seen. Sonic than changed back to normal, and spoke out.

"What was that black apple that you had, Dust?"

Dust looks at Sonic and spoke out.

"the black apple i had...i saw it in the marble zone. for an unknown reason...i felt compelled to eat it for some reason. and i think it was better for me to not eat it...because of...y'know."

Sonic looks at Nightmare, and he nodded.

"Yeah, maybe that was best you didn't eat. Would've probably been bad."

Dust than looks at Nightmare, and spoke out.

"I guess we could-"

All of a sudden, the whole area began to warp, as one of the entity's tentacles wrapped around Sans' right arm, as he went along with the others to the strange area that they are inside of now. The area that Geno resides in.

Geno walked to see the others...and saw the strange entity that is wrapping its tentacles around Sans.

"woah. i was not expecting to see something like this. how in the world did that happen."

The entity tilt his head, as he looks at Geno, before he turns to Sans, and Sans spoke out.

"geno? how are you still here?"

Sans looks down at himself, as he lets his soul out, and shows it to everyone. It is shown to be a usual upside down soul, which is white in appearance. But it was incomplete, and a couple of the soul's shards was taken out of it. Geno than looks at his own soul and lets it out, as he shows it to sans, which is of the same shards. Dust than takes out his red upside down soul, and Killer's soul was still out. They put their souls back in, and Geno spoke out.

"honestly...i was with dust, who i was connected. but when he gained determination, it filled up the space. so how is it that i am somehow connected to you?"

Dust, Killer, Sans, and Geno looked at each other, and all of them simply had no idea what to do about this. But as they looked at each other, Sonic spoke out.

"Well, minus this, what do we do with this one?"

Sonic points to the entity, as the entity is looking around very curiously of what is going on right now, and rather unsure what to think of the situation. Sans looks at the entity, as it than began to nuzzle against Sans, due to the fact that the entity's mentally a child.

"maybe toriel can do something about this."

Dust spoke out, and Sans was caught by surprise by what Dust said.

"wait, toriel is alive in your timeline?"

Dust nodded, as Sans than spoke out.

"Well, Toriel is a mother figure to all children. So...we can have Toriel help this kid."

Dust than spoke out.

"that reminds me. we should give him a name of some kind."


Everyone looked at Killer, and spoke out.

"we'll call him nightmare. after all, it does fit, considering what he can do, right?"

Everyone was about to object, but Nightmare made what seems to be a gurgling sound. He sounds happy. This made them shocked, and some wanted to protest on the name that Killer had chosen. Than, all of them sighed, as 'Nightmare,' has not become the name that it has decided to life.

"okay...so we being, nightmare, to toriel and she could help with helping him mature into a kind guy."

Dust spoke out, and Sans nodded.

"yeah, i agree."

Nightmare seemed curious on that, but Geno and the others don't pay attention to that, as he than raised his left hand in the air, and spoke out.

"Well...see you guys later."

And with that, he snapped his fingers, and sends them back to the underground that Dust lives in.

They suddenly appeared on the snow, and Amy, who was outside, looked and saw sonic.


Rosy squealed out, as she ran full-speed towards him, and jumped into his arms, being extremely happy to see that her beloved Sonic's back with her again.

She smiled, as she hugged Sonic tightly. Sonic was caught by surprise, but than hugged Rosy back, as she really needed this. Any than looks at Sonic, and held his face with her hands, as she spoke out.

"Seeing you again, it makes me so happy that you are back with me again."

Sonic smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah. But this time, I ain't leaving you. Ever, Amy."

Rosy smiled, as she than kissed him in the lips, and unlike the previous times, where Sonic would try and get away from the kiss, this time, Sonic is letting her do it, and even returns it back to her.

Both hedgehogs are extremely happy. All 3 Sanses smiled, as Blaze, Tangle, and Silver came, only to see Sonic is here.


Sonic looks, and sees Blaze, Silver, and Tangle.

"Hey, guys! You miss me?!"

Tangle smiled, as she ran and hugged Sonic.

"Wow!! It's really you!! Thought that we weren't gonna see you again!"

Tangle spoke out, as Blaze and Silver walked up to Sonic.

"I really need to say it. It is so nice to see that you are back with us, Sonic."

Silver spoke out, as Blaze nodded her head.

"Yes, it is in fact very good to see that you are back with us, alive and well. But...Tails, and Knuckles..."m

Blaze spoke out sadly, as she looked away. But Sonic spoke out.

"Hey. Don't blame yourself for what happened to them. You had nothing to do with what had happened to them beforehand. In fact, I'm...I'm just very happy that, the rest of you are safe, and are not dead. I'm just glad that the rest of you are alive and well from the attack that had happened."

Blaze and Silver smiled, and than...

"Mr. Sonic!"

Sonic looked, and sees Cream rushing up and hugging Sonic very tightly.

"Mr. Sonic!! Is that really you?"

Cream spoke out, as Sonic hugged Cream, as he than spoke out.

"Hey, Cream. Been a long time, huh?"

Cream smiled, as he hugged Sonic as tightly as she could.

She is clearly happy and relieved that Sonic had came back into the lives of everyone that he cared about. Sonic smiled, as Dust chuckled.

"hehehehehehe. little kiddo is now even more cheerful than ever. really like the little kid."

Dust spoke out, as Sans nodded his head.

"hehehehe. I now get to see why you are fond with some of the mobians around here."

Dust nodded, as Shadow.

"Well...it seems the faker has returned."

Sonic looks to see Shadow behind him. Sonic smirked, as he spoke out to Shadow.

"Shadow, it seems you haven't changed a bit, even after all of this, huh?"

Shadow smirked, as he spoke out to Sonic.

"You know that I don't change that easily compared to you."

Sonic smirked back, as he shrugged his shoulders very casually.

"I figured you would say that. And besides...if we have the time...we both have a score to settle with each other, Shadow."

Shadow smirked, as he spoke out.

"You're on."

Sonic never let the smirk drop, as both Shadow and Sonics stared at each other. Dust and Sans sweat dropped, as they looked at the scene that is before them. Nightmare looked rather curious at what is happening, as he does not understand what it is that he is seeing before his eyes. As they looked...


Sans and Dust looked to see that Papyrus had just arrived. True to Dust's words, Papyrus has been resurrected. Sans looked so relived at what he is seeing, his younger brother alive and well, as well as being the very same younger brother he used to be in the past. He just hopes that the demons do not ruin it.


Another voice spoke out. It sounds just like Papyrus, but it does not sound as innocent. Sans looks to see that Dustbelief Papyrus had arrived to see what is going on.

Needless to say, Sans was shocked and horrified at what he is seeing. But he covers this up, and spoke out to Dust.

"wow, dust. you must have put a lot of backbone into getting these versions of papyrus into the underground."


Papyrus shouted in immense frustration at hearing a bone pun, which made Sans laugh at that reaction. Dust also chuckled, as it is what he would expect for Papyrus to do if he ever did that. As he did Nightmare also began to laugh a bit, clearly finding this funny. Dust than spoke out.

"hey, sans!"

Sans looked at Dust, who than spoke out.

"We need to bring nightmare to toriel, remember!"

Sans nodded, as he than touched Nightmare by the shoulder, and teleported him to Toriel.

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