Tangle and Muffet

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It has been a few days, since Nightmare been born form the strange black Apple that Dust had in his pocket. Thanks to Toriel, she was able to guide and help Nightmare with some stuff. She was able to teach him language, teaching Nightmare how to speak, and even taught him how to cook in a way. She even helped with how to choose with what is right and what is wrong. Because of this, Nightmare began to also use his tentacles to try and help him with certain tasks that normal monsters might have trouble doing. In once example, is when Nightmare was in a different part of the underground, and he saw what seems to be a tree with apples on it.

Nightmare than takes one look at an apple, and extends his tentacle to grabs it. He holds it to his mouth, and than began eating it. His tentacles has been used for mundane tasks which normal people would use their hands for. But he still prefers to hang out with Sans and Dust, whenever he gets the chance.

And speaking of Sans, the original Sans...

He is now getting away from Grillby, who is now acting a little bit bonkers now for an incredibly unknown reason, with Dust following sonic following next to him.

"oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot."

Sans spoke out, as Somic ran out first, than Sans ran out last, before he began to use his ability to teleport. Sonic hid behind a tree, as Sans teleported next to him.

"man. looks like we may have pissed off grillby for some reason. don't know what we did that made him like that, though."

Sans spoke out, as he looked behind the trees, before looking at Sonic again, who than spoke out with a smile on his face.

"Well, at least it was fun while it lasted."

Sans nodded with a shrug.

"guess you can say that...and also..."

He takes out something, and used a pen from his jacket pocket, as he rights die something, before speaking out.

"gonna teleport this and put it on the tab."

The item than teleported into grillby's restaurant. They than began to walk away for a bit,maps they than began it wanted around Snowdin for a bit. As they walked on the snowy path for a bit, Sans touched his chest for a bit, as he felt a pulse of...something in his chest. He doesn't know why it is suddenly reacting, as it has been dormant when he got it. Sans lowered his coat collar for a bit, to look and see that there is a red heart right in between his ribcage, acting as something that is now trapping the heart.

Sans snarled a bit, even though the grin is still present on his face, as he than spoke out in a very quiet tone to the red human soul, which obviously belonged to the human of his timeline. The one where she killed the monsters, before being killed by the skeleton himself, who was not happy with what the kid has done to Papyrus.

"too bad you ain't able to get out of this one, kid. should've known better than to try and kill my kind..and my bro."

Sans spoke out to the Determination Soul that he is now containing inside of his body. He hasn't absorbed it really, as he knows that if he does absorb it, it will cause a bunch of problems for himself and to the people around him.

Normal Sans and Dust Sans than began to wander around the place they are in for a bit, before Dust spoke out, curiously.

"Hey, Sans..."

Sans looks out at Dust.

"Yeah, other me?"

Dust than spoke back.

"Back at the Mobius you lived in...was there ever a person you've had a crush on?"

Sans was surprised by that question, but than spoke out.

"well, i-"

Before Sans was going to give an answer to Dust's question, another voice sprung out.


Dust and Sans looked to see someone rushing forward. It was none other than Tangle the Lenur herself, who had just arrived to see them both.

Tangle smiled, as she jumped in the air, and her tail began to go into a bunch of direction. She than landed on the ground, as she looks at Dust.

Dust looked surprised at Tangle, as he was not expecting for her to come to Snowdin, even though she and the others are living in Waterfalls. But even so, he greeted the Lemur Mobian with a smile, as he than spoke out to her.

"heya, tangle. i'm surprised that you've decided to come to me in snowdin, even though you are staying in waterfalls. what brought you here to see me so suddenly?"

Tangle than looks away for a bit with a smile, and grabbed Dust's hand, and pulled him to someplace, as she spoke out.

"Let's talk about this privately, okay?"


Tangle smiled, as she than dragged Dust to wherever they are going to go to. Sans looked and smiled, as he could tell where this is going. But as he looked at the direction of where Tangle and his counterpart are going to...

"Hello, Sans...Deary~.Ufufufufufufufufufufufu~."

Sans was caught by surprise, as he than turned around to see someone that he has not seen in a very long time...and didn't think was still alive, until right now.


Muffet smiled, as she sees Sans.

"Oh, Sans, my darling. It is so nice to see you again. Ufufufufufufufu~."

Muffet giggled, as she is happy to see her beloved Sans again, with Sans smiling back.

"hehehehehehe. nice seein ya again too, muffet."

Muffet smiled, as she hugged Sans from behind with all 6 of her arms.

Sans smiled, as he blushed blue at what Muffet is doing to him right now. Muffet than spoke out.

"So...do you want to continue what we all were supposed to do a while ago~?"

Sans smiled, as he knows what she is referring to. Back in his timeline, Sans and his Muffet promised for a date of some kind, but he never had the chance, because the Human killed the Muffet of his timeline. Since this one is still alive, and Dust was the one who agreed...looks like Dust allowed this to happen.

'dust...you son of a...hehehehehehe. you're a sneaky guy, y'know. but...i guess i owe ya for bringing something that i always wanted to do before. luckily, i've been prepared for the date with me and muffet. thank ya, other me.'

Sans chuckled, as he spoke out.

"well...whenever you want to go...i'll do it for ya."

Muffet smiled, as she than grabbed Sans' right hand with 3 of her left hands.

"Than let's go, deary. Ufufufufu~."

Muffet spoke out, as she sans Sans began to walks together to someplace that Muffet desires to go to. Sans smiled, as the date with Muffet has begun.

With Dust Sans...

Dust looks at Tangle, and spoke out to her.

"somethin you want to say to me?"

Tangle looks at Dust, and spoke out to him.

"Well...okay...I'm going to be very serious with you for a moment, Dust...and...I want you to be honest with me when I question about something that involved you."

Dust looked confused, as he spoke out.

"what is it that is important to talk to me about, tangle? what is it about me?"

Tangle sighed, before speaking out to Dust with a frown on her face.

"I talked to one of the alternate Papyruses, the one that we had seen, with the swords. And he said that...he said that you had tried to kill him. Did you try killing the Papyrus of the Mobians we're in?"

Dust Sans was caught by surprise.

"what do you mean by that? you're seeing him still alive."

But Tangle new better, as Dust is hiding something and spoke out.

"Well...he is now...but Dustbelief about some other certain stuff, such as timelines and the resets, and all that type of stuff."

Dust was caught by surprise, and Tangle looked a bit sterner at Dust for a little bit.

"So...did you really do that? Kill your brother?"

Dust sighed...and spoke out.

"Not at first..."

Tangle looked confused...as Dust than began to explain himself clearly.

"in the past...i always cared for my brother. i would annoy him, sure, irritate him in many cases, but i would always still care and try to raise him the best that i could. but it all changed...when a human came alone, and that ruined everything in my life."

Tangle was listening intently, as Dust than spoke out.

"this human...they have a soul trait called...determination, which is a red soul. it allows them to keep on going, no matter if they have fired or not. it also gives them the ability to reset at whatever point of times that they desire. they were friendly...at first...and even got us to the surface, by reasoning with us, and showing us that humans can accept us...but it all changed...when they decided to do genocide against all of my kind."

Tangle's eyes widened, as she could not believe what she had just heard.

"Genocide? You mean that this human killed your kind? Killed the monsters?"

Dust nodded.

"yea. and they were the first to kill my brother."

Tangle looks down, with shock present in her face, unable to comprehend what she had just heard from Dust, as he continued to speak.

"i would usually stop them at a place that i would call...the judgement hall, and it was there that i could judge them for the very actions that they had taken. but at the exact same time...it would also be the place where i would battle them, in order to stop them from doing this thing to all of us, and my brother."

Dust than looked sad, as he than spoke out.

"but with every revival, very red direction, they would learn more and more of how i operate, how i can attack, and eventually...it became immensely easy for them. and than...they finally killed me."

Tangle was shocked at what Dust said. But Dust was not finished.

"but killing me once...it was not enough for the kid. no...it never had been enough for the kid. they would then come back to the beginning, end the would begin to reset the world over and over, again and again, as if it was all nothing more than a game to them, and they considered us toys that can be renewed for the slaughter of their bloodlust. and during this time...i had began to lose my  sanity."

Dust looked away, guilty, as he than spoke out.

"i lost my sanity more and more, reset after reset, until...eventually...i snapped...and i...i decided that the only to stop and kill the kid...was to become much more determined than her. and with that very thought inside of my mind...i decided to institute my own genocide...to stop the human. and that was when...i killed so many monsters of the underground, in my own desperate effort to try and stop the human from doing this to us. to put an end to their game."

Tangle than spoke out.

"Which included Papyrus."

Dust nodded.

"it did. And he was the hardest that i was forced to kill...as he was someone that i was the closest to in my whole life. But i knew that i needed to do this...or the game that the kid put us into will never end. so...i did it, and it was when my brother got killed by my own hands...that i had finally lost my mind...and to keep me going...a phantom version of my bro would speak in my mind, urging me to continue."

Dust than sighed, as he held his chest...and took out his soul, so show it to Tangle, which caught her attention. She had seen the souls of the monsters, and theirs are always upside down, and are a white color. But Dust's is red...and as red as Determination.

"when the human and i met in the judgement hall once again, it ended much more differently. my mind...was extremely cruel and ruthless, i wanted to cause more pain and agony that i could dish out to the kid that had caused me and my kind the suffering that they have never deserved to have in the first place. i killed in a tormenting and agonizing way to the human...and with every kill, they lose their determination more and more...and eventually...they lost the will to live. when that happened...i finally killed the human, and reset the world back to what it once was, before the human came...except that the human did not exist any longer when i had reset. i than destroyed the power of reset...and went back to my normal life...which is kind of hard, due to the fact that my appearance has changed, thanks to the determination in my soul. the magic that i had absorbed is still kept with me, and the phantom papyrus is still present...and would not go. i am forever haunted by what i had just done to the underground...all because of my desperate attempt to stop the madness of one single human."

Tangle looks at Dust, and this time...her face was of pity, because Dust was simply trying to stop something that he only wanted to get himself and his kind out of. The fact that they have been tormented like this for no reason...made Tangle realize just how unfairly she had thought of Dust when she first heard about how he had tried to kill his brother. She assumed that it was on purpose, but she now realized that he had a reason do kill them on the first place. She originally thought that he was like a friend of Whisper that had betrayed her all for the sake of money...but the fact that Dust did it with a reason...even though it is unjustifiable...it is pretty sad to hear what had happened. Not to mention that Dust went insane at the time this continued to happen to him.

"tell me...tangle..."

Tangle looks at Dust in the red eyes...as he spoke out to her.

"do you hate me for what i have done to the underground?"

Dust has a sad expression on his face, as he is waiting for an answer that might come out from Tangle. And in all honesty...he does not mind it, as to Dust, he believes that he deserves it, considering what he has done. What he did was an unforgivable act, and now...now he waits patiently for an answer to the Mobian lemur confronting him about this very action.

Tangle looks down, her floats clenches and unclenches, as her tail began to wag faster. She than puts her hands on the sides of her face, before wrapping the tail around Sans' waist, and reeled him in, before catching his mouth with her's. Dust was caught by surprise at this sudden form of action, and he had no idea what to think of this situation that he is inside of right now.

"tangle...what in the...why did..."

Tangle than hugged Dust, to his utter shock, as she spoke out.

"No, Dust. I don't hate you. In fact, I liked you. In fact...I want to be with you in your whole life."

Dust was shocked, as he than spoke out.

"you wanna...be with me. but dontch'a know what rouge and i are-"

Tangle than interrupts him by speaking out to Dust.

"I know that. But I already discussed it with her, and she's okay that she is sharing you with me."

Dust was surprised at what Tangle said.

"r-really? she's allowing me to share with you?"

Tangle nodded, and kissed, this time on the cheek. Dust blushed, as he made a genuine smile at her. Clearly...nothing could really stop him from becoming this happy. After all...it has been a very long time since he had smiled like this.

With Sans and Muffet...

Sans and Muffet are done going to places. They are almost finished with the date, and they only have one more place to go to. They decided to go to an area in the Waterfalls...where they can see New Home from very far away, as well as being able to see the sparkling rocks that act as stars in order for the beauty to add up to the monstrous couple of a skeleton and spider.

"Oh my. You must be bold to bring to this part of Waterfalls, Sans."

Muffet spoke out to Sans, who is smiling widely at Muffet, while also speaking out to her.

"well, you know me, muffet...i'm not at all afraid to do this."

Muffet smiled, and than...after a little while, they both finally made it to the area they are wanting to go to. They than looked to see that New Home is on the outskirt, and it is very nice to see it from at a distance such as this. It also helps with the sparkling stones that are on the ceiling of the whole underground, somehow.

Isn't it beautiful?"

Muffet spoke out to Sans, who nodded, as they both sat down on rocks.

"it is."

Muffet smiled, and Dust smiled, as they both looked up at the 'sky' for a little bit, before Muffet spoke out.

"Hey, Sans..."

Sans looks at Muffet with a curious look on his face.


Muffet than got close to his face, as she spoke out.

"Mind if I do something with you for a little bit? After all, there's no one here to mess up with our business."

Sans smiled in embarrassment, as he spoke out.

"ummm...sure. why not?"

Muffet smiled, as she got more closer to Sans' face.

Both Sans and Muffet blushed, and before Sans could realize what was about to happen, Muffet suddenly closed the distance, and kissed Sans in the mouth. Luckily, Sans could magic a tongue...so this made Muffet's experience much more pleasant with when they both kissed. Needless to say, the both of them are extremely happy with what they have done. They both just hopes that nothing'll stop them from going all out with each other and being with each other.

A while later...

Dust is shown to be talking with Horror right now on some stuff. And right now...Dust has an idea on what the both of the can do right now. The idea is to spar with Dust so that they can see who is much more stronger than the other one. Horror agreed, as he is getting a little bit bored with not doing anything here at all. So they are on the outskirts of Snowdin...getting ready.

"so...horror...you ready to spar with me with our powers?"

Dust spoke out to Horror, as he smiled and nodded his head.

"you bet that i am ready, dust."

Dust smiled.

"Well than..."

He than summoned some Gaster Blasters above him.

"let's get started."

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