Killer and Whisper

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Killer is simply doing his own stuff, as he is watching what Dust and the original Sans' doing. Needless to say, Sans was a bit horrified that Killer had been manipulated into taking the deal of the kid that had done this to him. Thank God that Killer was able to come to his senses. But even so...he decided not to go to his Mobius, due to the fact that...he doesn't believe that he deserves to be back there, and besides...somehow, it got destroyed when he got out. So basically, he is now stuck on Dust's Mobius. Not that he minds, mostly.

In Dust's surprise, Rouge actually does admit that she let's Tangle into their relationship, since both Dust and Tangle are a bit similar in some ways. While Dust was a bit unsure about that, as he does not see himself as being similar to Tangle in anyway of sorts, Tangle doesn't really mind it, and Dust went along with it as if it is fine. thing changed about the original Sans, and it was one that has been a gigantic surprise.

Sans now has 2 Blue Eyes instead of a single blue eye and yellow eye from before, and unlike his single blue eye, they seem to be in what seems to be a state of permanent activation. Though the Yellow eyes to come back at times when he is in a battle. He didn't even use the red soul to make himself stronger than he was before. Seems like he had increased the power of his DT somehow, as well as increased the power of the magic that he possesses by himself. His offensive power hasn't changed, but his HP and Defense have gained a different upgrade of their own. His Defense now surpasses that of even Killer's Defense, which is higher than even Dust's own defense. But his is only 21, while the rest of the other Sanses are much more higher than that. But now thanks to his increased power...he no longer can die in one hit. Now it will take multiple hits to bring the original down, as well as the fact that he now has way more strength in his magical powers than ever before.

Needless to say, Muffet is really digging on the new appearance of his eyes, and it is really making her happy to see that Sans has grown much more stronger than he had done before.

Dust and Sans even sparred with each other, and even Dust admits that, while he may not be as strong as Dust, he is way more durable compared to Dust.

"let's get started."

Sans spoke out, as both Dust and Sans began to spar with each other in the open area that they are both in right now. one is going to get hurt with the spot that they have chosen, so they'll be fine to go all out. But they won't be fine when they might be forced to clean up the mess that they have made when they are done with their sparring. But...whaddya know?

As they began to spar, Killer looked from a distance that is safe enough to not get hit by the attacks. He smiled a bit, as he watched it all happen. Clearly, Killer is impressed with how much they are all doing, how Dust and Sans are doing. But as he did watch...


He heard a voice from behind him. He looked...and saw Whisper with him all of a sudden.

"oh...whisper...i never thought you would come to me. you want me for something?"

Whisper nodded, and she spoke out in her usual quiet tone.

"Yes it is. And I need your help in something that is very important."

Killer looks at Whisper with interest, and spoke out to her.

"and what would that be that is of importance?"

Whisper looks at Killer in the eyes, as she gets ready to say something important to the skeleton with the black tears in his eyes.

With Killer....


Killer is outside and onto the surface with Whisper. The reason he is on the surface with Whisper is because she needs his help to get some species that are on the surface. The species that she called...are known as the Wisps. They are an alien race that live on another planet. The thing is, some of the Wisps stayed on Earth, while the others went back to their world. And because of this, since the Wisps helped her so many times, she feels like she should help them back. And since Killer sans is so experienced with being able to slaughter demons in such a way, he is the perfect person for the job. She could have gone for Dust Sans to try and help her, but he is already busy with something, and he does not need to be busy with another thing. Horror Sans could have also helped, but he does not have strong enough magic, and has no access to the Gaster Blasters, while Dust and Killer do. But Killer's strength of the Gaster Blasters are unknown, and because of this, he is best suited to help out.

Killer and Whisper look around, as Killer spoke out.

"do ya see any of your friends, whisper?"

Whisper shook her head, no, as she than spoke back to Killer Sans.

"No...I don't. Not yet."

Killer Sans nodded, as he began to look around the place they are in. It looks like it was once Green Hill Zone, due to the grass and the trees, except that the whole thing is now a blood red color, and the water is replaced with the blood of the many billions of mortals that had died on Mobius. His Soul, still on the shape of a target, is shown to be glowing brightly, as he looks around to see where it is that these species might be. Killer Sans sighed, as he than spoke out.

"they must be very sneaky little pals. huh?"

Whisper than spoke out.

"No. They're scared. They do not want to go out in the open, because of wha it's going on. They want to be safe."

Killer than looks down for a bit, and spoke out.

"well...if we bring them to the underground...will they be happy?"

Whisper nodded and spoke out.

"More than that. They'll feel secure and not going to be hurt again."

Killer nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"okay. so it'll be as simple as that. there a device that you might have that can give us some way to track them down...or at least...what remains of the wisps still on mobius?"

Whisper puts her fingers on her chin, as she than spoke out.

"I might have something. just hold on a second for me, will you?"

Killer nodded, as he waits for whatever Whisper is possibly trying to get out. But as he did wait...he heard something from behind him. Shrieking. Killer looked towards the direction of where it is coming from...and he saw that some other demons have arrived and are ready to tear them all to pieces.

"I found it."

Whispers spoke out, as Killer grabs her hand and spoke out.

"yeah. and we're found as well."

Killer and Whisper ran, until they are trapped by another group of demons, and they are very large. They are blocking their path, as Killer and Whisper looked around to see that they are surrounded. Killer looks around, as he spoke out.

"well...looks like we're in the fight for our lives."

Killer than took out his knife, as Whisper clicks her gun, and spoke out.

"Yes. I already know about that part, Killer."

Killer simply shrugged, as he spoke out to her.

"here we go."

Killer and Whisper than made their attack on the demons that are surrounding them. And needless to say...everything than happened so suddenly at once. Whatever it was that happened too fast. But Killer recalled what happened to him, as he was fighting against the demons that had decided to attack both him and Whisper.

He slashed at the demons with his knife, as a red energy slash appeared from it, as it struck a demon in the chest, causing it to leak out blood. Than, the top half of the body, it was sliding down, before falling down to the ground, while the bottom half fell down soon after, as Killer than turned around, and saw more of the demons ready to attack Killer Sans, angrily. Looks like Killer enraged them by killing their friend. Well, he does not care about that, as he is going to make sure that he kills them first.

He than fired a Gaster Blaster at them, which than annihilated them in mere moments, and than stabbed one in the head, which instantly killed it. As he continued to kill the Demons that are surrounding the group...Whisper than grabbed his hand, and fired a grapple gun, and they both lift up into a structure of some sort, and spoke out.

"I manage to locate one of them. We've got to find it, as fast as we can!"

Killer nodded, as he and Whisper than began to go to wherever the Wisp is at. They ran and ran and ran, trying the best that hey can to avoid the demons that are attacking the group. But as they continued to do so...a crimson glowing was shown, and bo Killer and Whisper ran for the Wisp...which is trapped inside of what seems to be a container of some sort.

"is that one of the so-called wisps you told me about, whisper?"

Killer spoke out, as he looked very curious at the small container that had the Wisp inside of it. Whisper nodded. But as they looked, a demonic growl was heard behind them, and it was not happy.

"Seriously...they do not give up, do they?"

Killer spoke out, as he than decided, that it was time to fight back. His right eye beginning to glow white from a small dot, he gripped his knife, and got ready to fight the demon that had decided to appear. He than slashed at it, but it dodged, and than, they got hit in the knee by a sharp bone, which made it roar in agony. Than, Killer fired another bone at the head, which killed it, and he kicked it off of the edge, sending it tumbling to the ground.

But unfortunately...more work was still needed to be done. Than, more demons came out of nowhere, and began to attack the group. Whisper, feeling a little bit frustrated, takes out her gun, and began to fire at them. She used an electric ammo, a flame ammo, a laser ammo, she used whatever she can use that is effective at killing the demons, and needless to say, she has no idea how much she used, before the ammo than ran out.

"Oh no."

Whisper spoke out, as Killer spoke out.

"i've got something to do about it."

Killer Sans than points his finger at the demon...and does his attack.

Killer suddenly formed Red Knives with his Magic and fired them at the demons trying to get very close to the Wisp that. The knives went through the demons' heads like a hot knife through butter, and they fell down to the ground dead. Killer event teleported behind a demon, as he than was able to hack its head off. The demons than stumbled backwards and fell down to the ground below, with a sickening crack, as they are now completely gone to hell. Killer sighed, as he spoke out.

"well...that takes care of that."

Whisper nodded, as she spoke out.

"Well done, Killer."

Killer than looks at the container and spoke out.

"so what do we do about this? do we just simply hit it and it will break out?"

Whisper nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes, we do. It is often we do this, as the containers are not that strong enough to withstand even a single punch."

Killer nodded, as he than stepped back a bit, before speaking out.

"Stand back, Whisper."

Whisper nodded, as she than took a step back, and Killer took a stance of his own, as he reeled his fist back, before he gets ready to punch it. He than steps back, and after a little bit, he released his fist, s he punches at the case with all of this might. This made the case crack and explode, as the wisp is released from its prison. When it stopped moving, Killer got his first glimpse at one of the Wisps.

Killer looked confused, as he saw the appearance of the Wisp, with it having 3 eyes and having no arms or legs whatsoever. The Wisp also looks surprise, it does not expect to see a skeleton such as this before it's eyes. Killer looks at it in the eyes, and he Wisp looks back at Killer in the eyes filled with Black Tar, as he spoke out.

"what's this one?"

Whisper looked at it and spoke out.

"That one is called the Crimson Eagle Wisp. We might need it at this moment."

Before he knew what was about to happen...suddenly...the Crimson Wisp went inside of Killer, and began to float, before suddenly...he changed into a new form that is very different from his original.

He now turned into a large head with an eagle beak and wings. Without thinking of what to do, Killer began to fly away fast, with Whisper jumping onto Killer, and hanging onto him for dear life. They flied for a very, very long time...before Whisper looked down and saw something. Below them were what remained of the Wisps. There were about 1,000 of them still alive down there.

Whisper dropped down, and at the same time, Killer changed back to normal, as he than began to fall. But as he began to fall, a green wisp than appeared right next to Killer, which Killer looked at curiously.

Than, the Wisp went inside of Killer, who than changed into an entirely new form.

He is now hovering off of the ground, as he was able to slow down his fall. After being able to hover down long enough, he changed back to normal, now not hurt by falling down, as he is at a safe higher where he can fall. The Green Wisp got out of his chest, the same way that the Crimson got out of his chest. Killer than looked around, and saw a large variety of wisps.

Killer looked surprised, as he spoke out to Whisper.

"so these are the wisps that you have been referring to, huh?"

Whisper nodded, and the Wisps gathered around them, as they seem very happy to see people saving them. Killer smiled, before he than realized that the demons are going to be finding this place at any minute. He than looks back up at Whisper, and spoke out to the Wolf.

"i'm gonna teleport almost all of them out of i need a black wisp for one thing."

Whisper than looked at Killer and spoke out.

"What are you going to use it for?"

Killer looks at the soft-spoken wolf, and has a sinister grin on his face.


The demons are going near at where the remaining Wisps are at. They continue to look around...until one of the demons saw something in the sky. The demons looked up, and saw a large black bomb with a face coming down.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Killer Sans has used the Black Wisp to turn himself into a large bomb. Of course, he had to run over a bunch of demons first, in order to make himself grow larger in size, but in the end, it finally was able to pay off for him, as he than grew large enough to cause a massive explosion to the area. He can use his teleporting abilities, while even in Wisp Form.

Before the demons could do something about it, the bomb blew up, creating a very large explosion...and blowing the demons up. The ones that got caught into the blast.

Back at Snowdin...

"well...that was exhausting."

Killer spoke out, as Whisper and Killer began to walk towards the town of Snowdin. After rescuing all of the Wisps that are there, Killer was able to send them to locations that would be better suit for them to go to. Such as the Burst and the Laser Wisp going to Hotlands, the electric wisps going to the core, to keep it charged up, the Jade Ghost Wisp is at Waterfalls, and the rest of the Wisp are at random places, such as some of them in the New Home, where the other surviving races are residing in. Needless to say, it was a very great accomplishment for both Killer and Whisper. But oddly, Killer did not allow them near to the door to the Ruins, nor did they allow them into the Ruins. All he did was make them far away from the Ruins, but that was it.


Killer looks at Whisper, who is looking at him.

"I want to say...thank you...for helping me with this thing."

Killer was a bit surprised at that, but than chuckled, as he spoke out.

"'s no biggie. Besides, i'd do it again to help out."

Whisper smiled at Killer, but with a blush now present. Killer noticed, but he does not address it, as he and Whisper than continued to go down to Snowdin. But as they continued to go forward, Whisper did something that is completely unexpected. She suddenly griped Killer, and pinned him to a tree trunk.

"huh? Whisper? What are you-"

Before Killer could continue his sentence, suddenly...she closes the gap between the both of them, and kissed him in the mouth. This surprised Killer, and he had no idea how to respond to that, but he allows her to do what she is here to do to his mouth. She than separated from him, as he spoke out.


But Whisper out a finger over his mouth, as she spoke out.

"Please...don't speak."

Killer was shocked, but he nodded anyways, since he could already guess what Whisper is feeling towards him right about now.

Whisper smiled extremely happily, as she than grabbed Killer by the hood, and yanked it so that her mouth can get onto his own mouth. Killer was surprised, but he eventually melted into it and kissed her back, and he can feel her emotions of happiness inside of her head. Killer also began to feel happy, as he continues to kiss the silent Wolf Mobian, who is the one that has kissed him first. They continue the session without anyone being there it interrupt them of this loving moment.

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