A New Pal

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Genocide...the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Demon...an Evil Spirit.

Megalomaniac...a person who is obsessed with their own power.

Insanity...the state of being seriously mentally ill.

LOVE...Level Of ViolencE.

EXP...EXecution Points.

KR...Karmic Retribution.

On Mobius...there are 3...sentient creatures of will that inhabit the planet. There are...the humans...the mobians...and the monsters. All 3 of these sentient, intelligent species never felt much kindness towards each other, since the very dawn of time. In fact...they hated each other immensely. A hated so great that sometimes...one member of the species is all that is needed, to cause a massive genocide. And so...because of this, all 3 of the species went to war against each other, a battle so fire engines and bloody, that it has been named, the Bloodbath of Mobius. There was no holding get back, not restraint, just pure hate, fury, violence, and pain. Sadistic tormentors, and ruthless dictators, the war could have gone in forever. However...when the rulers of each species finally realize that, they do not want each of their own kind dead, signed an agreement. Each of the species will take different areas to inhabit, so the other may never cross over and breach the treaty. Both the Mobians and the Humans took different parts of Mobius' continent. But the monsters...are different. They live in a mountain, that's called Mount Ebott. Not a single monster has not and never been seen in a long, long time. So long that...they eventually went into the darkness, and have been believed to be nothing, but myth. Now, Ebott, their home, is said to be a cursed mountain. Anyone that dares to go in there, will never come back out. Normally...the Humans and the Mobians would stay away from it. But there was one human...a child...that went there...and caused genocide. Their name...is Frisk.

Frisk is immensely...different...from the other humans. They have the power, of Determination, which allows them to reset to the beginning of a timeline, in order to change their course. Originally, Frisk was a neutral human child who simply desired to go back. And than...she once became pacifist and gave the monsters their freedom. But in truth...frisk...is devil more worse, than any monster. In truth...she utilizes genocide, as her main course. And when she did the genocice, than there is no going back, and she does a genocide, exterminating all of the monsters...until...she would meet her match. A monster, shine supposedly the weakest, and the one with the bad humor, turns out to be the biggest challenge that she had ever faced...Sans the Skeleton.

Sans is unlike any other monster in the underground. Unlike other monsters, with only one exception, he has DT, with another being a friend of his younger brother, and uniquely...he is the only one aware of the resets. Sans is the most difficult if all the monsters. So much that...after so many spawns...frisk was able to kill him, when Sans was beating Frisk to an inch of their lives. But when Frisk killed, she kept resetting, all just to kill the monsters again. And during this time...Sans slowly began to lose his mind. Each reset...Sans got more and more desperate, all in a vain effort to try and stop Frisk from doing the resets. But no matter what he did...it never worked. And finally...after so many resets, so many genocides...so many deaths...Sans finally lost his sanity, his mind and soul clouded by hatred. And so...when Frisk rests again...Sans initiated his own genocide. And it was at this moment...that the Yellow Glow of Justice was gone from his left eye...and in both of his eyes...it was replaced...by the menacing Red light of Determination itself.

He killed a lot of monsters, all in an effort to kill Frisk, who refuses to stop, and even absorbed some of their magic, while also adding it to his own magic. But killing them in her for Sans on a personal leveled, as many of the monsters he killed, are in fact, some of his friend, which he had known for a very long time. But the only one person that he had forced himself to kill the most...was his younger brother, Papyrus, who, in Sans' mind...is the hardest person he had to kill. Not because Papyrus is strong. In fact, Ppayirs is not strong enough to challenge Sans. It's just that...Sans loved Papyrus immensely? And beloved it to be mercy that he gets to kill Papyrus, instead it he human killing Papyrus. And his dying breath, still believing in Sans, while also reeling him that, it's okay, in a pained, comforting tone, before he turns to dust, dead. And when Papyrus died...Sans lost his mind...

and a hallucination of Papyrus, much more crueler and ruthless, manifested in his mind, and became the one that has pushed Sans into continuing his genocide, no matter what it is that Sans' thinking.

After killing all of the monsters...Sans awaited Frisk back in judgement hall, and this time...Sans...was ready. Although Friks did kill some monsters that Sans missed, it did not change anything. Sans...is now far more stronger than ever. Far more....determined...than ever. Frisk can no longer become strong enough to beat Sans, and Sans is now more different, because whenever the human is at an inch of their life, Sans would kill them in cruel ways, in order to shake their determination. Not to mention the magic that he has absorbed into himself. He has absorbed the flames of the Dreemuerr Family, the trident of Asgore, the king of the monsters, the Spears and green magic of Undyne, the yellow magic of Alphys, the purple magic of muffet, and all of this, combined with his own powers, making him impossible to defeat at the current level that Frisk is in right now. And finally...after so many deaths, Frisk lost the will to fight, and Sans, now having absorbed Frisk's determination, finally reaching to LV 20, resets, and brought everyone back, minus the megalomaniac who started it all. But even though he lost the ability to reset...he still kept the LV and the Papyrus hallucination, not to mention the magic that he had absorbed from the previous timeline, meaning the spears, fire, trident, and the different colored magic. Not to mention that he still had the red eyes, but he can lessen this by getting rid of the by deactivating his power, but both of his red eyes still remain, and will not go away, even though he had tried to change them back with effort. Looks like the determination made this permanent, with nobody noticing it, strangely, although it is also likely because of the fact that his hood is over his head, making seeing them difficult. And every night, whenever he is asleep, he would still remember what Frisk made him do,and he would still remember the time...where he had been forced, to kill his younger brother Papyrus, back in the previous timeline, even though Papyrus is back in the new timeline Sans has made. But even so...Sans could never forget the words that the monsters said to him when he had killed them, and could never block out their screams of agony. But with Papyrus at his side, who is alive again after Sans had reset the timeline and destroyed the button...Sans was able to mostly recover his original self...but some parts of his new self, especially his cruelty and ruthlessness...remained. He thought he would be normal again. Unfortunately...something else happened.

Mobius...is under attack by 2 species of mythical origin. The Demons, and the Highest, who are the original creators of Mobius, awaits the creator of Mobius' life, being Exetior, the Demon of Sharpness, formerly as Highest himself, before betraying his own kind. When the attack began, the royal family of Dreemurr was alerted of what happened, although how they were alerted is unknown, as even Sans has no idea how someone knows of the demons attacking, but after they learned of what's happening...they band together with some of the most powerful monsters in order to make a barrier that the Demons nor the Highest can go through. It took so much time, due to constantly having to recover magic and having to strength the barrier, but eventually, with the time to recharge their magic and the luck of Mount Ebott never being found by both godlike species...they were able to make the barrier. But Asgore, the king of kind, took pity upon the other species, even after all that they have done in the Bloodbath of Mobius, and as such...entrusted Sans in finding any survivors to bring back to Ebott, so that they could stay there, as their new sanctuary. Sans agreed, but notes the problem in that there is not enough room for a bunch of species, and because of this, they need more room in order to bring in as much as possible, and prevent the species from being extinct. Asgore agrees, and says that he will prepare for that, before Sans finally leaves. But not before telling his brother, Papyrus, that he needs to go to the surface world for something immensely important, and Papyrus gave Sans one last hug, before Sans left to the surface world. It is going to be a long journey...for Sans the Skeleton.

Elsewhere...somewhere on Mobius...

The sky above Mobius has changed. The sky has these red, like blood had spilled over it. The corpses of countless fallen living beings littered all over the entire area. The Demons had attacked, and they killed so many...they kill everyone, even defenseless children, despite the fact that they were innocent people, and had done nothing wrong, before they're demonized. However...there is one child that has not been demonized, and she is running for her life, in order to avoid getting demonized.


The sound of quick and fear filled breathing was heard from a young child, who is trying her best to get away what might be death trying to follow her after such a long time fleeing. This child, belongs to a race of Mobians. And the Mobian...is in the form of a rabbit. This rabbit...is named Cream.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The twigs snap under her shoe, as she steps on them, the leaves rustle and flow away from her, as the wind if the night breezes past her. The smell of blood and pus kills the air, as the dead Mobians surround the girl, as they left their fragile, mortal shells and they became demons, shedding their original parts of who they are, and becoming the member of the demon race, led by Exetior, the one who had demonized them in the first place.

Al of Cream's friends, all of the people she cared, they have all become demo sued by Exetior. Her mother, Vanilla, killed by Tails, who had lost himself to his rage, and consumed her body. Now, Sally and Amy, had been recently demonized, and she is on the run from them, in order to keep herself from being demonized by them. In order to prevent herself...from having to go and do battle with them. Even though she wants to fight, she die not have the strength to do what it takes in order to fight them, even though she wants to survive.

"I...I don't want from be like this!! It's so scary!!"

Cream cried out, as she kept on running for her life. She does not want to be like the demons, and she does not want to become a demon. She wants to be herself and herself only. She wants it be Cream the Rabbit, and nothing more.

She kept on running...until she finally stopped. She than looks down at the ground, her own legs begin to wobble and shake.

Cream than collapses down to the ground, goes on her knees and began to cry at an uncontrollable rate. This nightmare...this...ungodly...living...nightmare...it is too much for her to take. She did not ask for her life to be like this. So lose all that she cares about, to become changed by her own friend, who have now completely changed and been taken from her.

"Why?! Why must it become likes this?!"

She screamed and cried in in anguish. Her tears fell down to the ground, as she continues to cry out loud. But as she does so...a familiar, yet very different voice spoke out to her.

"Found you."

Cream immediately turned and saw them. Sally and Amy, demonized

"Come on...Cream. Do not be afraid."

Sally spoke out, as Amy joined in.

"Join us. Join the both of us...and you will be free from this agony."

Cream backed away, and spoke out.

"No...please...stay away!!"

Cream backed against the rock, as she extended her hand out, as if she is looking like she is trying to push them back with...something. But alas...the demonized versions of Amy and Sally continue to go forward, as they spoke out.

"Do not move, Cream, thus will not hurt you. Exetior has shown us the light, and you must do the same. It for your own good."

Cream continued right crawl back, and eventually, covers her eyes, before could not look, as she is afraid she is going to die. Her life flashes before her eyes, as she remembers all the good times she had with her friends, Sonic, Amy and Sally as their normal selves, tails as his normal self, and most importantly of all, Vanilla, her sweet and kind mother.

As Cream shuts her eyes, unable to look at what is about to happen...suddenly...she hears something.


She opens her eyes, and looked...to see 2 glows coming from behind Cream. The 2 demonized friends of Cream than stepped back, as they saw what it looked like before them.

"What is that?"

Amy spoke out, before the things that they were seeing, finally attacked.

Suddenly...2 skull-like things...appeared from behind Cream, and as soon as the 2 demonized perversions of Cream's friends saw it...they opened their mouth...and unleashes a beam of energy at them both. This did not kill them, but it did send them far away. Before Cream realize what was about to happen, she felt someone grip her shoulder tightly, and and she then saw herself...in another location.

She began to look around...and saw that...she is in an empty forest of some kind. And there is not a single body present. This made her swallow a nervous lump, as she began to walk around the place she is in now. As she walked around...she shdddnlh heard footsteps appear from behind. She turns...but there is no one there. She turns away, and continues to walk, and past by a large stick. But as she passed it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This made Cream jump, as she saw that the stick she passed ended up snapping. But...she didn't here anyone come by.

"Is...is anyone there?"

Cream spoke out, as she continues to walks eventually...she walks towards a bridge...or at least...what remains of a bridge, and saw that...the bottom is black, and it is deep. But as she did...the sound of footsteps appeared from behind. And Cream...she can only do nothing, as the footsteps got closer...before they stopped. Than...a male voice spoke out to her.


Cream froze...as she heard a voice speak from behind her. It sounded so...haunting. It sounded deep, yet at the same time...light. Menacing...yet welcome. She could feel it...a presence behind her. It has a very cold feeling. It is almost as though...she is standing in front of a demon that is made of winter.

"Don't you know...how to greet...a new pal?"

Cream began to shake in fear, as she has no idea what is about to happen next. She is much more frightened than ever.

'I...I just want....Ms. Amy...and Ms...Sally...back with me again!'

Her eyes watered, and feels like she is about to cry. But than...the voice spoke out.

"Turn around...and shake.my.hand."

Cream...she felt beyond...fear. She has no idea...what to do. Does she do what the person behind her says? Does she...simply run? She doesn't...know. But...she is curious...regardless. And so...slowly...but sure...she turns around, and when she saw the person behind her...she wished she didn't have to see him.

The person...it's a skeleton. He has a maniacal grin on his face, he is wearing a blue, dusty jacket with a hood, and has one of his eye sockets exposed. The eye socket has a red iris with an blue iris and pupil. He looked as frightening as the demon...that had taken on the form of Sonic. Tears began to leak out of her eyes, and they began to drop down to the floor. But Cream obliges. Slowly, but surely, she extended her hand, and after a bit...she grabbed his hand. But than...suddenly...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A whoopee cushion suddenly went off from the skeleton's hand...catching Cream off guard. And the whoopee cushion is done wasting air, and Skeleton began to laugh.

"Hahahahahaha. The Old Whoopee Cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny whenever I do it."

Cream was caught by surprise, as she did not expect for a Skeleton to act so...humorous. The Skeleton looks down at Cream and spoke out.

"Anyways...you're a Mobian, right?"

Cream nodded and Sans looked to the side, as he spoke out.

"That's hilarious."

He than spoke out to Cream, as he than spoke out.

"I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton."

Cream, remembering her mother's teaching of being polite, spoke out to him.

"I...I'm Cream. Cream the Rabbit."

Sans crouched down and looks at her, eye-to-eye, and Cream notices him extending a hand out to her, and Cream...she looked a bit nervous...but than...he rubbed her head with her hand, and spoke out.

"It's nice to meet you, Cream. I'm surprised a little kid like you ever got this far, surviving."

Cream looks down...and spoke out.

"Th...thank you."

She than looks up, and spoke out.

"You...you don't look like any Mobian I have seen."

Sans spoke out.

"That's because I'm not a Mobian, Cream."

Cream looked confused, and spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Sans looks down, and spoke out.

"Tell me, Cream...have you ever heard a third, magical face called...The Monsters?"

This made Cream looked up in surprise, and spoke out.

"Yes. I do. My mother told me stories about them, but never went into much details about it. How do you know about them?"

Sans smiled.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a monster myself, kiddo."

This made Cream shocked, as she spoke out.

"Y-You're a...Monster? But Mother's stories said that you and the other face vanished."

Sans nodded.

"And we did vanish...in Mount Ebott, our home."

This made Cream surprised at that, and Sans spoke out.

"In fact...that's why I'm here. King Asgore, who leads the monsters, told me to find any survivors, so I can bring you to Ebott to protect you all, to act as your new home."

Cream eyes widened, and spoke out.


Sans nodded, and spoke out.

"Of course. But...there is another reason why I decide to come out. I want to know...what happened that lead to this. Do you know what happened?"

Cream looks down...she looked so stressed and broken, but she than explained everything.

A half an hour later...

"And that is how...(sniff) it happened."

Cream spoke out to Sans, as he than contemplated what he had just been told. Apparently, Sonic the Hedgehog, who is as old as he is: 23-years old, as well as a hero, got possessed by a demon named Exetior, who demonized Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik, before turning his attention to the girls, Sally and Amy, who he had shot when he head to rescue Cream. It was only at the part where the demonized Tails killed her mother...that she began to cry.

"God...that is so horrible."

Sans actually began to frown a bit, even though he is usually seen with a smile on his face.

"It...it's just so unfair. My mother. She is gone because of tails...and Amy last 2 friends...they have been taken from me. I...I..."

Cream than began to cry again, as this became too much for her. She covered her eyes with her gloved hands, as she began to bawl and sob, while Sans watched. Sans looked down...and...he reminds himself of the fact that...he once lost his parents as well.

Cream continues to cry, as Sans puts a hand on her shoulder, and spoke out to the child.

"Hey, Cream. Listen."

Cream looks up, and saw Sans with a sympathetic look on his face, even if the look of sympathy looks creepy.

"Y'know. You ain't the only one who has lost a parent. I lost my parent as well. A father."

This made Cream's eyes widened, as she spoke out.

"Real...(sniff) really?"

Sans nodded.

"Yeah, I did. And the worse part is...I never got to knew him long enough to mourn for him. He has always been a busy guy, caring more about his science stuff and his inventions to spend any times with me. But...you at least get to know your mother. And, Y'know, Cream. You ain't the only one alone in this, Cream. Because somebody really cares about ya. Besides...aren't there other friends with you as well?"

Cream looks down, and spoke out.

"I don't know I...(sniff) I have not seen them since the beginning of this."

Sans looks down, before speaking out.

"If ya want...I could stay here and protect ya, while we go and find more of your friends that have still survived, yeah, kiddo?"

Cream looks up, and her eyes began to water even more, though, this time, in relief.

"You...(sniff)you really mean it?"

Sans nodded.

"Really, kiddo."

Cream than looks down, her whole body began to shake...as she remembered her friends being demonized by Exetior, her mother, being killed by a demonized tails, and finally, her friends, Amy and Sally, recently turning into demons, before trying to get Cream turned into a demon as well. She than tears up completely, before throwing herself at Sans, and Sans than crouched down and hugged her, as Cream began to cry on him.


Sans began to rub a circle on her back, as he spoke out.

"Shhh. S'alright kiddo. It'll be okay."

Sans spoke out to her in a soothing tone. But then, Cream screamed out.

"Mother!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!"

Sans felt his heart aching immensely...as he remembered saying something similar...when it involved his dead.


Sans rushes towards his father, as he toppled back from his final experiment. His father began to fall, and Sans slid and went down on his knees in order to try and catch his father by the lab coat. But he failed, and his father still continued to fall. The father spoke out to Sans.

✂︎✋︎ ♋︎❍︎ ⬧︎□︎ ⬧︎□︎❒︎❒︎⍓︎📬︎📬︎📬︎❍︎⍓︎ ⬧︎□︎■︎⬧︎📪︎ 💧︎♋︎■︎⬧︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ 🏱︎♋︎◻︎⍓︎❒︎◆︎⬧︎📬︎ ✋︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♌︎□︎⧫︎♒︎📬︎✂︎

Sans extended his hand out, and screamed for his father, watching him fall into the core.


He watched, as his father disappeared...and a bright flash of light emerged from where his father was at, before Sans closed his eye sockets, to save his eyesight, and yet...being unable to save his father.

Flashback ended...

Sans felt a tear began to leak out of his eye socket, with trickled down his cheek. He stopped his tear, before it could fall on top of Cream, who is still crying. When he stopped it, he held onto her, and does not let go, so that...she can have someone present for her when she's in grief.

Cream...will never be alone...not anymore...does someone now becomes the dark Angel...that will protect the pure heart that Cream still has remaining.

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