Tails and Knuckles

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Amy and Sally are bowing before a blue hedgehog, with black sclera and red eyes, as well as darkened blue fur on his body. This entity is a demon, that has taken over the body of a heroic Mobian hedgehog named Sonic. This being is an extremely powerful Demon, as well as the leader of the demonic army that he has been making against a powerful foe that he had fought against in a very, very, very long time.

This is Exetior, the Demon of Sharpness, and the one that Demonized Amy, Sally, and a bunch of Cream's friends.

Right now, he is getting a report on what happened, and needless to say, he is very surprised with the news that he had been given by both Amy and Sally, who he had sent to the and find Cream in order to demonize her.

"So let me get this straight..."

Exetior spoke out, as he began to spoke out the repot on what happened with Cream.

"You had gotten so close into getting Cream and demonizing her, but than...something else got in the way and protected her?"

Amy nodded.

"Not only that...but I saw a gloved hand, glowing purple. I think someone had came and rescuers Cream by himself.

Exetior looks down at the ground and at his feet, his hands interlocking, as he began to think of something in order to see what it was that might be the best course of action to do.

"I am not sure...but this is very new to even me, girls."

He than stood up from his throne, and spoke out.

"I'm going to see if I can bring someone of my servants to try and teach him down. You girls...you are dismissed. Thank you for the information that you have given me."

The girls nodded, and they got up for the ground, before they walked away. Exetior looks down for a little bit, thinking of how to send, before he snapped his fingers, both as an idea, and a signal of the pork that he had chosen to bring for this task he is about to give to them.


Exetior called out to his servants, and both Tails and Knuckles walked towards Exetior, as the black 2 tailed fox and the blood red echidna walked and bowed before Exetior.

"Find where Cream is, and identify the mysterious person that has saved her."

Tails nodded.

"We will find her. We will find where Cream is.

And Knuckles looked up and spoke out.

"And we will bring back the head of the mysterious person that rescued Cream."

They both than stood up, and began to walk away, before getting out of sight. Exetior began to tap his knee with one of his fingers, as he spoke out to himself.

"I wonder who it is that saved Cream. Because clearly...it is someone Sonic does not know of...as he has no memory of this mysterious person. Well...perhaps I'll see who did, when he gets captured and taken to where I stand."

Meanwhile, with Sans and Cream...

Sans and Cream began to walk through a strange area of some kind. It's like they are in a circus...or...in a carnival of some kind. The place is very colorful, and there is a merry-go-round, which is spinning still, even at a time like this.

"I'm surprise that they are still keeping the merry-go-round spinning, in-spite of what had been going on. Guess even the demons want to have fun."

Sans spoke out, as he began to look around this whole entire place. Clearly...even he admits that, this is very cool, if they were not in a demonic apocalypse of some kind. Cream looks around nervously, as she grabs onto Sans' hand. But as she tightened it, some of the Whoopee Cushion's air still left inside came out, making that sound again. Cream began to snort a bit, as if trying to prevent herself from laughing, and Sans smiled, as he lols down at her with a smile. Than, he used his Gravity Magic to lift her, so he can hold Cream on his hands, as her head leans against his chest.

"Mr. Sans. What are you doing to me right now?"

Cream spoke out to him, as she looked a little bit up towards Sans, who looks down and spoke out to Cream in a calm, and very gentle tone, which he would normally use in his brother whenever he would feel very, very stressed.

"i figured you needed that, since you don't look like you're in good condition, kiddo."

Cream looks up at Sans in surprise, and than smiled, before she leans her head agains his chest a little bit more than she did before, and Sans moved her closer so she can lean into his torso more. Even though he had rib cages, they are surprisingly very comfortable for Cream to rest her head on, as Sans held her close. As he allows this, he looks up to see that there is a platform for them both to go up to. Sans' left eye glows, before he teleports up to where the platform is at, and lands on top of it. He than looks down, and notices a box...with a fire icon.

"what's this?"

Cream looks and actually was just as confused as Sans is.

"I don't know."

Sans looked a bit conflicted...but he than stomped on it, and suddenly...he is surrounded by a sphere of some kind, almost like a forcefield of flames of sorts.


Sans spoke out, as he looked around at what he is surrounded by now. He looks around, and began for think of something.


He jumps on the air, and moves his head forward. As soon as he did, the shield actually thrusted him in the direction he wanted to go to. He landed on his feet, as he spoke out.

"okay. i need to be careful with what i am using."

Sans spoke out, as he continues to walk towards the direction that they are going. But as they did...they saw that the path has been blocked. Needless to say, Sans is not very happy. But than he has an idea. He than extended his left arm, and his left eye leaks out purple, magical mist, before a large trident appeared in front of Sans.

The trident than rammed into the the blocked path, taking a large chunk of rock away. Sans sighed, as he spoke out.

"okay. now we can keep on going."

Sans than starts to walk towards the now unblocked path, as Cream began to close her eyes, and she feels the sleep starting to overtake her. But before she did, she heard Sans spoke out.

"uh oh. looks like we got some unwanted visitors."

Cream snapped awake, and looks to see what Sans meant by that. In all honesty, she wished she did not have to see be awake. Because the people are here, had the one that is responsible for the death of her mother.

"Mr. Tails and Mr. Knuckles."

Cream spoke out, as Sans took a step back. Thankfully, he was ready in case they come, as the fire shield is up. He took a stance, before he started to rush towards the 2 demons that have decided to come to him, and he jumps into the air, before he boosts. Knuckles, however, reeled his fist back, before firing it at Sans' shield, which not only knock the both of them back, but the fire shield is now gone. Sans looks around to see the shield gone, and he spoke out to himself.

"well...so much for it being of any use to me."

Sans looked at the 2 in front of him, and he smiled the psychotic smile that he wore when he face Dodd against the human that committed the genocide runs.

"So...some of Exetior's bootlickers are here as well."

This made Tails angry, as he shouted out to Sans.

"Who are you calling Bootlicker?!"

Than, Knuckles puts a hand on Tails to calm him down, before he turn to Sans, and he tries to get a good glimpse of his face. But Sans kept his face concealed underneath his hood, in order to prevent himself from being shown to Knuckles.

"You have someone we want. Give her to her, and you will be spared."

Sans than laughs, as he spoke out.

"oh...knuckles. That's a lie, and you know it is as well, don't ya?"

Sans took a step back, before speaking out.

"if you want me to give her to you, then you will have to do it by force."

Knuckles cracked his knuckles, as he spoke out to Sans.

"I thought you would never ask."

He than charged at Sans with his fists, and began the try and punch him. But Sans began to jump, duck, and dodge out of the way, because of the fact that the is holding Cream, and he does not want to drop her, so she can get killed. Even though he hates making promises, he is going to keep the promise in making sure that she's alive.

Tails than joins in on the fight, as he than tries to use his tails on order to hit Sans. But Sans kept on avoiding, and as soon as he gained enough distance, he than decides to counterattack. As soon as he gained some room, he than points his at the the 2, and than, friendliness pellets came out of nowhere, and surrounded the 2 of them.

"What are these supposed to do?"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"you'll see."

Than, the pellets hit the demons, and this caused a lot of pain.

"AGHHH!!! You!!!"

Tails snarled out with anger more present, as Sans smirked, before he points his fingers at the both of the demonized Mobians, and he than launches something at them.

Sans summoned a few bones, and both Knuckles and Tails got out of the way in order to avoid getting hit by them. Tails looks at Sans, and spoke out.

"Really, that's the best you can do? If so, than it's pathetic!"

Tails has a smirk on his face. But Sans looks at Tails with a smile of his own.

"best? I'm just getting starting with dunking you."

Sans than turns to the right side, and...as if he is speaking to the air, said out a name


Sans spoke out, as the mental version of Papyrus manifested into the physical world, catching the other demons off guard, as they have never seen anything such as this before.

"be a good bro, and protect Cream, capiche?"

Papyrus nodded, and began to circle around Cream, who looks a little hit scared, until Sans spoke out.

"don't worry, cream. this isn't a real thing. just something i made from my mind. and besides...he won't hurt ya."

Cream looks at Sans, and, considering the fact that he told Papyrus to protect Cream, nodded, showing the trust that he has in Sans. The skeleton smiled, as he spoke out.

"alright. And don't be wary. This skeleton here is gonna dunk someone for ya, Cream."

Cream smiled, as she spoke out.

"I know you can do it, Mr. Sans."

Sans smiled at Cream, before he than turns to the demons that are in front of him, as his left eye leaks out purple mist. He than spoke out, menacingly.

"we're gonna have a MAD time."

Sans smiled, as he fired the Gaster Blasters at Knuckles and Tails, who got out of the way. Knuckles than looks at Tails, before speaking out.

"Tails. Take a step back and be careful. This skeleton...he is clearly no joke."

Tails than spoke back.

"What? You're saying that I am weak against him? I can prove that I am strong! Just watch!"

He than began to charge at Sans, with knuckles shouting out.

"Tails! Hold up!!"

'His anger is getting the better of him, again! I really should have brought the sedatives with me.'

Tails than charged in and reeled a fist, before trying to punch Sans in the head. But Sans simply got out of the way, before grabbing him by the white fur, and throwing him into a wall. Needless to say, Tails was not happy, as Sans spoke out in a mocking tone.

"what? You thought I was going to stand there and take it, kid?"

This made Tails angry, as he spoke out to him.

"I'll show you kid!!"

He than charged at Sans again. But Sans than points his finger at Tails, and Undyne's spears appeared above his head. About 4 of them manifested.

Needless to say, Tails was not ready and tried to move out of the way. But Sans has a way to prevent him from getting away from his line of fire.

"not so fast."

He extended his hand, which began to glow into a leafy green color, which turns Tails green, before the spears fired and pierced Tails in the chest.


Tails cried out in agony, as Knuckles was shocked at what just happened.


Sans smiled, as he turns to look at Knuckles, with an insane look present in his eyes.

Knuckles looked way more afraid than before.

"what's the matter? are you to scared to fight me?"

Sans' tone sounds calm and relaxed, yet murderous and sadistic. Knuckles took a step back, as she spoke out to himself.

"I thought Sark was the most ruthless and cruel demon around here. But this one...he isn't a demon...and yet...he is as cruel as Sark is, maybe even more so than him. No...no one can surpass Sark's immense cruelty and ruthlessness, and neither can this skeleton."

Knuckles than took a step back, but does not run away. Instead, he took a stance and stood his ground. Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"brave. I like that. Let's see how well you can do against me, pal."

Knuckles does not speak, and instead, charges at him, before trying to punch him. But Sans, having gained determination from the previous timeline, now has far more greater physical strength than before. And when Knuckles attempted to punch Sans, the Skeleton instead caught his fist. Though his hand did shake a tiny bit against Knuckles.

"you're strong. I just admit. But how much is in those arms of yours?"

Knuckles than spoke out.

"You'll find out once I crack and break your bones!"

He than began to attack with his fists, and smashed the ground that Sans was once on top of. But Sans got out of the way, and before to launch balls of fire at Knuckles, who got out of the way as fast as he could. But than, a fireball hits from behind, causing a pretty bad burn on Knuckles.


But Knuckles but his tongue and does not try and cry in pain. Instead, he tries to stand his ground, before he looks up to charge at Sans, only to see the skeleton in front of him. Sans than quickly kicked Knuckles, launching him into a wall, making a crater more bigger than the one Tails had made. Speaking of Tails, he turns to see that he is rushing at him. He than turns to Cream, as he spoke out.

"kid. Do not look nor hear what I'm about to do to him, okay?"

Cream, noting the serious tone in his voice, nods, and covers her hearing her hands, and she the top part of the ears to cover her eyes. The Phantom Papyrus is also aiding Cream in blocking what it is that she is about to hear.

Sans than looks with a smile still present, as Tails has a snarl on his face.

"You only got lucky, you skeleton! But now I'm gonna break your bones, and turn them into powder!!"

But Sans than did something unexpected, he stepped forward, and all of a sudden, blue bones appeared from the ground, and held Tails in place.

"What the!!! Let me go!! I swear, I will kill you!!"

Tails shouted in a rage, as Sans stepped forward, and Knuckles watches to see what Sans is going to do next.

"you want me to let you go. hahahahahahaha. well..."

He than opens his eyes, and Tails revolts at the sight. His eyes are blank, like 2 pitch black voids. It is as though he is staring straight down into the deepest, darkest, and cruelest version of hell itself.

"first off...I need to, dis-arm you."

He than took a step back, and he than rushed forward before kicking tails in the gut to hard...his arms were ripped off, as they are still stuck by the blue bones.


Knuckles shouted, as he tries to run to his buddy. But blue bones suddenly erupted from in front of Knuckles, in order to prevent him from saving his buddy, who is on the ground, trying to move. But without his arms, he cannot go. And he does not want to risk the use of his 2 tails, or he'll rip them off too.

Tails continues to cry in agony, as Sans grabbed him by the head, before whispering out to him.

"painful, right? just like you made others suffer by your hands. to feel pathetic, to feel powerless, to feel like you are unable to do anything, even if you want to do something. it is how the people you have killed felt. it is how the people in the sidelines felt, and you took away their loved ones. You become stuck to the ground, unable to move on your own. You become pinned by the very thing you had despised for so long. And importantly...you will die, by the very person that you had tried to kill.

Tails tried to speak.


Than, Sans stabbed tails in the stomach, with a purple bone, with is as sharp as a knife. Sans smiled wider, as he feels happy at the suffering that tails feels now. He than pins Tails to the ground, and proceeds to stab him many times in the heart, just to give him immense and unbearable pain.

Tails began to cry and scream in immense agony, as Sans continues to stab him in the chest with that sharp, purple bone, with a sadistic smirk still on his face. But Knuckles was not going to let this continue on any longer for him.

"Tails!!! No!!!"

He than spun around and crashed into the bones, which broke, but some still cuts Knuckles on various parts of his body. He than went in front of Sans and punched him in the chest, sending him flying back. The blue bones holding Tails' arms vanish, and they drop to the floor. Knuckles went towards the arms fast, before grabbing both them and Tails, and he began to run away as fast as he could, so that Tails doe not get further injured by what they had just fought.

Sans watches as they leave, and he sighs, before he speaks the Phantom Papyrus.

"okay, pap. those 2 demons are gone. you can stop surrounding the little girl now."

The Phantom Papyrus nodded, before he than goes next to Sans and vanishes. Sans than goes to Cream and picks her up.

"Are...are they gone?"

She asks Sans, who nodded his head.

"yep, they are. and i have the 2 tailed guy something that he will never forget. so don't you worry, kid. we'll still be going to the other reside without any more interruptions."

Cream smiled, as she nuzzles into Sans.

"Thank you, Mr. Sans."

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"no problem, kiddo."

He than looks forward, and continues to walk away to the other side in peace, as Cream than fell asleep, and she did it against the monster that promises to protect her, no matter what.

Back to Exetior...

"Master Exetior!! I need your help, now!!!"

Exetior notices the panicked tone that Knuckles is making, and notices the state that Tails is in. Needless to say, this shocked Exetior immensely, as he stood up from his seat, and goes to Knuckles.

"What happened?"

Knuckles looks at Exetior.

"We ran into the one that saved Cream, and fought. But that guy, he was strong. He did this to tails bu trapping his arms, and ripping them off with just a single kick!"

Exetior looks down, and spoke out.

"What does he look like?"

Knuckles was able to get a picture of what the protector looks like completely.

Exetior looked shocked, as he spoke out.

"Huh...I never thought that I would be seeing these things again."

This caught Knuckles' attention, as he looks up and spoke out.

"You know what this thing is?"

Exetior spoke out.

"More like I know what his kind are. There are others like him, and while they all range in species and appearance, they are still the same race. These things, and a third race, the least populated of the Mobians and Humans. They are called...Monsters. They are creatures of magic. But I never thought that they still exist. I believe them all to see killed off. How did they survive...I will never know now. For now, though...let us take care of Tails and heal his wounds."

Knuckles spoke out.

"As of putting his arms back in place will be a simple task to do, it if wasn't so severe!"

But Exetior spoke back in a calm tone.

"Do not worry much, Knuckles. We can reattach his arms back. Just come with me, and we can reattach them. Mentally, on the other hand..."

Exetior spoke out, as he looks at Knuckles...

"We'll just have to wait and see what would happen if he ever wakes up from this nap of his."

Knuckles nodded, as he and Exetior pick up Tail, and carry him to heal him.

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