The first of Cream's Friends

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Sans and Cream kept on walking. And needless to say, it is taking forever. Well...he is waking, sure, but he wants to make Cream comfortable enough so that he can run. He turns to the side, as he looks.

'if we keep on waking...more of exetior's demons will arrive, and we would be forced to fight against them again. i do not have time for this.'

Sans thought to himself, as he kept on going. But as they continued, they than saw something...appear in front of Sans.


Cream looks to see what caught Sans' attention...and notices is large, spinning ring suspended in the air.

Sans looked a bit...curious, as she spoke out.

"That ring...I remember it. It was used to take by Sonic him to different locations, and now..."

Sans looked down, as he spoke out.

"well...I am given the duty to see if there are any lore survivors. that i see if there is any survivors inside."

Sans takes a step back, as he than spoke out.

"ya ready to go in, kid?"

Cream looked a bit hesitant, and than...she looks at the scenery that is next to them, the merry-go-round still going and a carousel still spinning...before she looks up at Sans with sadness in her eyes. Sans looked confused, and spoke out.

"what's wrong, kiddo?"

Cream looks away, before speaking out.

"Can I see...the beautiful view one last time? I...I want to remember what my home once used to be...before this."

Sans looks down for a bit...a bit unsure...but he than raised his head and nodded.

"alright, kiddo. if you say so."

He turns around and looks at the pretty view that is before them. The perfect color, the innocent is as though they are looking at the original appearance of Mobius. Cream continues to hug Sans, who is still holding her, as she looks at the horizon and the view of what the original version of Mobius looked like and resembled. She just wishes she was back to this part of Mobius, and not the one where she is now living in the world, where all of her friends died left and didn't and they become demons, who followed their master's orders to turn her into a demon.

Sans looks at the horizon with Cream, and she honestly wishes that he can see that the original Mobius was like, and not the demon, infested one. have to be brought at a very bad time in order to see wha the outside world now looks like. As Sans closed his eyes, as he began to wonder about how it would have looked, had the demon invasion not have started...suddenly...he snapped open, and Cream looks and spoke out.

"I...I think I'm done looking at the view."

Sans than looks down.

"okay, good kiddo, because we need to leave fast. there is someone coming, and they are not very friendly."

Sans than looks up at the portal, and runs full speed towards it and jumped into it. As soon as he did, the portal flashed, and it vanished in a blink of light.

As the ring disappeared...a figure began to walk towards where the ring was at. The figure was a fat human-looking entity wearing a red and yellow shirt, with black pants and shoes. He has a brown mustache and glasses. But his skin is completely grey in appearance, and has blood coming down where his eyes should be. This is Dr.Robotnik, the archenemy of Sonic, and one of Exetior's minions.

Dr.Eggman pulls out a tablet, and presses the button, and Exetior's face showed up in hologram form.

"Did you get them?"

He spoke out to Robotnik, who the spoke back to Exetior.

"No. They got away through a ring. Now they are transported to somewhere else."

Exetior seems to sneer, before speaking out.

"That skeleton is more quicker than I can imagine. We'll try and find him. For now, come back."

Dr. Robitnik nodded, before putting away the tablet, and he leaves the carnival-looking area.

With Sans...

Somehwere else, a large spinning ring appears, and in a brief flash of light, Sans and Cream appeared out, as the ring vanished, due to be used by Sans. Sans began to look around, as he than notices that everything is so dark.

"Ahhh, great. Where are we now?"

Sans spoke out, as he began to look around, unable to see. Sans settles Cream onto the floor, before he snapped his fingers and opens his right hand, and a ball of fire manifested, which he got when he had killed the Dreemurr family. The fire lit up like it was new, and it finally showed the appearance of the area that they are in. Needless to say, was not a pretty sight.

The area they are is a forest. But not like any other forest. It was red in color, like everyone had spills over their blood all over the place. Sans looked around...and saw that...there is an animal haunting on the branch by its purple entrails, as it hung around the neck like it is a noose. He covers Cream's eyes, so she does not look. The eyes of the animal are rolled back, to show that it is dead completely dead. Sans looked very unnerved by what he is seeing now.

"ahh...hell. now this is way more disturbing than expected."

Sans spoke out, as he continues to walk until they have gotten past the dead animal. Than, Sans uncovered her eyes, and even she began to freak out. Sans than ours a comforting hand on Cream, which actually, mostly did help her.

"don't worry, kiddo. we're not gonna be in this place forever. we'll get out of it soon."

Cream nodded, but than...remembers something that Sans has done.

"Mr. Sans. I remember that you can teleport."

Sans smiled.

"You mean my shortcuts? What about them?"

She than spoke out.

"Can you teleport all over this place, in order to find anyone that survived?"

Sans looks down, before speaking out.

"ummm...i could. But that would waste a bunch of my magic, which we still might need. And besides, i don't want to accidentally overlook and miss any survivors that might be near me. so we'll stick to walking so seeing the will be much more easier."

Cream nods, as she than held Sans' hand, and continues to walk with him in order to see if there are any survivors still alive. Anyone that had not yet then demonized. But as they kept looking around...suddenly...they heard something. was briefly loud at that time. Sans than looks down, and spoke out.

"what was that?"

He spoke to himself. But Cream than heard it through her ears.

"it...sounds like...someone crying."

This caught Sans' attention, and spoke out.

"y'know which direction the cryin is comin' from?"

Cream points to the left, and Sans, a bit curious at who it is that is crying, decides to check it out. He walks towards the source, and he can began to hear it. It was the sound of a young woman, sobbing. Sans sighed, before he goes to the source as fast as he could by speed walking. He stepped and snapped on the bone of a dead body, as blood oozed pot, and the point of the bone piercing from beneath the skin. But Sans does not stop, and continues onwards to see the source of the crying. The smell of blood continues to fill the air, as he kept on walking as much as he could. Than...after a minute...he finally reached the source of the crying, and it is on the ground. Or...rather...she is on the red-blood grass.

Sitting at the trunk of the red a Mobian...Thai one a bat. A 26 year old bat that is. She is wearing a black tight suit with a heart at the front, and is wearing high heels with hearts at the tip as well, not to mention wearing gloves that nearly reaches to the top of the arms, her wings curled up and folded, to try hiding them. She also appears to be curled up onto a wall, and is shaking very badly. Clearly, what had happened to Mobius is so traumatizing for her that it is nearly making her shake very badly. Sans began to look curious at who it is, and nudges Cream to get behind and to not show herself. Cream obeyed, and Sans began to walk slowly and carefully at the bat Mobian that is curled up. He kept waking up to her, calmly and silently...until one if his feet...stepped on a stick, which made a very loud snapping sound, alerting her. She snapped up her head, and Sans gets to see a good look of her face. And Sans dies not deny that this Mobian is very beautiful.

The bat looked a bit frightened at first...and almost look like she was about to attack. In her vision...instead of seeing Sans, she is seeing something else in his place. A monstrosity that is very frightening in her eyes to see, as normally, fear is not in her mind. But because of what had just happened to her, she is seeing something that is not actually there. But whatever it was that she is seeing, it is not a pretty sight to be noticing now. She began to crawl back, and than stands up...about to go up and fight off against whatever that thing is

But than...

"Ms. Rouge."

This made The she than notices the voice spoken out. One that she knows about. She looks to see the source of the voice...and saw Cream, standing behind the monstrosity...which than disappeared.

"Cream? Is"

Rouge spoke out. Cream nodded, as she grabbed her hand ins comforting manner, in order to prove to Rouge that this is in fact really her.

"It...really is you."

Rouge spoke out, before crouching on her left knee and hugging Cream, causing her to hug back.

"'re alive. I...can't believe it."

Rouge spoke out, as a tear is about to well into her eyes, clearly, relieved to see an old friend having survived. She than wipes the tear away, and spoke out to Cream.

" did you survive this, Cream? I thought you had died."

Cream than points and spoke out to her.

"He helped me. He said my from my friends who have been Demonized."

Rouge than looks up...and than...she finally notices the skeleton standing before her.

While Rouge is not as afraid, now that she is actually noticing him, she is about creeped out by his appearance, especially with the any his hood is up and the red and blue eye that he has, and the dust that he had covering his clothes from top to bottom. Not to mention th extremely unsettling grin on his face, which looked calm and sincere, yet crazed and psychotic, like he is ready to murder her at any moment. Rouge has no idea what to think of the being that is in front of her. Is it friendly and genuinely wants to help her, or is it here to kill her on the spot without mercy. The Skeleton extended his hand, and Rouge, although a bit hesitant, starts to grab his hand. Cream than noticed another pink whoopee cushion in his hand.

'I think I know where this is going.'

And Cream thought right, as soon as Rouge grabbed his hand, the whoopee cushion on his hand immediately goes off.


This caught Rouge by surprise, as Sans chuckled.


He than raised his hand, and Rouge saw the whopper cushion, as Sans spoke out.

"Awww, man. It never gets old for me."

Rouge looked a bit surprised, but than...she began to snicker a little bit at what Sans has done is very clever. Clearly, the Whoopee Cushion clearly lifted her spirits. Rouge than looks down, before looking up, and smiling.

"You really know how to make my day, honey."

Sans smiled, before using his right hand to grab her hand. And that's fine, she takes his hand without any hesitation, as he helped Rouge off of the ground. She looked at Sans, and has a clear look at his face, long enough to see that Sans is not what she thought she was. She moved a bit more closer to him, as she examined his face, before realizing that Sans is not a Mobian, nor Demon.

"You look different from the others. You aren't a mobian or a demon. What are you?"

Sans gawked his head, as he spoke out.

"Can't you tell just by looking?"

Sans smiled a bit wider, though it was more mischebious, as Rouge than spoke out.

"I know you are a skeleton. But there is another thing off about you. Just...what are you really?"

Sans looks down, as he began to think of his words carefully, before speaking it.

"Tell me, Rouge..."

He than looks up, and spoke out.

"Have you heard of the third race...called the monsters?"

This actually caught Rouge by surprise, as she has not heard those species in a long time. She has seen stories about them, but only brief ones, and it was never mentioned what had happened to them. It didn't take long, though, before realization kicked in, as Rouge looked at Sans in the face, and realizes just what Sans is.

"Wait...are you saying are a monster?"

Sans nodded.

"Yep. And I came to the outside world, because the king ordered me to find any survivors to bring to Mount Ebott, which will act as the new home to anyone, any survivor, that will use it as a sanctuary in order to live away from what happened to Mobius."

This made Rouge shocked. They can live someplace finally safe?

"But...won't the demons get in?"

Sans shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"The King, Queen, and so many of the most powerful monsters in the underground, they used magic that protects Mount Ebott from the demon, and with both time and luck, they manage to complete the protection. They won't be able to get into the mountain due to how protected the mountain is. It is also concealed from them, so that's also good.

This made Rouge began to well up tears of hope and happiness, as they can now be at someplace where they are safe, and no longer have to run. She than picks Sans up, due to her high heels making her a bit taller, and hugs Sans tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Sans looked a bit surprised by that, but than he nodded and smile, as he hugged her back. Clearly, Rouge needed that, due to how frightening the situation she is inside of now.

Rouge, on the other hand...feels extremely overjoyed, way more so than stealing extremely expensive jewels and all of that. But to finally gain a home to survive in...that is what she now needs more than any jewel needed.

She than stepped back, slightly...and gets out something from behind her, and showed it to both Sans and Cream

She holds out a Green Emerald in her left hand. Cream looks in surprise, as she spoke out.

"That...that is one of the 7 Chaos Emerald."

Rouge nodded, as she spoke out.

"That's right. And I am not the only one. Shadow has another one as well."

Cream than spoke out with surprise in her voice.

"Mr. Shadow? He's alive as well?"

Rouge nodded.

"He is. He is trying to find the others and bring it to the Master Emerald, so they can find a place to get to and hide. If we tell him about Ebott, than he should be able to change his mind and take it."

Sans nodded.

"Than that is what we will do. But...where is he?"

Rouge than took out a tracking device, and looks too see where Shadow is at right now. Ever since this situation had began, Rouge manage to plant a tracking chip on his shoes, just in case he is unable to find him. This would make tracking him down much more easier than before. She looks up at Sans in both his red eyes, and spoke out to him and Cream.

"I can take us to him. He should be in a area near this one by now."

She than looks up and began to spread her wings and take flight.

She looks down and spoke out to Sans and Cream.

"Follow my lead."

She then turns and flies to one direction, and Sans, began to run. But than...Cream jumps off Sans' arms, and she began to take flight herself.

Her ears began to flap like wings, and grabbed Sans hand, before pulling him up from the ground, as they began to follow Rouge much more easier than by foot.

Back with Knuckles...


Tails continues to scream, as he began to thrash onto the bed that he is on, as Knuckles attempted to calm his friend down a bit. After the battle with Sans, Tails now has an experience change in his behavior. It was no longer with bouts of anger. No, he is now crying out in fear, because of the unimaginable pain that Sans had done to tails, after he had ripped his arms off and stabbed him in a bunch of his organs, increasing the agony that he had sustained. And because of what Sans had done, Tails had now become traumatized by the event that has happened, and is trying to flee to escape. Now, Knuckles is holding Tails down, so that he does not hurt himself while in this state. He than took out struggles to reach his hand towards the syringe, and after a bit, was able to get it, and held Tails down long enough to inject the sedative into him. This made Tails freeze for a bit, before he finally closes his eyes, as the sedative took effect. Knuckles sighed, as he dropped the syringe on the table, as spoke out.

"This is is a nightmare. We have suffered for Master Exetior so many times in the past! What went wrong?"

He held his face to his hands and shook it, as he clearly has never dealt with a diary in such as this before. That Skeleton...he is clearly something else that Knuckles never thought did possible, and that is by breaking his friend's mind badly. Exetior than came into the room.

"How is tails, Knuckles?"

Knuckles looked up, and spoke out.

"Not good. Whatever that Skeleton had done, it now made Tails go into a fear-inducing state, as he kept saying stuff like 'he's coming to kill me.' 'I need to escape from him.' Or anything else that relates to what had just happened from before. And...that skeleton...ghhhhhhh..."

Knuckles turns away, as he remembers the maniacal expression on his face when he and Tails fought against him, before speaking out.

"That Skeleton...I though Sark was so cruel and ruthless...but that Skeleton...he is nearly as cruel, if not just as cruel as Sark."

Exetior looks down for a bit, clearly interested at what Knuckles meant by that, before he steps a little bit closer to Knuckles, staring into his eyes, before speaking.

"And what makes you thought of that? What makes you believe that this Skeleton can be as cruel and ruthless as one of my servants?"

Knuckles spoke out.

"Look into my memory and see, so you can get a better idea at what I mean, master."

Exetior looks down for a bit, before nodding, and spoke out.

"I will. I'll try not to scream to much."

Though Exetior sounded a little bit sarcastic at that point. But he is still very curious at what made Knuckles think that the skeleton is as sadistic as Sark himself, who, in Exetior's opinion, is the most sadistic and evil demon of all time. He pressed his 2 fingers on Knuckles' forehead, before closing his eyes, and began to look through the memories of the demonized echidna, and saw the memory of the fight. And not to mention...seeing what the Skeleton had done to Tails, and what he said. When he was finished, he took a step back, before speaking out.

"Hmmmmm...I would say that he's nearly sadistic, and not as sadistic as Sark. Because...yes...I can see the cruelty and ruthlessness, not to mention the corruption in his eyes. But there is one thing that prevents him from reaching Sark's level of sadism. It is the fact that he is protecting Cream. Because of that, he cannot match his sadism, due to Cream acting as a...calming influence to this skeleton."

Than, Robotnik came in and spoke out.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Master. But, I manage to find Cream and that Skeleton."

Exetior than looks at Robotnik, before speaking out.

"Really? Let me see."

He nodded, and pulls out a screen, showing the Skelton holding onto Cream, who is flying. And in front of them...was Rouge. This surprised Exetior a bit, as he was not expecting Rouge to appear.

"That is new. It seems that they are able to find that bat for us."

Exetior than looks and spoke out.

"Knuckles...I'm going to bring both you and Amy with me, so that we can take all 3 of them, and demonize them. But the Skeleton...I have no doubt that he will be a difficult opponent to deal with."

Knuckles nodded, before he stood up from the seat and he spoke out to his master.

"As you wish."

Exetior smiled, before turning to Robotnik, shi flinched at his faze. Exetior than spoke out to Robotnik, with a stern tone present in his voice.

"Doctor, please watch over Tails, would you?"

Robotnik nodded his head, and he sat down to watch over Tails. Exetior smiled, as both him and Knuckles walked out of the room that Tails is in, in order to pay a little visit for the Skeleton, for interfering with his plans. He will make sure that he pays dearly with his life.

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