Super and Seraphim vs Demons

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Dust and Dustbelief are show to be skidding back, as they blocked a hit from Exetior, who is now in his half-true form state. Dust put his hand on the ground to show himself down even more so than before, while Papyrus simply skidded with his feet. Exetior...even with all the combined power of Asgore, Toriel, and the Dust Skeleton brothers, it is still not enough yet.

" much do we have to do...until they...get here?"

Dust spoke to himself, as Dustbelief than spoke out to Dust Sans.


Dust sighed, as he then was about to speak, until Asgore.

"We keep on fighting...for as long as we can."

Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus looks at Asgore, his armor has been damaged, along with Toriel's clothing. It is very exhausting, as the fight has been draining then of their energy, which is what Exetior wants them to do. Killer and Horror are also with them, and only Killer seemed to be tired. Horror, in the other hand, despite the sweat, is not tired. Horror stood up, as he looked at Exetior, Sark, and Pervision. Negagen is still fighting off against the Phantom versions of both Papyrus and Sans. Exetior chuckled creepily, as he than spoke out to them.

"Accept the futility of all of your efforts."

Sans and Sonic rushed into the battle to see the some of the monsters trying to fight against the demons, as well as the other 3 Sanses, Dust, Killer, and Horror off fighting against the 3 hedgehogs that took Sonic's form, Exetior, Sark, and Pervision. Asgore and Toriel are also in this as well, and are doing all that they can to bring down Exetior. Not wasting anytime, Sans and Sonic rushed forward, and Sonic hits Sark and Exetior with a spin attack, while at the same time, Sans firing a Gaster Blaster at Pervision.

Sans and Sonic looked at the Murder Time Trio, as Sans spoke out.

"you okay?"

Dust, Dustbelief, Horror, and Killer nodded, as Asgore and Toriel spoke out to Sans.

"We are okay, Sans."

"Never been better."

Sonic steps forward, and spoke out to Exetior himself.

"You know...I find it very surprising that you manage to shatter the shield, despite being told that you are unable to do so, Exetior."

Exetior smiled, as he spoke out.

" would be, and in normal circumstances, I would be unable to find Mount Ebott and locate where it is. But even the barrier has a limit to what it can do, and how much strength it can handle against the might of the Arch-Demon. Which is why I used the time I needed to consume more mortal souls and get more and more stronger by the passing days, so that I can break the barrier and go into the Underground. And that I am inside of the Underground...I will demonize the monsters of the underground, and the remaining Mobians and Humans. And after one can stop us all now. My longtime goal, for will finally be complete."

Sark smirked, as he spoke out.

"So you better give up while you can, you assholes. Because when we go all all will die, and the underground will be ours to claim."

Sark than began to laugh, as he said that, as killing him would be the greatest delight he'll ever have, but Sans than spoke back in a confident tone.

"i wouldn't make any promises that you're unable to keep, pal."

Sark looked confused, as he than spoke out to him.

"And what do you mean by that, Skeleton?!"

Sans smirked, as he snapped his fingers, and suddenly...14 objects appeared. The 7 Human Souls, and the 7 Chaos Emeralds, all for both Sans and Sonic to use in the battle against Exetior and the 2 other demonic hedgehogs.

"Oh god, Sans. Do not tell me you plan on doing this!"

Asgore shouted out, as Dust spoke out.

"Sans?! Why do you have the 7 human souls with you?!"

Sans spoke out.

"I need to find a way for us to hold the demons back and match them. If I can use the 7 human souls, I can make myself powerful enough to face off against them head on. I'll make sure that I can protect my own kind with them, all the monsters, all the refuges with them."

Toriel than spoke out.

"Sans! If you do this, you won't be able to remove them. You'll never be able to change back to normal!"

Sans looked down, and spoke out.

"i know that, toriel. but if i don't use them...than all we have worked so hard on...will be for nothing. and i won't let this happen to the people that we've saved."

Asgore than spoke out.

" do know the other consequences of doing this, right?"

Sans sighed, and looked back at the King of the Monsters, as the Human Souls began to glow, with the Determination Soul glowing inside his chest. Both his left eye and right eye than began to glow blue and yellow, as the souls began glowing brighter.

Sans spoke out, before he absorbs the 7 human souls into himself, as he got ready to transform to become more powerful enough to stop Exetior and his demonic army.

At the exact same time, Sonic uses the 7 Chaos Emeralds, as he gets ready to transform. His blue color than began to change to gold, as he began to rise up into the air, and starts to get ready for combat against the 3 demonic hedgehogs.

A colorful flash of light then erupted from both Sans and Sonic, causing the demons and both the Humans, Mobians, and Monsters to cover their eyes on what just happened. When the bright light had vanished, the 3 species looked at what happened...only to see Sans and Sonic in a different form of their own. And it was an incredible sight to behold for everyone.

Now...Super Sonic and Seraphim Sans appeared, and are ready to defend the Monsters, the Humans, and the Mobians of the Underground. Sonic simply turned a gold color with red eyes, his quills standing on end and raised above, pointing upwards. But Sans...he gained an extremely different look, which is almost rather godly from the appearance that he has with him. He's now more taker than before, by just exactly 10 feet, has 3 pairs of wings, the lower part looks skeletal, the middle part looks draconian, and the upper part look like a bird's wings. The 6 of them have the human souls inside of them, and they seem to function as eyes of some sort. Above Seraphim's head is a Gaster Blaster that lacks a jaw of some sort. Seraphim Sans has a bony tail, black arms and legs, with heat shaped holes on the arms, and a multi colored cape with a cloak. Seraphim Sans has 3 jaws, as well as having teeth in front of the mouth. Inside of Seraphim Sans' ribcage is the red human soul.


Dust spoke out, as Rouge and Tangle went to him, and Whisper looking shocked that the original Sans, who is the counterpart to the one she loved deeply, now turned into this godly form.

This caught Exetior and his group by surprise, as they were not expecting for this to happen so very suddenly. While they were expecting for Sonic to transform, they were not expecting for Sans to have a transformation of his own. How in the world he was able to do this...Exetior smiled, as he spoke out.

"Of course...this is exactly what I need."

Exetior spoke out, as he saw the truly stunning sight that is before his eyes. Seraphim Sans extended his hand out at the demons, as if to make a stop sign at them.

"you will not get the rest of my kind this easily, exetior."

Seraphim Sans spoke out at Exetior, who can now feel the sudden burst of power from Seraphim Sans, and it was unlike any power that they had ever felt.

Super Sonic than spoke out, while smirking and pointing a finger out at them, as if to mock the demons, which he actually does when he speaks out.

"If you want their souls, you need to get past me and Sans."

Exetior and the others are caught by surprise with what Sans has done now. He absorbed 7 different human souls, which now turned him into a nigh-godlike being. Seraphim Sans stepped forward, as he than stares at Exetior and than at Sark with his new eyes he has. His fists clenched, as he is ready to attack them.

Horror Sans looks, and launched himself as Pervision, and tackled him out of the right, so that Sark and Exetior will be the only ones that will face Seraphim Sans and Super Sonic all alone.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As soon as Seraphim Sans and Super Sonic began to slightly move, they than began to rush towards the demons that have invaded the Underground. The demons than charged at the Hedgehog and the Skeleton as well, as they both began to do battle against each other, to determine the fate of the survivors that they Underground had kept. One faction wants to keep the survivors safe from harm and live, while the other desires to demonize the remaining survivors. The moment that the 4 combatants clashed, it created a powerful shockwave, as a bunch of trees were knocked down by the power of the shockwave. All 4 were than pushed back by the power of the shockwave, with Seraphim Sans already getting ready to make his very first attack.

Drawing upon the power of the Yellow Soul of Justice, Seraphim Sans than fired a large pistol at Sark, as he is than shot painfully by the yellow energy of the Soul of Justice itself. He got shot badly, and was launched into a wall. Sark snarled, as he than charged at Seraphim Sans again. But Seraphim Sans simply got out of the way and evaded the Sharpness Demon's attack. He than fired a Gaster Blaster, which fired a bright white beam, with colors changing at the glowing part of its surface. Sark got hit full blast with the beam, and got damaged very severely. The injuries healed, and Sark snarled, as he than charged at Seraphim Sans, ready to kill him. But she got close, Seraphim Sans teleported out of the way, and Sark missed. He was about to attack Seraphim Sans again, or at least attempted to...but than...another person got in the way.

Super Sonic suddenly unleashed an extremely power blast of chaos energy from his hands, as it hits Sark full blast. This caused immense agony to him, as Sonic wants to make sure Sark pays for what he has done to him and his beloved Amy. Sark stopped himself, and began battling Super Sonic.

"I'll take this one, Sans. You deal with Exetior. After all, he is the leader of the demonic army, right?!"

Seraphim Sans looked at Super Sonic and nodded.

"right, sonic."

He than turns to Exetior, who than gets ready to attack him, for all that he has done to his world, and to all the people that have been lost. He clenched his fist, as the Soul of Bravery than began to use his magic on he fist, as he than got ready to attack. Exetior than spoke out.

"The souls you absorbed...they are what I need for my desire to end all of this."

Sans looks at Exetior, his fist clenched, as he Chanel's the soul of bravery into his fist, and spoke out to Exetior in a calm voice.

"come and get it...if you can"

Seraphim Sans than unleashes a powerful punch of bravery at Exetior, who than boosts towards the Orange aura-covered fist, and both Seraphim Sans and Exetior began to struggle with each other's strength. Seraphim Sans and Exetior pushed against at each other, as they try to bring one another down to the ground. But their strengths are evenly least in their base level. But at full power...Exetior can't use it...or the Highests will come. Seraphim Sans also could use a technique that he had just now discovered, but he does not want to risk it, as it will give Exetior what he needs, should he be able to absorb the human souls he has. The shockwave of the 2 godly entities continuously erupted, as the ground began to crack beneath Seraphim Sans, who is still standing up on his feet to hold his ground against the Demon of Sharpness. Seraphim Sans looks down, and realizes what was about to happen, before he teleported away, and grabbed Exetior with both of his hands, before teleporting to a much more open area, which is the forest, with Sonic seemingly having the same idea, as he kicked Sark into the Snowdin forest, and goes down to where Sark will crash land to.

Sark began to stand back up on the ground, as Sonic than reappeared 10 feet in front of Sark, while also floating in the air. Sark and Super Sonic looked at each other with their red eyes filled with power.

"I will reclaim my servant, who Killer had taken from me, and not even you are capable of stopping me, Sonic!!"

Sark shouted out towards Super Sonic, who than spoke back to Sark.

"Too bad that won't be a problem for me and Seraphim Sans!!"

Super Sonic than boosts towards Sark, and rams right into his gut, making him spit out blood from his mouth with rotten teeth. Super Sonic than kicked Sark with all the strength that he has on his feet, which sends him flying away. He than fired a Super Sonic Wind at Sark, which made him fought out blood even more than he did. Super Sonic than looked, as Sark rose from the ground, and snarled with rage, before charging at Super Sonic quickly. Super Sonic than attempted to avoid the attack by using Chaos Control, but Sark appeared from behind, and kicks down onto Super Sonic's head, sending him down, ready to crash into the ground. But Seraphim Sans, who is near of where Super Sonic is about to crash land, immediately extended his hand out, and was able to catch Super Sonic quickly, before he was able to reach to the ground.

Seraphim Sans and Exetior landed on the ground, as he than fired a blast of energy at Seraphim Sans. But thankfully, Seraphim Sans has a way to counter the attack that Exetior's throwing at him, and with Sonic landing next to him, Seraphim immediately does a trick, just before the beam could reach them both.

Seraphim Sans than made a green energy construct of a pan, and defends Super Sonic against the demons' combined attacks. The pan is very durable, and is able to hold off against the power of Exetior's demonic beam of magical energy. Sark than raised up, and tired to fire his own attack at Seraphim Sans, who put down the defense. Luckily, Super Sonic came to the rescuer, and defended against it. The beam hits Super Sonic, but he does not get damaged by the power of the beam. After a minute, Sark stops attacking, and Super Sonic puts his arms down,'and shows himself completely unharmed.

"You can't stop us, Exetior!!"

Super Sonic shouted out, as Seraphim Sans than flies towards Exetior fast, with Exetior doing the same, and they clashed right into the middle. This made a powerful shockwave that blew so much of the snow away, and yet, there is still snow on the ground.

Exetior tried to attack with his red tendrils, and used them on Seraphim Sans.

Using the Perseverance Soul, Sans used a book to get out of the way, and avoided getting hit by the attack Sark was sending out to him. Needless to say, Seraphim Sans is now very happy with this situation that he is in now, and is doing all that he can to avoid getting hit by the attacks that Exetior is trying to dish out at him. And so far, the Purple Soul of Perseverance is allowing him to dodge the attack as much as possible, without any of the attacks being able to reach him. It's like he knows what will happen to him next.

Super Sonic than starts to go full speed ahead, as he gets ready to send them back to where they came from. Seraphim Sans flies and does the same thing Sonic is doing.

Seraphim Sans snarled, as he than spoke out.

"there is only one way for the both of us to end this."

Seraphim Sans looks at his hand, and clenched his fist, as he spoke out to Super Sonic.

"sonic. think you are able to teleport the 3 demons out of here?"

Super Sonic looks at Seraphim Sans and nodded.

"I can do that. But I need all of them together so that I am able to get all of them out of here. Otherwise, I'll have all of them separately, and it'll waste our time."

Seraphim Sans than looked down, before speaking out.

"we need to get horror to bring pervision to us both. i've got an idea. sonic, go find horror and bring pervision to me. while i take care of these 2 demons."

Super Sonic nodded, as he than used Chaos Control to teleport to where Horror's at.

Seraphim Sans than summoned blue ballet shoes from nowhere and struck down at the Demon of Sharpness...or rather...tried to...since Exetior used his speed to avoid the attack.

Seraphim Sans than avoided getting hit by the red tendrils from Exetior's legs, and then flies into the air, as he than used the Jawless Gaster Blaster to block the tendrils, before lifting Exetior into the air. He than grabbed Exetior by the main body, before throwing him back down, and loading a Ballet Shoe on top of his body. Exetior than began to revert back to the hedgehog form, and by the time he did, Pervision and Sark landed next to Exetior, and they are both bruised and battered. Seems like Horror did his stuff, now it is time for Super Sonic to do his.

Super Sonic than used Chaos Control to force them outside, and Seraphim, using what remaining time that he has, was about to activate Seraphim 7th Goner to make the underground into a pocket dimension that only non-demons could enter...or at least...he was about to...when something else happened. Suddenly...a being of unknown power came out of complete nowhere...and began to appear right in front of both Seraphim Sans and Super Sonic, who are caught off guard by this.

The being before resembles Sally immensely...except that...the eyes are complete whited out, no iris and pupils are in the eyes. Nothing. It is just blank, like the eyes themselves are made of reflective peals, with powerful light shining into them, in order to create the immensely powerful bright eyes that everyone is seeing right now. Seraphim Sans looked very confused now, unsure what this thing is.

"what the...what is this?"

Super Sonic spoke out. The being looked at Seraphim Sans, and it's eyes began to flare, as if the entity is made about Seraphim for something that he did was wrong, even though he did nothing wrong...except absorbing the 7 human souls to transform, yeah.


It spoke out, as Seraphim Sans looks at the entity.

"Something like you should not exist in such a way. You must die."

Seraphim Sans spoke out.

"die? heh, hate to break it to ya, but i'm not sure that i can die. the only that is going to be killed you, pal."

The entity scoffs, as she spoke out with a rather overconfident and cocky.

"Fool. You are merely a monster with 7 human souls. I am a deity of pure divine might. What chance do you have at killing me? I will make sure you do not stand in the way of me and my the will of the All-Father. So says his servant, Stitch-Lite.

Seraphim Sans simply glared at the entity.


Seraphim Sans spoke out, as one of his eyes has a blue and yellow iris in a similar manner to the left eye of Dust. While the right eye's red. Stitch-Lite was about to attack...but than...she turned and blocked another attack...from Exetior.

"How dare you Highest appear in my presence, fool?!"

This caught Sans by surprise. A Highest. He had heard about them...but never knew about them. The Highest, Stitch-Lite, than looks at Exetior, a form of anger is on her face, as she than spoke out to Exetior.

"So...the traitor is here. How foolish of you to come to me, thinks you have the power to take me and and kill me."

But Exetior than spoke back to the Highest, anger Preston.

"And how cruel of you!! To come here, after all that you have done to Mobius!!"

Exetior clenched his fist, and spoke out.

"I remember everything...I remember being the one that has made all life on Mobius, remember on how I was forced to play by your rules and observe, and I remember, how you all erased the Mobius without any hesitation or remorse, and having to watch you repeat that!!"


Super Sonic and Seraphim Sans were shocked at what they had just heard. The Highest repeatedly erased Mobius? Seraphim Sans' eyes widened in shock...but at the same time...rage is in the eyes that he has. His fist clenched, as he glared at the Highest that appeared.

"Their lives mean nothing to us. They are simply enjoyment, and I will not let you stand in the way of it. So I shall-"

Before Stitch-Lite could finish speaking, suddenly, a fist covered in orange aura punched Stitch-Lite, and knocked her far. She looked up, only to get shot by justice bullets. She blocked them, but than, she looks, and standing before her is Seraphim Sans, as he than spoke out.

"jeez. i thought exetior and his demonic army were bad. but you and the are even worse than that."

Stitch-Lite snarled our, as she than roared at Seraphim Sans in a blazing rage.

"Stay out of this, mortal!! It does not concern you!"

But Seraphim Sans kicked her far into a tree and manage to hurt her, before speaking out.

"you thought it must have been funny, erasing my planet time and time again, even though we wanted nothing to do with what insanity you had to offer to us.'s time to give you a bad time."

Seraphim Sans stepped in front of her, hands in his pants pockets, before he spoke out.

"it's a beautiful day outside. birds are singing..."

Seraphim Sans closed his eyes, as he spoke it.

"flowers are blooming. on days like these..."

He raised his left hand up, as he than spoke out.

"deities like you..."

He than opened his left eye, before he spoke out his final words to her.

"should be burning in hell."

In that moment, he than raised Stitch-Lite into the air, and began to pierce her with bones, which are now much more stronger than before. Than, the jawless Gaster Blaster above Seraphim Sans' head rammed into Stitch-Lite, making her throw up blood, before a complete Gaster Blaster appeared in front of Stitch-Lite, before she got blasted by the Gaster Blaster, causing immense pain to her, as if her flesh is being burned by the magical powers that Sans has. She than began to stand up, and her wounds began to heal from the damage that she sustained. But as she did...suddenly...Exetior than blasted Stitch-Lite with his own demonic beam, before landing next to Seraphim Sans, and spoke out.

"You know...for once...we both now have a common goal. And it is to prevent the world from being erased by the highest, who I had betrayed in order to protect Mobius from anymore erasure."

Seraphim Sans spoke out to Exetior.

"you say we team up? long as you do not get to demonized me and the others, fine. i'll team up with you. just don't think that i am friendly with you even after all of this."

Exetior simply shrugged, as he spoke out to him.

"Well...the feeling is mutual on my end."

Super Sonic than landed next to Exetior, and spoke out.

"I'll help as well. But don't think I'm doing this because I agree with what you do. I'm still very enraged with what you had done to Tails, and the rest of my friends you had demonized." 

Exetior sighed, as he knew this reaction would come. But he does not speak back, and they both continue to walk to the Highest, and spoke out.

"It does not matter how many of you are standing in the way. I will fight all of you...every last one of will all die!!!"

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